LIB 08-02-23APPROVED MINUTES LIBRARY COMMISSION Wednesday, August 2, 2023 LIBRARY COMMISSION MEETING CALL TO ORDER At 7:00 p.m., Chair Zhao called the meeting to order at the Cupertino Library, 10800 Torre Avenue, Room 201A. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Liyan Zhao, Archana Panda, Qin Pan, Sheela Sreekanth, Janki Chokshi Commissioners absent: None City/County Staff present: Molly James, Bryant Bao, Stephen Fitzgerald Guest Speakers: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Subject: June 7, 2023 Library Commission Meeting Minutes Recommended Action: Review and approve the June 7, 2023 Library Commission meeting minutes. Commissioner Pan requested that the meeting minutes under Future Agenda Setting be updated to reflect that Molly James, Recreation Manager, noted that the Eaton Elementary School parking item was removed from the City Work Program as it was denied by Eaton Elementary School and she will provide an update to the Commission. Commissioner Pan motioned to approve the June 7, 2023 Library Commission meeting minutes as amended. Chair Zhao seconded. Motion carried unanimously. POSTPONEMENTS None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS 2. Subject: Poet Laureate Playbook Selection Process Recommended Action: Discuss and provide feedback on updates for the Poet Laureate Playbook Selection Process. Recreation Manager James introduced the item and recommended the Commission provide feedback on each sub-section listed in the Selection Process. Noted that the Commission will provide feedback on different sections at various meetings, staff will compile the notes and come back to the Commission with a final revised version, and the Commission at that point can make a motion to make any additional changes or accept the revised version. Clarified that tonight’s meeting is just to provide feedback. The Commissioners provided feedback on the Qualifications: - Vice Chair Panda recommended creating an overview summary page in the beginning of the playbook. - Commissioner Chokshi recommended that the demonstrable ties to Cupertino be clarified to avoid any confusion or questions from the candidates. For example, studying in Cupertino or learning from someone in Cupertino. - Chair Zhao recommended that the demonstrable ties to Cupertino remain vague and allow the sub-committee to have flexibility considering the Commission has had a difficult time getting applications. - Vice Chair Panda supported Chair Zhao’s recommendation for flexibility. - Vice Chair Panda recommended making it more futuristic – what does the applicant plan to do in the next two years. - Commissioner Pan recommended that the Commission adopt a similar geographic requirement to the City Commissioner application. - Vice Chair Panda requested that prior to the interview, the applicant be placed into a Poet Laureate training/internship and do something prior. - Chair Zhao recommended that the candidate age be changed from 21 to 18 years old and over. - Chair Zhao recommended that the qualifications include living, working, or studying in Cupertino or with demonstrable ties to Cupertino, and include neighboring cities. - Commissioner Pan added include living in nearby neighboring cities such as Santa Clara, Sunnyvale, San Jose, Saratoga. - Commissioner Sreekanth recommended keeping the qualifications to living, working, or studying in Cupertino since every City has their own Library and opportunities associated. - Stephen Fitzgerald, Deputy County Librarian, added that some cities do have their own Poet Laureate including a County Poet Laureate. Also asked whether the funding attached to this program requires Cupertino residency. Recreation Manager James clarified that there is a $2,000 budget for the Poet Laureate program that is included in the City budget, and the selection is up to the Commission. - Commissioner Sreekanth asked the Commission for clarification on the problem they are trying to solve. The Commissioners replied that they are not receiving enough applications. With that information, Commissioner Sreekanth recommended opening it up to Santa Clara County. - Vice Chair Panda recommended the summary page include three points – Santa Clara County residency, previous experience, and what the applicant plans to do in the future. - Commissioner Pan added that the events must be hosted in Cupertino. The Commissioners provided feedback on the Selection Committee (SC): - Commissioner Pan recommended a minimum of three people on the SC. - Commissioner Chokshi recommended the current/outgoing Poet Laureate not serve on the SC, but the previous Poet Laureates can be included. Recommended that the committee be comprised of a past Poet Laureate and three additional