P&R 11-01-07MIND'I'ES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION CITY OF CLIPERTINO REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, NOV-EMBER 1, 2007 1. 2. 3 4. 5. 6. CALL TO ORDER Chair Bradford called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm at Cupertino Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue. Cupertino, CA. This meeting was televised and recorded. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Jeanne Bradford, David Lee and David Greenstein Commissioners absent: Derek Chen (arrived at 7:18) Staff present: Therese ~~mbrosi Smith, Tom Walters MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETIr1G A. Action: Commissioner Greenstein made a motion to accept the minutes of the October 4, 2007 regular meeting. Commissioner Bradford seconded the motio~i_ Commissioner Lee abstained due to the fact that he did not attend the October 4, 2007 meeting. The motion carried unanimously. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS -none NEW BUSINESS A. Review of 2007 Moon Festival held in Memorial Park. Parks and Recreation Director, Therese Ambrosi Smith, presented copies of emails that had been received after the Commissioner's packets had been mailed. These emails were from residents living near Memorial Park and all had very similar complaints and comments regarding they 2007 Moon Festival. Commissioner Bradford asked if Jennie Yeung, the Moon Festival volunteer organizer, would like to speak first. Ms. Yeung said that the purpose of the Moon Festival is to introduce Chinese culture to the Bay Area and feels tl--at Cupertino is a good place to hold the Festival, but she is considering moving the Festival to another venue because of the complaints received from Cupertino residents. Commissioner Bradford then asked if the people in the audience would like to speak. A petition was previously sent to the Commissioners by Suzanne a'Becket and several residents who signed the petition were present. The following individuals stated their concerns regarding the Moon Festival: Brijesh Khanna Dorothy Levitan Nancy Hurtienne Suzanne a'Becket Carolyn Schakow Their comments included: • The resident's petition was again presented • Traffic chaos -all four sides of The Commons were . blocked by cars rind residents could not exit or enter without long waits • No parking monitors were provided • Noise level is too loud and can be heard in surrounding homes with their doors and windows closed • Alves Drive is full of jaywalkers who block traffic • Littering on Alves street and sidewalks • Drivers entered The Commons and parked in visitor parking spaces • Terrible smells c~~ming from Moon Festival all day on both days • Previous requirements for traffic control had not been met - flyer for Moon Festival clearly stated that parking monitors over the age of 1 S would be provided • All strongly suggested that the event permit should not be renewed for the ~ 008 Moon Festival The Commissioners each expressed their concern for both the Moon Festival organizers and the residents that were affected by the noise and traffic problems. Commissioner Greenstein had attended the Moon Festival and felt the loud speakers in the booths were very loud and distracting. Commissioner Lee felt that Cupertino is a good place to have the event because it is a good place to showcase cultural diversity, but felt the negative issues should have been worked out by the Festival organizers. Commissioner Chen tho~.~ght the Moon Festival was very loud and the food smelled bad. He also questioned why improvements haven't been made and ghat maybe they should consider moving to a different venue, possibly DeAnza College. After hearing all the residents' comments and complaints, Jennie Yeung stated that she "vvas pleased to be in America and to be able to hear the comments". She also said "I want to be a part of them (the residents) and I join them in asking you to deny us a permit - let's just move somewhere else then." Chairperson Bradford then asked Ms. Yeung if she was requesting that the Commission recommend denying the Moon Festival permit and Ms. Yeung answered "yes, I would say so because I want to be a part of them (the residents) and if the Festival is upsetting them to that extent, then we have to think of something else to do." The following action wi l be taken if the Moon Festival organizers decide to proceed with their request for a permit in 2008. Action: Commissioner Greenstein made a motion that the Parks and Recreation make a recommendation to the City Council to deny the 20~D8 Moon Festival permit. Commissioner Chen seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. The Commissioners also discussed the decibel level is too high and should be lowered in the City Ordinance. Action: Commissioner Greenstein made a motion to consider lowering the sound level to below 65 decibels and that this level pertains to the Amphitheatre in Memorial Park and that no other theaters in other Parks will be effected by this recommendation. Commissioner Chen seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. 8. MISCELLANEOUS - NO ACTION REQUIRED A. Therese advised that Stevens Creek Corridor Park email updates that will be provided monthly to interested parties. B. Commissioner L~~e attended the Mayor's October breakfast meeting. Commissioner Chen attended the September Mayor's meeting. The Senior Commission asked that their needs be taken into consideration when designing new parks. 9. ADJOURNMENT -Chair Bradford adjourned the meeting at 8:40 pm. Respectfully submitted, Donna Henriques, Administrative Assist Minutes approved at the February 7, 2008, regular meeting.