Reso 638 80,000.6 12-Z-69 RESOLUTION No. 638 OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF TAE CITY OF CUPERTINO RECOMMENDING THE GRANTING OF � ZONE CHANGE from Agricultural-Residential S.ingle-family 1-ac.re lots. (A1-43) to Residential Single-family 7,500 sq. ft. lots (R1-7.5). APPLICANT: Claude T. Lindsay, Inc. ADDRESS: 587 North Mathilda Avenue, Sunn�vale, California SUBMITTED: April 10 1969 LOCATION: East side of North Blaney Avenue, approximately 800 feet south of Junipero-Serra Freeway ZONE: A1-43 AREA: 4.5 acres approx. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Continued from Page 1) CONDITIONS: 1-12 Standard-Condi.tions (as listed on Page 1) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PASSED AND ADOPTED-this 28th day of April, 1969, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Cupertino, State of California, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Buthenuth, Irwin, Puetz, Frolich NAYS: None ABSENT: Commissioner Hirshon APPROVED: ��'��.�-" U " ` `� ` � -- " � ATTEST• Donald A. Frolich, Chairman � Planning Commission C�ClQ �G.1i1J1.1 /4 Adde Laurin Senior Planner -2- C I T Y 0 F G I.i P� R� I� � Telephone: (�08) 252-4505 City Hall, 10300 ��r�e ��renue, Cu�er�ino, Cal�fo.rnia 95014 RESOLUTION OF ��E P��NNEN� COMMCSSION OF THE Cf�Y OF CUPERTiNO RECOMMEND- ING THE GRANTB�G 0� A Z�NE CHpNGE WHEREAS the attac�ed appl�ca�io� has bee� submi��ed to the City of Cuper- tino requesting a��a�ge of zone 9� t�e zoning regu�ations of the City, as stated on Page 2; a�d WHEREAS �he Planni�� Co�m�s��on �as held a� lea�� one publec hearing in regard to the appl�cat��r, on ��e da�e a� no�ed o� sa�d application; and WHEREAS the P1an�ing C�mmis�io� �as duly con�ide�ed and hea�d all evidence submitted i� rega�� to �a�d applicatae�; and WHEREAS the neces�a�y p�b�ic n��ices have been given as �equired by the Zoning O�di�ance of �he Cs�y of Cupe�ti�o; NOW, THEREFORE, B� BT RESOLVED� 1. That the Planning Commis�io� finds that the proposed zone change: ae Encou�age� t�e mo�t app�op�iate use of land, b. Conserve� a�d �tabil�zes ��e value of p�ope�ty, c< P�ovide� fo� adeq�ate oper� �paces �o� light and air d. Pe�mi�s adequate cont�ol of fi�es, e, Promotes �:�e heal�h, safety and public wel�a�e, fa P�ovide� fo� the o�de��y de��eiopment of t.�e City, g. Is adva��ageo�s �o the p�ope��y and improvements in the zoning distric� a�d �esg�bo�hood i� w�ich the prope�ty i� l�cated. 2. That said Plan�i�g CommessAO�, �herefo�e, �epo�ts fa�o�ably to the City C�uncil �n the mat�e� of g�a��ing said zone change, Said app�o�al to be s�bject to ��e fo�lo�s�g condit�ons: Exhibit 'eB'a, w�ich �� compo�ed of Co�ditions 1-12 quoted below: l. Install ornamental �t�eet lights. All ligh�ing sha11 be designed �o in no way i��e�fz�e with adjacent residential ds�t�ict. 2. St�eet t�ees �il� b� plan�ed in the public �ight-of-way and shall be of a type app�ov�d �y the City i� places designated by the City. 30 ��affic cant�o� �igns �il� be placed at loca�ion� �o be-specified by the Ci�yo 4, Fire sjyd�ants shall be located as �eq�es�ed by the Cityo 5. A mason�y wall �il� be b�ilt �epa�at��ng any comme�cia1 area from any resi�en��a1 area9 which wall ��a?1 be �ix feet high above the highest adj�Ansng fi�ished grade� 6o A�1 pa�king ��eas and ���veways will be paved as shown on the plot plan. 7a Cur�bs, gutte��, side�ralks, and s�r�ctut shall be in�talled to g�°ades a�nd be cor��t�°u�ted i n acco�dance w� �h standards spec i f i ed by the �pty �nginee�F 8a D�°ai nage r�i �chi r� and w9 �h��a� �he develrapmen� �hal 1 be to the sat- i sfact e on r�f �he C i t� Eng i ne�� , 9. St�°eet imprc�vem��ts abuttiny the applicant"s proper°ty shall be accor°d i ng to C i ty s t��da�°d� arad spec i f i cat i ons � l0e The applicant shal� be responsible fo�r completing si�e as shown on apprc�ved p lo� p 1 ac� and shal 1 be requ i red to pay for �'equ i red enginee�°ing, c�ecking and inspectior� fees pr�ior to issuance of Building Pe�°mitn 11, Landscaping shall be as app�oved and ma�ntained as shown on plot plan. 12e St�eet wideni�g a�nd dedications shall be in accordance with street width�s app�`oved by City Enginee�, (Continued on Page 2)