Cupertino Bicentennial Com_Minutes_1987 - 1991CUPERTINO BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION 1 of 2 MINUTES 1987 -1991 NEXT MEETING: MARCH 18, 1987 AT 7.30 P.M. ccF_ i:OGSWELL COLLEGE, BOARD ROOM 10420 BUBB ROAD, CUPERTINO City of Cupertino Bicentennial Commission Meeting, February 11 , 1987 The meeting was galled -Co order by chair Barbara Rogers at 7:30 p.m. in the Board Roam of Cogswell College. Members present.: Bruni , Ryder, Burrill , Yumori-Kaku, Prouty, Harame, Nelson, Ferguson, Jelinc :,i, Tenabe, Lazaneo, Ziegler. Jerry Ferguson appointed secretary for the evening. Minutes of the. 2.-11-87 meeting were approved as presented. Treasurer Sam Bruni reported that the Commission received a grant/loan ($7,000) from the City of Cupertino at its 2-2-87 Council Meeting. Commission is to pay back to the City whatever we can from available funds at the end of commemoration period. Media Liaison Judith Burrill reported plans for a speakers bureau to make presentations to groups requesting them such as service clubs. Monthly articles by Judith, and with the help of Marge Harame, will begin appearing in local papers. Bumper stickers have been ordered and shortly we will learn what may be available as other souvenir items which we may wish to sell . Barbara Rogers reported 'that the City of Cupertino had declared Philadelphia a sister city and we would be receiving a similar proclamation from Philadelphia shortly. Judith asked that a copy of any publicity observed on the Bicentennial should be sent to her for her files. As President's Day is a holiday, our official kickoff and press releases will be delayed until proulbly February 23rd. Sam Bruni reported that the kickoff for Public Schools Week will take place on 4-3-87 at Vallco Shopping Center. Frank Jelinch reported that he will arrange with members of the the Cupertino Bar Association to provide speakers for American history and civic classes on Law Day, May 1st, who will speak to something Constitutional from a practical aspect, such as from the Bill of Rights. Barbara Rogers indicated that both Cogswell and De Anza colleges should be contacted to determine if they would also like spea ers and increased involvement. Jeannie Ryden and Judith Burrell are going to research the possibility of developing a logo pin and will check with De Anza's Art Department for possible source of the design. Dennis, La-Donna, Jeannie, Genevieve & Judith are going to explore the possibility of having an informational booth (to include voter regis-tratic;-, forms) for De Anza Day and possibly have food or souvenir ' ,-.ems for sale. 77 On Flag Day the community will be encouraged to put out flags and we will explore possibility of getting flags on consignment to sell at De Anz:a Days. City of of Cupertino will have a Fourth of July celebration with fireworks. May consider selling flags and food .item such as raatermelon tit that event. Barbara Rogers informed us that De Anza College has agree1 to let us use their facilities including 'Zhe football and soccer f_lds for the celebration to 9-19-87. They will provide security but Commission will need to make arrangements for cleanup as school starts 9-21-87. The parade is planned for 10-11 :30 AM on 9-19-87 and will start at Cogwell College, go down Bubb Road, right on Stevens Creek, right on Stelling and end at De Anza's parking lot. Dean Skeels has agreed to chair the music portion of the parade. ' Apple Computer has indicated an interest in sponsoring our "Early Morning Constitutional" 10K run. Dennis Prouty will check feasibility with Parks and Recreation and coordinate with Jerry Ferguson who is in contact with Jennifer Murphy of Apple. It was suggested that we seal Apple/Bicentennial Constitutional sweatbands for runners and sponsor a dinner for she runners the night before. Further investigation needed at this poi;it with the decision obviously dependent upon whether or not we do, in fact, hold the run. Art in the Park has 4sked if 'they can move their event to 9-19-87 from 9-20-87 and it was agreed that it would be okay and would likely attract more participants to the events of the day. Exhibitors for 9-•19-87 had asked if there would be any charge to them for their booths. It was agreed that only those with products for sale would be charged for booths. It was decided to organize a contest in the high schools for a poster contest for our celebration, Jeannie, Judith and Robin will coordinate. Jerry Ferguson indicated that in soliciting funds it was expected that companies would probably like to sponsor particular cost items such as events, printing, security etc. A list of needed sponsors will be developed. Frank Jelinch suggested a raffle as a fund raiser with the prize being a trip to Washington and Philddelphia. Jerry and Nick Lazaneo will research with local travel agencies to determine feasibility. Tickets would be sold at all functions. All members are asked to be sure and attend our next meeting on March 18th. If for some reason you cannot attend, please send a representative and/or a written report. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 PM y n rye Ryt •,a. 3 `, a.: t}.. i`' t . WOO Bicentenid Membership Roster Mork Phone Home Phone Barbara Rogers, Chair 408) 2!S2-4505 408) 252-8568 City Council 0 0300 Torre Ave. , Cupertino Sam Bruni 408) 252-3000 408) 268-2491 Cupertino Unified School District. Ext. 242 10301 Vista Dr. , Cupertino Mary Nelson 408) 257-4140 AAUW 19689 La Mar, Cupertino Pat Jackson 408) 996-0775 408) 253-9944 Resident 10401 Somerset Ct. , Cupertino Jim. Warren Fremont Union High School District 589 W. Fremont Ave. , Sunnyvale La-Donna Yumori-Kaku 408) 996-4692 408) 985-2747 De Anza College 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd. ,Cupertino Jerry Ferguson 408) 277-7343 408) 997-0107 Chamber of Commerce 20563 Stevens Creek Blvd. , Cupertino Dennis Prouty 408) 973-7847 408) 257-0836 City Parks & Recreation Dept. 10812 Wilkinson Ave. , Cupertino Julie Dalrymple 408) 253-6212 Cupertino Library 10400 Torre Ave. , Cupertino Roaaer Halstead Homestead High School-History Dept. 21370 Homestead Rd. , Cupertino Barbara Koppel 408) 252-7054 408) 725-0930 Resident 7967 Folkstone Dr. , Cupertino Robin Tanabe 408) 252-4248 Student 10100 Finch Ave. , Cupertino Jeannie Ryder 408) 257-9363 Historical Society 7625 Rainbow Dr . , Cupertino Nick Lazaneo 408) 996-8013 Resident 10132 S. Blaney Ave. , Cupertino F N ? S. h.AS,i ,,;: e^.67 •, '- ' "L"1 1 T*,` R y` ?.sa 1:,, t.0 G r\ y 0 Frank Jelinch 408) 252-0280 408) 374-1097BarAssociation 10455 Torre Ave. , Cupertino 06udy Burri11 408) 733-4590 4t5PG&E 941-7019 750 W. Olive Ave. , Sunnyvale Aarge har-ame LWV Liaison 19735 Drake Dr. , Cupertino Genevieve Ziegler 408) 252-1102 408) 252-1102HistoricalSociety 22085 Regnart Rd. , Cupertino 77MM CUPERTINO BICENTENNIAL COM14ISSION MEETING MARCH 18,1987 Am NEXT MEETING APRIL 15, 7:30 P.M. COGSWELL COLLEGE Meeting called-Lo order at 7:37 P.M. by Chair 'pro tem Dennis Prouty in the BoardRoom. of Cogswell College. Membe_s Present: Prouty, Bruni, Burrill,Dalrymple,Fergiison,Jelinch,Warren Zei-ler,Harame,Ryder. Guest Nancy Steele,Cupertino Fine Arts Commission Minutes were approved. Jearnie Ryder secretary of record. Definition of the $7,000.00 monies for the committee. Given by the city as a, grant to be paid back if possible. J. Ferguson has set up account at Bank of America will give S.3runi checks so vendors and members can be reinbursed. Reports: Burrill: Cupertino Scene article going in, then to media. Mementos discussed by group, Decission to order 1,000 quill pens and constitution copy made by those present. United Airlines will fly Ben Franklin out from Philadelphia. (need date). Zeigler: Odd Fellows and Rebeccas under contact. Will have float. Letter sent to all churches asking for their participation. Bruni: Education committee no action. Cogswell College interested in Law Day, Need to know how and where Constitution signing will take place. Ryder: Art contest. Five awards needed. Cupertino De Oro will give075.00 forthe three Cupertino Schools, King's Daughters for one. Still need one more. Price on bumper stickers set at$.50. flarame: League of Woman Voters will have vote mobile Dalrymple: Library in midst of moving. Will volunteer to tell stories. Nancy Steele volunteered to come in historic costume for story telling. Warren: Report on principals' meeting. Social Studies can use speakers forLaw Day. Janine Stark will be music coordinator, marching bands will participate in parade. Art departments looking for theme oriented idea. Liason Evelyn Bachelor. Gary Post , ceramic mural, (possible to be installed in new city hall) Motion made by Ryder, seconded by Harame to fund materials for the mural. Passed unamiously. Linda Lanterman reported only 10 classes in the congressional -district will be funded for the 6 week constitutional study. Harame to talk with LL. De Anza Optimist Club to have old vehicles in parade, Have a pancake breakfast on parade day at De Anza Campus Ferguson: D. Prouty, wit4 Jenifer Murphy and Fred Silverman from Apple. AM. about 10 K run. Will decide by March 31 about date. Open to charity, want to do float in parade, will work with us. Raffle, N. Saich, N.1P Lazaneo,P. Jackson, K. Manning on committee. Ist prize: 10 day trip to Philadelphia-Washington D.C., on Gureyline tours, Budget Rent-a-car,2nd prize:Pewelett- Packard or Apple P.C. , 3rd prize- 4 people 3 days at DiQUiZyland. all h 4 Jelinch: Bar Association speakers last week of April.