PC 01-13-69 CITY OF CUPERTINO� State of Californ�.�. . 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 9501�+ Phone: 252-4505 PC-1 80,000.4 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE�?P?�ANNING COMMISSION HELD JANUARY 13, 1969 IN THE COUNCIL CHANIDERS� CITY HALI, CUPERTINO, CAL. The meeting w�.s c�lled to order at 8005 p.m, by Chairm�n Frolich, who call to order subsequently led the assemblage in t�e fl�g salutee fl�g sal�te Commissioners paesento Irwin, Iiirshon, Buthenuth, Pue�z, Frolicho Also presento Senior Planner Laurin; Asaist�.n� Planner Eng; Director of roll call Public Works Finney; City Engineer Boyd, Recording Secr�tary Lucie Mo Matzley, City Attorney Andersonm Upon the motion by Commissioner Irwin and the second by Commissioner Puetz, the minutes of the December 9, 1968 meeting of the Pl�nning minutes Commission were approved as printed, with Commis�ioner Hirshon ab- approved staining. Senior Planner Laurin advised th�: Commi�sioners - that Applic�tion withdraw�.l 26-U-68, listed on tonight's a�enda h�d be�n withdr�.wna announced Mr. Laurin also suggested that a�tudy session be scheduled to discuss Ordinance 220(k), re�tulating Light Industrial (MIe) zoneso suggestion Commissioner Irwin moved, Commissioner Buthenuth seconded and it was passed unanimously to schedule a st,udy �es�ion for that purpo�e to be study session held on Wednesday, January 22, 1g69 �t 7030 pom. scheduied There were no written communications nor were there �ny comments from no communi- the audiencea cations. Public Hearings A. 2�+-Z-68o Apostolic F�enteco�t�l Temple, Arthur Lind and Bell 2�+-Z-68 Mi�chell; Prezoning from R��idential single�f�mily 6 sq.ft. legend lots (R1-6a County) to Gener�l Commercial (CG) �pproxima.tely one-half acre located northeast corner of Or�nge Awenue and Granada Streeto First He�ring_ eontinued. Chairman Frolich explained that this application h�.d previously been postponed in order to coordinate it with a revi�ed Gen�r�,l Plan for "Old" Monta Vista, if possibleo There wrill be a public he�ring on delay this revision before the City Council at t�neir m��tin� �on J�.nuary 20th_i explained Chairman Frolich ��ked t�� applic�nt if Yse would be ��ree�.bl� to havin� the prezonin� �.pplication continued to �. future me�ting; the reply was affirmativeo Commissioner Irwin moved Commi�sioner Buthenuth seconded and it U�as 2�+-Z-68 passed unanimously to continue Application 24-Z-68 to the next regular continued meeting of the Plannin� Commissione � page 2 Minutes of the Planning Commission January 13 1�69 80,000.� PC-1 Public Hearings cont'd 16-U-68 B. 16-U-68: Sears, Roebuck and Company; Use Permit requesting approval legend of design for store and automotive center, within a Planned Develop- ment (P) zone, located northwest corner of Stevens Creek Boulevard and Wolfe Road. First Hearing continued. Mr. Edward R. Jones, Jr., Executive Architect of Charles Luckman Associates present- of Los Angeles, made the presentation, stating that he was representing ation Sears Roebuck and Company. He then introduced Mr. Niblack, who gave a detailed explanation of the renderings and plot plans. Mr. Niblack explained that the architecture had been designed in such a fashion as to enhance and complement the Spanish architecture of the area. According to the presentation, the roof was constructed of design tile with a high parapet under which plaster was in evidence; and below defined the tile roof would be concrete and stucco walls. Mr. Niblack emphasized that the theme had been carried around the entire building, and carried over to the columns as well as the automotive center and the gas pumps. Upon a question by the Commissioners as to the difference between this development and �.r�y other Sears ventures, the construction engineer for specifics Sears, Roebuck and Company stated that this building wa.s unique not on3.y relating to its size, 285�000 sq.ft., but also because the vertical lines had been totally eliminated and only horizontal lines were in effect. Mr. Niblack explained that the automotive center was proposed for a height heights of 25 feet whereas the main building was designed for a height of �+7 feet. discussed Also, that the requested traffic survey had not yet been completed because of unforeseen delays, but that Sears was asking for the approval of the design for i�he store and the automotive center, and that ever3rthing other than that could be worked out after the traffic study had been completed and submitted to the Planning Commission. Senior Planner