PSC 02.10.2010 (special)CU13ERTINO 13UBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, February 111, 2010, 7:00 p.m. Cupertino City Ball, Conference Room A 1. CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Daniel Nguyen called to order the regular meeting of the Cupertino Public Safety Commission at 7:15 p.nt. on Wednesday. February 10, 2010 in the Cupertino City Hall, 10300 Torre Avenue, Conference Room A, Cupertino, California 95014. 11. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Staff: Staff Absent: Other Present: III. ORAL COMMMUNICATIONS Daniel Nguyen Tamara Pow Nina Daruwalla Craig Lee Charles Caldwell Captain Terry Calderone, Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office Santa Clara County Fire Department David Greenstein Carol Stanek There were no oral communications to discuss at this regular meeting. IV. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS There were no written communications to discuss at this regular meeting V. APPROVALOFMINUTES I. January 19, 2010 ACTION: YES VOTE: YES MOTION: Craig Lec SECONDED: Tamara Pow d to 0 Commissioner Craig Lee motioned to approve the minutes of January 19. 2010 with changes/corrections to (VI) Old Business, I(b); the motion was seconded by Commissioner Tamara Pow with the amended changes/corrections: votes taken, all in favor to approve the minutes of January 19, 2010. Commissioner Daruwalla reports that otter contacting (7) seven different schools and each school requested the crossing ward it formation in writing; she drafted a letter for the commission to review. and C�»tan:vsronerRna�sttggeszs-that-rrf+l/-etr+ fbrnr-+nrn+-l3e-a+ore-trpproprrcne-which-flue-schools-eten-respond-/ip »tcrFf-frtc-•s'in+ile-orenteil- Commissioner Pon, will assist Counnissioner Dartnralla in developing a sue ,ey letter form to he sent out to the Cupertino schools by Commissioner Dnnnvalla. -'The-s wvet=nrasr- be rendj�-by-r4farehfor eon++nissiorrvet�reu�ancl vpprot�ecl-Fi}=tlprih0F0 VI. OLD 13USINESS I. Discussion of Walk/Bike/Carpool (WBC)to School project ongoing a. WBC Grant Applications ACTION: YES VOTE: NO MOTION: No SECONDED: No 0 to 0 The commission received no WBC grant applications at this month's regular meeting. Commissioner Nguyen announced that Morita Vista High is schedule to have their walkfbike/carpool event in May. and a WI3C grant application will be forthcoming. Commissioner Craig Lee reported that Paria Elementary is not interested in the WBC grant program, and Regnart Elementary probably will not participate in the WBC program as they have their own program that works efficiently. "fhe grant application for Garden Gate Elementary needs to be resubmitted, as the original application was lost in transit during the payment process. The commission will start keeping multiple copies of all grant applications The commission discussed different ideas on how, to encourage the schools' participation in the grant program, such as, increase the grant amount ur increase end of the year award incentives. Commissioner Lee motioned to prepare a report to indicate how much has been spent, the current remaining budget, and prepare a proposal for next year's budget: the motion was not seconded. Commissioner Nguyen suggests passing the motion to nest month's regular meeting. Captain Terry Caldcrone clarified to the commission that Carol Atwood plans to work up next year's budget in April. and it would be a preferable tine to present their proposal. Commissioner Pow reported that during a speech from Mayor Kris Wang that the tri-school area is one of her top agenda items. Commissioner Pow suggests that the commission should wait to see Inow the grant application works out, and then the commission may discuss other options on how to use the WBC budgeted funds. b. Crossing Guards ACTION: YES VOTE: NO MOTION: No SL•'CONDED: No 0 to 0 Commissioner Nina Daruwalla sent out the letter last month, but no response from the schools to date. Commissioner Daruwalla also visited the schools for their feedback on the crossing guard letter and (3) three schools did not receive the letter. 2. Discuss WI3C grant application from Stevens Crcck Elementary School (Preiker Program) ACTION: YES VOTE: NO MOTION: No SECONDED: No 0 to 0 Commissioner Pow reported that the Preiker Program changed their name to Boltage Program, and the program is now, considered for Lincoln Elementary rather than Stevens Creek Elementary. Lesley Reid volunteered to work with Lincoln Elementary to start up the Boltage Program. The PTO is unable to support the Boltage Program at this time because of the budget crisis, loss of teachers. and school activities. "I'he private businesses have not been too supportive of the Boltage Program. Commissioner Pow, suggests that the commission should consider supporting this program for (2) two years along with the PTO, if possible. The commission discussed different budget options to support this program. David Greenstein provided his opinion that the program may be self sustaining after (3) three years due to his experience being on the board for LEEF (Lincoln Education Enrichment Fund). 