Reso 690 80,000.6 18-TM-69 $ESOLUTION N0. 690 OF THE PLANNING COMMISSZON. OF TIiE- CITY OE. CUPERTINO RECO1�iENDING THE APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE MAP APPLICANT: California-.L,ands.Inves.tment Co. ADDRESS: 260 Sheridan Avenue,-Palo Alto, California SUBMITTED: July 11, 1969 LOCATION: North side of MaClellan Road, ad�acent..to and west of the-Sauthern Pacific Railraad ZONE.: R1-10.ag AREA: Agpx.ax.17.77 Acres (continued from Page 1) . CONDITIONS AND FURTHER FINDINGS: 1-12. Standard Conditions, to the extent. th:ey do not conflict with the following specific conditions. 13. The right of way of Bubb Road and-Smpexia]..A.venue shall be sEVenty- four (74) feet, a� sh4wn -on the. approved Ten.tative Ma�.. It is understood that there w�ll be-no ob�ection to "No Stopping or Parking" regulations. 14. Boulevard trees shall be plantE.d_and-main.tained within.lot.boundaries, in conformance with the City's tree planting program. 15. A minimum 15-foot front yard setback-shall.be observad_. The entire 15-foot yard shall be devoted-to lands�caping exce�t-for.necessary driveways and perm�.-tted- s�.g.ns .. Prov3sion shall be ma.de. for short- time parking and stopping for-such vehicles-as-taxis and mail trucks in an area on the site. o.ther than: the requ.ired. f ront. y.ard , bu.t in such a way that the need for parking in the public right-of-way is eliminated. 16. Enough space shall be left in front of garage doors or gates to accommodate the largest txucks:(incl.ud�.ng.txailers).tha-t narmally serve a lot, without blocking any part of the public right-of-way. 17. Industrial activities in the open, 3,ncluding loading, unloading and parking of delivery vehicles, shall be located in.the_r.ear of the lo t. Back yard and f ront yard. sha1.1.. be _segar b3�- the main build- ing or by a wall extending over-the entire wid-th of the lot, except for driveways or gateways of necessary width. 18. There shall be no direct vehicular access from lats within this area to McClellan Road, except as.fol].ows: Access to lot be.tween McClellan Road, Bubb Road.and.the.Southern-Paei�ic.Railroad may be arranged in any way which in .the ap3nian_ o.f. the- Direc.tor uf Public Works does not create a.tra£.£ic haza.rd.. Acr.e.ss tc� Mc.Glellan Road from an automotive servi.ce atation.shall be �ermitted should a Use Permit for such stati.on be granted. -2- City of Cupertino California STANDARD CONDITIONS 1. Install ornamental street lights. All lighting shall. be designed to in no way interfere with adjacent residential district. 2. Street trees will be planted in the public right-of-way and shall be of a type approved by the City in places designated by the City. 3. Traffic control signs will be placed at locations to be specified by the City. 4. Fire hydrants shall be located as requested by the City. 5. A masonry wall will be built separating any commercial area from any resi�ential area; wh3.ch wall shall be six feet high above the highest adjoining finished grade. 6. All parking area and driveways will be paved as shown on the plot plan. 7. Curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and structures shall be installed to grades and to be constructed i_n accordance with standards specified by the City Enginee�. 8. Drainage within and without the development shall be to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 9. Street improvements abutting the applicant's property shall be according to City standards and specifications. 10. The applicant shall be responsible for completing site as shown on approved plot plan, and shall be required to pay for required engineering, ehecking and inspection fees prior to issuance of building permit. 11. Landscaping shall be as approved and maintained as shown on plot plan. 12. Street wi.dening and dedications shall be in accordance with street widths approved by the City Engineer. ` 80,000.6 RESOLUTION N0. 690, (continued) 18-TM-69 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONDITIO�TS (continued) . 19. The area ad�ae.ent to McC1e11aa..Rosd_ s�ia11_ be...dis�osed_.as f�llows, counted from the present. eentex- liae of- ztue.. road.: _�aent.y (20) feet existing right-of-way; plue. ten. (.10). feet. to� be_ dedicated as public road and improved_.to.-the satisfact3an af�-the Director of.Public Works; plus f3.fteen--(�.5).: fee-t. to: be- ras3ntained_ as. an. easement for possible future- pub�.ic use-;.: plus: ten (10)_ feet. .to be kept clear of buildings and industr-ial structures. 20. A building,-a masonty..wall six (6) ft high, or Qther physical and visual barrier_ shall sepaxa.te : the. indust�j.a1 area. from. Mc�Clellan Road, and lot area v3s3b1e. from- McC3e11an- Road. sha11_ be.. landscaped; these conditions. to. be. ef f.ected t.o Lhe .sarisfac.tion- of the. Archi- tectural and Site. Ap�xoval: Commit-tee or as atherwi,se. appro�ed by the City Council. This.Condi.tiou-20-shall.not apply to an auto- motive service station, should a Use Permit for such station be granted. 21. The developer shall either acquire all the property necessary for completion of Bubb Road and Imperial Avenue, or shall post bonds to-reimburse the City far the cost of acquisition by eminent domain of property-located outside the area rezoned by Ordinance No.- 445. These streets shall be dedicated and constructed to connect with McClellan Road, the existing part of Imperial Avenu� and tha:.pro.- posed railroad crossing. At the curve connecting the existing and proposed parts of Imperial Avenue the Director of Public. Warks may approve a temporary road with less radius and width -to rema3.n -un.til . such time as 10 of�the 13 proposed lots have been developed. PASSED AND-ADOPTED-this 25th day-o£-August, 1969, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Cupertino, State of California, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Buthenuth, Frolich, Irwin, Puetz NAYS: None ABSENT: Commissioner Hirshon � APPRO . . � Ge ld A. e iruian anning Com sion ATTEST: James H. Sisk Director of Planning _ -3-