Thursday, February 12, 2009 7:00 p.m.
Cupertino City Hall
Conferena~ Room A
Commissioner Tamara Pow called to order the regular meeting of the Cupertino Public Safety Commission at
7:01 p.m. on Thursday, February 12, 2009 in the CupE~rtino City Hall, 10300 Torre Avenue, Conference Room
A, Cupertino, California 95014.
Commissioners Present: Tamara Pow
Daniel Nguyen
Craig Lee
Commissioners Absent: Nina Daruwalla
Charles Caldwell
Other Present: Captain Terry Calderone, Santa Clara County Sheriffls Office
Fire Chief Brad Darbro, Santa Clara County Fire Department
Kim Morgenthaler, Traffic Consultant
Lauren Phillips, Teen Commission
Other Absent: None
First Speaker, Cathy Stakey from the Library Commission is requesting an update from the July 10, 2008
agenda item regarding speeding and U-turns in front cf the library on Torre Avenue. Captain Terry Calderone
reports that U-turns in a crosswalk area are legal and David Stillman, City Engineer is still evaluating the area.
Ms. Stakey also discussed with the commission the poor street lighting between the library and the Coffee
Society, which does not illuminate near the crosswalk. Commissioner Pow suggested crosswalk flashing lights,
which had been discussed during the Mayor's meeting to be considered in different areas of Cupertino that have
safety issues.
Second Speaker, Sam Fintz presented to the commission the speeding problem on Calvert Drive. In this area,
speed is zoned for 25 mph, and drivers speeds range between 35 to 50 mph. Mr. Fintz is requesting assistance
to reduce the speed with more stop signs and speed bumps. Captain Calderone reports that a speed radar trailer
has been placed in the area along with traffic enforcement with low results. Commissioner Daniel Nguyen
volunteered to go out to the location to evaluate the situation, and will give his report in the next regular
Commissioner Pow received a written communication as a result of the Mayor's meeting from the TIC
Commission regarding wireless LAN security. Sorr~e unsecured wireless connections pose possible illegal
access by using the homeowners email address to send spam mail, and accessing executive and senior company
staff confidential information, including identity theft. Commissioner Craig Lee request Captain Calderone to
notify De Anza College Security with this information.
1. January 08, 2009
MOTION: Daniel Nguyen SECONDED: Craig Lee
Votes taken; all in favor to approve the minutes for January 08, 2009.
1. Radar Speed Signs, suggested locations
MOTION: Tamara Pow SECONDED: Daniel Nguyen 3 to 0
Commissioners Pow and Nguyen discussed with the commission the different possible locations where the
radar speed signs will benefit the community. First location, Blackberry Farm where the hill slopes before
the stop sign. Second location, Blaney Avenue before reaching Collins Elementary School and the stop
sign. Third location, North Stelling Road and Homestead Road near the community center. Fourth
location, Bandley Drive near the office buildi~igs and Marina Foods. Fifth location, North Foothill
Boulevard near Monta Vista and the 280 Freeway.
Votes taken; all in favor to carry this item to next month's agenda for further location options from the
other absent commissioners.
2. Safe Routes to School (Traffic Consultant Presentation)
MOTION: Craig Lee SECONDED: Daniel Nguyen 3 to 0
The Traffic Consultant, Kim Morgenthaler prese~rted his report to the commissioners. His report begins
with the schools that require the most needed change to relieve traffic congestion and safety issues. During
his survey at Lincoln Elementary School, 80 out ~~f 100 (80%) vehicles transported only one (1) child, the
other 20 were undetermined.
The first location is Hyde Middle School on Bollinger Avenue and Miller Avenue. There is currently a
gridlock during the morning and afternoon school hours. Vehicles are driving on the wrong side of the
road on Bollinger Avenue to exit the school. Mr. Morgenthaler reports that this location requires an even
flow of traffic to relieve the current problems.
The second location is Collins Elementary School on Blaney Avenue and Forest Avenue. Parents are
parking their vehicles in the school bus zone, and the crossing guard has posted a handmade no parking
sign. Mr. Morgenthaler reports that another sign in the bus zone lane will prevent vehicles from parking in
this area.
The third location is Eaton Elementary School on Suisun Drive. The queue lane works well when children
are being dropped off until a vehicle parks there. Mr. Morgenthaler reports that another queue lane would
allow a better flow of traffic.
