EC 1981 - 1991 ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES 1 of 5 UL. 1981-DEC. 1991 ENERGY CommISSION MINUTES JUL . ly8l DECID 1 ,40F91 71, MINUTES OF THE ENERGY CMDUSSION MEE= ON JULY 8, 1981. KMTIIgG VELA U1 THE CONFERENCE ROOM OF CITY HAIJ - Meeting called to order at 7:35 P.M. ROLL CALL: s<y 4 Preseat: Droege, Guimont, Johnsen, Mann, Mukherjee, Weber and Wedel Absent: None Staff Present: Barbara R. Brown, Assistant to the City Kinager Robert W. Quinlan, City Manager The Commission set the second Wednesday of each month as its regular meeting time, but agree that it may meet more frequently in the beginning. Betty Mann was selected Chairperson and Thomas Weber was selected Vice- Chairperson. City Manager, Robert Quinlan, discussed the role of the Commission and the City staff. The Commission is to constitute the body with the greatest expertise in the fields of energy. The staff can offer clerical and facilities but research and policy alternatives are more appropriately done by the Commission itself. Mr. Quinlan discussed City procedures as they relate to ordinances, public hear- ings and coordination between other Cit:, commissions. It was agreed that staff would pre'?are minutes and distribute those minutes prior to the Cormdssion's approval to t.Se City Council. Any addition or amend- ments to the minutes would be subsequently provided to the City Council. In this manner the Commission hopes to keep the City Council informed of its current activities. Staff will prepare notebooks for the Commissioners to maintain Commission documents and information. The City Manager explained that no amount has been budgeted at this time for meetings and conferences. The Commission and the City Council will need to deter- mine if, and what amount, may be needed based on experience. Therefore, the Commission would have to request special allocations to be made prior to the attendance at meetings and conferences. Following the review of the ordinance establishing the Energy Commission, a list of issues to be addressed was formulated. Those issues are as follows: 1. Retrofitting 2. Passive Building Standards 3. Solar Access 4. Solar Pools 5. Solar Domestic Hot Water 7. Determination of Participation Level in Conservation Programs 8. Effect of Title XXIV 9. State Training Courses for Building Inspectors and Planners 10. Examination of other County Jurisdictions' Activities 11. Interface with PG&E 12. Public Awareness 13. Evaluation of Commercial Development in Cupertino with the hope of making industry accountable for energy use. 14. Nitinal (Nickel and Titanium Crystal) 15. Recycling for Profit 16. Propagation of Solar Technology 1.7. Water Conservation 18. Voluntary Free Energy Audits for the Single Family Dwellings. 19. Ordinances Aimed at the Consideration of Passive Solar Energy in Building Design. 51 ,;.. ^ r, . 67mpg rF a, .,, , r, .�, �' %;i IF KMJTES OF THE EMERY C OMaSSION KBETING O JU Y 8, 1981 20. Guidance for Average Costs of Energy for Citizens. 21. Use of Cable TV for Public Awareness Purposes. 22. Co-Generation Industry. 23. Bio-gas from Sewage Treatment and Animal Wastes. 24. Provide Low Coat Labor to matte Energy 1w,,rovements for Residents. 25. Reduce Local Driving. 26. Pilot Programs to Demonstrate whose Projects which may be of value. It was the feeling of the Commission that these issues could be placed in four categories: Education, Services, Cooperation with other Agencies and Recommended Legislation. The staff will see that the Energy Commission is placed on the California State's Energy Commission's mailing list. It was pointed out that the solar energy research industry in Boulder, Colorado has suffered dramatic budget re- ductions by the Federal Government so that less research money is available than in the past. It was thought that this funding reduction may increase the role of the local commissions. The next meeting date was set for July 22, 1981 at 7:30 P.M. in the Conference Room. The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Barbara K. Bro , Assistant to he City Manager Ill! PIN s OF THE am= Cmassla Mmmsor JUL'y 8. 1981. DELETE: "V. See attached sheet to add items'° ., T Fn Mnn= OF T8EENE= oaa"St= Igor G ON JMY 22, 1981. HERMW ffiD IN THE CONFERENCE RITOM OF CM HUL. Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present: Droege, Johnsen, Mann, Weber and Riedel Present by 7:40 P.M.: Guimont and Mukherjee Staff: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager Minutes of the 7/8/81 meeting approved as amended. Staff distributed copies of letters sent requesting information. Binders for commission business were distributed. Staff agreed to update commission_ rosters and notify the Energy Commission to put Cupertino°s Commission on its mailing list (Address: 1111 Rowe Ave Sacramento, CA 95825, 916-920-6811). Commsssion addressed those items brought up at the 7/8/81 meeting which fall into the area of education with an emphasis on conservation of energy and information about energy saving tools. Vehicles for disseminating information were discussed. After considerable discussion the following activities were designated, in the respective order, to receive the Commissions initial attention: 1. Request that the Library Commission agree to set aside one section with- ir, the Cupertino Library to contain energy related information. 2. Guidance be given to the community utilities and vehicular fuels. 3. Make recommendations in the area of transportation that reduces driving. is4. Information to be gathered from other local jurisdiction regarding efforts made to conserve energy. Those communities would include, but are not limited to: Palo Alto, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale, Berkeley and Davis. A motion was made by Commissioner Guimont to authorize the drafting of a letter requesting space be set aside at the Cupertino Library for energy related information. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Johnsen. `•_'otion passed unanimously. Commissioner Droege will draft the letter and bring back to the next Commission meeting for approval. Discussion of services that could be offered to the community which would no, be duplication of services already offered took place. Commissioner Mann will draft a letter to PG&E requesting an orientation of the utility as a re- source to be brought to the next meeting for Commission approval. Commissioners Johnsen and Mukheriee will form a subcommittee to address the issues involved in co-generation by industry. The subcommittee will work with the City Manager to coordinate efforts on the part of the City as related to co-generation and solid waste disposal. Commissioner Mukherjee will draft a letter inquiring as to grants avail- able from all possible funding sources to be approved by the Commission at the next meeting. • r2o Copies of the Santa Clara County and City of Sunnyvale Ordinance, as re- lated to mandatory solar energy collection systew, are attached. Staff will distribute pertinent parts of the ordinancea to tho Commission. The next meeting is set for August 12. 1"1 at 7:30 P.M. in the Conference Room. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, arbara K. Assistant o the City Manager 9 �yMR - MINUTES OF THE ENE= CMMSSION HHnUG ON AII06 f 12, 1981. HOMO ans ig CONFERENCE ROOM OF CITY HALL. Meeting called to order at 7:35 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present: Mann, Droege, Mukherjee, Guimont, Weber Absent: Johnsen, Wedel Staff Present: Barbara B. Brown, Assistant to :he City Manager Minutes approved as amended. Item 2 should read: "Guidance be given to the community regarding utilities and vehicular fuels". Correspondence reviewed by Commissioners. Review of draft letters (attached). All letters approved for mailing. Staff to finalize and mail out letters. Chairperson Mann distributed a plan to assign portfolios to individual commission members. The following commissioners were assigned to the following portfolios: Mukherjee - 1. utilities: Energy programs, interfacing, cogeneration, PGE, water, nuclear, fossil fuel. Guimont - 2. Community Education: Dissemination of information, publicity, "energy" fair Weber - 3. Transportation: Car pools, bike lanes, freeway extension, underpass, BART, SP Droege - 4. Residential Conservation Programs: Insulation, solar heating/energy, recycling. The absent commissioners will subsequently choose responsibility for the re- maining portfolios: Governmental and Commercial/Industrial Conservation Programs: Insulation, solar heating/energy, recycling. Legislation and State of the Art: Pending and enacted laws, rules and regulations on local, state, and national levels; current scientific and technological findings and research. Commissioner Droege reported on waste heat recovery technology. (See attached "Estimated Total Cost of Installing One Heat Recovery System"). The system reduces energy usage by heating hot water, providing sub--cooling, and reducing head pressure needed for airco-.litioning. Commissioner Droege recommended the installation of such a system in a City building to demonstrate energy savings. page 2 CoWaSSION M gTISC ON ABC 12. 1981 MINUTES OF THE gBgRGY Works Superintendent Commissioner Dxoege will meet the P+bl Stem to Gitq buildings Staff and Commi egarding the application of the to gather to theic aCrommiss Commission' and rep sponsored by ABAG. commissioner Weber plans to attend the energy Anywor Cop P 0 1981 at the Claremont Hotel,. Berkeley' Any Commissioner interested is August 2 . also attending should contact him. Commissioner MukheTjee will meedisposal. s9o�a with the public Works Director re- garding cogeneration and solid waste P The next meeting will be held August 26, 1981 at 7:30 P.M. in the Conference Room at City hall. Meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p•M- Respectfully submitted, Barbara K. B ex Assistant the City Mang AME�iDM�": To mINUTES OFT M MISSION MEETU40 o`� AUGUST 12, 1$81 ITEM, 2 should read: "Guidance be given to the community regarding utilities and vehicular fuels". f �' ,{4¢ s,, � k..•t.. 7-.,� �"�,'. :pry rR.to,€ # �" ` � OF now MW8909N O AF AVOW 26, 1J�I. CONFEMCE RM AT CM mu. Meeting was called to order. ROL1. CALL Present: Commissimers: Mann, Wedel, Weber, Mukherjee, Johnsen and Guimont Absent: Commissioner Droege Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager Minutes were approved as read. Correspondence received was reviewed. The chair explained the portfolio approach to the Commission's organization. Commissioner Johnsen will be responsible for Governmental and Commercial/Industrial Conservation programs: Insulation, solar heating/energy, recycling. Commissioner Wedel will be responsible for Legislation and State of the Art: pend- ing and enacted laws, rules and regulations on local, state and nitional levels; current scientific and technological findings and research. The chair reported that Commissioner Droege has met with the Superintendent of Public Works to evaluate the potential use of waste heat recovery systems in City facilities. It seems the Service Center may be the only facility-in which it may be cost-effective. Commissioner droege will report further at the next meeting. Commissioner Mukherjee attended a workshop on "Assessment of Distributed Solar Systems" in which it was demonstrated that the consumer price of many energy saving devices is as much as three times the manufacturer's price and thereby re- sults in discouraging the use of energy saving technologies. Commissioner Johnsen and Mann reported on the PG&E open house. Literature from the open house was made available to the Commissioners. Commissioner Mairt reported these is very little waiting for an energy audit from PG&E at this tine of the year. Also, audits will be done in the evening. Commissioner Guimont shared her energy audit, conducted last summer, with the Commission. Commissioner Mukherjee pointed out that the audit recommended a $2,000 expenditure for a 3% rate of return on energy savings The payback line needs to be demonstrated and reasonable. The amount of information related to energy efficiencies is overwhelming to most consumers. Commissioner Weber recommended demonstration projects in tract developments to monitor and then publicize cost savings to others in similar homes. Commissioner Guimont will prepare an article for the Cupertino Scene asking for Households who have installed energ;,• conservation techniques, and would be will- ing to have the energy usage monitored, to contact the Commission. The specific technologies the Commission is looking for are: heat pumps storm windows wall and ceiling 'Insulation hot water heater bi.ankets solar heating for pools programable thermostats energy saving lights solar domestic hot water solar space heating photo-voleaics i i Page 2 MINUTES OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 26, 1981. The Commission discussed transportation as a major energy issue. Gasoline for cars is the single greatest energy expense for most people. Information re- garding shopping shuttles will be requested from the Director of Public Works. it was suggested the energy costs---both ongoing and during construction-- be considered as part of any environmental impact study. Commissioner Wedel will follow-up on this policy issue and return to the Commission with a recommenda- tion. Experimental use of a parabolic disk to generate heat and electricity was discussed. Acurex in Mountain View manufactures the disk. Staff was instructed to contact the State Energy Commission regarding speci- fic grants which might become available. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. i Next meeting to be held September 9, 1981 at 7:30 P.M. in the Conference Room, City Hall. Respectfully submitted, arbara K. B wn Assistant t the City Manager r j MINUTES OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 9, 1981. MEETING WAS HELD IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM AT CITY HALL. Meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners: Droege, Johnsen, Mann, Weber, Wedel, Guimont and Mukherjee Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager Guests: Jim Dickenson, Supervisor of the Energy Conservation Divi- sion of PG&E and Bud Oimoen, local PG&E Manager Minutes of the last meeting were approved as amended. Paragraph five of the first page should read:. .: 3% rate of return on energy savings." Correspondence was reviewed and distributed to the appropriate portfolios. The Commission Chair introduced the guest speakers. Mr. Dickenson's Division Energy Conservation now employees approximately 100 people whose primary respons- ibility it is to assist in the conservation of energy for residential units, for commercial and industrial units and for the community at large. Mr. Dickenson spent.quite a bit of time explaining to us the residential conservation service audit currently being done upon request for individual home owners. The audit takes from 2 to 211 hours and is much more comprehensive than the audit that was offered a year ago. The energy payback determination is made with a special computer program that takes into er-nsideration climate, specific house construction and personal habits. Audits are also performed for commercial, industrial and agricultural facilities. These audits take from one day to one month depending on the size and the type of facility that is being audited. Before PG&E offers this audit, at no cost to the requestor, management is required to make a committment that action will be taken if PG&E can establish a certain amount of savings; the criteria is established in advance of the audit. PG&E then follows up on what savings have been made where audits have been conducted. Thirdly, PG&E conducts audits for the community. Guy Helmsteader, Regional Solar Representative, is available to work with community organizations, and energy commissions for that matter, on such things as ordinances, demonstrations and conservation programs. Mr. Helmsteader knows what other communi- ties are doing and can provide this information to the Energy Commission. Hector Gonzalez is a community conservation representative and works with special groups of people such as seniors, handicapped, low income, and other special interest groups. Mr. Gonzalez is responsible for special programs, seminars, package programs and working directly with community groups in terms of what they can do to advance the causes of energy conservation. In response to a request by the Commission, PG&E has agreed to provide rates for commercial. and residential users in this area. The time of use rates variations for the very largest customers are being explored at this time. At this point the Commission took the opportunity to explain to the PG&E Representatives the role of the Cupertino Energy Commission and its broad areas of responsibility. Mr. Dickenson was especially interested in some of our pro- posals regarding demonstrations of conservation techniques. PG&E would like to retrofit a suitable middle income 20 year old home but has never been able to do ® so. The retrofitting would be done at no cost to the home owner and would then be on display for community inspection and monitoring. PG&E has been able to build energy efficient new homes, but not to retrofit. Mr. Dickenson also ex- plained the school plant program set up by the energy management programs in ti mutes Mir of the Energy Commission KeetIft of Sept-ember 9, 1981 which the various high schools, within a given district, compete with other high schools in trying to save energy on t z campuses. There is a prestigious panel of judges which reviews the programs and the implementation of those programs at the various high schools and then awards a winner. The Residential Conservation Service (RSC) audit as described earlier by Mr. Dickenson, in its current form, probably has a limited life time. The Department of Energy funds are largely dwindling. Mr. Dickenson thinks that for every dollar