-for Law Day. Group of attnys. from the Svle/Cup group will go talk to schools on Living Constitution. Need to know number of speakers needed. Will convene a small claims court at a high school in the fall. Prouty: Parade day will host 5 events: 10 K run, Pancake breakfast, Day in the park, Art in the Park. Discussion followed on parade route. Grand Marshall Ken Bruce, need co Grand Marshall. Klaus, at De Anza wants professional people to do food, wants good entertainment. Need for entry form for parade. Coupon in paper? Action items: De Anza Day- Ron Botini contact. Booth for sales ok. Photo ppportunity at 10 am. Signing by political figures etc. to be put in time. capsule? Flag Day, June article in paper. Bruni to check with Lions to see if they will sell flags., July 4th, have booth to Hell non food items, Country Festival same. Old business, no pins as of now. New Business, ,joining parade group tabled. Good of the meeting: Bruni: legal aspects of food sales need to be out- lined by Health Department. Meeting adjourned 9:44 YOUR ATTENDANCE IS ESSENTIAL BECAUSE WE NEED YOUR INPUTNOW TO MAKE OUR ACTIVITIES SUCCESSFUL. PLEASE SEND IN YOUR REPORT IF YOU CAN'T MAKE THE MEETING DUE TO AN EMERGENCY s7Pt tom.. AeroQ9utronic satellite Control Fat-;lily operation Engineering Services Division 3939, Fabian Way Aerorutronic Ford Corporation Palo Alto,California 94303 7 NSXT MEETING: May 20, 1987 Cogswell College l%O Bubb Road AMkk Minutes of Bicentennial Commission May 6, 1987 The Meeting was called to order at 7:55 p.m. by Chair Barbara Rogers Member; r1resent; Sam Bruni, Barb Koppel, Jeennie 'Ryder, Judith Burrill, Genev-ieve G. Ziegler, Jerry Ferguson, Mary Nelson, Pat Jackson, Barbara Rogers, Marge Harame,mimi Baca (co-ordinatcr afternoon events), James Williams, Uzaliflornia History Center Treasurer's Reportz Disbursments Bumper Stickers 387-00 Pacific Bell To Judith .rhoto Lab drive up 42.98 Beginning balance 234o.co 1BurrillMcWhortorshr-1_*18 Postage ending balance 18 5.82 To Judith Burrill McWhorters 24.20 recei7ed from Jeannie Total 454.18 Ryder, April 15, 1987 15.00 (not deposited) Mimi Baca, was present for a clarification of afternoon events co-ordination. There was a discussion. Barbara Rogers stated that entertainment activities should be presented approprietly (i.e. songs by Campfire Girls and a Brass Band should not be competing). Time : 1 to 4 p.m. or at the end of the parade rather than a definite 1:00 p.m. starting tire. Area at DeAnza: Football field, Soccer field, and general area used by &j Anza days. Staging. self-contained or furnished by DeAnza? Mimi will check with La-Donna. Committe thanked Mimi Baca for accepting the position as co-ordinstor of afternoon events September 19th. Report Genevieve Ziegler: Letters were sent to churches asking them to participate. Churches have requested more information as to choices for participation (bothes, parade, singing groups etc. ) The original form sent by Barbara Koppel to other groups will be restructered tc include booths as well as the parade and other events and will be sent to churches and other groups with a new cover letter. Booths : Fees for booths were discussed. Motion - We charge $25.00 for booths. Fee will be returned unless gales are made at the booth. was made by Pat Jackson. Judy Burrill suggested that' groups could apply to .he conmiesion for a waivor. Final motion - Charge for the booths will be $25.00 and will be returned unless sales are made at the booth, If recouping minimal costs ( for example stenciling by Girl Scouts) and if they sell less than 325.00 they will get their money back. Second - barb Koppel. Motion passed. 4. Law Day - no Report 5. Gala - May 16 - - A formal a nr.o uric ement of the Celebration of the Bicentennial of the Constitution by the City of Cupertino will be made. 6. Memorial Day - Parade - Sunday May 24, Jan Jose M=j POP;, T. Do Anx a Days Approved 6 130.00 balloons 80.00 Helium AdM6 To ta 1 210.00 4PBalloons will be given away- Bumper stickers, T - shirts, and quill pen inkwell sets will be sold. -Quill pens - inkwell sets came with stickers instead OT bei.ng printed on the inkwells. They will be redone correctly and have already been sent back. Barbara Rogers will check with La Donna on size _&.1ocation cy-.' the booth. V.me 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sign will be made by the City Yard. Entry Form for September 19th will also be change for the Cupertino Scene. 8. Flag Day - Encourage citizens to fly flqgs. Judith Burrill will have an article for the Cupertino Scene. 9. Independence Day - City Picnic Give away balloons, sell T - shirts, bumper stickers and ink wells 10. Country Festival - Cannot sell t shirts ( can wear them) Can sell bumper stickers, and Ink wells. Ben Franklin Appearance - Judith Burrill reported that United Airlines will donate 800.00 towards a round trip ticket full coach fare (total cost $1000.00) remainder of the cost to be borne by the city. Cupertino Inn will be asked to donate room. Judy will request that he appear at the parade as a first option, second option Au&ust 15, 16 Country Festival. 11. Bicentennial Celebration a. Pancake breakfast - Optimists cost $3.50 7:50 am 11:30 p.m. b. 10 k Fan - OR Jennifer will come to a June Meeting c.. Parade - Report, Barb Koppel - 100 letters out - no responses as yct, probable new i-outue - Bandley to Stevens Creek to DeAnza. Time 11:30 a.m. to 12-30 P.M. d. commit-tee members signed up for booth at DeAnza Days 12. Old Business a. School Curricula - Cogswell, DbAnza, FUHSD, CUSD, - No Report b. California History Center- Jim Williams - Personel now immersed In project fc:: Western Labor heritage to open in January. A new project 'Don't call me honey',, Women in Labor) will open Sept. 30. It might be possible to Place a Constitutional Display outsede. Jim will discuss the Celebration with the volunteero.r something might develop. High School Poster Contest - Report. Jeannie Ryder - DeOro Club will donate five $50.00 bonds, one for the winning poster for badh high,.eohool. Vinr,,rs will be announced June 7th. Barbara Rogers suggested a meadia event to announce the winners. Pocters may be displayed at History Center Sept 19th c. Memorabilia - T - 3hirts It was decided to upgrade to Hanes, cost around 3.10 a, shirt. Some will be white with red trim, come white with blue trim, The olficial Logo was approved for the design. P. d. Raffle Report, Jerry Ferguson The committee Is having a great deal of difAculty getting prizes donated. There was a general discussion and the consan"a was to find smaller prizes, lot prize being a trip to Disneyland, 2nd a VCR 6r similar appliance and other smaller prizes If ;,his is not possible raffle may be abandoned. Apple 10 K Run — Jerinifer has asked for a set of labels — cost $25.00. Bill approved. Chamber may be asked to pay for them. Brotherhood Essay — Grades 4 through 12. "What Liberty Means to X611. Winning Essays will be read on the AA-UW Community Access TV programs either on one or two programs or as a series of spots. Meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. qW An 12 D lL..G/ s' B rS F d Caf i 16 d C.O/r-117?.!'.,°Z.. -- `+tr f !,Y r7 r'id,r; i".'.., /i3'1 e- ,Jr t,G/f.:'J r t S,r,..r--•.d, wn& -7.0 j" r e 7r 0 y9'7 "s .0/.l 2. .a2 . t° ra ua;vliy c e1 , 1A,a1C ecro:Gc_ e G7 J..feA-d -9? C-/,i 4A . ,e Q . G- GGJ k XYZ -;2 v/"e' r Ji.;J r' iG./e r'•t'/`.... O d i!. /'G'! " 3 J 'G"'C!' evl'1' .