PSC 09-17-09CUPERTINO PUBLIC S.~FETY COMMISSION REGULAR MEE7CING MINUTES Thursday, September 17, 2009, 7:00 p.m. Cupertino City Hall, ~~onference Room A I. CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Tamara Pow called to order the regular meeting of the Cupertino Public Safety Commission at 7:12 p.m. on Thursday, September 17, 2009 in the Cupertino City Hall, 10300 Torre Avenue, Conference Room A, Cupertino, California 95014. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Other Present: Other Absent III. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Tamara Pow Daniel Nguyen Charles Caldwell Craig Lee Nina Daruwalla Captain Terry Calderone, Santa Clara County Sheriff s Office Battalion Chief Brad D~irbro, Santa Clara County Fire Department None There were no oral communications to discuss at this s~~ecial meeting. IV. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS The commission received a letter from TIC Commissioner Peter Friedland that there is a safety concern with the right turn lanes controlled by a red light at Bubb Road and Stevens Creek Boulevard. Commissioner Friedland suggests placing a sign to alert motorists; they may turn right from both right lanes during the red light duration. The commission will forward the written communicati~~n to Captain Terry Calderone for review. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. August 12, 2009 ACTION: YES VOTE: NO MOTION: No SECONDED: No OtoO The commission was unable to approve the minutes dice to missing pages two (2) and four (4) from the special meeting minutes of August 12, 2009. The approval .if the minutes will continue at the next month's regular meeting. VI. OLD BUSINESS 1. Radar Speed Signs, further Discussed and Approvsil of Project Plan ACTION: YES VOTE: NO MOTION: No SECONDED: No 0 to 0 a. Summary of street requests for speed data collections Commissioner Pow reports on her school;, Lincoln Elementary and Kennedy Middle had no complaints of speed, except for Stevens Creek Elementary complaint of excess speed on Vista Knoll Boulevard. The speed trailer placed on Vista Knoll Boulevard assisted in collecting speed data in addition to reducing the speed. Commissioner Charles Caldwell reports on his schools; Cupertino High had no complaints of speed, and rio responses from Eaton and Sedgwick Elementary. Commissioner Craig Lee reports no complaints of speed from Faria and Regnart Elementary. Commissioner Daniel Nguyen reports on his schools; Monta Vista High had no complaints of speed and no responses from Lawson Middle and Collins Elementary. This agenda item will continue to next month's regular meeting for a report from Commissioner Nina Darawulla. Commissioner Pow recommends moving the speed trailer from Vista Knoll Boulevard to Mary Avenue. b. Approve summary/reminder email to schools 'For speed survey Commissioner Pow recommends shorten their letter to the schools to eliminate information on radar speed signs because the majority of the complaints are about traffic and not the excess of speed. Captain Calderone reports that direct enforcement from his motor units, traffic deputy, and school resource officers (SRO) have assisted in reducing the speed this year around the schools. c. School Complaints The commission discussed ideas of collecting complaints from the schools because, if speed is not the majority of the problem, than what are the issues: traffic, road signs, road markings, crosswalks, etc... Commissioner Lee volunteered to compile a list of these complaints and review the issues with the commission, and then forward those complaints to Captain Calderone for review. Captain Calderone will forward those complaints to his motor units, traffic deputy, and SRO to evaluate the location of the complaint, and then Captain CalderonE: will provide his findings to the commission. The commission will review the findings and di<,,cuss if there is enough cause to bring forth to the city engineer, David Stillman. 2. Discussion of Walk/Bike/Carpool (WBC) to Schoo] project ongoing ACTION: YES VOTE: NO MOTION: No SECONDED: No 0 to 0 a. Report from Commissioners on School contacts Commissioner Pow reports on her schools, Stevens Creek Elementary is very interested in the program and she will be meeting with the PTA for further discussions; Lincoln Elementary expressed an interest, and no response from Kennedy Middle. Commissioner Caldwell has made contact with the PTA's for Cupertino High and Sedgwick Elementary, and awaiting contact information for Eaton Elementary. Commissioner Lee reports that Faria Elementary probably will not make a request. He will provide more information at next month'; regular meeting on Regnart Elementary. Commissioner Nguyen reports that since there was no response from Monta Vista High PTA, he will attend their upcoming PTA meeting and no responses from Lawson Middle and Collins Elementary. This agenda item will continue to next mo~rth's regular meeting for a report from Commissioner Darawulla on Homestead High, Garden Gate Elementary, and Hyde Middle. b. Discuss format of materials to be distributed tci schools for WBC ideas Commissioner Pow announced that she has received very few responses from the schools, in regards to, the National Walk to School event or, October 7, 2009. The Teen Commission and the Bike/Pedestrian Commission did not attend tcnight's PSC regular meeting to discuss further details of this event. c. Approve summary/reminder email to schools t'or WBC Commissioner Pow discussed with the commission the revisions and refining their letters to introduce the WBC Incentive Program and what the incentive monies may be used for. This letter will be attached to the WBC incentive application. Captain Calderone is awaiting more information from the city manager on the use of the incentives mon'.es and the authorization process from Carol Atwood. d. Approve draft application for funds to complete WBC programs Commission Nguyen discussed with the commission the application layout, refining the questions, the school principal signature requirements, and an approval and comments section for the PSC and city officials. The PTA's will submit the application to their school for the principal's signature, then forwarded to the PSC for review, and then forwarded to the city for final approval and disbursement of monies to the PTA's. 3. Schedule SRO distribution weeks for survey ACTION: YES VOTE: NO MOTION: No SECONDED: No 0 to 0 Commissioner Pow announced the dates for the SRO to distribute the surveys to all of the schools; first survey schedule for September 28, 2009 to Octob~;r 02, 2009; second survey schedule for January 11 - 15, 2010; and third survey schedule for May 17 - 21, 2010. The purpose of the survey is to collect data on the number of students who walk, bike, or carpool to school. VII. NEW BUSINESS 1. Discuss coordinating WBC events with Teen and Bike/Pedestrian Commissions ACTION: NO VOTE: NO MOTION: No SECONDED: No 0 to 0 The Teen and the Bike/Pedestrian Commissions ~iid not attend this regular meeting. Commissioner Pow announced that the Bike/Pedestrian Commission wished to discuss passing informational materials to the schools, and the Teen Commission wished to discuss incentives and expected other teen commission members to attend as well. Commissioner Po~,v will contact the Teen Commission to request more information and Commissioner Nguyen will contact the Bike/Pedestrian Commission to discuss further detail of their informational materials. VIII. REPORTS 1. Santa Clara County Fire Department Battalion Chief Brad Darbro provided his report to the commission, but left early for a fire emergency call. 2. Santa Clara County Sheriff s Office Captain Calderone reports that automobile burglaries continue to occur in parking lots and restaurant lots, and no significant increase in home burglaries I~omplaints and incidents at the schools have increased since school has started. Captain Calderone reports that his deputies are actively working on the graffiti case at Creekside and Wilson Park, which may be linked to students at Cupertino High School. IX. FUTURE AGENDA FOR NEXT REGULAR MEETING 1. Radar Speed Signs, further discussions and approval of project plan 2. System to collect and track school traffic safety complaints 3. WalkBike/Carpool to school incentive program X. ADJOURNMENT The regular meeting was adjourned at 8:47 p.m. XI. NEXT MEETINGS Next regular meeting schedule for Thursday, October 08, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. SUBMITTED BY: Elaine Chasuk Executive Assistant to Captain Terry Calderone October 02, 2009