spent by PG&E in the resi- dential audit, a savings of $1.5q can be realized by the residents. In the indus- trial audits the ratio of savings is $7.00 to every $1.00 spent by PG&E. Mr. Dickenson then explained the solar collector loan programs as well as the re- bate programs. A broad discussion of rate setting concerns, changes in the number of PG&E facilities built, the effects of high interest rates, and some of the PUC regulatory contradictions were discussed. Mr. Dickenson assured the Commission that economic incentives existed for PG&E to encourage conservation. In fact, PG&E programs are a solid base for conservation of energy. The Energy Commission can be of greatest assistance to ME in its outreach to get people to participate in those programs. A key to the RSC program is the perception that the audit is of real value to individuals. These audits can be conducted Saturdays and in evenings up until dark. To the PG&E representatives knowledge no energy audit has been done for any of the City facilities. The Staff was asked if they would request such an audit. The Staff was asked to make necessary contacts to set up the audit. The Staff was also asked to get a copy of the energy element to the General Plan from the City of Sunnyvale. Commissioner Guimont presented her article to be published in the Cupertino Scene, requesting participation in conservation technique demonstrations. Commissioner Guimont reported that John Sorensen, and some friends of his, are willing to volunteer to have their homes monitored. Commissioner Droege developed a questionnaire which he distributed to all the Commission members. Commissioners were asked to review the questionnaire and be prepared to discuss it at the next meeting. It was moved by Commissioner Droege and seconded by Commiissioner Weber to have the next meeting of the Cupertino Energy Commission the second Wednesday in October. Commissioners Droege, Weber, Johnsen and Mann votes' "Yes". The next meeting will be the second Wednesday in October. The Chair announced there will be a community energy planning workshop sponsored by ABAG in Santa Rosa, Saturday, October 24. Council Member Barbara Rogers is expected to attend. Commissioners Guimont, Droege and Mukherjee also indicated an interest in attending. Staff will provide them with copies of the letter sent. Commissioner Droege suggested the Commission may wish to hear Mr. Joel Kneuse discuss waste-heat recovery. It was decided that the next meeting needs to be a work meeting. However, they were interested in hearing Mr. Kneuse at a future date. Reports from Commissioners Droege, Wedel, and Mukherjee will be placed on the next agenda. Commission adjourned at 9:45 F.M. The next meeting will be held October 14, 1981, 7:30 P.M., Conference Room, City Hall. Respectfully submitted, Alk ..w4 arbara K. o Assistant o thetCity Manager ~' A1IABi m OF TuE mm CMWSSM MMM OF OCTOBER T 14, 1981. MERTIM Va imb IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM AT CITY RAIN. Meeting was called to eider at 7:35 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners: Droege, Guimont, Mukherjee, Johnsen, and Mann Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager Absent: Commissioners: Wedel. and Weber Minutes of the last meeting were amended so that 3rd paragraph was changed from Ted Sorensen to John Sorensen. The 6th paragraph spelling was changed from Mr. Neus to Mr. N. Kneuse. Minutes were approved as ameiaded. Chairperson Mann reviewed the correspondence that had been received. She announced there will be a workshop for energy coordinators November 14th and 20th in Sacramento sponsored by the Southwest Innovation Group. The registration fee is $35.00. Chairperson Mann would like to attend the meeting. Staff will make the request for funds through the. City Manager. The Chair also announced an Energy Fair, October 24th at Treasure Island. October 24, also, ABAG is sponsoring a pro- gram who's theme is Energy Conservation to be held in Santa Rosa. Commissioners Droege, Mukherjee and Weber may wish to attend. The Commission asked staff to get information and background regarding the energy savings and payback period as they relate to high sodium street lights. The Chair invited other Commissioners to attend the Mayor's monthly luncheon when she is unable to attend. A letter from Mr. Bud Oimoen, PG&E, was received attached to the rates being charged the City of Cupertino by PG&E. Staff was asked to send a letter to Mr. Oimoen requesting all commercial rates being charged in the City of Cupi,:rtino. This information may be especially desirable for restaurants which are high energy users that could benefit from energy saving techniques. Commissioner Guimont reported that the Library Commission has not yet addressed the Energy Commission's request for space, but will do so at its meeting next week. Commissioner Guimont reported that five responses have been received from individuals as a result of the article in the Cupertino Scene requesting volunteers who have employed energy saving techniques. The possibility of a house tour for energy was also discussed. Commissioner Droege reported that he had reviewed energy usage of City facili- ties for a two month period. City Mall is using an unusually high amount of hot water (approximately 500 gallons per day), contrary to earlier information. Waste- heat could be rechanneled or recovered. Another months statistic will be gathered. Commissioner Droege recommended the investment of approximately $1,800 to install a hot water waste-heat recovery project at the Corporation Yard. He esti- mates that the demonstration project would have a payback period of approximately 6 years with annual usage of 800-1200 hours at current PG&E rates. The commission agreed to his recommendation with the suggestions that an additional month ef- ut1di#.*rb111ing0 be reviewed, and the recommendation be reviewed with the Director of Public Works. Commissioner Droege also provided the Commission with a draft for a survey he proposes for a sampling- of 100 people. The Commission reviewed the survey and suggested some minor changes -2- MINUTES OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION MEETING OF OCTOBER 14, 1.981. (Continued) including some questions about transportation and energy saving lights. The final draft of this questionnaire will be given to the staff to type and distri- bute before the next Energy Commission meeting. Commissioner Mukherjee reported that he met with Bert Viskovich, Director of Public Works, to discuss: 1) the feasibility of shuttle buses between Vallco shopping centers and other major gathering places of people, 2) cogeneration in industries in Cupertino, and 3) solid waste management's current status. Commissioner Mukherjee also reviewed the solid waste management consulting studies previously done, and summarized the status in a four page report for the Commission. He also reported that the transportation element of the general plan is under current review, imergy conservation will be addressed in the trans portation element of the General Plan. Commissioner Mukherjee will discuss this with Commissioner Weber whose portfolio involves transportation. And, finally, Commissioner Mukherjee reported that in the periodic meetings between the City of Cupertino and industrial representatives of this community, the question of any cogeneration that is currently being used will be addressed. Commissioner Johnsen recommended that a TV program on Sunday evenings on Channel 54 titled, "Power Game". He also reported that he had met briefly witsa the chief building official, John Busto, and will meet with Mr. Donovan, former chairman of the National Science Foundation. Chairperson Mann reported that the Planning Department is in the process of hiring a consultant in order to assist in writing the energy element of the Gen- eral Plan for the City of Cupertino. The Planning Department has agreed to involve the Energy Commission in this process. The consultant hired will provide energy database information for not only city buildings, but private residential, commer- cial, and industrial buildings. The Chair further reported on a conference entitled, "CLEO 81" sponsored by the National League of Cities held in Los Angeles in September. The meeting was attended by former Mayor Robert Meyers, who brought back materials on all aspects of energy collected orderly, and easily retrievable, in a looseleaf binder. It was offered to any of the Commissioners who wished to read it. The Commission decided that the next meeting of the Energy Commission will be November 4, the first Wednesday in the month of November, rather than the second Wednesday. Staff will be responsible for advertising the changed date and notifying the Commissioners not in attendance. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Ly s Barbara K. Assistant �0=11,_e"City Manager j /iraJii7li LLi£! ®ETft + :' W. 11Vi THE CONFERENCE ROOM AT CITY HA111,. Meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners: Droege, Guimont, Mukherjee, Johnsen, Mann, and Wedel " Staff Present: Barbara K. Brox�n, Assistant to the City Manager Absent: Commissioner: Weber Minutes of the last meeting werg approved as amended: Page 1, paragraph 9, second sentence reads: He estimates that the demonstra- tion project would have a payback period of 800-1200 hour- of air conditioning use. Changed to read: He estimates that the demonstration project would have a payback period of approximately b years with annual usage of 800-1200 hours at current PG&E rates. Page 2, second paragraph, 7th line reads: He also reported that the trans- portation element of the general plan is under current review, in which shuttle systems at Vallco will be addressed in the transportation element of the General Plan. Changed to read: He also reported that the transportation element of the General Plan is under current review, Energy conservation will be addressed in the trans- portation element of the General Plan. Staff read a memo from the Director of Public Works regarding the savings being effected by the street light conversion to the high sodium lighting. The cost of the conversion ought to be paid back in savings in approximately 3 years. A discussion regarding the local government Energy Coordinator's workshop to be held in Sacramento, November 19th & 20th was held. Chairperson Mann will attend the session that Friday. Commissioner Wedel will attend the Mayor's luncheon in December. Staff will notify the City Manager's secretary of the substitution. The Commissioners reviewed Mr. Mukherjee's report regarding "Resource and Solid Waste Management". He added to the written report that he is currently re- viewing a management study report done by Peat, Marwick & Mitchell which he received subsequent to his meeting with the Director of Public Works. Currently the solid waste management program is concentrating on finding landfill arrangements to meet the immediate need, after which, the Manager plans to investigate resource recovery proposals. It seems that electricity as a product of the resource recovery should be very easily marketable, but there may be some problems in marketing the gas that could be produced. Commissioner Guimont reported that the Library Commission has appointed the sub-committee to explore our request to have room set aside for energy related books and materials. She also reported that she contacted the five people who'd volunteered to have energy usage monitored in their home subsequent to the install- ation of some energy saving devices in order to show the practical savings that can be made. She used the survey that was designed by Commissioner Droege. At this point the Commission turned to the discussion of the proposed survey. It was suggested that Question 4 have added to it, "Do you shut off your pilot light in the Summer?". It was further suggested that Question No. 10 have the .following sentence added: "At approximately what temperature?", "Completely off?". Staff will produce 150 copies of the survey to be given to the Commissioners. Commissioner Droege will designate a way in which the Commissioners can solicit 120 random responses to this particular survey, thereby, representing approximately 1% of a household in the community. Commissioner Johnsen reported that he intends to present, at the neat meeting, an evaluation of solar ordinances and their impact on the local community, as well as the cities that have them. Commissioner Droege reported that his meeting with the Chief Buildlug Inspector regarding waste/heat recovery from the airconditioning units went very will. He and the Chief Building Inspector agreed that there may be considerable lest heat through the uninsulated pipes that run great distances, as well as the fa-tt that the hot water is pumped through a recirculating system. The City's senior engineer- ing technician will check into this. The Chair asked Commissioner Droege to put not only his findings, but his recommendations, in a written format so that the conclusions that have applicability to the commercial/industrial setting can be easily retrieved. It would be the Commission's hope that energy conservation and savings would be voluntarily adopted by commercial and industrial clients at the point that it is demonstrated to them that there are practical cost savings. Commissioner Wedel reported that De Anza College is planning to have an Energy Fair sponsored by the student government, and suggested a booth at the Fair for the Commission would be appropriate. Commissioner Guimont will call De Anza and follow up with what ever information or program would be necessary. Commissioner Wedel also reviewed the report he made to the Energy Commission regarding pending legislation, institutions, and documents that could be used as a resource information. A dis- cussion of income tax credit took place. Commissioner Guimont plans to write an article describing the tax credit information for publication in the Cupertino Scene. Staff distributed materials from the ABAG meeting held in Santa Rosa, October 24th, and attended by Councilmember Rogers. A discussion of the goals in the progress of the Energy Commission took place. The next meeting will be held Wednesday, December 9, 1981 at 7:30 P.M. in the Conference Room of the Cupertino City Hall. The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 P.M. Respectfully submitted, arbara K. Bro✓,�ssistant to the City Manager • CITy OP cupLitTM, VAR 01 MIYOMIA 10300 Torre AveMA0. tai*tsrtr too. f,,A 341 Telephone: (400) 232�4505 Bob CI V ti ,�. E '�d Ems. RLiiA CALL TO ORDER The meeting was o4llvd t,,r, ofdtr 4t 10 P-X. ROLL CALL Commissioners P1 +nt s Dr age, we ir. Guisoot, VO4vt 4rt4 4AMP Commissioners M 4w It: ..'Mi amen .ar'd ;ttuktaor 04 Staff Present: rbsat tc.. bra. ,sraistaae a tt fit: assr MINUTES OF THE PREY 16 A Et"l-!�, The minutes wort, ztfo+Prfkv 44 p I Q*eeat , OLD BUSINESS Commissioner Drt .t, repotte4 tO tht C4,Yr"l*#UY0 E441 t@sat raasVoy dlatr e F the last meeting was 1s p rorro os. ble had hi sepE a oov hits 10 s+a well as Commissioner ' 0horlor 's, ve w to (xgst apt t1w C.quntr�,. Wadel so mat'+ h-Avo completed their glueol io",eaires. we r. GUIUatsat 4"d J>)�haaaateta'* q►aesti "fires pare yet to be submitted. 0w=1s*t€9cWf DrO*Rt aaskej that *It the Morvey "*tio tres be returned to his bt-t-o ie Dvt ea. h r 1). 1991 . Me forthfr ou"ooted thrt the *go of the housing unit s..Novlal tat 644od to th4 starves. Coaft1#01[oner OT0#4e guns to tabulate the results k34 !the survey anJ Proa'taat, th.taa at: the ""t E"f4y Cowtootoo meeting. He also 74"z rsoxd an tyngtoiaag discustion with sort Vjokovl�,h. Dlrvttor of Public Works, reRtirdim% the waote Raataot r#c0 ry syxst0Q0 t'+ar h0th the City full and the Service Center. There art still sir qu eaat.1400s staout the eeasr%' u`%4 that are being invoot la lt.ed. Cf► issio r Cuin ant reported that tho rs+ paet4v from the Library Caiwl&olan to the r%Y C t04t0n's reorpeaeast t"of space 104 set aside for energy ftPt rrtakis vao not as positl,vt es we hod ho> 4. It`* not feasible to keep Cups ri l-tao's Cxaoray Ma 9ssiOP l itarrstura Daly in (:uport is Library since it's a pasrl; of the t''0u tY1-rich[ ;W46— tf~v#r. teas L b»try Commission suggested a ots+r broth sa#rgy disoplaY oaks[ he porr►stble. Dlac+0s►011 on was held regarding a c+ !,.urrvtnt x w4 414PIOY At th# UbfAty, p4r� 1�t'l t$On in the Energy Fair. tatid tho pool i.-1;( 10" kst the sur oty resulto saa a ) of gs1ot- ing some community r.k a'ti.t1on ot the Cnarqy s<t ivtt Seaa. C4#MI ss1<Mvr Weber suggested that t@ae dtopk4r 6k! <adtcr04 As A try tteag exhfbtt Oat a y go from library to librPrY rhroughOot, tha G*unty. There vA# a sener4I �44atsasaetose held as to the kinds v1 one vootls t4iaopal�ay thAt C-10 by herb at t' 0 1,5ht'-4ry. ashAslti would include the di�rrttvutton of 1'GAE ,ANPhletu. OOMOy ¢�tk t "Atpl •toad r individuals in the Lltwarv. .irxd avv" Pertxaaps as I4Ral6vt to -srd artth ahree--loy- five cards that cnsw v t6o g%1,00ion. '11*ro to Volast WW do t.ry Ve oft#tg.y°'o NEW BUSINESS Correspondence tocotvoM v4o d1*r.r14"t0 tg� as?rs €a�tasi z vars shr t 5a review. CITY OR CUPERTINO, STATE OF CALIPORNIA �Y 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone: (408) 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD ON DECEMBER 9, 1981 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Droege, Weber, Guimont, Wedel and Mann Commissioners Absent: Johnsen and Mukherjee. Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: The minutes were approved as presented. OLD BUSINESS Commissioner Droege reported to the Commission that the survey discussed at the last meeting was in progress. He had himself done his 20 questionaires, as well as Commissioner Mukherjee's, who is out of the Country. Wedel and Mann have completed their questionaires. Weber, Guimont and Johnsen's questionaires are yet to be submitted. Commissioner Droege asked that all the survey questionaires ® be returned to him before December 23, 1981. He further suggested that the age of the housing unit should be added to. the survey. Commissioner Droege plans to tabulate the results of the survey and present them at the next Energy Commission meeting. He also reported an ongoing discussion with Bert Viskovich, Director of Public Works, regarding the waste heat recovery systems for both the City Hall and the Service Center. There are still some questions about the energy usage that are being investigated. Commissioner Guimont reported that the response from the Library Commission to the Energy Commission's request for space being set aside for energy materials was not as positive as we had hoped. It's not feasible to keep Cupertino's Energy Commission literature only in Cupertino Library since it's a part of the County-wide system. However, the Library Commission suggested a one month energy display might be possible. Discussion was held regarding a concurrent one month display at the Library, participation in the Energy Fair, and the publication of the survey results as a way of gain- ing some community recognition of the Energy Commission's activities. Commissioner Weber suggested that the display be offered as a traveling exhibit that may go from library to library throughout the County. There was a general discussion held as to the kinds of one month display that can be held at the Library, which would include the distribution of PG&E pamphlets, survey to he completed by individuals in the Library, and even perhaps a bulletin board with three-by- five cards that answer the question: "Here is what we do to save energy;". NEW BUSINESS Correspondence received was distributed to the C-mmission members for their review. n . = MINUTES OF THE REM AR mUTING OF THE E fEM OMMSSION a� HELD ON DECEMBER 9, 1981 Chairperson Mann reported to the Commission about her attendance at the Energy Coordinators m °Lting held November 20, 1981 in Sacramento. She attended discussions of energy elements to the General Plata presented by representatives from the City of Alameda,the City of Fresno, and the County of Alameda. She also attended work shops on renewable energy, retrofitting, transportation, and resource recovery. She was able to gather a considerable amount of literature including the Local Energy Planning handbook, published by the State Energy Commission. The Commission discussed an ongoing article in the Cupertino Scene each month regarding the activities and suggestions of the Energy Commission. Encouragement for people to have residential conservation service (RCS) audits completed by PG&E was suggested for the next article. A general discussion was held regarding the street light conversion and savings as a result of the more energy efficient lighting. Commissioner Wedel encouraged the Commissioners to read the Energy Watch, which is a monthly publication by the State Energy Commission regarding energy costs and uses throughout the State. Chairperson Mann raised the issue of addressing a retrofit ordinance. The various forms that a retrofit ordinance could take, as well as enforcement, was discussed by all the .Commissioners. Commissioner Droege suggested, and the Commission agreed, that we should wait until the results of the survey are in, in a month's time, for an opportunity to see what kind of emphasis might be responsive to those surveys. ® A discussion, as well as a Wall Street Journal article, of gas deregulations and its impact on utility costs savings was held. It was the general consensus of most of the Commissioners that have conducted the questionaire survey that most of the people in this community are really willing to save energy;they simply need to know how to do it and know that it is cost effective. The Commission requested staff gather information regarding the age and the number of houses sold in Cupertino during the last year. This information can be particularly interesting as it relates to the possibility of a retrofit ordin- ance. Staff will send a letter to cities and counties 'that have retrofit ordinances requesting copies of the ordinances, and comments, that they may have regarding the practical impacts of such an ordinance. Staff will make an appointment with the Assistant Planning Director, Bob Cowan, and Chairperson Mann to discuss the scope of work for the energy element to the General Plan. It was suggested that members of the Energy Commission who were interested in the development of Seven Springs Ranch as it relates to energy i.e., building construction and transportation impacts; attend the Planning Commission meetings. The Planning Commission is currently addressing the overall plan for Seven Springs Ranch. 0 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF TU COM4 SSI,ON HELD ON DECDMER 9, 1981 January 18 to January 21, 1982, DeAnza College is holding an Energy Fair, which will address alternative energy sources, conservation of anergy, and new energy resources. The coordinator for the Fair is Dan Nelson, telephone number: 996-4756. The Commission's participation in the Energy Fair was dis- cussed. It was felt that when more information is available about the Fair, the decision can be made at the January meeting as to whether or not the Commission will participate. Commissioner Guimont reported that she had contacted store managers of Luckys and Food Villa who are initiating techniques to conserve energy on freezer units; both stores report positive feedback from the customers. Food Villa feels that the payback period for the installation will be approximately 12 months. Luckys, unfortunately, doesn't have that information at this time. It was reported that Longs, at the Orchard Market Square, has also installed the plastic strips along the freezer units to help conserve energy. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, am Me arbara K. B Assistant t the City Manager CITY <t3F CiTI' ATE =r . 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone; (408) 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMUSSION HELD ON JANUARY 13, 1982 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Droege, Guimont, Mann, Mukherjee, Weber and Wedel Commissioners Absent: None Staff Absent: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager Guests: Bill Richardson, Boy Scout Merit Badge Counselor and Bryan Timmerman, Scout Troop 407, working on communi- cation badge for life merit badge. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: The minutes were approved as presented. CORRESPONDENCE: A letter of resignation was submitted by Ron Johnsen with regrets. ® Two construction companies accepted the invitation to attend a future Energy Commission meeting. Data on homes sold in Cupertino is not available from County offices. Developers will be invited to attend the regular meeting of February 10. A letter requesting housing sales information will be sent out to various Real Estate Boards in the County. OLD BUSINESS: Bob Droege gave a final report of the survey and distributed results to the Commissioners. A motion was adopted unanimously to submit the survey to the City Council. Other possible sources of publication of the survey will be investigated by Commissioners Droege and Guimont. Commissioner Guimont reported on the schedule for the DeAnza Energy Fair to be held at DeAnza, January 18-21, with both speakers and exhibits. The Commission decided not to participate due to the Fair's lack of advertising. Commissioner Guimont reported that the Library Commission did not meet last month. She will be attending the next meeting and will report back regarding space for energy materials. A discussion was held regarding a proposed column for the Cupertino Scene. It was decided that the Energy Commission would request a column monthly regard- ing various energy developments. -.2- CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING - 3ANUARY 13, 1982 NEW BUSINESS: Commissioner Weber reported on traffic problems. Signal light failures contribute to energy waste. Possible educational material is available to improve driver awareness in improving gas consumption. A discussion of inter- connect signal systems was held and how they work. Commissioner Weber will meet with Mr. Viskovich, Director of Public Works, concerning unnecessary stop signs in Cupertino. Commissioner Mukherjee reported on cogeneration. He is investigating industries where cogeneration is feasible. Commissioner Mann will be attending a luncheon with the Fremont School District and will discuss areas where the Commission can help them. The meeting was adjourned at 9:32 P.M. The next regular meeting will be held February 10, Conference Room, Cupertino City Hall. Respectfully submitted, o r Wedel, Acking Secretary CITY OF COPEWTUM SATE OF CALIFFOMIA, 10300 Torre Avemm, Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone: (408) 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD ON FEBRUARY 10, 1982 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Droege, Guimont, Mann, Mukherjee, and Wedel Commissioners Absent: Weber Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager Guests: Terry Brown, Terry Brown Construction Company MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: The minutes were approved. NEW BUSINESS: Chairperson Mann requested that new business be moved ahead in the agenda so that the Commissioners could discuss with Mr. Terry Brown, construction as it is related to energy issues. Chairperson Mann and Commissioner Droege ex- plained the role of the Energy Commission and the results of the recent survey done of residences in the area. Title XX was also explained. Mr. Brown builds primarily single-family residences. The homes he builds have energy efficient features, which are good sales points and a mark of quality construction. Gas appliances, as opposed to electrical appliances, lighting, and heating were discussed with Mr. Brown. In summary Mr. Brown said that energy efficiency in this mild climate has not been a "hot" issue nor has it been oppressive to comply with those energy regulations which are required by the State Energy Commission building code or the City of Cupertino. It seems clear that re- quirements for energy efficiency will be more stringent in the future. Mr. Brown suggested that the Energy Commission could provide energy information that would assist contractors in choosing features to improve the salability of homes being built. An example would be the advantages of gas appliances over electrical appliances. OLD BUSINESS: Commissioner Droege reported that the survey conducted by the Commission during the month of November and December was received in January by the City Council. It was also distributed at the Mayor's luncheon. Commissioner Droege has also contacted San Jose Mercury staff writer, George Lajeunesse, who has been assigned the Cupertino area news. It is hoped that Mr. Lajeunesse will look at the survey and hopefully print it. Tom Harris, Mercury energy editor, has also been contacted by Commissioner Droege. Commissioner Guimont was able to have an article placed in the Cupertino Scene for the March issues as well as an energy mint. Commissioner Droege is also reviewing the energy audit done for the City by Andrew Scott of PG&E. He will go over the results of the audit with the Director of Public Works as well as some waste-heat recovery units for the Service Center on Mary Avenue. CITy OF CUPMMW. STATE OF CALIFORNIA MINUTES Op THE REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 10, 1982 Chairperson Mann reported the San Jose Realty Board had provided informa- tion regarding property sold in Cupertino in the last two years. Commissioner Droege suggested that it may be the Commission's desire to become involved in the Community Action Program sponsored by a service group in which the installation of hot water heater blankets and water pipe insula- tion could be sold to people who are unable to install it themselves. The advantages of the proposal are that it would raise money for service groups while at the same time provide the service that is not otherwise available in the free marketplace. Staff will contact the City Attorney about what liabili- ties may be involved and the Commission endorsement of such a grogram. Commissioner Wedel reported that the State and the County are trying to establish a network of individuals and groups which share a common interest and expertise in providing residential energy construction assistance; the contact person is Karen Griffin, telephone number (916) 920-6161. Staff will contact Ms. Griffin to follow-up in becoming a part of this network. Commissioner Wedel also distributed a Municipal Solar Utilities information handout which he asked the Commissioners to read so that it can be discussed at the next meeting. The recycling pilot project which began in February was discussed. Commissioners Guimont and Mukherjee will contact Joe Renati, of Los Altos Garbage, to offer whatever assistance the Energy Commission may be able to offer, as well as to be involved in the progress of the project. Commissioner Guimont reported that neither she or Commissioner Droege were able to attend the Library Commission meeting. She has asked the Chair, Sharon Rohde, to try and arrange a special meeting. The Energy Commission is still interested in having a depository for the information and materials that is gathered in regard to energy. Commissioner Mukherjee's investigation continues as it relates to the prac- tical application of cogeneration to industries that exist in Cupertino. He reported that the rate of return, or payout, may be slower than most industries recognize as feasible. Commissioner Mukherjee also reported that he is continu- ing to work with the Director of Public Works regarding municipal solid-waste resource recovery. Commissioner Mukherjee will contact Tom Henderson, Manager of the Joint Powers Solid-Waste Agreement, and invite hin: to the March 10 meeting of the Energy Commission. Chairperson Mann reminded the Commissioners that they have all been invited to the Commissioner's dinner to be held February 20 at the Senior Citizens Community Center at 6:30 P.M. She wanted to make sure that all the Commissioners had been reached by Mrs. Quinlan. Chairperson Mann also read the notices of meetings related to energy issues of the California State Energy Commission. The next meeting will be held March 10, 1982 in the Conference Room of the Cupertino City Hall. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Barbara K. Assistant o the City Manager CITY Or CUP ' ,'. �� `" 103,30 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone: (408) 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION ® HELD ON MARCH 10, 1982 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. ROLL TALL: Commissioners Present: Droege, Mann, Mukherjee, and Wedel Commissioners Absent: Guimont and Weber Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the. City Manager Guest: Thomas Henderson, General Manager of the Northern Santa Clara County Joint Powers Agreement for Solid Waste Management MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: The minutes of the meeting held February 10, 1982 were not received by the Commissioners in time to be approved at this meeting, therefore, those minutes will come before the Commission in April for approval. NEW BUSINESS: The agenda was moved ahead to new business to allow Mr. Henderson to make ® his presentation to the Commission. Commissioner Mukherjee introduced Mr. Henderson as well as giving some background as it relates to solid-waste management, and studies that have been done for the City of Cupertino. The early thought was that landfill was the least costly solution, but as the City of Cupertino runs short of landfill the costs have escalated considerably. In 1972 the State mandated that Counties have solid-waste management plans. Santa Clara County was divided into three sections of which the. City of Cupertino is a part of the northern Santa Clara section. One of the unique things about the solid-waste stream in the northern part of Santa Clara County is a large amount of industrial mix: 70 percent. The other remaining waste is cleaner and contains less large items and wet garbage. The major goal of any solid-waste management program is to eliminate the waste volume. One way is to recycle at the source, but we must accept that some things cannot be pro- cessed and have to go to a landfill site, even when there's an energy recovery program in place. There are three kinds of energy recovery programs currently operating throughout the world. The first is the mining of trapped methane gas in landfill areas, the second is the mass burning of garbage without processing or separating it in advance, third, is the preparation and separation of gar- bage so that it's burned in the most efficient possible form. Mr. Henderson explained the landfill techniques and methane gas mining, he also diagrammed the mass burning process as well as the burning of the process waste for more efficient burning. At the present time no resource recovery plan is econo- mically feasible if what your goal is, is to make money or at least cover ® your costs. However, if the goal remains to reduce the amount of garbage and reduce the necessary landfill, then, the energy recovery programs are effective. • CITY OF C =iI4+,'l, STATE OF CALIFORNU r MINUTES OIL THE RBGMM METING - MARCH 10, 1982 The cost of burning garbage is from $35.00 to $40.00 per ton. If it weren't burned $15.00 would have to I)e spent per ton for the landfill, plus, there would be a loss of $13.00 to $17.00 in the energy that the burned garbage could generate in the form of electricity. Therefore, the costs of burning garbage are from $4.00 to $12.00 per ton. Mr. Henderson emphasized that it's a political decision as to whether or not the extra cost is a public service and we must also keep in mind what the goals are as well as potential future costs. The Commission held a discussion with Mr. Henderson about the financ- ing of such a project. User fees were discussed as well as the time for such a fee to begin. The Commission thanked Mr. Henderson for his interesting and valuable presentation. OLD BUSINESS: Commissioner Droege has sent a letter to Bert Viskovich regarding the waste-heat process that he is proposing for the Service Center. Commissioner Droege has also reviewed the PG&E Energy Audit. He reminded the Commission that "DeAnza Days" will be coming soon and suggested that a booth for the Commission and energy conservation be presented. It was moved and seconded that the Commission participate in "DeAnza Days" with a booth. Commissioner Wedel will take responsibility for finding out what is necessary in order to participate in "DeAnza Days", and call on other Commissioners to help him with the booth and the actual presentations and demonstrations. It was re- ported that the recycling project, currently in place through the Los Altos Garbage Company, is having a very limited response: 7% of the potential participants. Mr. Henderson said that there is some money available for ® publicity in such a nature. The Staff was directed that if the project were to last through April, Staff would seek the additional financial resources to gain more publicity. The Staff was instructed to send a letter to Commissioner Weber reminding him that he is chairing the April meeting of the Energy Commission. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. The next regular meeting will be held April 14, 1982 in the Conference Room of the Cupertino City Hall. Respectfully Submitted, Barbara K. B own` Assistant t the City Manager CITY OF CUPEYtTI 0, STATE OF CAY.IFORHIA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone: (408) 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR FETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD ON APRIL 14, 1982 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA ' CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Droege, Weber, Guimont, Wedel and Gernert Commissioners Absent: Mukherjee and Mann Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: The minutes for the February and March meetings were approved by the Commission as submitted. OLD BUSINESS: Commissioners discussed possible energy related issues or topics that could be of interest and displayed at the "De Anza Days" festivities. It was decided that the Commission would focus on the most cost effective things that people could do to reduce their energy consumption. Commissioner Guimont will take responsibility for doing graphics on a board to announce the displays and to attract attention, plus smaller placards with the actual cost savings for the six most effective ways or techniques for saving energy costs. Commissioner Weber said that if Commissioner Guimont should have trouble obtaining a hot water heater that can be blanketed, he will be happy to contact plumbing contractors for assistance somehow getting the hot water heater. Commissioner Wedel will contact PG&E regarding literature for dispersal at the table. Commissioner Droege will write a brochure that explains the various techniques and the savings involved. The Commission also agreed to provide information regarding an energy audit: How long does it take to get it? What happens? How long does it take to have the audit completed, once they're at your house? And,information regarding the zero interest loans for suggested improvements as a result of the audit. Commissioner Guimont will publicize the Energy Commission's participation in the June, Cupertino Scene. Commissioner Wedel also suggested that the Cupertino Scene Energy hint include information regarding the Energy savings tax credit for swimming pools that has been reduced to 35% for 1982 and will be even less in 1983. Commissioner Guimont reported that she and Commissioner Droege attended a Library Commission meeting and that the request was granted to provide a place in the Library for the energy related materials that the Commission have gathered. A table will also be provided to distribute pamphlets that may have energy related information. The Library Commission will be happy to have a weekly or monthly display that also relates to energy. Commissioner Weber suggested that the "De Anza Day" display be retained in order to be put in the Library for a display in the ® Fall months just before heating costs start to go up. It was agreed that a rubber stamp will be purchased that reads: "Information Provided by the City of Cupertino Energy Commission", to identify the source of the materials that will be located in the Library. -2- CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATA OF CALIFORNIA MIMES Q'F.TRE REGULAR ENERGY COMMISSION MEETING - APRIL 14, l"2 Commissioner Droege reported that his final calculations for the waste- heat recovery from the airconditioning unit at the City of Cupertino Service Center had been forwarded to Director of Public Works, but that the hot water usage was lower than expected and that the cost savings were frankly marginal. It would be at least a six year payback period. More hot water usage would reduce the payback period. Commissioner Droege requested copies of the specs being formulated to automate the airconditioning dampers for his review and possible comments to be forwarded to the Public Works Department. The Commission discussed the possibility of having a service organization install, for a very reasonable fee, water heater blankets and have the civic organization keep the fee as a fund raiser. There would be some insurance ex- posure to the City of Cupertino even if the service organization provided its own insurance, and even if the recipients of the service were to sign a waiver. The need for training the installers was discussed. Bob Droege will contact vendors to get an idea what the wholesale cost of the blankets might be. The Commission will ask Chairperson Betty Mann to contact civic organizations in the community to see if there is any interest in such a fund raiser. NEW BUSINESS: Commissioner Wedel reported that the residential conservation building energy standards,established by the California State Commission on Energy, will become effective July 13, 1982. San Jose City College is providing a training course. More information can be obtained from Roberta Firetag at 298-2181. Manuals outlining the new standards are available. ® Commissioner Wedel also reported that a local energy planning handbook can be obtained for free from the State Commission by writing to: 1111 Howe Ave., N.S. 50, Sacramento, California 95825. Staff were also instructed to contact the State Energy Commission regarding a contract with the Institute for the Human Environment establishing a community based network of individuals, groups, and agencies which share a common interest and expertise in providing residential conservation assistance to consumers. The contact person is Karen Griffin at 920-6161. The Commission decided that next month's May meeting "Old Business" would include the following topics: 1. "De Anza Day" participation. 2. Response to the PG&E audit for City Hall. 3. Institute for the Human Environment network. 4. Installation of hot water blankets in the community. 5. The recycling project report. The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 P.M. Respectfully submitted, i '$arbara K. own, " Assistant to/ the City Manager S MINUTES OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION MEETING HELD ON MAY 12, 1982. MEETING WAS HM IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY BALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORM CALLED TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:36 P.M. . ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Gernert, Droege, Weber, Wedel, Mukherjee and Mann Absent: Commissioner Guimont 1 Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager OLD BUSINESS: I. The Commission discussed in detail its participation in the De Anza Day activities scheduled for Sunday, Jur.e 6, 1982. A table 6' x 2�2_' with two chairs has been reserved for the Energy Commission's display. The exact location is unknown as yet. Arrangements were made by the Commissioners to have examples of the six most cost effective ways to save home energy displayed, including: Ceiling insulation, heat- ing duct wraps, water heater blankets, low-flow shower heads, caulking and weather stripping. Nothing, as yet, has been collected. Commissioner Droege has prepared a handout describing the six ways to save energy. The draft will be retyped and one- thousand copies produced to be handed out during the festivities. Any copies left over will be placed in the Cupertino Library for additional perusal. It was further determined that the survey, and the results of the survey, will be distributed. Two-hundred-and-fifty copies are to be made. Commissioner Weber will deliver a hot watt- heater to Commissioner Guimont's home for transport, with a water heater blanket to be wrapped around the hot water heater, and an example of ceiling insulation. Commissioner Droege will provide a caulking gun and Commissioner Wedel will provide the caulking, while Commissioner Gernert will nail some wood strips together in order to demonstrate the caulking. Commissioner Mann will get an example of a low-flow shower head, and Commissioner Wedel will provide some weather stripping. People will be encouraged to complete suggestion cards to let the Commissioners know what they would like the Commission to address. The schedule for manning the booth is: Commissioners Guimont and Gernert - 8:30 A.M. - 11:00 A.M. Commissioners Wedel and Mann 11:00 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. Commissioners Droege and Mukherjee 1:30 P.M. - 4:00 P.M. Commissioners Droege and Mukherjee will take responsibility for transporting the hot water heater back to the dumpster at City Hall parking lot. Commissioner Guimont has agreed to do the lettering for a banner to be placed on the skirt of the table which will read: "Six Most Cost Effective Ways to Save Home Energy." Side teasers will read: "Cupertino Energy Commission." She will also pre- pare placards 6" x 8" that identify the six ways that are being demonstrated: Ceil- ing insulation, heating duct wrap, water heater blanket with insulated few feet of water pipe, low-flow shower heads, caulking, weather stripping. A label for the suggestion box will say: "Give Us Your Energy Saving Ideas." A final placard will say: "Cupertino Energy Surrey Results. How do you Compare"? Commissioners Droege, Guimont and Gernert will meet and review the display materials prior to the De Anza Days festivities. n.. . -2- CUPERTINO ENERGY COMMISSION MEETING -- MAY 12, 1982 II. The minutes from the April 14 meeting were approved. III. Commissioner Droege has spoken to Travis Whitten regarding the PG&E audit. i The two points for further discussion are the air conditioning suggestions made by the auditor and some adjustment to the water recirculation system. Commissioner Droege will follow-up with Travis Whitten. IV. Institute for Human Environmental Network has failed to respond to any of our inquiries. Staff will continue to try and contact. V. The installation of water blankets by a service group continues to be ex- plored by Commissioner Droege and Commissioner Mann. They will report back at the June meeting. VI. Commissioner Droege reported Commissioner Guimont had talked to a Mr. Mello of Los Altos Garbage Company. Mr. Mello reported that 8% of the people in the project area are participating, but they are participating in a very low volume. The market for salvageable products is going down very quickly; aluminium is currently being repurchased at twelve cents a pound and paper prices are dropping even more drama- tically. Mr. Mello suggested that people who recycled prior to the project are continuing to recycle, but they are continuing to recycle either at De Anza College or to non-profit organizations to which they belong. The number of new recyclers are represented in the 8% participation. He also indicated that there are twenty-four pro- grams in California for recycling all of which are subsidized; Palo Alto may be the most successful program, but is subsidized eight to twelve thousand dollars per month by the City. Los Altos Garbage is not interested in continuing the program after June 1, 1982. Commissioner Wedel suggested, and the Commission agreed, that Los Altos Garbage Company should be asked to inform project participants that although they are disccntinuing the program June 1, that recycling material can still be taken to De Anza College. Staff will contact Los Altos Garbage in this regard. NEW BUSINESS: I. Commissioner Mukherjee reported that he and Commissioner Mann attended a meeting of the "War on Waste Committee" in Palo Alto. The Committee is a group that wants citizen participation at the beginning of any decision making process as it regards to solid-waste disposal. Information to the public is hoped to smooth the implementation process of whatever ultimate waste recovery system that may be adopted. There is also a desire by 'some to make the joint powers agreement a more autonomous and powerful :organization. II. Commissioner Mann suggested that in October with the change of the Chair- personship a summary of activities for the first 15 months of the Commission go to the Council. She would like to have information from each of the Commissioners pertaining to their portfolio, in writing, by the end of July or early August. She would then write the summary and have it reviewed by the Commission in September and it would go to the City Council in October. III. Staff was asked to write to the California Energy Commission and get more information on pur alcohol use for vehicles. The people to be contacted are: Synthetic Fuels Office, California Energy Commission, 1111 Howe Avenue, Sacramento, California. Staff was also asked to notify the Energy Commission whenever the Plann- ing Commission for the City of Cupertino is considering energy related requirements. CUPERTINO ENERGY COMMISSION MEETING - MAY 12, 1982 Commissioner Guimont will be asked to attend the June Mayor's luncheon. If she's unable to attend Commissioner Wedel will be contacted. IV. The agenda for the next Energy Commission meeting should include under ° "Old Business": 1. De Anza Day Report. 2. PG&E audit results. 3. Institute for the Human Environment Network. 4. Water blanket installation by a service group. 5. Summary of activities report. 6. Review of existing solar ordinances. V. For the July meeting Commissioner Mukherjee will spend some time with the Commission looking at alternative sources of energy with special attention to a fuel cL-ll. The Commission adjourned at 10:00 P.M. The next meeting will be held June 9, 1952 in the Conference Room, City Hall at 7:30 P.M. Respectfully submi ted,4 , arbara K. own Assistant to the City Manager v e , 77 s CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone: (408) 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD ON JUNE 9, 1982 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Mann at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Gernert, Wedel, Guimont and Mann Absent: Commissioners Mukherjee, Droege and Weber Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: The minutes of the May 12, 1982 meeting were approved. CORRESPONDENCE: A letter was received from Mr. Jason Chartier making suggestions for the solar requirements for new residential units. It was the Commission's understanding that new units are required to be plumbed for future installation of solar energy saving devices should the new owner wish to install them at their own expense, however, there is no requirement that solar systems be required in any new units. Staff was asked to return the letter to the Planning Department and ask the Planning Depart- ment if they would explain the current ordinance as it exists. OLD BUSINESS: Commissioner Guimont reported that the recycling of aluminum cans is currently paying 20C per pound and that the price for glass recycling is going up. Unfortunately, bi-metals are no longer being purchased. The 8% were not necessarily new recyclers but all those that participated in the program. The Commission discussed the De Anza Day participation; the major goal achieved seemed to be the awareness that the Energy Commission existed. Approximately one- hundred people came by the booth. Concern was expressed that the number of people that did come by weren't significant enough to justify the effort and time spent. It was further concluded that a better location and something to give away to children would have enhanced the display. Commissioner Guimont was complimented by all of the Commissioners, as well as the Staff, for the graphics that she donated to the display. Commissioner Droege will report on the PG&E audit follow-up at the next meeting. Barbara Brown reported that the Institute for the Human Environment Network had been contacted through the State Energy Commission. No activity had taken place in establishing the network due to a State freeze on budget expenditures, however, in h • '- 110 2- MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION - HELD JUNE 9, 1982 June a contract will be awarded to Mike Gordon in San Francisco, telephone number: (415) 956-1230, who will be responsitle for establishing networks within each County of people and organizations that are concerned with energy conservation. Mr. Gordon should contact the Cupertino Energy Commission but if not Staff will contact him. Chairperson Mann reported that she has contacted a few service groups and is still waiting to hear from them regarding the proposal for hot water heater blanket install- ations. The Chairperson requested that the summary of activity reports, which may include goal setting as well as suggestions for changes, be brought to her by the July meet- ing. There was general discussion on the part of