The fourth location is Garden Gate Elementary School on Greenleaf Drive, Ann Arbor Avenue, and
Castine Drive. On southbound Castine Drive, there is no stop sign, and during Mr. Morgenthaler's survey,
there were near misses of rear end accidents. A stop sign in the three-way intersection would eliminate the
The fifth location is Sedgwick Elementary School on Phil Lane and Tantau Avenue. The solar powered
panel for the crosswalk light is usually under the shade, which makes the lights very dim. Mr.
Morgenthaler recommends changing it to an overhead flashing amber light.
Commissioner Pow suggests a sixth location for Stevens Creek Elementary School at Ainsworth Drive and
Vista Knoll Boulevard. A painted yellow line i:; needed on Vista Knoll Boulevard, which would allow
vehicles to stay on the right side of the road. Mr. lvlorgenthaler noted the location for further survey.
Votes taken; all in favor to recommend Hyde Middle School improvements to David Stillman.
3. Discuss Teen Commission Recommendations for incentives to walk/bike to school
Lauren Phillips, liaison for the Teen Commission, discussed their plans for the Walk/Bike to School Event
schedule for late April. This event is to improvf; the traffic congestion and safety issues. They are still
gathering ideas for the event, and suggest a joint commissions meeting with Public Safety and
Bike/Pedestrian. Captain Calderone announced that City Council has discussed creating a larger event to
recognize a day each year. David Greenstein announced they had two (2) successful bike/walk to school
events at Monta Vista High School.
Both commissions agreed to have a special meeting on Wednesday, February 25, 2009 at 5:30 p.m. to
discuss further ideas for the walk bike to school event. Commissioner Nguyen volunteered to meet with
David Greenstein to discuss their successful bikehvalk to school events.
4. Speed, Accident, and Road Safety concerns around Hoover Park
MOTION: Daniel Nguyen SECONDED: Tamara Pow 2 to I
Commissioner Nguyen went out to the location on Wednesday, January 21, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. to survey and
review the issues of the complaint. He did not find any unusual activity around the park. It was relatively
quiet with very low traffic. Commissioner Lee indicated that there were sufficient park signs in the area.
Votes taken; Commissioners Nguyen and Pow in favor to remove this item off the agenda due to no
recommendations for improvements.
1. Traffic Concerns around Monta Vista High School and Lincoln Elementary School, possible additions of a
crosswalk at Imperial Avenue (David Greenstein, PTA)
Speaker, David Greenstein is requesting the commissioners' assistance to encourage the city to expedite
improvements to the surrounding streets for Montt Vista High School and Lincoln Elementary School. Mr.
Greenstein announced that the City Council has approved funding for improvements to Lincoln
The first location is McClellan Road and Orange f~venue, the intersection needs either an overhead flashing
yellow light or flashing lights in the roadway. There are insufficient warnings to drivers waiting in traffic
that pedestrians are crossing the street. There is << high vehicle accident rate in this intersection with some
being unreported.
The second location is McClellan Road and Byrne Avenue, the light was installed, but never turned on.
The light needs to be turned on and additional lighting should be installed on westbound McClellan Road.
There are normally small children in the area that nay not be seen by drivers.
The third location is McClellan Road and Imperial Avenue, an additional crosswalk is needed further down
from the intersection and the school entrance. Thf; city still needs to complete an impact study to determine
if placing a crosswalk in this area will impede tra:Ffic. Many small children and parents jaywalk across the
street rather than walk further down to use the cun~ent crosswalk.
Captain Calderone announced that the City Council had already approved the third location for a crosswalk
and David Stillman is still working on this project. Commissioner Lee suggested that the first two
locations should be included as part of the safe routes to school; Captain Calderone concurs.
Commissioner Nguyen went out to these locations on Wednesday, January 21, 2009 and noted that vehicles
are driving or parking in the bicycle lanes, which causes the vehicle versus bicycle accidents. In addition,
the crossing guard at Lincoln Elementary should start earlier at 7:30 a.m. at Monta Vista High and then
continue at 8:30 a.m. to Lincoln Elementary. Captain Calderone will contact David Stillman regarding the
crossing guard contract and turning on the ligt,t at the second location. Mr. Morgenthaler noted all
The commissioners will continue further discussions at the next regular meeting.
2. Discuss Work Plan for PSC for 2009
Commissioner Lee discussed with the commissioners the requirements of the work plan and the demands
of the City Council for each commission group to produce a work plan schedule for 2009. He suggests that
PSC work plan can draw ideas and format similar to the Planning Commission and Parks and Recreation
Commission work plan schedule. This work plan needs to be presented to the City Council for approval.
