PSC 09.22.2010 (special)CUPERTINO PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, September 22, 2010, 7:00 p.m. Cupertino City Hall, Conference Room A (No audio available) 1. CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Daniel Nguyen called to order the special meeting of the Cupertino Public Safety Commission at 7:05 p.m. on Wednesday, September 22, 2010 in the Cupertino City Hall, 10300 Torre Avenue, Conference Room A, Cupertino, California 95014. I1, ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Staff: Staff Absent: Other PresemT III. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Daniel Nguyen "Damara Pow Nina Daruwalla Craig Lee Andy Huang None Captain Terry Calderone, Santa Clara County Sheriff s Office Battalion Chief Daron Pisciotta, Santa Clara County Fire Department None None There were no oral communications to discuss at this regular meeting. IV. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS "]'here were no written communications to discuss at this regular meeting. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES I. August 12, 2010 ACTION: YES VOTE: YES MOTION: Tamara Pow SECONDED: No 5to0 Commissioner Tamara Pow motioned to approve the minutes of August 12, 2010 with an amendment to (11) Roll Call, Commissioner; the motion was not seconded; votes taken; all in favor to approve the minutes of August 12, 2010 with the correction. (II): CommissionersAh.s, ilResigned: Charles Caldivell VI. OLD BUSINESS I. Discussion of Walk/Bike/Carpool (WBC) to School project ongoing (Nguyen) ACTION: YES VOTE: NO MOTION: No SECONDED: No 0 to 0 Commissioner Nina Daruwalla reports that Collins is enthusiastic of the program. She was unable to attend Garden Gate, but will be meeting with the Lawson PTA Chair tomorrow. Commissioner Craig Lee reports that Pavia was not interested, Sedgwick did not want him to do a presentation at the PTA meeting, and Regnart was interested in the grant for their valet system with the fifth. grade students. Commissioner Nguyen reports that he contacted Eaton and I lyde by email, but has not received a response. Commissioner Pow repots that Kennedy was interested and received a good response during the PTA meeting. Stevens Creek Elementary has enthusiastic parents, but the PTA meeting conflicts with the PSC meeting. The commission discussed a possible resolution for schools that do not participation in the survey, if they should be allowed to submit a WBC grant application. Captain Terry Calderone will contact Garden Gate to discuss the issues on their lack of participation with last year's surveys. Commissioner Lee suggests that the subcommittee should follow up on the grant payments. Captain Calderone requests that the commissioners notify him and he will contact the city. Commissioner Lee requests a report of the Monti Vista WBC day. Commissioner Daruwalla forwarded the report to all the commissioners last month, but will resend the report again. 2. Boltage Program it schools and installation/implementation process (Pow) ACTION: YES VOTE: YES MOTION: Craig Lee SECONDED: Daniel Nguyen 5 to 0 A WBC grant application was received for the Boltage Program for $500. Commissioner Lee motioned to approve the grant application; the motion was seconded by Commissioner Nguyen; votes taken; all in favor to approve the $500 grant application for the Boltage Program. Captain Calderone will deliver the approved grant application to the city, for payment processing. 3. Crossing Guards Program, new, program and existing program (Daruwalla, Nguyen) ACTION: YES VOTE: NO MOTION: No SECONDED: No 0 to 0 Commissioner Nguyen reports that Garden Gate no longer has the volunteer crossing guard program. The school is in need of crossing guards to assist the pedestrians to cross safely and allow the cars to keep moving to prevent a gridlock. Commissioner Nguyen has not looked into the costs as suggested by Captain Calderone because he has not met with all the schools. Captain Calderone announced that the schools would be responsible in organizing the volunteers and managing the program. lie provided direction that the commission should work diligently with the schools to commit to the program, find out what they want, how, much the program will cost, and develop training details. Commissioner Nguyen will write up questions for the schools: 1) One year commitment to the program, 2) Contact Person, 3) Will they participate, 4) Where do they want the crossing guards, 5) What pool will the volunteers come from. The commission needs to determine: 1) ABAG or City Attorney, need contract in place, 2) How long will the certification last, 3) Cost for certification, will they allow a discount if more people participate. Captain Calderone will request a copy of the current paid crossing guard contract to review the cost and if there is a possibility of reducing the cost. The School Resource Officers (SRO) are developing maps to determine a suggested route to school. 