PC 01-27-69 CITY OF CUPERTIN0 State of California
10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino� C�lifo�ni� 9501�
Phonea 252-�505 PC -3
The meetin� was called to order at 8005 p.ms by Chairman Frolich, who call to order
subsequently led the assembl�,ge in th� fl�g s�.lu�e. fla� salute
Commissioners presento Irwin Hirshon, Buthenuth, Pue�z, Fr�olich. Also
present: Senior Planner Laurin; Assi�t�nt P1.anner Eng; Directo� of
Public Works Finney; City En�ineer Boyd; Recor�in� S�c�re�tary Lucie M.
Since Chairman Frolich had not had �n opportunity to �tudy the minutes minutes
of January 13, 1969, Co�runissioner Puetz moved Commissioner Irwin approval
seconded and it was pas�ed unani.mously to po�tpone approual of these postponed
minutes to the next regular meetin� of t�is Commi�sion,
Senior Planner Laurin reported th�.t th� City Council inad continued
deliberations on the revision of the General Pl.an fo�° the E4 01d Monta notice of
Vista" area to th�ir February 17 �g6g m�eting. The applicant for postponement
Application 2�+-Z-68 had been asked if he w�s agree�.ble to an �,dditional
delay and had replied in the affirmative.
Accordingly Commissioner Iz°win moved, Commissioner �iirshon seconded 24-Z-68
and it was passed unanimously to continue discussion of Application continued
2�+-Z-68 to the February 2�+, 1969 meetingo
Upon a question by Commission�r P+xetz, Ch�irman Frolich explained the
City Council's reasons for the continuance of the discussion on the
- General Plan. Mrv Laurin stated that the Council h�d instructed him to reasons
review the entire matter in conjunction with prote�ts brought b2fore defined
the Council and report back on F��ru�.ry �7� 1969.
Senior Planner Laurin stated that he h�d submit�ed a memorandum to the
City Attorney requesting an int�rpretation of a�pecific Ordinance
section in connection with Application 28-TM-68. Attorney Anderson
reported that a remark had been made relative to w�ether lot splits written
should be requested for �.n apartment lease anfl defined that a parcel communication
of land may have natural b�rriers, or pareels of land m�y have been
created by artificial means, ioeo purcha�e or sal� of land from one
owner to another. Thus, the treatm�nt of a piece of land should be legal
clearly defined in all cases and instances. Atto�^ney Anderson stumned definition
up his rese�,rch by stating that th� City �hould not require a Tentative
Map if the use of a l.ot is homo��niou�e
There were no oral coirununications from the audienceo no orals
Chairman Frolich stated that the news medi� had recently published
an article by which a possible Macy's development was all but completed research
and instructed staff, for the px°otect,ion of the City, to research requested
this matter and report back to the Commissiono
page 2 � Minutes of the Planning �ommiasiQn �T�n�aary 27, :�9�9 PC-2
80, 000 . �+
Public Hearings
24-Z-68 A. Application 2�+-Z-68 �ad prev��ousl� `been po�tponec� tc a later
postponed meeting.
�9_�_(g B. 29 Manuel Ma.rchanto Tent�.ti�re Nlap� V�riance to
1_V_ 'T exempt 1,224 acres located on the north side of Lindy Lane,
legends approximately 100 feet west of Terra Bella Driveo
(Tent�.tive Map - first he�ring continued, V�riance - First Hearing).
matters Commissioner Puetz moved Commissioner Irwin seconded and it was passed
combined unanimously to combine the h�aring of both m�,tterso
Mr. Tom Henderson, Civil Engineer, made the presentat�on and stated that,
present- according to staff requests, an �.cldition�.l 20' "neck h�d been added to
ation Parcel A, which would give direct access to Linc�y Lane from the property.
�Senior Planner Laurin showed tr�nsp�,rane�.es of two �l�ernative sketches
�for the public road(s) branchin� off from Lindy Lane, whi�h would be
�necessary to develop the �.rea as re�oned by 19-�-67. On� alternative
planner included one street with an �.verage grade of. 17°,� and would inuolve Lot 4
shows indirectly (or possibly dix°ectly �s a result of a detail�d study)o The
transpa- other alternative included one 15°�o str�et and one 20 str°eet, would
rancies require heavier �ra3ing (up to 20 feet at one point� but would not involve
lots �+ and 29. Mr. Laurin maintained �hat t�e choice between the two
road systems may in reality �a.de by the decisions on the applic�tions
now before this Commission, but that he had no preference, a� Public Works
did not ob�ect to the second alternati�re.