+.vi `'. dwZ,,-U Cg gV- jC.1 00/"-Z Cam•, o Zia iJr>.5' E?ri• ..Z ." /ha' C!G1d., r-G.l.; .L/./ c J.Y,.,_. 1d'•S Cs'Gu '. Goa d a1'c:N /-c rj 2-.•:.` c.. . .s r curs 1 `l aeve v ?-. ae 44 AD041),z 'S geeal &1)4 dZe -C),J nh k r d2 rh L JL'$9.a e8 NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, .July 15, 1987 7:30 p.m. Cogswell College Aft 10420 Bubb Road Cupertino, CA Minutes of Bicentennial Commission July 1, 1987 The meeting was called to order at 7:40 by Chair Barbara Rogers. Members Present: Dennis Prouty, LaDonna Xumori-Kaiku, Genevieve Ziegler, Marge Harante, Sam Bruni, Jim Warren, Mary Nelson, Jeannie Ryder, Barbara Koppel, Judy Burrill, Nancy Steele it was deicded that awards for student posters would be presented at the September 19th De Anza festivities. The winner from each school will receive a fifty dollar award from the De Oro Club. The county fair which will be held the last week of July and the first week of August will provide an excellent opportunity for us to advertise our Bicentennial Celebration. Judy' s company, P.G. E. , deserves a letter of appreciation for their wonderful contributions to the success of De Anza Day. Currently, Judy is working with KQED to ask them to host a program, perhaps something on the malting prat, which will promote the idea that we are one. At this point, the station is very interested. The commission members discussed the possibility of using KTEH in addition to KQED. j Judy reported that there is a possibility that Sally Ride and/or Buzz Aldrin will be part of our Bicentennial Parade. In addition, the commission agreed to sponsor an "oldest Cupertinian" contest. The discussion turned to activities which would be appropriate for September 17. The possibilities are: a swearing in, and a bell ringing. Marge Harame will check_an the possibility of having the swearing in of new citizens moved to Cupertino. Genevieve will check on the possibility of having a I-ell ringing. The Olivetti Company is very anxious to participate in the Bicentennial celebration. Judy will write to confirm their participation. Bicentennial pens did not sell as well as expected during De Anza Day. However, we will continue to look for ways to market them. z Ale 577 r® 04'I. C. icy C'- staff o -aiz# X,Oolol grow r,•la L 10, Aft /Jti C = s.' .,- /1' d J a. s- ar3 .d,1 ofe" o%iiJe , l 7 Ar/.24.2. .2.9. ye® d, `. /.c 'e •tea.:::.. s ,/s c,.;, cell sic w L.S j JCf• 's.l sy J G'dT C:j• L .v. 114j/! a7 G.®e n t Corn rnz.sL/oi/? .c- Scs . h%Ji/e L- a'`s . ' CCa/9 r'r./ a J s .I.1!tol e." G,7 ta-.•P.. Celm-- GL 4;- S &C)t i C eTgwas j Zees 4a D64")a •s 4egssz awe., C' Oi .3 ss'.a; I` .Jdr3 N . c .S ,' stria`. '+ o4 9 14e,I Lle.'j 4i CW '` car),..., A.)" 21 4AQs K Pi!/ ° /1Lem,. o .. )., a. t i c y S Lam. JIM O A-eLAtSZ,-ec Ave ZI&ZAI /.rj e' NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, July 15, 1987 7:30 p.m. Cogswell College 10420 .Bubb Road Cupertino, CA Minutes of Bicentennial Commission July 1, 1987 The meeting wa3 called to order at 7:,40 by Chair Barbara Rogers. Members Prisent: Dennis Prouty, L.aDonna Yumori-Kakis, Genevieve Ziegler, Marge Harame, Sam Bruni, Jim Warren, Mary Nelson, Jeannie Ryder, Barbara Koppel, Judy Burrill, Glancy Steele It was deicded that awards for student posters would be presented at the September 19th De Anza festivities. The winner from each school will receive a fifty dollar award from the De Oro Club. The county fair which will be held the last week of July and the first week of August will provide an excellent opportunity for us to advertise our Bicentennial Celebration. Judy's company, P.G.&E. , deserves a letter of appreciation for their wonderful contributions to the success of De Anza Day. Currently, Judy is working with KQED to ask them to host a program, perhaps something on the melting pot, which will promote the idea that we are one. At this point, the station is very interested. The commission members discussed the possibility of using KTEH in addition to KQED. j Judy reported that there is a possibility that Sally Ride and/or I Buzz Aldrin will be part of our Bicentennial Parade. In addition the commission agreed to sponsor an "oldest Cupertinian1Q contest. The discussion turned to activities which would be appropriate for September 17. The possibilities are: a swearing in, and a bell ringing. Marge Harame will check_on the possibility of having the swearing in of new citizens moved to Cupertino. Genevieve will check on the possibility of having a bell ringing. The Olivetti Company is very anxious to participate in the Bicentennial celebration. Judy will write to confirm their participation. Bicentennial pens did not sell as well as expected during De Anza Day. However, we will continue to look for ways to market them. Minutes - Sam Bruni corrected the minutes to include John Plungy as ,Ben, Franklin at both July 4 and the country festival. Ken Bruce well not be available in August. The minutes were amended and approved. Treasurers Report - Sam Bruni distributed an itemized treasurers report dated 6/17/87 and another dated 7/1/87. The balance in our account on 7/1/87 is $784.84. This amount remains from our original deposit of $2,340. Bills yet to be paid will cor.sume in excess of our remaining balance. Barbara Koppel moved that we go back to the city to request additional funds from their original "grant" of $7,000. Barbara Rogers rerquested that Sam Bruni pre are a list of unpaid debts and deliver it to her by Monday (7/6/87) . Barbara will take that information to the city council and request that the city make the remaining portion of the $7,000 available to the commission. Barbara also requested that Dennis Prouty determine the cost of the police assistance which will be necessary during the parade. Dennis mentioned that there could also be costs associated with the street cleaner. Independence Day - Dennis distributed a schedule of events for the fourth of July festivities. We will have a booth, 11:00 - 4:00, and currently need volunteers to set up and to sell. T- shirts, pen sets, ballons, bumper stickers and raffle tickets will be sold .end/or distributed from the booth. Dennis distributer: a sign-up sheet and urged all to participate. Barbara Rogers requested that Marge look into scheduling a swearing in ceremony for an outdoor location on September 17. It was agreed that Memorial Park would be a desirbale location. There was some concern that parking could be a problem if the anticipated two hundred new citizens participate. Judy requested that we reserve the Senior Citizen' s Center to use if the weather on September 19 is wet. Bicentennial - Mimi Baca will be coming to our meeting on July 15. Nancy Steele and Mimi will be working together to organize a village populated by crafts persons for September 17.. Nancy is also working on the reenactment which will include costumed people in a setting which suggests the original signing of the constitution. Nancy has biographical sketches of all the signers. Commission members suggested that there be representation from all aspects of the male Cupertino professional community. A master of ceremonies will ring the bell and call all participants together. This will be the keynote activity which will begin the afternoon program on September 19. It' s scheduled for 1:00 p.m. The location will be on the front steps of the De Anza Yearning Center. Marge Harame requested that we work to have a major street renamed Constitutional Boulevard for the day. WIN The schedule of events for September 19 will be as follows: The Optimists Breakfast 7:30 - 11:30 Apple 10k and 5k Runs 8:30 11:30 Art in the Park 10:00 - 4:00 Parade 11%30 - 12:30 Afternoon Activities on De Anna Campus 12:00 - 4:00 Le-Donna, agreed that' there will be a piano available in the Campus Center to assist the LDS Church choir to sing "Battle Hymn of the Republic." Barbara Koppel suggested that the group be asked to sing three songs. N:ET MEETING: Wednesday, August S, 19,37 7:30 P.M. Cogswell College 10420 Bubb Road Cupertino, Ca. Minutes of Bicentennial Committee July 15, 1987 The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Chair Barbara Rogers. Members Present: Barbara Rogers, ;terry Ferguson. Judith Surrill , leannie Ryder, Dennis Prouty. Jigs Warren. Barbara Koppel , Nancy Steele, LaDonna Yumori-Kaku. Nancy Steele was appointed Secretary. Minutes of the July let meeting