PSC 12.10.09CUPERTINO PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTE' S Thursday, December 10, 2009. 7:00 p.m. Cupertino City Hall, ConPcrence Room A I. CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Tamara Pow called to order the regular meeting of the Cupertino Public Safety Commission at 7:07 p.m. on Thursday. December 10, 2009 in the Cupertino City Hall, 10300 Torre Avenue, Conference Room A, Cupertino, California 9014. It ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: "famara Pow Daniel Nguyen Nina Daruwalla Charles Caldwell Commissioners Absent: Craig Lee Staff. Captain Terry Calderone, Santa Clara County Sheriffs Office Santa Clara County Fire Department Other Present: Lieutenant Skip Shervington, Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office Judy Caulter and Nancy Kirk. Saratoga Traffic Safety Commission III, ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were no oral communications to discuss at this regular meeting. IV. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS There were no Written communications to discuss at this regular meeting. V. APPROVAL OP MINUTES I. November 12, 2009 ACTION: YES VOTE: YES MOTION: Daniel Nguyen SECONDED: Charles Caldwell 4 to 0 Votes taken: all in favor to approve the minutes of November 12, 2009. VI. OLD 13USINESS I. Discussion of Walk/13ike /Carpool (WBC) to School project ongoing a. WBC Grant Applications ACTION: YES VOTE.: NO MOTION: No SECONDED: No 0 to 0 There were no WBC Grant applications to approve at this regular meeting. Captain Terry Calderone is awaiting response from Carol Atwood regarding the reimbursement for Garden Gate Elementary School for S 132. Commissioner Pow reports to the commission the successful WOW week at Lawson Middle School and infomted the group of the PSC support for future events. Shailee Samar. NOW Program spokesperson, announced that they plan to franchise this program to other schools. Commissioner Pocv reports that there is no response from Lesley Reid on behalf of Stevens Creek Elementary School. Commissioner Pow will continue to follow -up with Ms. Reid and provide a report at the next month's regular meeting. L Letter to Principals and Teachers ACTION: YES VOTE: NO MOTION: No SECONDED: No 0to0 Captain Calderone presented to Commissioner Pow the letters to be signed by the chair and mailed to all fourteen (14) schools as previously discussed and voted upon during last month's regular meeting. Commissioner Pow signed the letters and will provide a report at the next month's regular meeting. Captain Calderone will mail the letters out. c. Dossing Guards ACTION: YES VOTE: NO MOTION: No SECONDED: No 0to0 Commissioner Nina Daruwalla was unable to provide a report for the crossing guard issues. Commissioner Pow wishes to present the findings to the Council in January and the crossing guards will stay under the WBC Project for now, rather than on a separate agenda. Commissioner Daruwalla will survey each school and provide her - findings to Commissioner Pow. Captain Calderone recommends questions, such as, how many crossing guards arc needed at each school. the locations, and the needs for each school. Captain Calderone provided an outline to the commission on the training goals of the city to create a standardized crossing guard program as previously discussed during last month's regular meeting. 2. Radar Speed Signs (Removed from agenda on November 12, 2009) ACTION: YES VOTE: NO rA70TION: No SECONDED: No 0too Commissioner Pow reported her discussion with David Greenstein questioning why the other schools were not interested in the radar speed signs and he plans to look into the matter. Commissioner Pow announces that the agenda item may return, if necessary. 3. PSC Complaint Form ACTION: YES VOTE: YES MOTION: Tamara Pow SECONDED: Daniel Nguyen 4 to 0 The commission reviewed the revised complaint form and agreed to include the City Clerk's Office physical address of 10300 Torre Avenue. Cupertino. California 95014. Commissioner Pow motioned to approve the PSC Complaint Form; the motion was seconded by Commissioner Daniel Nguyen; votes taken; all in favor to approve the PSC Complaint Form. 4. WBC Survey Data ACTION: YES VOTE: NO MOTION: No SECONDED: No 0 to 0 Commissioner Nguyen was unable to provide further data at this regular meeting. lie will present the statistical information at next month's regular meeting. Commissioner Nguyen will email Captain Calderone the revised changes on the WBC Survey form before December 25, 2009 for his approval. VII. NEW BUSINESS I. Nomination of New Chairperson ACTION: YES VOTE: YES MOTION: Charles Caldwell SECONDED: Nina Daruwalla 4 to 0 Commissioner Charles Caldwell nominates, and motioned to elect Commissioner Nguyen as the new Chairperson: the motion was seconded by Commissioner Daruwalla; votes taken; all in favor to appoint Commissioner Nguyen as the new Chairperson effective January 01, 2010. Commissioner Caldwell commended Commissioners Pow and Nguyen for a job well done for this last year. 2. Nomination of New Vice -Chair ACTION: YES voTE: YES MOTION: Charles Caldwell SECONDED: Nina Daruwalla 4 to 0 Commissioner Caldwell nominates, and motioned to elect Commissioner Pow as the new Vice - Chair; the motion was seconded by Commissioner Daruwalla; votes taken; all in favor to appoint Commissioner Pow as the new Vice-Chair effective January 01, 2010. VIII. REPORTS L Santa Clara Counn1 Firc (no aa(Go) Santa Clara County File provided an earlier report to the commission that fires were consistent as compared to the previous month. 2. Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office Captain Calderone reports that response time are consistent and above the goal of the city. Property crimes from vehicles are still it concern and he plans to provide another public service infornation announcement. During the holiday season, due to the increase of property crimes, extra patrols are placed around the shopping centers and Cupertino Square. Citations slightly decreased this month. Vehicle accidents also slightly decreased, but still high compared to the last few months due to the holiday rush. There was a chemical exposure at Apple Computers after two chemicals were accidentally mixed. Through state grant funding, there will be extra DUI patrol units out during the holiday season. Direct school enforcement is consistent and noticeable changes at some of the school locations, but there are still concerns with congestion and safety around the schools. I Commissioner Report Commissioner Nguyen attended the Sapphire Force Robot Competition at the YMCA. The commission was unable to confirm if the group met with Public Works on their traffic congestion idea that was presented at last month's regular meeting. The Council plans to create a task force with commissioners from different groups to deal with the Scenic Circle Gate route. IX. I'U'I'URE AGENDA FOR NEXT REGULAR MEL'I'ING I. Walk/Bike /Carpool to school incentive program 2. Crossing Guards 3. WBC Survey Data X. ADJOURNMENT The regular meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. XI. NEXT MEE'T'INGS Nest regular mcetine will be rescheduled from January 14. 2010 to Tuesday, January 19, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. SUBMITTED BY: Elaine C'hasuk Executive Assistant to Captain ferry Calderone Janntn , 08, 2010