Commissioner Pow announced that at the last Ma:/or's meeting, they had discussed the work plan and their
expectations of the commissioners, but will further- address the issues in future agendas.
Commissioner Lee will draw up suggestions and ideas to discuss at the next regular meeting.
Commissioner Pow indicated that their current priority is the safe routes to school, pedestrian and
walk/bike to school program, then focus on the work plan in future regular meetings.
3. Discuss meeting with Bike/Pedestrian Safety and 'Ceen Commission Representatives to come up with ideas
for Council on safe walking and biking to school.
This agenda item was already discussed under the (VI) Old Business, #3.
1. Santa Clara County Fire Department
Fire Chief Brad Darbro presented to the commission their December 2008 report. There has been an
increase in commercial fire loss in 2008 compared to 2007. There were three (3) major fires near the end
of the year, one structural fire in December, se~~ond one in October on Saich Way in the commercial
occupancy buildings, and third one in November at Apple Computer. This report also included vehicle
fires, fire occurred on Portal Avenue at the baseball park in the snack shack building, EMT medical calls,
commercial fire inspections, and hazmat inspections. Chief Darbo also reported a large number of
preventable false fire alarm calls at commercial businesses, especially at De Anza College and the Forum
Retirement Community. These false alarms can be prevented by regularly maintaining their fire alarms.
As their community service efforts, they have provided and installed smoke detectors.
2. Santa Clara County Sheriffls Office
Captain Calderone reports that response times are good with the response time being at 140% life threaten
calls. The contract with the city for response timf: is 5 minutes, and in January response time is within the
goal at 3.4 minutes. The property crime is on the rise due to economical times, which includes residential
burglaries. The last two (2) weeks, there have been six (6) arrests. Three (3) more arrests were associated
with the PW Market robberies. His deputy assigned to the schools investigated and arrested students from
Monta Vista High School associated with the students living in Sunnyvale, where they escaped behind the
Forge Valley Apartments after the robberies. Tv/o (2) other juveniles were arrested for a stolen vehicle,
and discovered stolen properties in the vehicle, v/hich lead to identity theft, then lead to burglary, which
lead to a strong-arm robbery. The last couple of jays, there have been an increase in vehicle burglaries at
Cupertino Square again. He will be assigning additional deputies to the location to investigate. Captain
Calderone has placed articles in the Mercury 1`fews and the Cupertino Courier on how to store your
personal property in your vehicle. Nevertheless, ~;itizens are still leaving their laptops, brief cases, purses,
and backpacks in plain site.
Citations increased in January 2009. When speeding complaints are received, he send officers out to the
location to monitor the speed, then place the speed radar trailer out two (2) weeks afterwards, and then
another two (2) or three (3) weeks, they place the speed radar trailer out again. This is an educational
process for the community to watch their speed.
3. Commissioner's Reports
Commissioner Pow reports the discussions at the Mayor's meeting and projects they are working on. The
TIC Commission is working on changing the ordinance on wireless technology. The city is looking into
green energy and making a "Green Cupertino". The library has increased visits by patrons and more items
checked out monthly; due to budget issues reducing Monday hours was not immediately on the agenda.
Housing is giving money received through a grant to the Senior Housing Solution to purchase a house on
Price Street, and further grant money for more affordable housing for seniors. The Teen Commission had a
successful giving tree dance event collecting orie dollar ($1) per person and money being donated to
charity; they are working on a Friday lounge night. Planning cancelled their last meeting due to lack of
business and possibility of changing to monthly neetings. Parks and Recreation is working on a dog park
and will be recommending a location to City Council in a few months. The next Mayor's meeting will be
on Tuesday, March 10, 2009 at 8:00 a.m., and may change future meetings to the second Thursday of each
month for more participation.
1. Radar Speed Signs, review further locations
2. Safe Routes to School (Traffic Consultant)
3. Teen Commission recommendations for incentives to walk/bike to school
4. PSC Work Plan for 2009
The regular meeting was adjourned at 10:09 p.m.
Next special meeting with Teen Commission schedule for Wednesday, February 25, 2009 at 5:30 p.m.
Next regular meeting schedule for Thursday, March 12, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.
Elaine Chasuk
Executive Assistant to Captain Terry Calderone
February 25, 2009