were corrected and approved. The date to reserve the Senior Citizen's Center was changed from September 19t.h • to read September 17th. The Independence Day Booth was sat up in Memorial mark. T-shirts and quill pens were sold. Balloons were given away to those who stopped to sign the Constitution. Ken Bruce, John plungy, Jeannie Ryder, Has Ryder and Nancy Steele were all in costume and added interest to the event. A sign for the Santa Clara County Fair needs to be mace to advertise the Bicentennial Booth. The sign will read: CUPERTINO CELEBRATES THE BICENTENNIAL 1.787-1987. NEXT MEETING COME PREPARED TO COMMITT TO THE HOURS YOU WILL. WORK FOR THE COUNTRY FESTIVAL. PLEASE HAVE SOME OF YOUR FRIENDS NAMES WHO WILL WORK WITH YOU . THIS WILL BE AUGUST 15TH AND 16TH AT THE. TOWN CENTER. Barbara Rogers drafted a flyer for the Bicentennial event to be held September 19th. Corrections and additions were made. The flyer will be ready Tuesday, July 21st. The Service Club Softball Tournament is to be held at De Anze College on the 19th of September. Steve Dowling is in charge and the time will e announced at a later date. Nancy Steele -sported she has contacted some groups for demonstrations on the 19th of September. She also reported she ---III meet with LaDonna and Mimi Baca on the logistics of the and the demonstrations. Mimi Baca will be in contact with the c,,.__, -4on of the Los Gatos 100th Anniversary Celebration to see what they >.ave done for this event. Jennifer Murphy from Apples Computer will be invited to the next meeting to give us an update on the Apple runs for the September 19th event. Barbara Rogers confirmed that we can have a swearing in ceremony for new cit.ize+ns ,on September 17th. More information to come at the next meeting. Barbara Koppel has sent some 40 invitations to dignitaries to be in the parade and Reenactment of the Signing of the Constitution. Auv_ust list i•. the deadline. Barbara Rogers will sleet with Robert Quinlan to stave Stevens Creek Blvd. renamed "Constitution Blvd.". This will only be for the Sevtembe:^ 19th event. Judy Burrill will meet with Donne Osterman to have her help with some publicity. Iris Rendrecen will arrange a 5 .minute T.V. appearance at the Senior Citizen's Center. Barbara Rogers will be 'the participant. The time and channel will be announced later. KCIU is doing a promotion on Cupertino. This will be on July 29th from 8 30-10:30 a.m. at Memorial Park in the amphitheater. The Bicentenni'5 Committee and Fine Arts Commissioners should be present. Judy Burrill needs a list of events from Nancy Steele, information on the Chance Drawing from. Jim Ferguson, and the parade entrants from Dennis Prouty. The winning poster contest students and their parents will be receiving an invitation to a special presentation. This will take, place on September 19th following the Signing of the Constitution. Judy Burrill will be contacting Olivetti Corporation to see if they will reproduce the winning poster. This poster wouic be distributed in and around the community to advertise the Bicentennial Event in September . Jim Ferguson passed out booklets of tickets to sell . `these are for the Chance Drawing to be hold in the afternoon of September 19th. Meeting ad3ourned at 9:30 p.m. r CUPERTINO BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION NEXT MEETING : Wednesday, August 19 , 1987 7 :30 p.m. Cogswell. College 10420 Bubb Road, Cupertino MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF AUGUST 5, 1987 The meeting was called to order. at 7 :35 by Chair Barbara Rogers and the agenda for this meeting was distributed. Present: :Mimi Bacca , Sam 'Bruni , Janet Brynjol.fsson, Jerry Ferguson, Marge Harame, Dennis Prouty, David Rhoda, Barbara Rogers , Jeannie Ryder, Nancy Steele, Jim Warren, Genevieve Ziegler Appointed recording secretary for this meeting: Janet Brynjolfsson. The treasurer' s report was delivered by Sam Bruni , who cited a total balance to date of $962.66 . A check in the amount of 3,064 from the City of Cupertino has been received and will be deposited into the Bicentennial account this week; Barbara Koppel Aft delivered a check in the amount of $115 that will also be deposited into the account. Two bill are outstanding: $377.74 balance due for the balloons used on the Fourth of July, and 358.47 for the bumper stickers. Country Festival - August 15 and 16: A sign-up sheet. was circulated for anyone available to sell bumper stickers , quill pens , and tickets to the drawing. Thee people are needed for each two-hour shifty to staff the festival from 10 _. 5. Barbara Rogers will check to make sure the Chamt)er of Commerce has reserved a booth for the Bicentennial Commission. The decision was made to have a cloth sign made for the booth. Outside contractors will make the sign , which will be ready by the 15th and will cost $125. Dennis Prouty will borrow some chairs from Parks and Recreation to use during the festival . Bruni will procure $300 in change. The Chamber of Commerce needs volunteers to work in one-hour shifts selling T-shirts; -hose available should contact Bruni . Genevieve Ziegler will call bicentennial cominittee members not in attendance at this meeting to help in obtaining volunteers. Apple Silicon Rally: Rogers reported that. Assemblyman Quackenbush will donate a bear flag to be used in connection with the Silicon Rally. Dave Rhody, representing Apple Computers, discussed the proposed route for the 5K and 10K runs and said that a finalized map will be sent to Rogers when approval of the sheriff ' s office has been given. The race will begin at 8 :30 a .m. with a 10-minute stagger between the runners of the 5- and 10K races; the finish line for both races is at Memorial Park. Race-day registration will begin at 6:30 a.m. ; LaDonna Yumori-Kaku 1 MINIM will arrange to have traffic directed to parking lots at De Anza College; she has ascertained that there will be no problems with insurance coverage. Flyers on the rally have been distributed to 400 sports shops and 3 ,000 runners in the area. KSAN radio will be the official radio sponsor and will be doing public announcements soon. Rogers or Judy Burrill will send copy for the spot announcements to Jennifer Murphy at Apple. Rhody requested that future publicity on the race should read "Apple Silicon Rally - 5K, 10K Run" to be consistent with flyers already dist.r sited by Apple. The Bicentennial Commission is sponsoring a runner; Rhody will attempt to locate a Cupertino runner for sponsoring. The Chamber of Commerce will also sponsor a runner . Rhody will ascertain that neighborhoods along the rally route are contacted to let residents know when streets will be closed off. 1,500 to 2,000 runners are expected. Rhody ekplained the "little feet meet" , a non-competitive meet for small children to be held after the rally. The pancake breakfast will be changed from De Anza College to Memorial Park; cooking will be done at the Senior Center, Prouty will contact Jim warren if there are any problems scheduling the Senior Center. Rhody will check to see if a sign for the pancake breakfast can be made with the other signs being made for the rally. warren will make sure that. Rhody receives 800 pancake breakfast tickets to distribute to runners who purchase breakfast during pre-registration. A separate booth will be set up to sell. breakfast tickets on the day of the race. The awards ceremony will be held in the amphitheatre area of Memorial Park. Anyone with questions about the Apple Silicon Rally should contact Dave Rhody at his office: (415)668-2243 . Parade: The parade is scheduled to begin at 11 :30, following the run. Staging will be done on Valley Green. Someone from the parade committee will be at the intersection of Bandley and Valley Green to meet Jennifer Murphy with the winning runners to get them to the .Apple float , which will be positioned near the middle of the parade line. The parade will proceed down Bandley to Stevens Creek, down Stevens Creek to the park and into the college. The route has been expanded from 8/10 mile to 1 .3 miles. Only two businesses will be impacted by this route. The viewing stand will be near the senior center . It is expected that the parade will conclude by 1:30 . 70 entrants are expected. Judy Burrill is handling publicity for the parade . Rogers announced that Pat Saltzman is working to obtain the Air Drum and Bugle Corps to play .in the parade . Transportation for the band would have to be arranged; Rebecca Morgan and Ernie Konnyu ' s offices are *prying to make arrangements. 