The driveway throu�h Pa�rcel B to P�rc�l A of ?�ot 4 was then discuss�da
access dis- Commissioner Irwin questioned if, with the proposecl grading, fire trucks
cussed could get in and out, and stated that this Commission wou�.� be remiss
in its duties if it would not insure the fire dep�,rtm�nt'� access to
any hillside developmente
City Engineer Boyd emphasized tha�t th� standards, a� outlined by two letters
from the Fire Department to the City, had been misinterpreted not only by
letters him but also by the local news mediao Mr. Boyd said t�at he had had sub-
defined sequent meetin�s with the Fire Chief who told h3m �th�,� the standards
sug�ested were meant as recomm�ndations �.nd were not req,rzestsm Further,
that the Fire Dep�,rtment h�d stancl�.rd �rehicles whic� will pull a 22°�,
grade easily if it has � surface on which it c�n travelo Once the
equipment gets �o the point of clestination it has t� be �e1d on a
turnaround less steep and a minimum of a�+2 ft�o inner curb radius is
Mre Boyd also reportecl that the City staff ancl t�e Fire Department are
prepara- independently preparing � set of �t�.ndards whic� when combined, could
tion of either be included in an existin� Ordinance or be �zsed to initiate a
standards new City Ordinance a It wa,s NI�° o Boyd 9 s���.tement t�a� t�he Fir� Department
was satisfied that they can pull. their equipment up to °�he d�velopment
under discussion and that everything w�s in accordance with their needs
and requirementse
Minutes of thE Planning Commi�sion Jan����y 27 i9�9 PC-2
29-TM-68/1-V-69 cont'd Pa�e 3
Chairman Frolich read a portion of t�e City Council min�tes whereby minutes
the application was �pp�ov�d ��t� th� �xe���ion af P�rcel 4 from t�e read
Tentative Map requir�ment of �edi�a�ing t�� priv�t� ro�3w�yo
City Attorney Anderson stated that the ques�ion befo�e ��is Commission
is whether or not to accept the 20�0 �radin�, parti�ularly in u�ew of statement
the fact that the Fire Departm�nt sp�eific�lly �t�ted � n��� �o� a 15� by counsel
grade and sugge��ed that, unless a��un� mar.�ate from ��e Fir� Dep�rtment
is obtained, thi� Commission mu�t work with t�e rule� i� ��s befo�e i�. `
Chairman Frolich called for audience comm�ent�e call to commeni
Mrs. Juanita McLaren of 22101 Lind.y L�ne Cupertino oppo��d any restrict-
ions on the division of Lot �+s opposition
Chairman Frolich stated that th� r��,� p�,ttern h�d not been �et thus f�.r
and that any opposition might b� pr�m�,��z�°� at t�is pointa statement
Mr. T. E. Schmidt �sked �he City Att�rn�y� if +�e �ity �roul� h�,v� the
ri�ht to condemn hi� property for ar�y future pz°oposed street�o Attorney audience
Anderson, stating th�t there had be�n p�°euious litiga.tion with Mr. question
Schmidt, reftiised to answer.
Commissioner Puetz mo�red., Commissioner �rwin seconded and it was passed p.h.
unanimously to clo�e the p�ublic h��,rin�e closed
City Attorney Anderson clarified the t�� City's Ordinance reguires that
the Fire Department �be advised of �. Ten��tive Map °�efore thi� bodye The
Fire Ma.rshal has written two letters to d�.t� and it was doubtful that attorney's
anything additional would be receivedo Attorney Anderson said that, if advice
this Commission feels th�t insufficient �.�sur�,nce of fire protection is
available, this applicatioz s�2�uld be deniedo �
Director of Public Works Finne�r stated that �he Tentative M�p had pre- a
viously been approved sub�ect to a��,tisfactory �olution being found, and
proposed the approv�,l of the Tent�ti.ve M�..p for t:3m�"s sake indicating staff
that this application would yet� �ave to meet t,�ie s�ringen°t s�t�nd�rds comments
set by H Control prior to havin� �, b�.il.ding p�:�°m�°� i�su��s
Commissioner Hirshon commented t�a.t �e w�.� not opposed �o hasten the
issue along but voiced deep concern for having ta �,pprov� �. situation
he did not fe�l wa� safe o Tie said tl�at he h�,d f°ull con�°id.ence in the commissioner's
staff's statements that all problem� would be wor�ed r��°t 9 but insisted statements
that the area be prot�cted; in lieu of sueh to��.l. as�ur�,nce he would
prefer to continue the applic�.tion a� Y�e was not prep�,red to delegate
the responsibility for the matter to the staff or the Fire Department.