3. WBC Survey Data, discuss changes to form ACTION: YES VOTE: NO MOTION: No SECONDED: No 0 to 0 Commissioner Nguyen reports that he is still working on the survey data. Captain Calderone is working with Commissioner Nguyen to complete the survey form. The survey form will be available for approval in next month's regular meeting. The Teen Commission is working on their Walk One Week Program during the week of April 19 — 23, 201 Q, and Commissioner Lee suggests using the survey form during that week. Vill. NEW BUSINESS David Greenstein report for Radar Speed Sign on McClellan ACTION: YES VOTE: NO MOTION: No SECONDED: No 0 to 0 David Greenstein is requesting the commission to revisit the Radar Speed Sign and have one placed on westbound McClellan Road between Byrne Avenue and Budd Road. The principal at Lincoln Flementary is interested in a radar speed sign and was unaware of the survey the commission was working on. Commissioner Pow stated that during that time, Lincoln Elementary was more concerned with the congestion rather than the speed. Since this street is a straightaway road, drivers tend to increase their speed up to 35 m.p.h. during the morning, afternoon, and when school ends. Captain Calderone clarified why the City Council requested the commission to reevaluate the radar speed signs if the schools were not interested, are there other areas in the city that may benefit from it. Captain Calderone also noted that his motor unit is in the area directing traffic to reduce the congestion problem and reported that speed was not a concern. The commission decided to categorize this as a traffic complaint rather than returning this issue as an agenda item. Commissioner Lee along with Mr. Greenstein will survey this area with a radar gun to determine the speed issue, and bring the results back to the commission. 2. Additional signs at Foothill Plaza ACTION: YES VOTE: NO MOTION: No SECONDED: No o to o Commissioner Nguyen discussed with the commission the traffic complaint of an unsafe right turn from northbound Foothill Expressway to cast Homestead Road. The complainant, Carol Stanek noted that several motor and bicyclist accidents have occurred in the area. Captain Calderone clarified that the right turn is Iegal and thejurisdiction belongs to the city of Los Altos. The commission discussed if a "No Right Turn" sign may he place there. Captain Calder011e will contact the appropriate personnel and determine the process of how a sign may be place in the location. Captain Calderone will provide his report to the commission at next month's regular meeting. Another traffic safety concern in the same area is that motorists are turning left from the Los Altos Chevron exit onto a one-way street, and then turning,, right onto Foothill Expressway. Ms. Stanek is requesting two signs stating "No Left Turns" and "On Way" at the exit. Captain Calderone will also look into this and provide his report to the commission at next month's regular meeting. 3. Traffic complaint, Glenoaks Park Villas ACTION: YES VOTE: YES MOTION: 'Tamara Pow SECONDED: Nina Daruwalla 4 to 9 Commissioner Nguyen discussed with the commission the complaint of speeding in the villa complex and requesting speed bumps, and u-turns on their street to travel eastbound toward Highway 85. Commissioner Lee noted that this is a private road and these are homeowners' association (HOA) issues. Captain Calderone clarified that since there are no signs posted, it is not enforceable. If the HOA posts the necessary signs, and fire and police are notified, they can enforce the moving violations. Commissioner Pow motioned to remove this from the agenda moving forward; the motion was seconded by Commissioner Daruwalla; votes taken, all in favor to remove this item from further discussions. IX. REPORTS I. Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office Captain Calderone reports that not much has changed, but automobile burglaries have increased. He has reached out to corporations, such as, Apple Computers and Hewlett Packard to alert their employees of safekeeping their personal properties. Bait cars will be placed at different locations with a GPS or laptop and possibility of placing LoJack in the laptop to track its location. Vehicle accidents increased in January due to the weather conditions and other circumstances. Investigations into the death of the 5- year-old bo y at the Chinese daycare and the death of an elder) y male near De Anza College are completed, and the cases are pending decisions from the District Attorney Office. Captain Calderone will review the Safe Routes to School Grant to Garden Gate Elementary that was awarded in May 2007 and provide his findings to the commission. 2. Commissioner Report Commissioner Nguyen reports the other commission groups' announcements during the last Mayors meeting. TIC Commission is working on green energy, solar panels, and cellular telephone tower safety. Park and Recreation Commission announced that Kaboom will return to Sterling-Barnheart Park to build a playground in mid -July, and the back patio at the Quinlan Center will be complete on June 10. Library Commission has 1.5 million books in circulation, plans to install walkers in the SprinIand plans to expand the adult study roost. Planning Commission is working on the Homestead Shopping Center upgrade or redevelopment discussions with city staff. the housing element is coming back from the State, and the green building ordinances. Mayor Wang is holding a Townhall Meeting in May with the Council members, Commission groups, and the public to discuss the topic of environment. In May, the Mayor wants the Community Service Pair to focus on aid, unemployment, and welfare. The Mayor prefers the commissioners present at the Mayor's meeting to answer any questions on the agenda. -hhe 4°i of July picnic will be held at Blackberry Farm and undetermined on the fireworks as discussions are pending. X. FUTURE AGENDA FOR NEXT REGULAR MEETING 1. Walk/Bike/Carpool to School Project, ongoing 2. Crossing Guards 3. Boltage Program aka Freiker Program, Lincoln Elementary School 4. WBC Survey Data and Revised Survey Form 5. Radar Speed Sign on McClellan Road X1. ADJOURNMENT The regular meeting was adjourned at 8:58 p.m. X11. NEXT MEETINGS Next regular meeting schedule Thursday, March I I, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. SUBMITTED 13Y: Elaine Chnarvk Executive ASSISIU111 to Coplaitt TO 1 is Cnlderone Alarch 05, 2010