2 4 It was decided by the committee not to distribute commemorative souveniers to individual parade participants because of cost; however , a certificate will be distributed to each entry group. Five high school bands are expected to participate in the parade,• no junior high school bands are playing at this point. School children will be asked to walk or ride bicycles in the parade with their teachers; all will be asked to dress in red, white, and blue. Buzz Aldrin may be able to participate as grand marshall at the parade, but he requests that his air fare be reimbursed. The committee approved the expenditure of $168 round-trip air fare. It was suggested that Jc=.: Camorda be asked to co-marshall the parade, representing Cupertino' s past . Ken Bruce has already been asked to attend dressed as Ben Franklin. The committee will continue discussion regarding the three co-marshalis of the parade. Signs and posters: Parks and Recreation is taking care of the signs . Rogers brought samples of various sizes of posters, and cost estimates for printing. Estimates for printing 300 each of 12 1/2 X 19 1/2" and 18 l/2 X 25" were $1,200 and $1 ,000 from Imperial and Diamond printing companies, respectively. The committee approved printing 500 12 1/2 X 19 1/2" posters. As Imperial seemed more interested in working with the committee, it was agreed that the order be place with Imperial . Prouty will contact Burrill to place the order. Rogers indicated that Olivetti may be interested in subsidizing the cost of printing. other bicentennial day activities; "Art in the Park" will take place in the sunken garden area between Flint Center and the learning center at De Anza College. It was suggested that the service clubs be asked to help with distribution of flyers on the bicentennial celebration. Rogers reported council approval to rename Stevens Creek Boulevard "Constitution Boulevard" for the day. She also announced approval to fire black powder muskets as long as no musket balls are used. Pat Saltzman will continue efforts to get a representative .from the immigration office to perform a naturalization ceremony. Rogers will check with Becky Morgan' s office to invite Federal Judge Ingram to participate. Entertainment : Mimi Baca reported that she and Nancy Steele will Meet with La Donna Xumori-Kaku to finalize plans for the music. She also proposed recitation of patriotic poetry, a plan that was agreed upon by the committee with the suggestion that the recitations remain under an hour in duration. Bruni volunteered to work with Baca to contact the schools about plans for the poetry readings. Baca will make sure there is a good audio system available. Demonstrations: Steele reported that the following have been contacted to do demonstrations of early period activities : a blacksmith, a Civil War group, Shadows of the Past , Peninsula Stitchery, the lace museum, Serendipity Spinners , basket weavers , 3 r and candle makers. Demonstrations will take place in the grassy area between the administration building and the learning center at De Anza College. Re-enactment: Steele contacted 14 costume shops for donated loan of costumes for those representing the 39 signers of the constitution; all declined. After discussion, it was agreed that Steele will make arrangements with Stagecraft Studios .in Berkeley to rent 39 costumes at $45 each, the price to include costumes, wigs, and some accessories, as well as necessary alterations. A security deposit of $25 will be waved if the City of Cupertino will provide a letter guaranteeing replacement of lost or damaged items. c:uctumes can be picked up Thursday and returned Monday. Rogers will contact Tandem about sponsoring the rental of the costumes. Daring the re-enactment of the signing, a Mormon church chair will sing three patriotic songs: The Battle Hymn of the Republic, Yankee Doodle, and America the Beautiful. Rogers will be master of ceremonies and will introduce each signer of the constitution as he takes his place. Tntermittantly during the signing, someone will read portions of the constitution. The re-enactment will take place on the steps or portico of the learning center at De Anza. Since the signing will probably take longer than the anticipated 3/4 hour , the schedule of activities has been changed. The re-enactment will run until 2:30 , followed by the recognition of the poster contest winners. An announcement will be made earlier that the drawing will be Aft held at 3 :00 instead of 2:00, as publicized. NAW Jerry Ferguson announced plans for the chance drawing to be given space in the Chamber of Commerce newsletter. Preliminary publicity has already been distributed; Ferguson and Barbara Koppel have appeared on De Anza College cable channel 3 . Tickets for the drawing are available through the service clubs. Adjournment was at 9:45 p.m. 4 CUPERTINO .BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 9, 1987 Cogswell College, 10420 Bubb Rd. Cupertino 7:30 pm Minutes of the meeting of September 2, 1987. The meeting was called to order at 7:40 by Chair Barbara Rogers . Present: .Mimi Baca, Sam Bruni, Judith Burrill, Jerry Ferguson, Barbara Koppel, Mary Nelson, Dennis Prouty, Barbara Rogers, Jeannie Ryder, Nancy Steele, Jim Warren, Kellyn Yamada, La Donna Yumori-Kaku, and Genevieve Ziegler Appointed Recording Secretary for this meeting: Mary Nelson Addition to minutes of Aug.19, 1987 meeting: Country Festival- A big thank you to Jeannie Ryder, Nancy Steele, and their husbands. They all were in costume to promote Sept. 19th. Treasurer- Balance same as Aug.9- $2827.96. Thank you .Letters will be sent by B.Rogers for the following donations : Measurex- $1500 for Marine Drum and Bugle Corps Tandem- $150 for Civic .Light Opera Olivetti- $500 for posters Quota- $200 Rotery- $250 Optimists (morning)- $250 for Marine Corps breakfast McDonald's- late dinner Sat. for Marine Corps Great America- Marine Corps Sat . evening Cupertino Employees at Collins School- Fri ,, Sept.4 at 11: 30. Jeannie .Ryder, Barbara Rogers, axi Mary Nelson volunteered to sell T-shirts, drawing tickets, etc. Naturalization Ceremony/Special Council- Sept, 17, Noon, at emorza Park, gaz-area. Special Council meeting first. Salute flag, welcome, stage area will be named "Fellowship Amphitheater" with a plaque. Judge Engram will conduct the oath to 40-50 people..Decorations-bunting. Juice and cake provided by City of Cupertino. M. Nelson will ask AAUW to provide ushers. League of Women Voters will be there to register the new citizens. Sound system to be worked out. Bells Across America"- Sept. 17, 1:00 PM will be observed. Hopefully, PeA:nza and St. Joseph's will ring their bells. Suggestions- invite schools to attend invite companies to attend and bring handbells Band- to be worked out by Judy and La_Donna Jeannie Ryder volunteered to sing. vA.n.c.w.c:het+' ,; 4x 4.. • Y%A; a,s;r.Y*r ? s. 0 Bicentennial Day- Sept. 19- Pancae Breakfast- Senior Center- Jim Warren reported. It will consist or pancakes, sausage, juice, milk, or coffee-$3. 50 runners $3.00) Run- Question of getting the correct phone # at. Apple for an applica ion Parade 11.30- D. Prouty and B. Koppel reporting. 80 entries`, igarine Color Guard will lead, 4 high school bands, Sheriff Dept. motorcycles and mounted police. Parade announcer is Roy Moses (costume ?) The route is Bandley to Stevens Creek to DeAnza,terminating area Parking Lot A, 1. 3 miles. Reviewing stage will be near Memorial Dark. Letters to participants are being mailed. Measurex will provide a banner as they sponsored the Marine Corps. B. Koeppel expressed a need for homes for the Marine Comps for Fri. and Sat. nights. Balloons will be _given out at DeAnza. Food Booths- Sam Bruni reported. Hotdogs, pizza, ice cream, soft drinks will be sold. Junior high schools will sell soft drinks along parade route. Booths- riimi Baca reported. Letters went out to particip s. Mimi and La Donna are in the process of working out the booth space under the covered walkway.about 12 entries. Entertainment- ,".,urine Drum and Bugle, S.J. Civic Light opera with "1776" selections, square dancing, 'Ting tappers, Choraliers, LDS Choir. Living History- Nancy Steele reported. 10 entries, spinners, weavers macewa rs, blacksmiths, stitchers. Bicentennial Comission Booth- to be coordinated by Mary Nelson Special Events- Nancy Steele reported. 