City Engineer Boyd reiterated tha� t�e 1.�t°ter �'rom �2�e F�re Department �
showed optimums �nd recommendation� onl�r, nc�� to be confused with re-
quirements. Also that, befo�°e t�e �pplic�.n�t wa.s allowed anythin� further staff
on the Tentative Map, he would be r�quired tcs bring clefinite pl�.ns from report
the Fire Depas�tment as wel� �� gr�.ding p�a.ns t� tk�e Ci�y staff e
page � Minutes of the Planning Cottun�ssion Janu�ry 27, 196� PC-2
29-TM-68/1-V-69 contg�
1-V-6 Commissioner Puetz moved to �pprove Applica�ion 1mV-69, �x�mptin� Lot
approved No. � from Condition 13 of Plann�n� Comm��sion Re�o�u�ion �68 which
with condition requests that a Tent�tive Map coverin� the �ntire area must
condi be submitted p�ior to any lot splite Commissione� Irwin �econded,
tions Ayes: Commissioners Irwin, Hi�shon Buthenuth, Puet�, Frolich
Noes: None
Absent: None
2g-2'r�-68 Commissioner Puetz moved to approve fipplieation 29-�M�68 su�ject to the
approved l� Standard Conditions �� previously resalved by Res�lution No. 468, with
the additional condition that acc�ss for fire equipment b� r�solved with
the Fire Department prio� to th� is�uance of a building permit. Commissioner
Irwin secondedo
Ayes: Commissioners Is°win Hirs�on, Bu�henut�, Puetz, Frolich
Noes: None
Ab sent: None
1-TM-6� D. 1-TM- Sutter Hill De�el�pm�nt Gompany; Ten�a�ive Map (Lot
le�end Split), 25 acres located �out�east corner of �ome�t�ad �nd
Stelling Roads>
present- Mr. De�er Al�ren, the Givil En�ine�r for the pro��c� made �he present-
ation ation.
�Senior Planner L�urin reported that no major problems existed but that a
few adjustments would need to be made; l� the boundary along Homestead Road
staff would need a 3 dedication and �mpro�ement; 2) t�e d�dic�tion �nd improve-
report ment along Stelling Road should be 29 instead of 25' and 20'; 3) that a
revised map be delivered to staff prior to bein� presented to the City
staff �City Engineer Boyd cl�.rified. that �11 parcels in a property �hould have a lot
suggest= number if the parcels �,re to be subdivided and not, �� in this case, be
ion labeled 9° not a part of this subdivision o
,There were no auclience comment�e
p. h.. Commissioner Hirshon moved� Commi�sioner Irwin second�d �,nd it w�.s passed
closed unanimously to clos� �lae pulblic hea�°ing.
1�TM-6 Commissioner Hirshon moved to �pprove Application 1-TM-69 sub�ect to the
approved� 12 Standard Condition� with the additional con�.itimn 1�� that the revised
with �map shall show dedic�,tion for Hom�stead Road te� �5' frcm the center line
condi- �instead of 42°; l�+) that the dedication for Stel�.ing Road shall be 29'
tions �instead of the indic�ted 25 �,rid 20'; 15� that �. 15' easement be shown
�on the northeast corner along the ea�terly b��und�.ry line to provide
access to the City of Cupertino we1�➢ �.6) that this revis�d map shall
be flaxnished to the staff not later than J'anuary 30� 196g if it is to
�appear on the next City Council agenda. Commissioner Pu�tz seconded.
°Ayesm Commissioners Irwin� Hirshon, Buthenuth� Puetz F'rolich
� Noes: None
r Absente None
Minutes of �he Planning ��mmi�sion ��rnz�.� ��7� �.g�9 PC-2
80, 004 . �+
Pa�e 5
Chairma.n Frolich ca�:Y.ed �, r°eces� �,t 90�+5 p.md.
The meeting �ecanvened �.t 90 1�•��
E. 1-U- Buck N�rr�d; iJ�e Permit to �,�.1o�r � riding st�°ble for �1-U-69
twenty horses y locat�d �,t, 10850 �teven5 C�.n��n Ro�,cl � � legend
Mr. Buck Norred presented th� �ppli��.tion �nc� �xpl.�.in�c� th�t the �present-
conditions suggested by �taff �rere ���.san�b�� and tl�at '�e w�,s in ; ation
agreement with anything �h�t would pey°mit �im to op�rate h�s vent�zre. �
Mr. Norred �,1so s�,icl. th�t twenty h�s�s��s w�r� �e�,n� k�pt in �. two
acre parcel of land and that this �r�,� �, �t�bling faei.�i�t�r, not a
pasture, and that no horses are b�ing boa�°�l�d and �,li are in �, eorrall.
