CHC 01-11-07MINUTES OF THE JOINT MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO HOUSING COMMISSION AND THE CDBG STEERING COMMITTEE January 1 1, 2007 CALL TO ORDER The joint meeting of the Cupertino Housing Commission and CDBG Steering Committee was called to order at 9:0:5 a.m. by Vice-Chair Kim Mosleh 2. ROLL CALL Present: Housing Commissioners Frances Seward, Richard Abdalah, Sarah Hathaway-Feit, Kim Mosleh Staff present: Vera Gil, Senior Planner 3. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. October 13, 2005 Approved 4-O, motion made by Commissioner Seward, 2id by Commissioner Hathaway-Feit. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None 7. NEW BUSINESS Discuss BMR In-Lieu fees and make a recommendation to the City Council The commission began to discuss establishing suitable fees for both the residential in-lieu fee and the office/c:ommercial mitigation fee. Additional information was requested from Keyser Marston and Associates. The Commission is interested in reviewing an updated chart showing fees charged by neighboring cities. 8. COMMITTEE MEMBER REPOF:TS None 9. ANNOUNCEMENTS None 10. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:50 a.m. to rep~ular meeting on February 22, 2007. SUBMITTED BY: era Gil, Staff liaison to the Cupertino Housing Commission