12:30 Marine Corp Band.Tb0 Reenactment, 45-60 minutes, Ken Bruce will read and, costumed men will come up to sign the Constitution. 1119en will have a biographical sketch as to who they are portraying. A chair and desk are needed. Then Poster Contest and "Art in the Park" winners will be announced. "1776" Selections by S.J. Civic Light Opera. PR Posters- Judy Burrill reported. Judy asked for volunteers to help'`U`Tstribute posters. The volunteers are: See She,ct 3, Drawing- Jerry Ferguson reported. Turn in money by Sept. llth. Comments-The quad at DeAnza to be named Constitution Square for ETie ay of Sept. 19th. A sign is needed on the City of Cupertino float promoting the reenactment. Channel 53 will tape the naturalization and reanactment for T.V. Next Meetings- September 9 September 16 Meeting adjourned at ):15 P".. C:C3MMXj3aZM" Unless otherwise noted. distribution duties include EtO'H SIDES or the street between the intersections lister',. Mot,: tor:Ares: De Anza Boulevard between r 7- Stevens Creek Boulevard and McLellan. De Anza Boulevard between McLellan and Bolinger. De Anna Boulevard between Bollinger and Rainbow. 4) Stevens Creek Boulevard betweenu De Anza Blvd. and Stelling (& The Saks) 3t_S__ rbvfjl-.---Stevens Creek-Boulevard between De Anza Boulevard and Blaney. 6) Stevens Creek Boulevard between Blaney and Wol4e/Miller. 7 Val I co Vi 11 age. Affik 8) t" Vallco Financial . 9) Town Center. D B W e 1 a a I Lazaneo J A n f S n e e t z y e a Stevens Creek Blvd. 4) n C 9 McLellan M Bollinger e r Rainbow Oi.testions7 Contact Ba?-b Konpe! at 7'2,c_::-(-)q30. CUFERT3M BICERrE 1NIAL Ca9IISSICK 1991 Madxrship Roster Nare Qrgaulzat:ic Genevieve Ziegler .astarical Society 22085 Regnart Rd., Cup. 252-1102 Jeannie Ryder Historical Society 7625 Painbow Dr., Cup. 257-9363 Jean Cognettta Die Anza College 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd. 864-8239 Mazy Argo Wallace a wino Libra-ty 10400 TIorre Ave., Cup. Greg Faxan CUSD+ 10301 Vista Dr., Cam. 252-3000 xt. 505 Jim Warren FLWD 589 W. Fra=nt Ave., SV, 94087 Mark Bum Chamber of Commerce 7hs Cep Advantage 12772 Saratogar4lnnyvale Rd. Saratoga, 95070- Dears Skeels parks & Rec. O m=n. 21430 Oolumbus Ave., Cup. 253-4424 Mir Nelson Council Appt./AALW 19689 L3 tar Dr., GVp, 257-4140 Sam Bari Council Appt. 6519 Trinidad C't,., SJ 95129 268-2491 Grade Tan Council. Ajpt. 20998 Fai woods C:t., Cam. 255-1500 xt. 6553 Neha Shah Ste, Manta Vista 21816 Alcazar Ave., Cup. 996-2009 Maria Cieng Student, Iota Vista 10451 Scenic C.ixrle, 01p. 996-9926 Frank Jelinch SVICupt. Bar Assn. 10110 Westminster Ct., Qom. 725-1424 Betty Bicmll Council Appt. 11021 Babb Rd., Clap. 865-1241 ilL Burrill Media LiaisanAr cE 10900 N. Blaney Ave.,. Cup. 725- 216 Marge LW Liaison 19735 Dralm Dr. , Cam. 257-0699 Nary Steele Colwial History Iaabson 1A721 ;tine- Ave., Cup. 1050Barbara Rogers, Chair City Council 10300 Ztarre Ave., Cup. 252-4505 John Statton Council Appt. 20095 Northwind Sq. , Cup. 725-0157 City of Cupertino Bicentennial Commission Minutes of ,ranua y 23, 1991 Meeting The n -t1ng was called to order by Rogers at 7:35 p.m. in the Board Rom of Cogswell College. Members present were: Judith Bawu.i Marge Harare Frank Jeli ch. Jeannie Ryder Barbara Rogers Nancy Steele Genevieve Ziegler Neha Shah Greg Parman Chairperson Rogers noted t?m Bicentezni.al is a five year celebration and recall,ed scoe of the C't nissicn's acccuplishments in 1987 including the Heritage Parade, the re-enactment of the signing of the Constitution and the swearing-in ceremony for new citizens at Mercrial Park. Rogers than cpaned the meeting for discussion of plans for a celebration this year. The grvip placed sever.1 ideas on the table: Nancy Steele suggested getting a plarnirg date for another re-enactmazt to be pretsented at a dire-xa dance at the Quinlan Center, including horses and buggies, and Early American music and dancing. Nancy also suggested a. swearing-in cexemmry. Frank .7elinch thought celebrity debates in public fonrms such as De An?a Cbllege would make a good contribution. Jeannie Ryder suggested that the debates be entered aid the Bill of Riga:ts. Frank also said that the Sunnyvale- i4pe tiro Bar Association voted to donate money to the schools for books about the Bill of Rights and some merDrabilia. He also noted May 1 is Law Day. A pester eontea.-t in the schools *.ras rnded, perhaps based upon illustration of one of the ten .Bill of Rights. Neha Shah, a student from N4onta Vista High School, recommended doing skits and essays about the Bill of Rights and agreed we need more input from the schools themselves. Marge HaramA thought we should have the public sign their names to the Bill of Rights as we did for the Constitution in 1987. She suggested having the sign-ups at bath the .Library and Historical Hiseum. Genevieve Ziegler thought we should have a booth at De Anza Days, Day in the Park and the Country Festival. Barbara offered to speak to Kellyn Yamada regarding Cable TV plans for the Bicentennial calendar. We were advised that there are postcards of the mural that was done in City Hall and we still have Bicentennial inkwells and a few T-shirts. Displays at the Historical Y mm, library and act=ls were seen as a good way to raise public awarenms. City Oouncil proclamations reoogniaiM Iaw Day, the anniversary of the Constitution and Rill of Rights Day on Dacember 15 were also seen as appropriate ways to highlight the year. The t Ard We&iesday of the nth semed to fit the alas of abase present at the meeting. Mwrefore, time neoct mating will be February 20, 7:30-9 p.m. in the Board Roam at Oxjrwell Oollege, At that time, the Ommission will continue exolor in g ideas and f iming up plans for the year. Me wing was adjourned at 9 p.m. City of Cupc_,r'tino B'i.c.entennial Commission Minutes of February 20, 1991 Meeting Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Barbara Rogers at 7:35 in the Board Room of Cogswell College. Members present; Barbara Rogers John Cognetta Mary Nelson Mary Anne Wallace Judith Burri'li Grace Tan Neha Shah Jim Warren Dean Skells Jeannie Ryder Betty Bidwell Marge Harame Minutes were approved as sent.. Members introduced selves, and the Chair announced that the full compliment of the committee had been reached with the Council's appointments for 1991.. No treasurers report, `Che Chair felt there was still some 2,000.00 left in the treasury. General discussion followed about the left over pens and T-shirts. The Chair commented about the Heritage Parade and dinner dance. Nancy Steele has contacted a band that plays vintage musi.c,$750, a dance naster,$150.) She stated the September 28, 1991 parade would be followed by a band concert and re-enactment of the signing the the Bill of Rights. The Chair and previous members of the commission gave the new members a short overview of what had happened on the previous celebration. General discussion about the poster contest and essay contest followed. Jim Warren, Jeannie Ryder, and Grace Tan to work with. the contest. Grace will be the contact with the Chinese Saturday Schools at Hyde, Kennedy, and Homestead. Mary Nelson and Neha Shan will work with the essay contest. General discussion about group's participation in De Anza Days, 4th of July in the park, Country Festival, and how we might best accomplish our goals. Chair asked Marge Harame to explore our having a swearing in for new citizens, or perhaps a re-enactment. Amok The name signing at De Anza Days was explored. John Cognetta welcomed us to have a booth at the June event. Mary Ann Wallace City of Cupertino Bicentennial Commission Minutes of `larch 20,1991 Meeting Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Barbara. Rogers at 7:35 in the Board Room of Cogswell College. Members present: Barbara Rogers Jeannie Ryder Grace Tan Marge Harame Dean Skeels Greg Pa -man Judith 3urrill Minutes were approved as sent. Members introduced selves. Chair announced there was $2,753.90 in the treasury. Whereabouts of T-shirts unknown. Use for pens discussed. The Commission voted to have a dinner dance at Quinlan Center with a band and dance master after hearing of the efforts of Nancy Steele to locate the band, and costumes. The Chair has already reserved the center for the event. Price will be determined. Poster contest was discussed and some changes in rules were made. The EssEy Contest was discussed..Title "Bill of Rights" , what it means to me. The contest will be for the High Schools