The staff reported. that an ex�c�t property �ine w�s r�quirec� to
define the p�°operty under lea�� �ncl th�� of t�e les���° Mr�. Ke�te�°.
Questio�� were �,sked r�l��ive to th� �,pplicant re�,�o�s �r�y this questions
operation should be exemgt from th� Ag���u�.�ur�lm�e�i��nt��.i �Al�
Ordinance which requires �, �i�t�.nce of 100 f�e� e
Senior Planner Ioaurin r�ported that tk�is �.o°� w�.� �oned Ag��.cultural-
Recreational (A-ua) and that tk��� Planning Commi�sion can impo�e any
width of buffer ax°ea as wel.l as ot��r condit�ons o Mr. Norrec� ex- statements
plained that the parking f�cili�ie� backed. up ag�ins� t�rie �duthern-
most fence and that the entire 2macre �it� wa� u°�i�.iz�d as a corr�ll. �
In calling for �udience camment� 9 Cha%�°man �'�°o].ich c�.ut�on�d th�t all ' call for
statements ��ould be b�°ief° axid t;o the point and °t��.� repet,itions comments
should be avoided.
Messrs. Warren Weintraub of 22384 Riversicle �ri.�� �.a1d Ray Beasley of
Riverside Drive, both stated t�at the co�°rall wa� w�°t�in inches of
their property 1ine; t�a� t1�e odo�° ��pecial�y dur°ing t:he su�uner
months, w�.s unbear�ble to ��ueh �n �xt�n� �that sw�nmin� pool facili- audience
ties could not be utilized; th�,t th� aceum�].ati�on o� manure w�.s complaints
bad enough and m���t be a�.11i�i�ted by a promi�e of d�i1y collection
but that this wou].d. not so1�e th� probZ�m �f the liq�.id� �ener�.ted
from the horses �� wel.� �,s dxainage prob�ems, �c��° th� flies �nd
mosqui:tos menace or °th� bre�ding graund. f�r �°a �nd mie�.
Mrs. Stel.l� Kester said tha,t �he wo�k�d on - t�� ranch and l�ved every
minute of it, and if anyone shoul.� compl�,�� �b�ut in�uff�.cient drain- rebuff to
age it would be Mrs. Ke�t�� a,s �,�� �g�.�la�� f°�°om �wi.mming pools and complaints
other accumulated ].iqu�,ds dx �in�sl �nt4 �xer property. I�i�°� o Kes�er also
related tha�t there were sever�l �.r��,� c�' d�s�.gr�ement betwe�n herself
and the lessee, one of whic� �ra� �the existence of the barns on her
property. Mrs o Ke�tex° maint�.in�d �hat ��e �ant��. t�ose b�.rns removed differences
to affordthe� b�s� possibl� view f�r �e�°��lf �nd '�.er ��ig�bors . cited
page 6 Minutes of" the p�anr�ing Co7riunis�ion e:��.�^aar�;� �'�?� �g�,� PC-2
80, 000 . �+
1-U-69 cont�d
There was an audience que�tion relative to thE possibi�ity of spraying
questions the corrall to keep od�rs �.nd flies �t a mininum in �,d�.ition to the
daily collection of manure.
Mr. Stephen Kav�,nau�'h from the County Health Dep�.rtment stated that he
county re- had not, since the present owner �,ssumed the 1e�.se, received any complai.nts
present- about the opera��on and that the Heal.th Department makes periodic checks
ative in intervals of �t least once a mont,h. �Th� Commissioners ask�d that they
be supplied with a eopy of the s°�por�� should this iTse Permi� be granted.
