Reso 648 80,000.6 3-V-69 RESOLUTION N0. 648 OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO RECOMMENDING THE GR�,NTING OF A VARIANCE to reduce backyard setback and backyard area, by permitting extension of building within the area shown by dotted line on the ex- hibit accompanying the application. APPLICANTS: Kevin M. and Marjorie R. McCarthy ADDRES$: 10490 Oakville Avenue, Cupertino, California SUBMITTED: April 29, 19.69 LOCATION: 10490 Oakville �venue, Cupertino, California ZONE: R1-10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (continued from Page 1) CONDITIONS AND FURTHER FINDINGS: 1-12 Standard Conditions, where applicable. ---------------------------------------------------------------- PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of May, 1969, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Cupertino, State of California, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Buthenuth, Puetz, Hirshon NAYS: None ABSENT: Commissione�s Frolich and Irwin APPROVED: �''`-__ �� •� t---,-�t.�' � � --�-� ATTEST• T. Hirshon, Chairman � Planning Commission �c�� ���� Adde Laurin Senior Planner -1- � 1'T Y ��? �� � Li� � E R'I� I l� 0 Ci�y Ha:11. :i0:�00 �I�orre Aver:�«e �upertino, �alif`orn.ia a50.1�� �Tel.epr,one° (�Ot�; �j�_W�+�uS RESOLU'�ION OF 'Z'I�E PLAlVNING COi�iNfl�rySION Ob� �'HF: CITY OF CUPERTINO RECOMMEI�TING `I'HE GRAN�I'II�TG GF A V��i=tIAP�CE WHEREAS the Planni.ng Commisti,icn of tr�e City of Cupertino received an appl.i��,tion f!�.r a VARIAI�Ti;E, a` stated on Page 2; and WHEREAS the appl.icant h�,s m.e � t�r�.� burden of proof .required to support• his said application; an.d. WHEREAS �rie a,pplication �ho�v� o 1. 'I'rya� triE�e ar�e special �or��.itionc cr exceptional characteristics in the nature of° the pr�perty t� be affECted, or that its loca- tion or it� �ur^roun�ing� are su.ch a� �i11 permit the Commission to m.ake �. determina�i�rl that� a literal enforcement of the Ordinance would result in �ract.ical di�fic�.l'cies or unnecessary hard.ships; and 2, 'I'hat th.e grantin.g of` tr�.e app:Lication is n.ecessary for the preservation and enjoyment of su�;-tanti�.1 property rights; and 3, 'I�hat tr?e he�,rings show rhat tr�e gr�,r�tir:g of' the application Zn�i11 not _md�eri�,lly d�fect adver�seZy the health or safety of pex�son.s residing or� working in �he rleighborhood of the pr�perty which is the sub�ec'r of the application, and that �h� use �f° said px�oper°ty in the manr.Er in which it is pro- posed to be used Tnli11 not be materiall� detrimental to the public vae:lfdre �r in.jurious to the value of property or improveznent� 1.ocated in :��..id surr�oundings; NGW '�'HEREFORE, B� IT RE�SC�VE�° Tl�.at �.fter� careful consider�.tinn �f° ma.p�, f°a,cts, exhibits and oth.er� evidence su.bm.itted, ira t�hi� �riatter°� the application for the VARIANCE be, an�. `che s�.me is here�y rECOmmended for approval to the Cifiy Counc:il of` the Ci�y of Cuper�ino for appropriate acti�r�� suk� ject to the conditions sta'ced or� Page 2; and BE IT FUR'�HER RESOLVED a 'That trie aforemen.tioned f�ndi.ngs are �.pproved and adopted, and tha,t the Secx�etary be� �.nd i� Yaereby� dir�ected to notify the parties �.�fected �by this deci�ior., (Continued on Page 2) m � ._.