only. Dean Skel]s and Neha Shah will meet to implement proceedures. De Anza Days participation was discussed. John Cognett_a will give booth. We will have signing of Bill of Rights and voter regis- tration. Chair urged all to attend the current Euphr.at Gallery Show. Members are asked to think about having reenactment of citizenship oath at dinner dance or at the reenactment of the signing of the Bill of Rights". Heritage Parade: Time line tentative..including reenactment, band concert, swearirig in ceremony Chair encouraged each commission member to encourage participation with their groups. Judith Bu:rrill gave short overview of what she needs for .PR. Please get anything in .EARLY.. Greg Parman made an appeal to get information to the schools ASAP. City of Cupertino Bicentennial Commission Minutes of February 20, 1991 Meeting Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Barbara Rogers at 7:35 in the Board Room of Cogswell College. Members present: Barbara Rogers John Cognetta Mary Nelson Mary Anne Wallace Judith Burrill Grace Tan Neha Shah Jim Warren Dean Skells Jeannie Ryder Betty Bidwell Marge Harame Minutes were approved as sent. Members introduced selves, and the Chair announced that the full compliment of the committee had been reached with the Councils appointments for 1991. No treasurers report, The Chair felt there was still some 2,000.00 .left in the treasury. General discussion followed about the left over pens and T-shirts. The Chair commented about the Heritage Parade and dinner dance. fancy Steele has contacted a band that plays vintage music,$750, a dance !naster,$150.) She stated the September 28, 1991 parade would be followed by a band concert and re-enactment of the signing the the Bill of Rights. The Chair and previous members of the commission gave the new members a short overview of what had happened on the previous celebration. General discussion about the poster contest and essay contest followed. Jim Warren, Jeannie Ryder, and Grace Tan to wink with the contest. Grace will. be the contact with the Chinese Saturday Schools at. Hyde, Kennedy, and Homestead. Mary Nelson and Neha. Shah will work with the essay contest. General discussion about group's participation in De Anza Days, 4th of July in the park, Country Festival, and how we might best accomplish our goals. Chair asked Marge Harame to explore our having a swearing in for new citizens, or perhaps a re-enactment. The name signing at De Rnza Days was explored. John Cognetta welcomed us to .have a booth at the June event. Mary Ann Wallace said we could have name signingat the library, she was not sure about availibil.ity of the display facilities. Chair asked about selling the pens and T-shirts, some members suggested the pens would make good prizes for entrants/winners of poster and essay contests. There was brief discussion of parade music, music for De Anza .Days, 4th of July, and Country Festival.. Betty Bidwell suggested a Bill of Rights Wheel of Fortune game. Chair announced that the Euphrat gallery on .De Anza Campus will be opening a new display on Freedom Views , February 26-April 11, 1991. Reception will be March 21, 199.1. from 6-8 pm. TIME LINE DISCUSSION De Anza Days 8am-4pm Booth for. signing ? July 4 in Memorial Park Time? Booth for signing? Country FestivaL 10am-5pm Booth for signing? Wheel Came? Music? Heritage Parade Time? Re-enactment Time? Dinner Dance Time? Poster Contest early spring to start Essay Contest early spring to start June 2 1991, Jury 4, 1991 August 10,11,1991 September 28,1991 tt tt rt it tt tt Chair asked Marge Harame to contact the Courier about a Bill of Rigttsnuestionai.re. Meeting adjourned at 9 p.m. a El Agh City of Cupertino Bicentennial Commission Minutes of March 20, 1991 Meeting teeting was called to order by Chairperson .Barbara Rogers at 7:35 in the Board Room of Cogswell College. Members present: Barbara Rogers Jeannie Ryder Grace Tan Marge Harame Dean Skeels Greg Parman Judith Burrill. Minutes were approved as sent. Members introduced selves. Chair announced there was $2,753.90 in the treasury. Whereabouts of T-shirts unknown. Use :for pens discussed. The Commission voted to have a dinner dance at Quinlan Center 40 with a band and dance master after hearing of the efforts of Nancy Steele to locate the band, and costumes. The Chair has already reserved the center for the event. Price will be determined. Poster contest was discussed and some changes in rules were made. The Essay Contest was discussed..Title "Bill of Rights" , what it means to me. The contest will be for the High Schools only. Dean Skells and Neha Shah will. meet to implement proceedures. De Anza Days participation was discussed. John Cognetta will give booth. We will have signing of Bill of Rights and voter regis- tration. Chair urged all to attend the curre;at Euphrat Gallery Show. Members are asked to think about having reenactment of citizenship oath at dinner dance or at the :reenactment of the signing of the Bill of Rights". Heritage Parade: Time line tentative —including reenactment, band concert, swearing in ceremony Chair encouraged each commission member to encourage participation with their groups. Judith Burrill gave short overview of what she needs for PR. Please get anything in EARLY.. Affilk Greg Parman made an appeal to get information to the schools ASAP. AlftL The chair announced ..California Forum to air issues.. "First Ammendment Challenges Today", at Stanford University, May 6, 1991. Call Barbara Rogers for information. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Copy of. FZster mntestrules enclosed with changes in small type. NEXT MEETING... AFRIL, 17, 1991 at 7:30 pm, PLEASE BE THERE. Ell TI,P F-37 WF---7- ILO TALI, Engineering Services Division Aeconutmnic Ford Corporation Satellite Control Factitty Operation 3939 Fabian Way Palo Alto. California 94303 11 E CUPERTINO BICENTENNIAL CO 53I®N 1991 BICENTENNIAL. POSTER CONTEST L Poster Title: Bill of Rights 2. Qualification of Contestant: must be a student of CUSD Junior High . Kennedy, Hyde 1~ UHSD Homestead, Morita Vista, Cupertino Cogswell College DeAnza College Cupertino Chinese Schools - Homestead , Kennedy, Hyde 3. Deadline: May 10. 1991 4. Size: 1 £" x 20" or 18" x 24" 5. Color: White poster board with maximum of 4 colors (white, black, red and blue) 8. Method: choice of acrylic, scraffito, tempra, crayon, pen and ink, or marker. A. Original lettering only 7. )Prize: One winner per school, $25.00 per winner. All winning posters will be displayed at .DeAnza College on DeAnza Day. All winning posters will belong to the city of Cupertino. 8. Judge: ,Art teacher of each school will select the best poster for that school by May 14, 1991. Bicentennial Committee will select the first place poster on May 15, 1991. NOTE: The winning poster will be printed, and may be modified, to announce Cupertino's Bicentennial events for 1991. The winner will correct any changes needed for display use. The name of the artist should be placed on the back of the poster, not on the front, and the poster should be clearly identified, by school Certificates will be given to all entrants. Ll City of Cupertino NET MEETING: WE DNE,SD AY, KAY 15 Bicentennial Commission 7:30 pm Minutes of April '17, 1991 Meeting PLEASE; A1'rM! M.4eetinp was called to order by Cl-airperson Barbara Rogers at 7:35 pm in the Board Ro-ni of Cogswell C:ol.lege. Members Present: Barbara Rogers G,E nevzeve :' zegler Dean Skeels Jeannie Ryder Johhn Statton Mary -Ann t,7allace taria Cheng Nancy Steele Minutes were appro\red as written. Essay Contest: Essay Contest Official Rules were passed out, and corrections were suggested by commission members. Section I General Rules #1. change to: °'open to all students at Cupertino High .School, Homestead High School, and Monte Vista High School." Section iiI - Contest. Rules #4 add: "Quoted material may not exceed 20% of the total. written essay." .also add: "Footnotes without quoted material do not count as part of text. Section III Contest Rules #6 change to: "In the manuscript no reference may be made which identifies either the contestant of the specific geographical area from which he or she originates." wection ;III Contest Mules # 8 fix typographical error: '"Ihe Bill of Rights - What it Means to Me." Dean Skeels will finalize the .rules and meet with Maria Clieng and Neha Shah this coming we8k.. Several teachers from the three schools were mentioned as possible liaison