Messrs. Gerald l�oore of 22306 De Anz�, Circles Ro�t Johnson c�f 22�+03 Riverside
definitions Drive; and Norman Bradley of 223�+�+ Ri�rers�de Driv� all asked :f'or defini-
asked tions of statements ma,de by tY.e �,pplic�,nt a� w�ll as tkae representative
from the County Health Department, and s��ted t�eir oppositior.i to the
Mrs. Jennie Anderson, a member of th� audience, st�.t�;d tk�at she w�s
using the facilities of the ridin� stable, th�t th�� �a�s a healthy recreation
not only for herself but also for �er children, t��� ��he �.pplic�.nt was
support of new in the area �,nd not aware of th� things needed tc make for a success-
venture ful operation, and th�.t the very least tk�e Commissioners as wel.l as the
citizens could do, would be to �ive this man a ch�„nc� to put his sound
knowledge of horses and riding operations to workm
Mr. Norred, in rebutting the opposing auclienc� com��nts, emphasized that
he was operating three other ridin� sta�les in Santa Clara Co�znty. Also,
applicant's that he was operating simil�,r ventuz°es in Ari�ona under UoS. De��artment
rebuttal of Agriculture permits and that �e hacl worke� closel.y with the Santa Clara
County Parks and Recreation Department, using the�.r facilities f�r riding
Considerably more discussion en°ased amon� the Commis�ioners and audience
questions were answerecl by staff. Commissioner Hirshon summarized the
needs by stating tlzat in his opinion two basic matter� need to be
needs resolved; 1) what is the prapr�°�istanc� accordin� to staff between the
defined corrall and the fence, with particular emphasis on t�e f�.ct that ad-
joining neighbors should not have to toler�.�e the ��.cr; �,nd 2) how many �
horses are there on the s%te.
Chairman Frolich agreed, adcling t�ie fol�.owing con�iderations which should
be answered before this mat�ter can �e passed upono 1) that some buffer area
be provided, possibly 20' of this including th� hed�e �f the pl�teau area;
2) the possibility of direct �ce�ss to the Cau.n�ty park9 3) provisions
chairman's for daily manure r�moval; �+) f�i�� �,n�l mosquito� control; 5) some solution
suggestions with re��.rd to the proper meth¢�d of controlling urine and manure drainage;
6) ascertain if the property owner is tailling to coopes°ate to that extent;
7) have the applican� submit � m�.p on � la�ge �c�.le s�howing the location
of the barns and other stx°uctur�s9 8� �the ��e�r�� of the appla.c�nt's
lease; 9) where on the property he would �rran�e for th� dr�inage; 10) should
the application be approved subject to an �..nnual r��riewr this would in-
clude the reviewr of tot�.l conformance to imposed con�lition� as well a
review of complaints rec�ived from �,d�oinin� n�ighbors �nd adherence to
Health Department rules.
Minutes of the Planning Commis�ion ��nua�y �� Zg69 PC-2
1 cont°d page 7
Commissioner Puetz moved to continue Applica��on �-U- to �he next 1-U-69
regular meetin�, Commissioner Irwin seconded �nd it w�s passed continued
Unfinished Business
A. 28-U-67o Joseph Sileno; Requ�st fo� extens�on �� use P�rmit 28-U-67
for 100-unit apartment proj�ct in a planned d���lopment (P) legend
zone. 6.227 acres loc�ted wes� �i�e �f Blaney A�enue, 350 feet
south of Stevens Creek Boulev�rde
Mr. David Smith of Goodwin Steinberg Associates Architects presented present-
the application, representin� th� ownere ation
City Engineer Boyd stated th�t meetin�s h�d been h�ld with the pro� �
perty owners in that area to discuss the improvement of �hat portion
of Blaney Avenue throu�h the dedication of 10' of roadway by the
involved property ownerso Accordin� to Mr. Boyd, this �pplic�tion
for renewal would be subject to dedic�tion of right of w�y at this ,
time; should the dedic�tions not be obt�ined or the City dismiss its �necessity to
plans for the improvement of Bl�ney Avenue because of its inability �dedicate
to obtain the necessary dedications t�e developer would �till be ;indicated
required to construct improvements, �ut he would be �llowed to post �
a bond or cash amount until such �ime as the other �onstruction
The applicant stated that there were no objections to th�� req,uest. no protest
Commissioner Hirshon moved that Application 28�U-67 be �a�ended for 28-U-67
one year and that,an addit�on�.l conciition be impo��d by which the extended
applicant shall make av�,iiable for dedication the n�ces�ary ri�ht of for one
way along Blaney Avenue a,t thi� tim� r�.ther than �.t �. l�ter timee year
Commissioner Buthenuth secondede
Ayeso Commi�sioners Irwin �Iir�hon Buthenuth Puet�, Frolich
Noes: None
Absento None
B. 18-Z��$o Sutter Iiill Development Compan�r9 Development Plan 18-Z-68
required by Ordinanc� �+15 �.nd Planning Commi�sion Resolution legend
562, Cond, 13 336 munit �,p��°tm�nt complex located �outhe�.st
corner of Iiomestead �„nd Stellin� Roads .