people. - Commissioner Sreekanth recommended keeping the wording currently listed in the playbook – ideal number of three. - Commissioner Pan recommended removing prior committee members are invited back, including past Poet Laureate to alleviate any restrictions. - Commissioner Sreekanth recommended an ideal number seems to be three with a cross- section of prior committee members, poets… and to remove the last sentence it is ideal to have about one third of the SC be new members each term. The Commissioners provided feedback on the Timeline: - Chair Zhao and Commissioner Pan noted that 18 months [when the first SC meeting is supposed to start prior to the beginning of a new term] is too long. - Vice Chair Panda recommended that applicants join as an intern earlier prior to being selected – that will help with the long timeline. Applicants would apply and then be invited to work with the current Poet Laureate. - Commissioner Pan supported the idea of an intern, and supported applicants attending at least two Poet Laureate events prior. - Chair Zhao and Commissioner Pan recommended a six-month timeline. - Recreation Manager James recommended a different sequence of events – promotion of Poet Laureate Applications, and then if someone is interested, they attend Poet Laureate events, and at the same time the Commission forms a selection committee. - Commissioner Pan recommended the following timeline: o December – Interviews/Selection of New Poet Laureate o January – City Council Approval o February – New Poet Laureate Term Begins - Vice Chair Panda added onto Commissioner Pan’s timeline and recommended: o July/August – Selection Committee Formed o August/September – Application Opens o October/November – Applicants Attend Poet Laureate Events - Recreation Manager James noted that she will work backwards from a Poet Laureate start date in February and propose something to the Commission. Recreation Manager James noted that staff will update the Promotion and Application Process sections following City protocol and will propose changes to the Commission for review. For the next Commission meeting, the discussion will focus on Qualifications. REPORTS/UPDATES 3. Subject: Monthly Update Reports Recommended Action: Receive Monthly Update Reports from: - Cupertino Community Librarian Reported as submitted. Bryant Bao, Acting Community Librarian, informed the Commission that the Library is seeking volunteers for Homework Help Tutors. - County Librarian Monthly Update Reported as submitted. - Friends of the Library No updates. - Cupertino Library Foundation No updates. - Poet Laureate No updates. STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS Molly James, Recreation Manager, provided a Staff Liaison Update on the following: - Summer Concert Series – Every Thursday through September 7 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Memorial Park Amphitheatre - Shakespeare in the Park – Friday through Sunday, August 4, 5, and 6 at 6 p.m. at the Memorial Park Amphitheatre - Movies in the Park – Friday, August 11, 18, 25, and September 8 at 8 p.m. at Creekside Park - Pooch Plunge – Saturday, September 9 from 9 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. at Blackberry Farm Pools. Advanced registration required. - 50+ Golf Tournament – Monday, September 25 at 10 a.m. at Blackberry Farm Golf Course - Parking at Eaton Elementary School for Events – The school district has a brand-new online reservation system where you can reserve the parking lots. The City recently used the reservation system to reserve for the July 4 Celebration. Commissioner Pan notified the Commissioners that the August Mayor’s Commissioners meeting was canceled. Commissioner Sreekanth reported on the July Mayor’s Commissioners meeting. COMMISSIONER ATTENDANCE AT UPCOMING MEETINGS AND EVENTS Recreation Manager James informed the Commission that the August Mayor’s Commissioners meeting was canceled due to City Council’s August recess. For the September 13 meeting, the City Manager’s Office has requested that all Commission Chairs attend the meeting (if available), and moving forward the meetings will be in-person at the Quinlan Community Center Social Room at 6 p.m. Commissioners to attend the upcoming Mayor’s meetings as follows: September 13 – Chair Zhao October 11 – Commissioner Chokshi November 8 – Vice Chair Panda December 13 – Commissioner Pan FUTURE AGENDA SETTING Commissioner Chokshi requested Poet Laureate Playbook Budget and Expectations. Commissioner Pan seconded. ADJOURNMENT Chair Zhao adjourned the meeting 8:30 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by, Jessica Javier, Administrative Assistant Parks and Recreation Department Minutes approved at the 10.04.23 regular meeting