the Commission as to the development of some criteria to be applied to any future developments in the City regarding energy issues. After development of the critieria it will be forwarded to the Planning Commission. The draft of the Seven Springs Ranch development EIR was distributed to the Commissioners with the intention of looking at the kinds of issues which may re- late to energy that are included in the EIR. Request was made that the Lincoln pro- perty EIR also be made available to the Commission so that they could look at the kinds of criteria that have been established for commercial property. The Chairperson asked that each Commissioner review the kinds of things that ought to be included into the criteria established by the Commission for developments as related to energy. Suggested concerns were: toilets with a minimum flushing action, flow restrictors, landscaping with plants requiring less water, dual piping and options for homeowners outside use, recycling of gray water, piping for gas as well as electricity, weather stripping, roofing materials, solar energy, provision of space for storage tanks as related to solar energy devices, with attention to the cumulative impact of air quality, traffic and noise. Santa Clara County's solar ordinance requires the installation of solar collectors and water storage tanks or a combination thereof in new construction. It also requirea that the solar collectors used be certified. It does provide, however, that if a location is not feasible for solar that the requirement can be waived. Solar access issues are to be decided on a case-by-case basis. The most controversial part of Santa Clara County's ordinance is probably the retrofitting at the time of resale of houses built prior to the ordinance being passed. This part of the ordinance does not intend to be effective until October 1982 and currently County staff is refining the enforcement procedure. Staff will contact the Cities of Davis and Santa Clara and ask if they have solar ordinances and if so if they will forward copies of such to the City of Cupertino. Commissioner Wedel then reviewed the energy conservation ordinances that exist in several communities. The ordinances generally require an energy audit to be done at the time a home is sold or newly built. It then becomes incumbent upon either the buyer or the seller, depending on which ordinance you look at, to come into compli- ance with the recommendations that result from the audit. In some communities the audit is required, but compliance can be waived if both the buyer and seller wish it to be. It was pointed out to the Commission that construction after 1978 would be in compliance with the energy standards if built to code. Commissioner Wedel will prepare a summary to be attached to the minutes of the next meeting outlining what kinds of ordinances exist in what different jurisdictions throughout California. r -3- MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY CO44MISSION - HELD JUNE 9, 1982 NEW BUSINESS: Commissioner Wedel brought to the Commission's attention the City of Palo Alto's awards program for solar energy innovation. It was suggested that a similar program in Cupertino would have value. The project was referred to Commissioner Guimont as part of zhe public relations portfolio. It will be agendized for August meeting for possible implementation in Cupertino. Commissioner Wedel also pointed out that Solarcal Local Government Commission on Conservation and Renewable Resources is offering local government technical assistance in developing an energy program. Staff was asked to contact the Commission to deter- mine exactly what kind of technical assistance may be available and if they are offer- ing assistance with the development of an energy element to the general plan. Staff will also request from Solarcal a summary of conservation and solar ordinances that may exist throughout the State. Commissioner Wedel spoke to a member of the Saratoga City Council to discuss cooperation between the cities around energy related issues. He will take responsi- bility to follow-up with the City of Saratoga to see what might be of mutual value. A suggestion was received at the De Anza Day activities that the City of Cupertino reset its lights at Memorial Park (tennis courts and ball fields) to go on only after dark. Staff was asked to check with the Public Works Department to see if photo electric timers could be used at City Parks, and if not why not. The next Commission meeting will have as agenda items: 1) a discussion of alter- native sources of energy, 2) PG&E audit follow -up, and 3) receiving drafts of the summary of activity report. The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 P.M. The next meeting of the Energy Commission will be July 14, 1982. Respectfully submitted, Barbara K. B Assistant the "City Manager " s r, .-.. ., - s ., . CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone: (408) 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD ON JULY 14, 1982 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Mann at 7:35 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Droege, Gernert, Guimont, Mann, Mukherjee, Weber and Wedel Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager NINL'TES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: The minutes of the June 9, 1982 meeting were approved. OLD BUSINESS: Commissioner Mukherjee lead a discussion of alternative energy sources. He presented information regarding increased future energy demands to approximately the year 2000. 12-36% of the new energy requirements will be provided by nuclear technology. 38% of the new energy requirements will be provided by coal. 18% will be provided by oil and gas. While only 2-2.5% will be contributed by geo-thermal or biomass technologies. The short-fall will have to be made up through conservation and doing without. Wind turbines may be the alternative energy source closest to becoming commer- cially feasible. Designs for very large turbines are under development and should be operative by 1990. In conjunction with traditionally energy generating stations, wind turbines can be expected to provide up to 17% of the energy. When the wind is blowing, traditional generators are turned off to take advantage of this alternate source. But to store the energy generated by the wind turbines, for use later, is prohibi- tively expense at this time. The Public Utilities Regulatory Policy Act (PURPA) requires utility companies to purchase electricity generated by wind turbines. Con-Edison of New York is refusing to do so and challenging PURPA in the courts. There are three geo-thermal technologies. he technology currently being used is flashing water under pressure to create steam. A major problem with this as well as other geo- thermal technologies is the corrosion of the machinery due to the minerals found in the water and the ground. w -2- MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION - HELD .DULY 14, 1982 The binary-cycle technology uses a fluid with a laver boiling point than water. It is currently under development but has the same corrosion problems. The third w ^ logy Is- dRy ac3t,..;..A bolo,I thrWaigh very hot rock and water is pumped through it. The amount of energy potential from geo-thereto sources would only be a small contribution. The energy generated by the nuclear power plants at Diablo Canyon alone is four times greater than all the geo-thereto energy produced in the State. There are two solar technologies for generating electricity: The solar cell and the solar distributive technology. There are some proto types currently being demonstrated, but the costs are too high. It is expected that the costs will come down dramatically after the year 2000. Any new technology must go through the following four phases: 1. Scientific feasibility study 2. Engineering development 3. Engineering demonstration 4. Commercial size station put on line Commissioner Mukherjee will discuss advance coal technologies at a future meeting. ® Commissioner Droege is in touch with the Assistant City Engineer regarding the PG&E audit. He will report any results that may take place in the future. Chairperson Mann received drafts of summary activity reports from the Commissioners. Those not received will be mailed to the Chair within the next two weeks. Commissioner Droege presented a thorough analysis of the economic considera- tions related to residential domestic solar hot water heating. The Chair asked the Commissioners to bring to the next meeting suggestions about future development and solar requirements. Commissioner Wedel suggested, and it was agreed, that the first step would be to review solar ordinances and/or requirements in other jurisdictions. Agenda for the next meeting will include: 1. PG&E audit report 2. Seven Springs Ranch EIR 3. Review of Solar requirements in other jurisdictions The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, arbara K. , Assistant to the City Manager CITY OF CUPERTINO. STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone: (408) 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD ON AUGUST 11, 1982 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Mann at 7:35 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Droege, Gernert, Guimont, Mann, Mukherjee, Weber and Wedel Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager Guest: John Vidovich MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: The minutes of the July 14, 1982 meeting were approved with the spelling of the word "thermo", which should be "thermal". OLD BUSINESS: The guest speaker, Mr. John Vidovich, is a developer planning to build condo- miniums in Cupertino this Spring. He presented to the Energy Commission a problem of reasonably pricing homes, allowing first-time buyers to live in Cupertino. His position is that every possible cost needs to be reduced in order to make the hous- ing affordable. Solar domestic hot water units will add approximately twenty-five hundred dollars ($2500) to the cost of every single unit to be built. Mr. Vidovich, as representative of a consortium of builders, would like to have the Energy Commission review the current requirement for solar hot water and to make a finding that it is not cost effective. The consortium is willing to allow tite City to require the plumbing for future solar hot water heating to be installed at the option of the owners. It was pointed out by the Commission that if solar is not required at the time of develop- ment, it's possible that it will nct be installed at a later date and that in multiple dwellings there may not be an individual choice. Further discussion took place suggest- ing CC&R's be written in a way that would allow a simple majority of the people in multiple dwellings to decide whether or not solar hot water heating is installed in the future. Mr. Vidovich offered to have the plans and estimates for his project reviewed by Commissioner Droege since the cost of the project is the essential issue. Mr. Vidovich also informed us that information regarding the cost of solar hot water heating at Portal Plaza development is also available and can be presented in a meaningful way. Further recommendations were made to Mr. Vidovich regarding floures- cent lighting in both the bathroom and kitchen, as well as plumbing for gas appliances for energy efficient units. Commissioner Mukherjee suggested a broad view of the issue. The Commission should oppose electric heat in any housing with rare excep- tions, and that standards for solar ccllectors, both the size and the storage units, be developed. n K , P7 -2- Minutes of the regular meeting of the Energy Commission - August 111, 1982 Mr. Vidovich left. The Commission continued to discuss the issues around requiring solar-domestic hot water in multiple dwellings; and if required what the standards should be; and should those standards be viable if the economics of energy usage changed "down the line"; should plumbing be required for future solar? Commissioner Weber moved and Commissioner Droege seconded a motion that the Commission define a comprehensive policy regarding hot water for all residential buildings in the City of Cupertint . The motion was passed unanimously. Staff is to get copies of the City Council's current policy and distribute it to the Commission. Commissioner Wedel presented two economic situations and four prices for solar domestic hot water and a cost analysis. There is strong indication that the economics are simply not there to justify domestic solar hot water, further- more, builders of small units, or units that house only two people rather than four, make it even less economical for solar hot water use. Vastly different conclusions can be derived, depending on the economic assumptions made. The Commission defined the essential issues regarding hot water to be the use of gas versus electric hot water heaters, central versus individual hot water storage in multiple units, the availability of the roof angle, plumbing, direction and storage area requirements for future use, the economic viability, and the discussion of single family versus multiple family dwelling. It was ® further recommended by Commissioner Droege that the Commission make a policy statement recommending solar designs approved for single family dwellings be passive rather than active solar. The Commission decided to discuss the policy statements and take a position at the next meeting. Staff will draft policy statements regarding the issues listed above to be sent to the Commissioners before the next meeting. Furthermore, staff will send copies of the letters received from the builders, the information received from Portal Park Develop- ment, information from Mr. Vidovich regarding cost and design, along with Commissioner Droege's evaluation, and copies of the City of Santa Clara's pilot project to be provided to staff by Commissioner Droege. The other "Old Buisness" on the agenda was postponed until the September meeting, Commissioner Guimont reported that the Library has its energy information table available and accessible near the adult reference desk on the main floor of the Library. Chairperson Mann announced that August 22nd from 3:00 to 6:00 P.M. Council- members Rogers and Sparks invites the Commissioners to the home of Carol McDowell in celebration of their recent re-election. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 P.M. Respectfully submitted, arbara K. o Assistant to the City Manager TM,Pr CITY OF CUPEWM, STAGE OF rIFOMA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone: (408) 252-4505 MIMES OF THE REGULAR MEETING or THE ENERGY COMMISSION HEM ON SEPTEMBER 8, 1982 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY BALL CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Droege, Guimont, Mann, Mukherjee, Weber and Wedel Absent: Commissioner Gernert Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager Guests: Stan Howard, 21060 Homestead Road #120, Cupertino, California, Telephone: 739-5446 John Vidovich, 1307 South Mary Avenue, Sunnyvale, California, Telephone: 738-,, 444 MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: The minutes of the August 11, 1982 meeting were adopted with the following correction: Page 2, paragraph 3, the following sentence should be added: "Vastly different conclusions can be derived, depending on the economic assumptions made--." OLD BUSINESS: The Energy Commission discussed the domestic hot water heating policy referred to the Energy Commission. The differences between policy and guidelines were identified. It was decided that a draft policy statement regarding domestic hot water would be established this evening and once it was adopted by the Planning Commission and/or City Council, further guidelines could be developed to implement those policy statements. Both Commissioners Droege and Wedel discussed the economic assumptions necessary to determine whether or not there is a savings in having solar hot water systems over a twenty-five year period. Commissioners Droege and Wedel did an analysis of the current experience at Portal Park Development which indicates that solar hot water systems don't show any significant cost savings, however, Commissioner Droege suggested that there may be some elements to the analysis that need correction, or that, the equipment installed may not be as fully functional as one would hope. The Commission reviewed the three draft policy statements that were received since the last meeting. After much discussion the following residential hot water heating policy was adopted and will be forwarded to the Planning Commission. The purpose of this policy is to minimize energy consumption for residential water heating in an economical feasible manner; it provides: 1. That gas powered hot water heaters be required, except in unusual circumstances. 2. That the installation of solar hot water heating systems be at the property owner's discretion. 3. ', iat all new residential const'ruction, regardless of size, be con- structed to allow for ease of future installation of domestic solar hot water heating. -2- ' B CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD SEFTEWER 8, 1982 ANIL qr Staff will have the policy typed and transmitted to the Planning Commission to agendize. Staff will notify the Commissioners, Mr. Vidovich.and Mr. Howard, of the date the Planning Commission will be addressing the policy. Copies of the Activity Reports by Energy Commissioners were distributed to all. Staff is to have the Policy Statements retyped and distributed to the Commission and to the City Council after receiving the summary statement from the Chair. A Town Hall Meeting, in which Commissioner Wedel addresses the topic, "Solar Energy, and Energy Conservation in the Home", was tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, October 12 at 7:30 P-M. in the City Council Chambers; this date will be advertised in the Cupertino Scene. Saratoga's Municipal Solar Utility Program was discussed by the Commission. It seems that the City of Saratoga is at this time interested in a Joint Pourers Agreement among a number of cities in the West Valley to participate in a program that would encourage solar utility use. The form of that encouragement has yet to be established. The Commission agrees that Cupertino would be interested in parti- cipating in such a program. Commissioner Mukherjee suggested that the enet.py element to the General Plan be obtained for the Commission to review. - Staff agreed to do so. Staff was also asked to distribute the transportation plan to the General Plan for review by the Commission. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 P.M. The next meeting will be held Wednesday, October 13, 1982, in the Conference Room of City Hall. Respectfully submitted, AChi `/e���L' arbara R. rown, Assistant to the City Manager CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone: (408) 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR METING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD ON OCTOBER 13, 1982 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Droege, Guimont, Mann, Mukherjee, Weber and Wedel Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: Minutes of the September 8, 1982 meeting were approved as corrected: The last sent-ence of the first paragraph under "Old Business" should read: "solar system" instead of "analysis". OLD BUSINESS: A lengthy discussion was held reviewing prior activities of the Commission and recommendations for future activities. Changing the name of the Commission to Energy and Transportation Commission was recommended by Commissioner Mukherjee. It was decided that the Commission has the authority to recommend transportation policy when it relates to energy issues without a name change. Commissioner Mann will summarize activities to date in a letter to the City Council. It will be reviewed at the next meeting addressed by the Commission in the following order: 1. Guidelines for implementation of a solar domestic hot water policy (If adopted by the City Council). 2. Development of energy saving policies that could apply to new residential construction. 3. Transportation policies relating to energy issues. Ideas and suggestions for domestic hot water guidelines to implement the policy should be submitted to staff to be distributed to Commissioners prior to the next meeting. A project to audit energy impacts of the General Plan Amendment is being considered as a part of the environmental impact report. Staff will distribute, to the Commissioners, the scope of work plan. The Commission would also like to review the draft report from the consultant doing the project. Commissioner Droege reported he had met with Public Works staff to imple- ment recommendations from the PG&E energy audit done for Cupertino public facili- ties. The energy saving changes made were outlined in a letter to PG&E from the Director of Public Works. Copies of that letter were distributed to the Commissioners. -2- a Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Energy Commission - October 13, 1982 Commissioner Guimont reported the public information,available at the library, regarding energy conservation and savings were being picked up by people at a rapid rate. Discussed was the updating and attractively packaging the information. Decided to again have a residential energy conservation workshop scheduled for November 9, 1982 presented by Roger Wedel; publicity ideas were mentioned. Commissioner Mukherjee suggested using television, public access cable T.V., as a way to promulgate public awareness/information regarding energy issues. Commissioner Droege asked the Commission if it wished to make a recommendation of support for Proposition 11 on the November 2nd ballot. After a lengthy dis- cussion of the issue, it was moved by Commissioner Mann and seconded by Commissioner Droege that the Energy Commission recommends that the City Council of the City of Cupertino endorse Proposition 11, the bottle and can deposit proposal, as an ex- tension of its policy of promoting energy conservation and recycling. Commissioners Mann, Droege, Wedel, Guimont and Mukherjee voted in favor of the motion. Commissioners Gernert and Weber voted against it. The agenda for the next meeting will include: 1. Summary report of previous year's activities 2. Public Information Packet on energy savings 3. Guidelines for Domestic Hot Water policy implementations 4. Energy audit for General Plan E.I.R. 5. Energy Conservation Workshop report 6. Cable and Commercial television and media coverage dissemination policy. Commissioner Mukherjee also requested the Commission select a time when representatives .from the City of Santa Clara can discuss their energy related projects and activities. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. The next meeting will, be held November 10, 1982. Respectfully submitted, Barbara K. rown, .assistant to the City Manager 0t ( _. 10300 Torre Avenue, cupertim, CA 95014 Telephone: (408) 252-4503 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY C9MSSION HELD ON NOVA 10, 1982 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL CUPERTINO, rALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Droege, Mann, Gernert and Weber Staff Present: Ed Yager, Admf:uistrative Intern Absent: Commissioners Guimont, Mukherjee and Wedel MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: The following correction was made to the October 13, 1982 minutes prior to the November meeting: Under "Old Business", second paragraph: "It will be re- viewed at the next meeting. Issues to be addressed by the Commission in the future will be in the following order:" The minutes of the October 13, 1982 meeting were approved as corrected: Commissioner Gernert was present,but inadvertently omitted on the roll call; Tom Weber was selected Chairperson of the Energy Commission;' Bob Droege was seicted Assistant Chairperson. OLD BUSINESS: Nancy Hendee, HCD Coordinator, made a presentation on the proposed Rancho Rinconada energy efficiency project. A number of the Commissioners had questions concerning the cost-effectiveness of the program. In general, however, the Commissioners expressed an interest in the proposed project and would like to see additional guidelines formulated. Nancy Hendee, in addition, distributed to each Commissioner R. hand-out describing the proposed project. Commissioner Mann, past Chairperson of the Energy -Commission, submitted a letter to be forwarded to the Mayor. The letter, among other things, mentions past accomplishments of the Energy Commission. Commissioner Droege, for the next order of business, suggested a column in the "Cupertino Courier", devoted to energy related subjects. Commissioner Mann agreed to contact the newspaper about the feasibility of running such a column. The Commissioners turned their attention to a review of the energy element for General Plan Amendment EIR. A discussion ensued which considered a feasi- bility study for a municipal utility within the Planning Commission's environ- mental impact report. A discussion was held on municipally provided services and City purchase of electroliers. Commissioner Weber, however, requested information from staff on State energy regn remdnis. Other commissioners supported their request with the stipulation that the information be available prior to the next commission meeting. , A description of the Oceanside Solar Leasing Program was presented by staff. The Commissioners showed little interest in the program and no follow-up work Vas requested of staff. Staff also summarized the Davis' "Prime Time" energy program for consideration. The Commissioners were interested in this particular project after it was shown that substantial reductions in energy usage had occurred in Davis after the program was implemented. Commissioner Weber requested that a contact be made with David Lee, District Manager for PG&E, concerning the preliminary steps of analysis for electric load demand in Cupertino during the summer months. Commissioner Droege concluded the meeting by reviewing his guidelines for solar domestic hot water policy. Commissioner Mann took exception with the guidelines related to solar heating within condominiums. Copies of her critique were distributed to the other commissioners. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ED YAG Administrative Intern 111WIMMM MIit RP CITY OF CUPERTIND, STATE OF CALIVORUZA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone: (408) 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD ON DECEMBER 8, 1982 IN THE COINXERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Weber, Droege, Gernert, Guimont, Mann, Mukherjee and Wedel Staff Present: Carol Sontag, Secretary MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: The minutes of the November 10, 1982 meeting were approved as corrected: Under "Old Business" change the first sentence in last paragraph to read: The Commissioners turned their attention to a review of the energy element for General Plan Amendment EIR.. Change 3rd sentence to read: A discussion was held on munici- pally provided services and City purchase of electroliers. Remove 4th sentence. Change Commissioner Wedel to Commissioner Weber. On second page, second paragraph change Commissioner Wedel to Commissioner Weber. OLD BUSINESS: Commissioner Mann reported on her discussion with the Editor of the Cupertino Courier, David Hoye, regarding an energy column in the Courier. He was receptive to the idea but didn't know what space would be available in the paper. He wants to discuss the column with the Commissioner who would be writing the articles to determine concepts. Commissioner Weber suggested that Commissioner Mann get back to Mr. Hoye and find out what the format and length of the articles should be. The Commission would then present articles for Mr. Hoye to review. Suggestions for topics were the six most effective ways to save energy, converting garbage for energy, etc. Commissioner Weber reported that he and Barbara Brown had attended a Municipal Solar Utility Meeting on November 19th in Oceanside, and he gave a brief report. Commissioner Droege made a motion that the Commission not take any action on this subject at this time; Commissioner Mann seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The Commissioners discussed the "Prime T:Late" Energy Program whereby citizens save energy and cities get the money as a reward to be used in community energy- saving projects. Barbara Brown had spoken to David Lee. PG&E corporate offices are reviewing the 1982 operational results. If they decide to continue the program in 1983, the corporate offices will choose those regions whict, may participate. If San Jose region is selected, Cupertino will definitely be invol:,ed. The decision will be made by mid February. The Energy Commission would like Barbara to notify PG&E that Cupertino is interested in the program and contact Davis to determine what they did to reduce energy usage during the prime time period of the day. What were the requirements for City services. (Would Cupertino need a full time person to work on this project?). MINUTES OF THE ENEM COMUSSYON HELD OIN DECMMEE 8, 1982 Staff will obtain copies of the County's Solar Ordinance for all Commissioners as they only have the guidelines. Commissioner Weber will draft a letter to the City Council stating the Commission's opposition to the County Solar Ordinance. Commissioner Weber distributed the guidelines written by Commissioner Droege on the solar domestic hot water policy. These were discussed in detail by the Commission, changes were made, and given to the secretary for retyping. This item was agendized for the next Commission meeting. After review again by the Energy Commission, the guidelines will be presented to the Planning Commission for their review and comments. (Commissioner Mukherjee left the meeting at 8:45 P.M.). Commissioner Droege read a cover letter he drafted to the Planning Commission which will be presented to them with the guidelines. (Commissioner Guimont left the meeting at 9:45 P.M.). Items were discussed for the agenda for the January 12th meeting. The meeting adjourned at 10:05 P.M. Respectfully submitted: ® Carol Sontag Secretary 51 al, CITY OF Ctf MOM, .STM 4 IEOR A ® 10300 Torre Avenue, Cup$rtlao, CA 95014 • Telephone: (408) 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD ON JANUARY 12, 1983 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Weber, Droege, Gernert, Guimont, Mann and Mukherjee - Staff Present: Barbara R. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: The minutes of the December 8, 1982 meeting were approved. OLD BUSINESS: The Commission reviewed the draft guidelines for the domestic water heating policy previously submitted. Commissioner Droege suggested two amendments regard- ing collector size and the degree of the angle for collector placement (radiation on a tilted surface). The guidelines call for R-6 installation surface for hot water blankets based on what is commercially available. Staff is to submit the draft of the guidelines to the Planning staff to review for practicality and completeness. Any comments from the Planning staff will be brought back to the February Commission meeting for final review. If the planning staff has no suggestions for changes, the guidelines will be forwarded to the Plan- ning Commission to be agendized for their review. Commissioner Mann reported she had spoken to David Hoye, Editor of the Cupertino Courier. Mr. Hoye is interested in printing articles about energy issues. The Commission may choose a name for the-column and a logo: if- it wishes. The-topics 'for the column may be chosen by the Commission, and should be submitted in final copy form. A maximum of three pages double spaced can be submitted, but the Courier re- serves the right to edit the copy. Commissioners will bring ideas for the name for the column to the February meeting. Commissioner Guimont will request, through the Cupertino Scene sound-off cards, that people send their energy related questions to the Commission for answering. PG&E literature will be kept at the Library. Planning for DeAnza Days in June should start soon. P WR CITY OF CUPSWINO8 S MINUTES OF THE &�LAR C, o SUN ` JANUARY 12, 1983 Next meeting agenda: OLD BUSINESS: I. Energy column name and articles for Courier. NEW BUSINESS: I. Conservation programs in the City of Santa Clara II. Scope of Commission's work for transportation/energy issues. The meeting adjourned at 9:35 P.M. Respectfully subW tted, Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES 2 of 5 TUL. 1981-DEC. 1991 qp My OF CmWiNo, -toil * 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 —Telephone: (408) 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD ON FEBRUARY 9, 1983 IN THE C014-FE WCE ROOM, CITY RhtL CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Weber, Droege, Gernert, Mann, Wedel and Mukherjee Absent: Commissioner Guimont Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager Guest: Jack Fox, City of Santa Clara Electric Utility MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: Minutes of the JAniiary 131 1983 meeting were approved. OLD BUSINESS: , The title "Energy-Wi$e" was selected by the Commissioners for the newspaper column to appear in the Cupertino Courier. Commissioner Droege will forward the first article to Commissioner Mann to be published at the Courier's earliest con- venience. AftL Discussion of transportation/energy issues to be addressed by the Commission was postponed to the next meeting. NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Fox was asked to discuss the City of Santa Clara's activities in the fields of conservation and energy generation. Since the founding of the Electric Utility in Santa Clara in 1895, the City has traditionally been a purchaser of power rather than a generator of power. However, the current goal of the Electric Utility is to become energy independent; with that goal in mind, the City of Santa Clara is parti- cipating in the following generation projects: 1. Geo-thermal plant 2. Mokz4umme Hydro Electric project 3. Some small dams in northern California 4. Cogeneration plant with steam sold to California Paper Board Co. 5. Dual fluid cycle project 6. Fuel cell project 7. Wind generation 8. Natural gas development project Santa Clara works cooperative in some joint projects with Northern California Power Agency, the San Juap. (coal fired) Generating plant, exploratory drilling for geo-thermal power, and a DC transmission line. wo CITY OF CUPWINO. STAtEf OF',6LIF��A 2'4INUTES of THE REGMAR Mom"ING OF THE EMM COMMSION -Vebruary 9, 1983 Mr. Fox is head of the Cunservatlon and Services Division of the Electric Utility. He described the conservation programs since 1979 when the division was established including energy audits for residential, commercial, and public buildings. Mr. Fox also provided literature about conservation techniques with permission to reproduce it for general distribution through the Cupertino Library. The next agenda will include: 1. The Energy Wife column 2. Scope of transportation/energy issues to be addressed 3. Status of Energy Element to the General Plan 4. De Anza Days planning The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, � i/v /"12 ee 4'*J 'Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager jr 71 CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone: (408) 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEET114G OF THE ENERGY COMF4ISSION HELD ON MARCH 9, 1983 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Droege, Wedel, Guimont, Mukherjee and Mann Absent: Commissioners Gernert and Weber Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: Minutes of the February 9th meeting were not received by the Commissioners; they will be brought to the April meeting for approval. OLD BUSINESS: There was a lengthy discussion of topics for the "Energy Wi$e" column to appear in the Cupertino Courier. Topics discussed included: Stand-alone fireplaces, energy tax credits, solid waste management, and resource recovery. Staff agreed to forward copies of consultants work related to solid waste manage- ment and resource recovery to Commissioner Mukherjee to be compiled for a possible article. Commissioner Guimont will draft an article about proposed changes in the energy tax credit programs. Since the Planning Commission has been reevaluating the amendments to the General Plan, they have not agendiaed the guidelines for the domestic solar hot water policy, and, s!