Laurin cautioned that the zoning permits a buildin� hei�ht staff of not more than forty feet unless otherwise specifi.ed in the Use Permit. cautions �. I,a,urin then read the conditions which had been placed against the on height application at a previous hearing. Discussion ensued relative to the egress and in�ress to the automotive discuesion center. Staff reported that the traffic report would be beneficial to of access both the Sears representatives as well as the City of Cupertino and that there exists a possibility that certain facilities have to be relocated to facilitate the traffic flow. City Attorney Anderson cautioned that �n application should, either in part counsel's or in its entirety, be approved or continued, statin� that conditions upon caution the approval of an application hav� a tendency to confuse the issue and delay the initiation of workin� drawings for the building under disc:us�ion�. Discussion ensued on the possibility of granting the Use Permit for the store discussion and to disregard the gas station until such time as the traffic study becomes available. There was also discussion on the median strip proposed for Stevens Creek Boulevard and Wolfe Road. � Minutes of the Planning Commis�ion January 13, 196a PC-1 80,000.� Application 16-U-68 cont page 3 City Engineer Boyd sta+ed that th� on-site �ccess as shown on the renderings was satisfactory �o his department, and that it w�s a simple pattern and entirely feasible. It was Mr. Boyd recommendation that staff re- the Use Permit for the store �e granted and to make the treatment of commends Stevens Creek Boulevard and Wolfe Road subject to the approva� by tY��e method Engineering Department. When Chairman Frolich called for audience comments Mr°. Walter Ward, General Mana�er of Vallco Park, stated that t�� plans had been dis- cussed and accepted by the Vallco Park Rev�ew Board. Another member audience of the audience had the exact location as pertains to the ad�oin�ng comments subdivision explained by staff. Co�issioner Buthenuth moved, Commissioner Irwin secdnded and it was p. h. passed unanimously to close the public hearing. closed Commissioner Buthenuth moved to approve Application 16-U-68 with all the 16-U-68 conditions which were imposed upon the original approval; with the approved additional conditions 1) that the traffi� study be presented �to staff with at a later time and that egress and ingress be sub�ect to approval by conditions staff; 2� that the medi�n strip be made subject to appro�ral by the Engineering Department; 3) that this approval is subject to the 12 Stand�.rd Conditions; 4) that the height of the main building shall be as proposed on the plans, i.e. forty-seven feet. Commissioner Irwin g seconded. � Ayes: Commissioners Irwin, Hirshon Buthenuth, Puetz, Froli,h Noes: None � Absent: None � C. 26-U-68: Noorudin Billawala and �iarold Provence; Use Permit. 26-U-68 This application had been withdrawn by the applicants. withdrawn D. 25-Z-68t J. and M. Penna, Alic� N�i1 James 0`Gar�,, Jr., E.James 25-Z-68 McGuire, Kenneth and Arlyne Craighead; Prezoning from Resi- le�end dential (County R1-10) ta Gen�r�l Commercial (CG) zone, approx- imately �+ acres located east of Foothill Boulevard� west of Palo Vista Road, south of Bellev�ze Avenue, north of Ramona Avenue. First Hearin�. Mr. James 0'Gaxa, one of the applicants, presented the application and relatei that the engineering department h�d contacted the parties connected with this application in an effort to combine several p�eces of land to make for a larger site. Mr. 0'Gara said th�,t after some months plans efforts had been successful and the rendering� showed the combined sites. presented According to Mr. 0'Gara, the site lends its�lf to a small n�ighborhood shopping center with a perimeter of stores on three sides and a large parking lot in the middle. page � Minutes of the Planning Commission January 13 i969 80,000 PC-1 Application 25 -Z-6� cont Senior Planner Zaurin reported that the General Plan makes provision in another location for a local commercial center serving the Foothill Boulevard area which is zoned for a populatio, of some eleven thousand people. The Planning Department proposed in 1966 that this center should background be planned as a local community center including certain public and cited semi-public buildings in addition to shops and offices; a concept quite different from the strip-commercial type. This proposal and the present application are mutually exclusive; the future population will not be largc enou�h