Senior Planner I,aurin reported th�.t there were t�ro differ�ent develop-
ment plans, for tY�e ap�,rtm�nt complex a,nd. for a e�mmerci�,l venture,
which should be discussecl separatel�r; both plans were required by staff
a condition to rezoning 18-Z-68o T�e 1a�,ter plari h�d been submitted report
too late to appear on �he �.�enda but the �°taff has �tudi��. it and
would be �.ble to submit oral report�.
page 8 � Minutes of the Pzanning Comm��sion �anu�.ry �'7� �g�9 PC-2
80 , 000 . �+
18 cont'd
Mr. Anthony Me Guzzardo made the presentation �n�. exp���.ned the
non-avail- proposed complex. He req�uested t�hat, �ince he w�,� no'� �iv�n any set
ability of of standards by staff and had aceoz°�ingly proce�d.ed a� fa�° a� the workin�
definite drawings with the plans, that subseq�u�nt �pplicants `b� p�r�mit,ted definite
rules rules which they could fo].low elimin�ting num�rou� �n�i most].y costly
reported changes in the working dr�wing s��.�ee It was NIz°a ��u�zardo contention
that any requests for changes coulc� ��,sily b� worked out by �ound planning
and a few minor adjustment�e
� City Engineer Boyd took exception to t�e stat�m�n� t���.t no �t�.ndards had
staff , been made available by staff" a.nd �a,ici that My°. Guzzardo had neither
refutes contacted his department nor the Public Works Dep�.rtment where he would
statement have received all the needed assi�tance.
Parking spaces were discussed and st�,ff stated that the parking provisions
conditions as outlined were not in accordanee �rith the Ordinance requirements. Senior
discussed Planner Laurin presented �. se� �f condition�, mainl.y intendecl to cover
problems created by the proposed �.00p street being �. private road rather
than a public street. Th� con3itions are �imilar tcs those imposed on
' the apartment pro�ect in �, planned. devP�.opment zone at� M�,ry Avenue (22-U-67);
Mr. Guzzardo stated that they were �.ceept�.ble to him.
apartment Commissioner Hirshon moved to approve t�e development plan for the apartment
portion complex, subject to the cond.ition� proposed by the Pl�nning Department.
approved Commissioner Irwin secondeel,
, Ayes: Commissioners Irwin Hirshon �u�h�nuth, Puetz Frolich
Noese None �
Absent: None
present- Mr. Jack Taylor with Sutter Hill D�velopments presented a development plan
ation for the commercial portion of the area rezcaned by 18>Z-68,
Mr. Laurin reported that this wa,� fo� a small shopping cent,er and that,
staff at the discretion of the Plarulin� Commission, the commercial portion of
report the application might be �,pprov�?d with the condition that �, revised plan
be submitted to the Plannin� Dep�,rtm�nt including ehanges in street
dedication and number of p�,rkin� �p�c�s � and th�t, t�a� Senior Pl�.nner
be authorized to approve the re�i�ion.
cominercial Commissioner Buthenuth moved that the comm�rcial p��°ti�on of Applic�,tion
portion 18-Z-68 be approved, that essen�ia� minor ch�nge� �n ��e layout be pro-
approved � vided for and submitted to the Senio�° Planner and th�,t this Commission
� delegates the authority t,o the Senior Plaru��r to �,ppro�� these minor
changes. Commissioner Irwin �econded.
Ayesa Commissioners Irwin� Hirshon Buthenu�h, Pue�t� Frolich
Noes: None
Absent : None
Senior Planner �aurin advised the Commissioners th�.t there wrould be,only
reminder � one application in existence on the ��enda for th� nex' an�eting and
� suggested that the study session for t1�e Light Indu�tri�l Ordinance be held
at that time.
Minutes of the Plannin� Commis�ion �an���y 27� �969 PC-2
Unfinished Business cont'd page 9
Commissioner Buthenuth moved, Connnissio��r Pue�z �econded and it wa� discussions
passed unanimously that the discussions of the Light Industri�l Ordi- scheduled
nance be scheduled for the next regul�,r me��%ng-under "LTnf°�ni���d
There was no new businesse no new bus.
Chairman Frolich declared the meeting a�lj�urn�cl �,� 1�005 �,,m, acljournment
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��/ Don�ld As Frolich
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Senior Planner