^ce the parameters to the General Plan Amendment have not been established, the consultant retained to do the energy audit/element has not been able to proceed. Commissioner Mukherjee introduced the elements he thought should be addressed by the Commission related to transportation/energy issues. The elements are: The traffic interconnect Stop signs Shuttle buses/feeder buses Highway 85 Land use interfacing with traffic goals mmm OF PNIA CITY OF CUPERTIIJO, STATE IFO �T�G� C ' SSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE �® March 9s 1983 • The City's Traffic Engineer, Glenn Grigg, will be invited to address the COMMUsiun to give background, assessment of the current situation, and a discussion of currently planned traffic improvements. ,r°:e meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, 4�O Barbara K. rown, Assistant to the City Manager CITY OF CUPEaM10, STATE OF CALIMMIZA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone: (408) 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD ON MAY 11, 1983 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Weber, Droege, Gernert, Mann, Wedel and Mukherjee Absent: Commissioner Guimont Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager Guest: Von Bedikian MINUTES OF THE FREVIOUS MEETING: Minutes of the April 13, 1983 meeting were amended on the second page, third paragraph to change the word "eliminate" relating to pedestrian walkways to "cantilevering-out the pedestrian walkway." The minutes were approved as amended. OLD BUSINESS: 1. The Energy Commission reviewed the Residential Energy Use section of the Emergency Impact Assessment prepared by Sedway Cooke. The attached letter to the consultant reviews the issues discussed. 2. Commissioner Mann reported that the Energy Wife articles have been submitted to the Cupertino Courier and may appear once every three weeks or as space allows. 3. Commissioner Droege will draft a letter to the City Manager with the Commission's comments on pending state legislation that the Commission was asked to review. Nal BUSINESS: None. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M. to a meeting date of May 25, 1983 at 7:00 P.M. in the Conference Room of the City Hall. Respectfully Submitted: AIIA.�1111 K. ROW", ASSISTA14T TO THE CITY MANAGER SM CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone: (408) 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD ON APRIL 13, 1983 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Weber, Droege, Gernert, Guimont, Mann, Mukherjee and Wedel Staff Present: Barbara R. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager Guest Speaker: Glenn Grigg, Traffic Engineer, City of Cupertino MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETINGS: The minutes of February 9 and March 9, 1983 meetings were approved as submitted. OLD BUSINESS: Glenn Grigg, Traffic Engineer, was introduced to the Commissioners. He reviewed energy related issues with the Commission. High pressure sodium street lights have replaced less economic street lights previously used. A copy of staff report sub- mitted to the City Council outlining the savings which have resulted from the high pressure bulbs was given to the Commissioners. Maintenance and labor costs remain the same. Savings are realized through lesser energy costs. High pressure sodium has a rated life expectancy of 25,000 hours. Mr. Grigg also distributed a study completed by an automobile club in 1974 which relates to stop signs. Stop signs are very good at determining right-of-ways at intersections. The signs have not been significant in slowing down traffic although frequently the community has that perception. While stop signs do in fact cause the consumption of more energy, the trade-off is with safety. Mr. Grigg explained that the decision to place a stop sign, or a stop light, at a particular intersection is based on volume of vehicles in that intersection ax:3 on accident records. The goal is a better flow of traffic. A discussion of flashing lights during non-volume periods was held. Drivers become accustomed to flashing yellow lights and when they are changed to flashing red lights, out of habit they are frequently ignored. The conclusion is a light that varies its controlling influence at an intersection, can, in fact, be more dangerous than not having a light at all. If a stop light is not functioning well, or is not designed properly for an inter- section, the experience can be that there is more delay than if there were a stop sign there. The Commissioners discussed actuators being regulated by time and/or by detectors. There are some examples in the City of Cupertino in which stop signs were placed due to volume and accidents, but other subsequent street modifications (such as closings) have eliminated the need for those stop signs. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD ON APRIL 13, 1983 Mr. Grigg described the license plate survey techniques used in traffic studies. He explained signal timing optimization programs. An explanation was given of off- sets and splits and the necessary role of a computer in complicated traffic situa- tions where there are more than two traffic phases at an intersection. Signal timing optimization programs are the computer programs applied to the interconnect system now operating in the City of Cupertino. The system can be adapted to computer pro- grams that relate to traffic volumes, but the staff needs to write the programs and establish the formulas for that use. Alternative computer uses in traffic control were also discussed. The interconnect system in the City of Cupertino is operative on Stevens Creek Boulevard, Wolfe Road and De Anza Boulevard. Commissioner Mukherjee suggested that Stanford's civil engineering program may have graduate students that can help with the manpower necessary to program the interconnect more quickly than if we rely just on the staff time of current employees. Mr. Grigg explained that we have a base line of the delayed times at major intersections in the City and that after the interconnect is operative throughout the City there will be an after study that will measure stops and delays and any savings of time, money, and energy. The "level of service" was described by Mr. Grigg as a design issue. When we in the City of Cupertino analyze the level of service it is based on delay rather than volume. If we supervise an intersection we can reduce the delay time and then the service level will go up even though the volume may stay the same. Planned improvements in the City of Cupertino traffic system include a new signal at Bollinger with two lanes for a left turn south and three through lanes. Once we can supervise that intersection we can connect it with the interconnect along De Anza Boulevard and significantly increase the flow of traffic in Cupertino during rush hour. This project is due to be completed in the autumn of 1983. Whether or not a street light is placed at Stevens Creek and Foothill Boulevard has been postponed to see what the impact will be by Stevens Creek Boulevard being widened from Cupertino to Foothill. There is a widening proposed at Wolfe and Stevens Creek to make it three lanes in southbound. Finally, the State of California plans to use the full overpass structure of De Anza at Highway 280 to Homestead for traffic by eliminating the pedestrian space and thereby considerably improving that traffic plan. Public transportation falls mainly in the purview of the County operated transit district. The poor feeder service was of major concern to the Commission. Commissioner Mukherjee suggested the use of shuttle buses along Stevens Creek Boulevard. The costs, the funding, and alternative cost savings related to any private bus system was discussed. Ninety-five percent of all public transportation in this country is in buses. Buses use highways, therefore, the need to maintain and build roads is significant. The savings of energy has been significant in the last ten years due to the design of smaller engines, lighter cars, and the increased occupancies of vehicles. Mr. Grigg suggests that van-pooling operated by industry does the best job of increasing vehicle occupancy. The Commissioners decided that they would like to discuss at the next meeting the information they received from the Traffic Engineer. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MELTING OF THE Bb+I8EW COHMISSION HELD ON APRIL 13, 1983 NEW BUSINESS: Proposed State legislation, related to electric vehicles, was discussed by the Commissioners. It was felt to be obscure and impractical at this time. There is not enough power generation equipment in the State to support the proposed system, as well as the other power needs required by its citizens. It was strongly felt that the technology is not adequate at this time to pursue the legislation. Covnissioner Droege handed out two analyses of the legislation. Staff was asked to contact Assemblyman Konyu's office to find out what the status of the State legislation is at this time. Chairperson Weber will be the Commission's representative at the Civic Service Award nominating committee. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, `�6arbara K. own, Assistant to the City Manager CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF C4lI.IF0Rb1'IA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone: (408) 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD ON MAY 25, 1983 IN THE CONFERENCE R0OM, CITY HALL CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:10 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Weber, Droege, Gernert, Mann, Wedel, Mukherjee and Guimont Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager 141NUTES O. THE PREVIOUS MEETING: Minutes of the May 11, 1983 meeting were approved. OLD BUSINESS: The Commissioners reviewed the draft letter that was prepared by Assemblyman Leonard who is proposing mandatory electrical vehicles. The Commissioners also reviewed Energy Impact Assessment prepared by Sedway/Cooke for the General Plan Amendment. Comments appear in the letter attached to these minutes. NEW BUSINESS: The next regularly scheduled meeting will be postponed to June 15, 1983 at 7:00 P.M. The meeting adjourned at 1.0:00 P.M. Respectfully submitped: - 'BARBARA K. , ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER 7, • Ck-4 of Cww"hw 10300 Tone Awenue P.a Box Sao Cupertino,California 95014 Cupertino,California 9501S Telephone:(408)252-4505 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER June 2, 1983 Mr. Allan Gatzke Sedway/Cooke Musto Plaza 350 Pacific Avenue, 3rd Floor San Francisco, California 94111 Dear Mr. Gatzke: The Energy Commission for the City of Cupertino met Wednesday, May 25, 1983 to review the commercial, industrial and transportation sections of the Energy Impact Assessment prepared by Sedway/Cooke. The following comments are brought to your attention in roughly the same order as they're presented in your report. Some of the comments reflect the information presented in the Assessment while other comments reflect a concensus of the Energy Commission. Section B of Commercial Energy Use makes the following statement: "It is assumed that there has been a negligible increase in commercial development from 1980 to the present." The Energy Commission for the City of 'Cupertino believes strongly that this assumption is incorrect; the amount of development along Stevens Creek Boulevard and Bandley Avenue in Cupertino,, and the expansion of Apple Computer throughout the City has all taken place since 1980. - This is a significant increase. We also are concerned that San Diego may not be a comparable area for which to collect data. San Diego is a much older and much larger city so that redevelopment or retrofitting of old buildings is much more commonplace. However, the City of Cupertino is a relatively new city. To assume chat 50% of the pre- Title 24 buildings will be replaced by 1990 will result in, what we believe is an artificial high conservation figure. The commercial community will conserve energy based on the cost. A pay-back period under ten years is required for it to be perceived as economically feasible. As an aside, we're not sure that there is any relationship at all between embodied energy, i.e., the cost of building the structure initially, and the amount of energy that is consumed once it's constructed. We believe that embodied energy is immaterial to this report. As a general comment we believe that the last paragraph of the commercial energy use ought to stress that the 58% energy reduction under the second tier growth plan is assumed only if all of the conservation techniques, delineated above, are used. Sedway/Cooke t M ^ Table IV-2 entitled, "City of Cupertino PG&E Gas and Electric Sales for the Commercial and the Public Sector in 1980," does not have relevance to Cupertino in/that we have no hospital, no hotel/motel currently existing in the City limits. The medical facilities and hotel/motel facilities are consistent in the 1980 base numbers. We think this base skews the numbers that are being used in order to make other determinations in the report. Again, in Table IV-3 we think that the replacement rate is too high based on San Diego's data. This problem continues with Table IV-4, IV-5 and IV-6. We're not sure that the data is applicable to Cupertino for other reasons. There still seems to be an assumption that natural gas is used for airconditioning. This further skews the projections for the energy consumption on-site per square foot for a community located in a climate such as Cupertino's. We are also having a hard time understanding what the initials WHFE represent. Is this hot water heating? We believe that the actual PG&E figures can be easily obtained for Cupertino because of the service codes as well as the zip code data that PG&E keeps. Table IV-7 is an educated guess as to what will get redeveloped in the City and what amount of energy will be consumed; giving us an ultimate 1990 total demand for energy figure. This is a very valuable piece of information to have. However, the 1980 base numbers assumes warehouses, schools (colleges), medical facilities, and motel/hotel and actually has an electrical useage assigned for such facilities. The City doesn't have these facilities in existence now and certainly didn't have in 1980. It seems that Table IV-7 takes ratios of catagories outlined in Table IV-2 and the unit cost outlined in Table IV-4, IV-5 and IV-6, and applies them to pro- jections for 1990. It would be very helpful to the Commission if we could have the square footage for each category. One of our concerns with Table IV-6 is that the natural gas use for offices is greater by 50% than the electrical use for the post Title 24 category. This seems to be questionable since most airconditioning is electrically operated in this community. The natural gas useage for schools doesn't seem to relate to the electrical useage. In summary, we think that the logic of the charts needs to be transparent in order for the ordinary reader to understand what the point is that is being made. PG&E should be able to easily provide data for the area rather than statewide figures. Table IV-8 makes the same questionable assumptions as Table IV-7. In Table IV-8, are you assuming more stringent standards than already exist in Title 24? The reason we ask the question is that we think the potential savings of 48% of energy useage in new stock, which already meets Title 24 standards, is overly optimistic. We are unconvinced that a 31% energy savings can be due to the use of passive solar in existing stock. It is not possible to adapt existing buildings in any large scale to passive solar. Finally, in conclusion of our review of the commercial energy consumption we believe that you need to have another section listing the conservation techniques and devices with potential savings identified by pay-back periods from one to two years, two to five years, and five to ten years. We also believe that you need to tell us whether or not you are using tax credits to evaluate the pay-back period. We think it would be a good idea to include this cost impact with the tax credits and without the tax credits, so that should they change in the future we can easily evaluate the impact. The Energy Commission thinks it's important to take into consideration the cost of implementing these conservation devices as well as the amount of energy that can be saved. The following comments relate to the Industrial Energy Use section: It seems that your list of industrial stock in the City of Cupertino was obtained from our Planning Department. We don't believe that apparel manufacturing, petroleum re- fining, fabricated metal production, or water transportation/air transportation systems exist in the City of Cupertino. Sedw--y Cooke v The following statement: "Most of the energy consumed in this industry is used for the manufacturing of aeal-conductors," is perhaps relevant to silicon valley. but it is not to the City of Cupertino. There are only two organizations that build integrated circuits in the City of Cupertino, furthermore, the computer industry and the integrated circuit manufacturer are highly electrically inten- sive and don't use natural gas at all. Projections earlier in your report anticipate that by 1990 there will be a 1.7 million square feet of additional industrial space. It's