to support both. However, it is probably too late to initiate moves toward the proposed local commur,ity center, especially since part of that area is zoned R3, and there are indications that developers are interested in the present zonin�. need for Commissioner Puetz felt that the entire Monta Vista area needs a complete more study and in-depth study, and that some agreement should be reached between the expressed City of Cupertino and the County of Santa Clara for the best possible way in which to develop this area. no Mr. 0'Gara also presented letters from five adjoining property owners, all opposition of which stated that there was no opposition to a development of the type planned. City Engineer Boyd commented that the �,pplicant and his associates had commend- completed a commendable feat in that several property owners combined ation their small size lots to a lar�e lot for greater effectiveness. There were no comments from the audience. P•h• Co�issioner Irwin moved, Commissioner Iiirshon seconded and it was passed closed iznanimously to close the public hearin�. 25-z-68 Commissioner Irwin moved to �pprove Applieation 25-Z sub�ect to the approved 12 Standard Conditions. Commissioner Buthenuth seconded. Ayes: Commissioners Irwin, Hirshon, Buthenuth, Frolich Noes: Commissioner Puetz Absent: None Commis sioner Puetz stated that his � vote had been based upon his vote conviction that this entire area needs additional study before any type defined of action can be taken. 26-Z-68 E. 26-Z-68: Mitzi Tawa and Edgar Selfy Prezoning from Residential legend (County R1-10) to General Commercial (CG) zone. Approximately • acre located northeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Cupertino Road. First Hearing. Mr. Fred Rhodes presented the plans and stated that he was representing the present ownes° and purchasers. He explained that the site was presently present- in the County and that annexation proceedings had been undertaken. Further, ation that the plans for this small site provided for the construction of a small co�unercial center, perhaps for a�rocery store or a beauty shop. Minutes of the Planning Commission January 13, 196g PC-1 80,000.� Application 26-Z-68 cont'd page 5 Considering the extremely small lot, Commissioner Hirshon queried if attempts had been made to contact adjoining property owners with a suggestion to combine sever�l smaller lots into one large size site. question The applicant stated that, to his knowledge, this had not been done. The City Engineer reported that this lot would be rendered smaller yet because of necessary dedications for street improvement�. It was the staff comment consensus that a possible approval of this application would, in fact, allow commercial �pot-zoning. When Chairman Frolich asked for audience comments, several audience members addressed the Commissioners and voiced their apprehensions re- �audience lative to the proposal as it would not only entail additional traffic comments but that this entire area should be considered �s one entity rather than in piece-meal. Commissioner Hirshon moved, Commissioner Buthenuth seconded and it was p. h. passed unanimously to close the public he�ring. closed Based upon the considerations that 1) the lot size is such that it ma.kes a good development impractical; 2) there should be additional study of consider- the entire area; and 3) that it would take consider�ble coordination and ations listed cooperation by the la_r3 owners in that vicinity before any decision could be made, Commissioner Hirshon moved to deny Application 26-Z-68. Commissioner Puetz seconded. � Ayes: Commissioners Irwin� Hirshon, Buthenuth, Puetz, Frolich Noes : T3one � Absent: None Chairman Frolich advised the applic�nt that he could appeal this decision right to- to the City Council, within five days and in writing. appeal stated Chairman Frolich called a recess at 9e�+5 p.m. recess The meeting reconvened at 10:00 p.m. F. 27-Z Manuel March�.nt; Rezoning from R1-20, A1-�+3 27-Z-68 and and R1-7.; to Residenti�l sin�le-family 20,000 sq.ft. lots 2-TM�8 (R1-20) and Tentative Map. 1.22�+ aeres loc�ted on the north legend side of Linc�y Lane approximately 100 feet west of Terra Bella Drive. First Hearing. Mr. Tom Henderson, Civil Engineer, presented the application stating that this lot had presently three different zones within it which situation present- would� upon approval of the rezoning, be cleared up. ation Staff reported that there was no objection to the possible approval of the rezoning, but that the Tentative Map should be continued as the request to Public Works Department had not had an opportunity to review same and continue su�gest possible alternatives. T.M. pa�e 6 Minutes of the Planning Commission Jan��ry 13 196q 80,000.