people .for the essay contest. Awards for the Essay Contest: certificates and the Bicentennial feather pens will go to all who participate according tc the rules. Discussion followed as to whether the awards should be cash awards or gift, certificates from Cupertino merchants. John Statton will check with C11-amber of Conine-rce members about possible prizes and ideas for company participation. Ile Rules will state: "Ihe top three, essays will be published and will 'receive prizes." The w-inning, .ntriss may be published in the CUPERTINO COURIER or the CUPERTL140 SCENT E. here will be one dinner per grade level chosen from among the entries fran all three sc1-1oo1.s , Discussion of Essay Contest deadline followed. It ;,.as felt that De Anna Day, June 2nd, ould not give enough time, as school ends on or around June 12th. July 4th was chosen as the deadline date. All entries rust be returned to: Bicentennial. Commission, City Of Cupertino, City :Hall, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014 by July 4, 1991. September 28, 199:1 Celebratians : Heritage Parade from -10:00 aril to 1.2:00 noon approximately. After that there will be band music, judo cxhibitions etc. At :12:30 pn will be an Oath of Allegiance. In the evening here will be a dinner and dance and a reenactment of the signing of the Bill of Rights. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTICED, ALL BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION MEETINGS WILL BE HELD ON THE THIRD WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH FROM 7:30 P.M. TO 9:00 P.M. (PLEASE BE PROMPT) IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM UPSTAIRS AT COGSWELL COLLEGE.. l•*s&***k*******ir*****Ir****it************:t*****it****vkat***it****t******* Ihere may be a special recognition for the best homemade costume .for the dance. After the dinner and before the dance there will be aclatowledgenents, and an Oath of Allegiance for new citizens, and the reenactment, which will be stmaller this time. Iro start. Lhe dance there will be a group to begin the quadrille. Iliere c,ias discussion as to who would be participating in the reenactment, and whether or not to fellow the historical precedent that had the signing done only by men. JulN, %th Celebration: There will be a meeting at 2pm at the Senior Center on Wee:resday, April 24th. with Barbara Rogers :and Julia Lamy to discuss plans. There will be a flag ceremony at noon at Memorial Park. The Kiwannis Club donated the original flagpole there. The Swing Band was mentioned as a possible band for that day. Barbara Rogers is looking for groups to participate to insure a broad ethnic representation for the July 4th celebration. Holding a Sing Along is another. possibility. All veterans will be honored on that day. Other Bicentennial activities: Ihe library will have a book display during the month of May. There wi Ialso be an opportunity for citizens to sign a copy of the Bill of' Rights in the library lobby. Mary -Ann, Wallace will contact. Judith Burrill about paper for the signing, and will give Chairperson Rogers the name of the contact person for a possible flag presentation program that was given to her by a nember of the Friends of the Cupertino Library. De Anza Day, June 2: There will be a. Bicentennial Booth there where citizens can signistheBillofRights. Feather pens will be given away that day to those who sign. Kell.yn Yamada will be contacted about the Bicentennial Moments. Chairperson Rogers reminded commissioners about the California Forum°s "First Amendment Challenges Today" to be held May Sth at Stanford University. Call Barbara Rogers for more information. Meeting was adjourned at 9:05 pm. N,E\T MEETING: WIEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1991 at 7:30 pm at. Cogswell College. PLEASE ATTEND! C7 City of Cupertino Bicentennial Commission Minutes of May 16, 1991 Call to Order Meeting was called to order by Mary Anal Wallace for Chairperson Barbaim Rogers ("Tuts. Rogers was unable to attend) at 7:40 p.m. in the Board room of Cogswell. College. Members Present Those in attendance included: John Cognetta Neha Shah Maria Cheng Grace Tan Greg Parman Judith B. Burrill Dean Skeels Jeannie Rider Mary Ann Wallace Betty Bidwell Approval of the minutes of April 17, 1991 The minutes were corrected as follows: Correct spelling of Monta Vista High School Section. III, capitalize "It" Addy To help implement the dancing, the Committee will hire a Dance Master De Anza Day Activities John Cognetta explained cite opening day ceremonies for De Anza Day and the location of the table for the Bicentennial activities. Ken Bruce will serve as Ben Franklin and present the winners of the poster contest. The signing of the "Bill of Rights" parchment will take place at the Bicentennial table from a a.m. to 4 p.m. Several suggestions were offered for the opening ceremony. John will follow through with Jeannie and Dean. A question was raised regarding recognition of U.S. Troops who fought in the Middle East. It was felt this should be presented at the July 4th celebration. A sign up sheet was passed around to schedule the volunteers for June 2, De Anza Day. De Anza will provide the 8 foot table and volunteers will provide red white and blue table decorations. Betty Bidwell will provide the U.S. Flag. Since the sun was a concern, Judy will investigate the purchase of a shade tent that can also be used for July 4th. Jeannie will call Frank. (last name not mentioned) to request a suitable cony of the Bill of Rights. The two high school representatives offered to work on creating banners for the table. It was decided that Grace will develop the computer generated banner and have it laminated. The committee will also investigate tee shirt sales July Celebration and time Parade Several items were discussed regarding the July 4th celebration. PG &E will offer the, natural gas powered vehicles, Wells Fargo Bank should be contacted regarding the famous stage coach. Horse Barn and Garrett stables and the 4H clubs will also be contacted. The need to secure a crowd for the parade was also discussed. The practice of throwing candy to the crowd was evaluated since the Asian population are unfamiliar with the practice. The committee discussed the need for greater pre event publicity using the Courier and the Los Altos Garbage mailer. It would be advantageous if the Parade route could go in front of Valk() so the grand stands could be erected and draw a crowd of shoppers. It ;s unfortunate the parents of the parade participants usually miss the parade because of the need to shuttle the children from the start to the finish line. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. The next meeting will be on June 20, 1991 at 7:30 p.m. at Cogswell College 11 u June 4, 1991 Bicentennial Greetings! Sorry I missed the last meeting, but frcffn reading the minutest you all did just fine wit'zout me. Thanks to Mary -Ann for chairing and to John Cognetta who took such excellent minutes. Just one little correcAon: the nimt Ming will be y 2MERI 3, June 19, 7.30-9:00 at Cogswell. Certainly, the planning you did for DeAnza Day was great, and it all cam together beautifully! Special thanks, if I may, to a few I know about: o John Cognetta, for getting us setup with location, table, and chairs, along with organizing the Day's activities plus all his other duties o Jeannie and Ham Ryder, for ideas, implementation, followup, and noticing the needful and getting it taken care of --weren't the doors a splendid backdrop for the posters! and wasn't the framing great! o Judith Burri.11 and friend(?), for tasks well done, initiative, follow --up o Grace Tan, for everything you did, and I don't know about all of it. o Everyone who showed up to set up, staff the table, encourage signing the Bill of Rights, and clean up: the afore -mentioned folks plus Mary - Ann Wallace, Genevieve Ziegler, Mary Nelson, and who else? more, I'm sure You're all wonderful! 1 'wish other commitments had not precluded me from staying longer. And I apologize for the confusion, frustration, and delay which the incorrect phone numbers I provided caused. Again, hearty thanks and applause Booth and the Poster Contest such sooner.. And get lots of rest in table at Memorial Park! Patriotically yours, Barbara Rogers, Chair Cupertino Bicentennial Commission to everyone who made our Bicentennial a success. See you on the 19th, if not anticipation of the glorious 4th and our