4. Report on surveys to schools and survey form for October (Lee/Mmyen) ACTION: YES VOTE: NO MOTION: No SECONDED: No 0 to 0 The SROs will be handing out the October I8" survey on October 04, 2010. Commissioner Andy Huang will call the Cupertino Union School District Student Services the week of October I8". Commissioner Lee will revise the survey and submit it to Captain Calderone. VII. NEW 13USINESS I. Discussion plan to work with other commissions/liaisons, subcommittees, etc. (Lee) ACTION: YES VOTE: NO MOTION: No SECONDED: No 0 to II The commission discussed that the Chair will determine the liaisons to the other commissions, such as, Bike/Pedestrian, Teen, and possibility Park and Recreation. Commissioner Nguyen appointed Commissioner Huang to the "Peen Commission and Commissioner Lee to the Bike/Pedestrian Commission. The commission a freed that the goal would be to entail prior to setting agenda for the reLlular meetings, send minutes. 2. Discuss subcommittee for Primary activities (Lee) ACTION: YES VOTE: NO MOTION: Craig Lee SECONDED: No 0too Commissioner Lee motioned to create a subcommittee for primary activities; motion did not receive a second because the commission already has two (2) existing subcommittees for W13C and crossing guard; no votes taken. 3. Discuss work program (Lee) ACTION: YES VOTE: YES I" MOTION: Craig Lee I" SECONDED: Andy lioang o to 0 2nd MOTION: Tamara Pow 2"d SECONDED: Nina Daruwalla 3 to 0 Commissioner Lee motioned to develop a work program; the motion was seconded by Commissioner Huang; no votes taken. Commissioner Pow placed a second motion to limit the project list, to do's, dates, and responsibilities; the second motion was seconded by Commissioner Daruwalla; votes taken; Commissioners Pow, Nguyen, and Daruwalla gave Aye votes, and Commissioners Lee and f-luang abstained their votes. 4. Discuss how to increase Cupertino participation in Alert SCC Program (Lee) 3 ACTION: YES VOTE: NO MOTION: No SECONDED: No 0 to 0 Commissioner I luang reports that he spoke to a block leader during their meeting. Captain Calderone will obtain the numbers and percentages of participants in Cupertino. 5. Discuss participation in Lehigh Permanente Community Council (Lee) ACTION: YES VOTE: YES MOTION: Crane Lee SECONDED: Andy I luang Commissioner Lee contacted Sandy James on how PSC can be involved on Lehigh. Ms. James stated that it was inappropriate for the PSC to eet involved. to drop the issue except for ongoing information. Captain Calderone cl jurisdiction, and not cityjurisdiction. 2 to 3 the community concerns at Council recently voted 4-1 arified that this is county Commissioner Lee motioned to be appointed as PSC liaison to LPCC; the motion was seconded by Commissioner Huang; votes taken: Commissioners Lee and Huang gave Aye votes, and Commissioners Daruwalla, Nguyen, and Pow gave Nay votes. Vill. R1311ORTS I. Santa Clara County Fire Department Battalion Chief Daron Pisciotta gave the commission their July report. July had low Fire loss and was an uneventful ntontlt. 2. Santa Clara County SherifYs Office Captain Calderone reports thin burglaries have increased primarily at Vallco Shopping Center. The deputies are being certified for bicycle patrol. One of the bank robbery suspects was caught in Sacramento and they are still looking for the second suspect. Captain Calderone will get an update on the August 25°i article about street crossnne tames. 3. Commission Report Commissioner Daruwalla reports that four (4) commissions attended the last Mayors meeting. Mayor Kris Wang discussed the right turn at Bubb Road and Stevens Creek Boulevard. Commissioner Lee reports that Councilman Barry Chang meeting discussed communication and interest in LFIC Plant. Commissioner Lee will submit a report on the speeding hazard on Stevens Creek Boulevard. The concern is for the truck speed limit only sign posted at the top of the hill and at the turn from Foothill Boulevard to Stevens Creek Boulevard. Commissioner Daruwalla announced that the Brown Act was emailed as a reminder that emails are to be sent to Captain Calderone and he will distribute IX. 17U'1'UItE AGENDA FOR NEXT REGULAR MEETING I. Walk/Bike/Carpool to School Project, ongoing 2. Crossine Guards Program 3. Boltage Program 4. School Survey X. ADJOURNMENT The special meeting was adjourned at 1020 p.m. XI. NEXT MEETINGS The next regular meeting is schedule on Thursday. October 14. 2010, at 7:00 p.m. SUBMITTED BY: Elaine Chasuk Executive Assistant to Captain Teriy Calrlerone October 20, 2010