� PC-1 Application 27-Z cont'd City Engineer Boyd called attention to a letter received from the Fire letter fro Marshal_ in connection with this application wherein certain conditions fire have to be met prior to any further discussion. However accordin� to maruhal Mr. Boyd, certain requirements have to be re•evaluated whenever the cited development of thF hill area is undertaken, as not all Fire Department requirements would be feasible. Whm Chairman Fralich called for audience comments, Mrs. Juanita McLaren, audience Realtor, asked for a clarification of thE listed acreage �nd received the comments desired information. Mr. Noorudin Billawala stated tha� lot �+5 on the �map had been exempted from all considerations at the original presentation. p. h. Commissioner Irwin moved, Commissioner Buthenuth seconded and it was closed passed unani.mously to close the public he�,ring. 27-Z-68 Commissioner Duthenuth moved to approve Application 27-Z subject to approved the 12 Standard Conditions, with condition 13) that all prior conditions for rezoning of Application 19-Z•67 be included as they effect this lot. Commissioner Puetz seconded. Ayes: Commissioners Irwin, Hirshon, Buthenuth, Puetz, Frolieh Noes: None Absent: None 2- TM_68 Commissioner Buthenuth moved that Application 29-TM be continued to continued the next regular meeting. Commissioner Irwin seconded and it was passed unani.mously. 28-TM-68 G. 28-TM-68: Edwaxd Cali; Tentative Map for shopping center. legend Approximately 7.11 acres located northwest corner of McClellan Road and Sunnyvale-Saratoga Road. First Hearing. Mr. Tom Henderson, Civil En�ineer, presented the application.explaining present- that the full plans were not being presented at this time and that only ation the approval of the Tentative Ma.p was requested. dis- Discussion ensued on whether division of property for the purpose of cussion leasing only requires a Tentative M�.p. City Engineer Boyd stated that the Neighborhood Plan for this area as statement adopted showe� an east-west street along the property line from Terry Way out to Sunnyvale-Saratoga Road, giving access to Parcel B. applicant's Mr. Henderson stated that his client was most ad�nt in his request opposition that he not be required to provide for the rdad out to Sunnyvale-Saratoga Road; in fact, if this requirement were made by the Planning Commission, the applicant would appeal the decision. When Chairman Frolich called for audience comments, Mr. C. A. Moore of 103�+5 Paradise Drive, asked for clarification on the requirement of a: audience masonry wall to be constructed between the shopping center and adjacent inquiries residential area. Another audience member requested information relative to the proximity of the development to the adjoining subdivision. All inquiries were answered by staff. Minutes of the Planning Commission January 13, 1�69 PC-1 80,000.� page 7 Application 28-TM-68 cont'd Commissioner Irwin moved, Commissioner Puetz seconded and it was passed p. h. unanimously to close the public heaxing. closed Commissioner Buthenuth moved to deny Application 28-TM-6�, Commissioner� 28-TM-68 Puetz seconded. � denied s Chairman Frolich reiterated the reasons for the denial by stating that � the staff and the Commissioners feel that a road out to Sunnyvale-Sara-� toga Road from the southern end of Terry Way is required and should be reasons for dedicated by the applicant. Since the applicant is not willing to do denial this� in fact, has stated that such requirement would be appealed, the defined Commissioners felt the need to deny the application. Ayes: Commissioners Irwin, Hirshon, Buthenuth, Puetz, Frolich roll call Noes: None � on vote Absent: None Ckift�rman Froli�h�advised the appl�csnt of his right to �ppe�l to the right to City Council within five days and in writing. appeal There was no unfinished business, nor was there any new business. no business The meeting was adjourned to a study session scheduled for Wednesday, adjourned January 22, 1g69 at 7:30 p.m. upon the motion by Cormnissioner Buthenuth to study and the second by Commissioner Puetz, which motion w�s pass�d unani- session mously. The meetin� adjourned at 11:10 p.m. adjournment APPROVEDe � ATTEST: 1s/ Donald A. Frolich � Chairman � PLANNING DEPARTMENT � CX���.r' £ �� � � Senior Planner � € r r� � � s t