difficult to believe that there will be no increase or decrease in the natural gas or electric consumption with this kind of square footage. The industrial square footage increase in the City of Cupertino is projected to be considerably larger than the commercial footage in the City. We assume that the industrial sector consumes more energy, and yet this section of your report includes no cost avoidance or energy saving suggestions. There are no Title 24 savings indicated for anticipated grot,-th and we think there should be. Furthermora, this section does not include any details as to the ways energy is used by industry, as it does in the commercial and residential sections; for example: space heating, space cooling, motor drives, etc.. The remainder of this letter will deal with Transportation Energy Use section of the energy impact assessment. As an overall general statement we think that inclusion in this section, public transportation should be addressed. Some of the assumptions are obviously best educated guesses. Annual gas consump- tion of 25% above the national average and the 20% carpooling for those people who drive to work are examples. We believe the assumption of 3-people carpools and 50% of those people driving to work participating in such carpools is overly optimistic and ought not to be used for computing impacts in Cupertino. The option of reducing the length-of trips to jobs by locating housing near jobs is simply not possible in the City of Cupertino and should not be listed as one of the ways of reducing transportation energy demands. We suggest encouraging the building of sidewalks and bike lanes and their use. Table VI-1 is difficult for us to determine what the unit is that is being measured. Is it trips? Is it cars? It's not clear to us whether any mitigating factors have been taken to reduce the traffic flow during the peak hours in the 1990 projection. Frankly, Table VI-2 is particularly confusing to the Energy Commission. Should the trips be doubled. if it includes both the AID and the PM per household? Could you please explain your backup data? We need assistance with Table VI-3 since the 1990 data reflects the 1980 data in Table VI-2. Table VI-4 includes the number 850 for office space in square feet x 1000. This does not correlate with the informa- tion presented on page 1-1. Table VI-7 assumes there are not any changes in the length of the average trip during the AM and the PM peak hours number from 1980 to 1990. Is this realistic? Why have you assumed five miles in off-peak hour for the average trip length? Table VI-8 assumes a 50% gasoline consumption decrease by 1990. We also believe that the number of stops per mile during the peak-hour will increase with conges- tion in the future, and that the current gas useage outlined in Table VI-8 is too high. Table VI-9 does not seem to consider diesel separately from gasoline, or does it not include diesel; this should be differentiated. -4- k+ Sedway/Cooke Table VI-11 shows no improvement in miles per gallon by 1990 for average weekend ® or holiday truck fuel consumption. We believe that the truck traffic should increase with the commercial and industrial explosion outlined in the two previous sections of this report, including for weekends and holidays. Our final comments are with Table VI-16. We're interested to know how you calcu- lated the length of future carpooling trips. It is exactly the same as under the current carpool trends. Furthermore, these are exactly the same numbers that are used for single driver vehicles in earlier charts. Shouldn't there be a change? Our concluding general comment in the traffic section has to do with the antici- pated growth in all sectors of the community. If you add 3600 new housing units between 1980 and 1990, and if you multiply the current office space by 10 for 1990, and if you increase the industrial square footage by 1.7 million, you will be doubling the square footage that houses jobs in the City of Cupertino. Only a traffic increase of 50% is anticipated. This may very well be a reasonable assump- tion, but we believe it needs more support or explanation. In conclusion the Energy Commission wants to thank you for an opportunity to review this energy impact assessment. We realize that we may be more technical and more detail oriented than the public whose expertise may be outside of the energy realm. We look forward to meeting with you on the 15th of June for an opportunity for both of us to share our resources, our technical expertise, and develop an energy impact assessment that will be a useful planning tool. Thank you again for your time and patience. ® Yours very truly, CITY OF CUPERTINO ENERGY COMMISSION CITF Yt s . 10300 Torre Avenue, C t1no, CA 95014 Telephone: (408) 252-4505 MINUTES OF THIS REGWLAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMUSSION HELD ON JUNE 15, 1983 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY BALL CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Weber, Droege, Gernert, Hann, Mukherjee and Guimont Absent: Commissioner Wedel Staff Present: Bob Cowan, Assistant Director of Planning, and Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager Guest: Allan Gatzke, Sedway/Cooke MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: Minutes of the May 25, 1983 meeting were approved. OLD BUSINESS: The Commission discussed with Mr. Allan Gatzke of Sedway/Cooke the Energy Impact Assessment to the general plan amendment. Mr. Gatzke reported to the Com- mission that he had received, and studied, the Commission's remarks submitted earlier. He felt the issues were ones of clarity, reasonable assumptions, and the request for analysis outside of the scope of the contract. Mr. Cowan reported that he would like to, as a result of this meeting, be able to decide where we can reach an agreement for purposes of the general plan amendment. It would be helpful if the information in the assessment could also start as a building block for a potential energy element to the General Plan. However; our first priority is a general plan amendment. Discussion of the role of embodied energy took place. The Commission thought that some of the residential assumptions were clarity issues that could easily be remedied by text amendments. Mr. Gatzke agreed to provide a better glossary format in the front. He also was able to explain why a 33% conversion efficiency factor was used. Throughout the report one of the consistent concerns of the Energy Commission were specific geographical area data that didn't seem to be appropriate for Cupertino. Mr. Gatzke explained that the information was obtained from California Energy Commission for the regional climatic area in which Cupertino is located. It is in fact, the best geographically available information. After extensive discussion the Energy Commission wanted the report to reflect that there is a zero percentage of energy used for space cooling for single family dwelling homes, and was quite happy with the 9% energy usage for space cooling for multiple family dwellings. Since space cooling accounted for 18% of the energy demand of the community it seems important to the Commission to have this factor reflect what we thought in fact the circumstances are. Mr. Gatzke explained to the Commission that the removal of this component would be a substantial change and would be reflected throughout the entire assessment. He will submit a list of the changes requested by the Energy Commission and submit a cost for making the changes. There are three areas of major concern to the Energy Commission; those were the energy savings estimated for the future as a result of retrofitting already existing housing, the use of solar energy, and an assumption that cooling represents 18% of the total energy use in the residential community. Through discussions in these three areas -2- MINUTES OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD June 15, 1983 Mr. Gatzke agreed to recalculate the potential energy demand of 1990. In the other areas there were agreement on text editing or better clarification in order for the report to be more easily understood by the Energy Commission as well as the community. Mr. Gatzke was able to provide sources of information which included PG&E data for this community as well as the information from the United States Census regarding the 20% current carpooling rate. The overall result was that many of the Energy Commission's concerns were addressed and satisfactorily resolved. Mr. Gatzke explained that he thought the increased efficiencies in electrical consumption in industry will be offset by environmental protection costs, which will be required of industry. Since it's not possible to calculate any of the energy savings at this time, there is no potential savings being assumed for the purposes of this report. The Energy Commission explained its reasons for not relieving that there will be a 50% increase in gasoline consumption decrease by 1990. Mr. Gatzke explained that was his best judgment using the data and the formulas to determine future gaso- line consumption. He suggested that the Commission draft a caveat saying that the analysis was based on some major assumptions about the efficiency improvement of automobiles between now and 1990. If those assumptions do not prove to be accurate then transportation and the use of vehicles will be the most important factor in teL of conserving energy in the future; perhaps more important than land use itself. Traffic mitigation factors will be therefore, more important. Mr. Gatzke agreed to have cost estimates delivered to the City of Cupertino by June 20, 1983. NEW BUSINESS: None. ADJOURNMENT: The Energy Commission adjourned its next meeting to Wednesday, June 22, 1983, 7:30 p.m. in order to review the cost estimates and determine if there is a benefit to having the numbers reworked. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, BARBARA K. B WN, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER ex CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Avenu%�, Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone: (408) 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD ON JUNE 22, 1983 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 8:40 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Guimont, Droege, Gernert and Weber Absent: Commissioners Mann, Mukherjee and Wedel Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: Approval of the minutes of the June 15, 1983 meeting was postponed until the July 13th meeting. OLD BUSINESS: The Commission discussed the letter from Sedway/Cooke Associates outlining costs for certain modifications to the Energy Impact Assessment to the General Plan Amendment. The discussion is incorporated in the attached memo to the Director of Community Development. Commissioner Droege moved and Commissioner Gernert seconded the motion to recommend to the Planning Commission the expenditure of up to $2,500 to amend the Energy Impact Assessment. NEW BUSINESS: None The next meeting will be held July 13, 1983 at 7:30 in the Conference Room. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted: BARBARA K. A-ROW14 ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone: (408) 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD ON JULY 13, 1983 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HAIL CUPERTI2NO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Weber, Gernert, Mann, Mukherjee and Wedel Absent: Commissioners Guimont and Droege Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: The minutes of June 15th and June 22nd meetings were approved. OLD BUSINESS: The Commission and staff discussed the Energy Impact Assessment prepared by Sedway/Cooke,and the Energy Commission's differences with that assessment to be presented to the City Council July 18, 1983. The Commission does not believe that the assessment is specifically reflective of Cupertino. It was decided that the Commission would prepare its own energy demand assessment subsequent to the General Plan Amendment which would reflect the specific energy demands for this community. Commissioner Mann moved that the Commission submit to the City Council its response to Sedway/Cooke's assessment including an agreed upon text substitution for Section C of the Residential Energy Use, a caveat to the Transportation Energy Use and a cover letter outlining the Commission's differences with assumptions and suggested text changes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wedel. Commissioner Mukherjee raised the issue of what the City Council could do about the discrepancies between the findings. The motion passed four to one with Commissioner Gernert dissenting. A copy of what the Commission will submit will be sent to Sedway/Cooke attention Alan Gatzke. The Commission's final conclusion is that if the second Tier development took place, it would result in significantly higher demands for energy by 1990 almost entirely due to transportation. {�u .off" pjjN()TES OF THF. RWUIAR MMO G Op TO CMMSS'ON Ma.D Ow JMY 13. 1983 The text substitution and transportation caveat were reviewed and approved for submittal to the City Council- The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p•m- Respectfully submit ed, ,J r ''"�"BARBARA K. ROWN, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER s CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 ® Telephone: (408) 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD ON AUGUST 10, 1983 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL. CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Weber, Gernert, Mann, Mukherjee, Wedel Guimont and Droege Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager Guest: Richard Gains MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: The minutes of the July 13, 1983 meeting were approved. OLD BUSINESS: The Energy Impact Assessment: Chairman Weber reported to the Commission that the City Council approved the Energy Impact Assessment prepared by Sedway/Cooke for ® the General Plan Amendment, but asked the Energy Commission to rewrite the assess- ment in a meaningful way for future policy decisions for both the Commission and the Council. NEW BUSINESS: (Moved ahead of other old business to accomodate guest) Richard Gains, a Solar Consultant with Solar Initiative Corporation, addressed the Commission regarding participation in a municipal solar utility which would pro- vide residential housing the ability to take advantage of the third party investment advantages in the installation of solar hot water heating system. Although the Com- mission did not recommend passage of the solar municipal utility ordinance by January 1, 1983, current legislation by Senator Hart, SB 298, would extend that dead- line so that the City of Cupertino could participate. If that legislation passes, Mr. Gains would like to apply for a grant of up to $40,000 dollars provided by the California Extension Service Project for the establishment of a municipal solar utility in the West Valley. Mr. Gains pointed out that it would be no cost to the City since it is largely a private sector program which invests in multiple family and single family dwellings. The advantages to the City would be to encourage solar, to save utility consumer costs, and to raise City revenues by billing and getting a fee for the billing service. Mr. Gains asked for a letter of support from the City Council saying it would like to participate in the program if the Solar Initiative Corporation were given the above mentioned grant. If Solar Initiative Corporation receives the grant, and if the City of Cupertino wishes to participate in their program, they would provide the first year administration of a solar municipal utility establishing standards of installa- tion, approving contracts between private parties and generally establishing the procedure by which the program could be continued after the grant is exhausted. in Ii= ou AUGUST 10, 1983 Mr. Gains left the Commissioners to discuss his proposal. The Commissioners 0 felt very unconfortable with trusting the expertise of regulating the solar indus- try in Cupertino to an outside party. The Commission however, did not feel that it had sufficient expertise to regulate the solar industry in Cupertino. Should the Mart legislation pass, the City has the opportunity to establish a municipal solar utility in the future. Commissioner Weber explained that like the City of Oceanside's program, he does not believe that the proposal is financially feasible. Commissioner Gernert recommended that the enabling legislation be adopted in order to keep the door open so that our residential community could utilize the tax credits which he believes makes the solar program now financially feasible. The costs after grant has expired need to be considered. Commissioner Mukherjee was quite concerned about the endorsement of an organization for whom the quality of work is unknown, for which there is a captive audience and where there is no written documentation by Solar Initiative Corporation outlining the program they wish to establish. Commissioner Droege doesn't believe taxpayers should subsidize specific energy tech- nologies such as solar, and felt that Mr. Gains' request that the Commission make a recommendation to the City Council by the August 15th City Council meeting was "high pressured." The risk to the City by participating in this grant program was dis- cussed; Commissioner Mann moved that the Energy Commission recommend that the City Council send a letter of intent to support the grant application of Solar Initiative to establish a municipal solar utility in the City of Cupertino, Commissioner Wedel seconded the motion. There was extensive discussion trying to clarify what the recommendation and what the proposal by Mr. Gains actually would commit the City to do. The vote was: Gernert, Guimont, and Wedel in favor of the motion, Mukherjee, Weber, Mann and Droege against. The motion failed. Commission returned to "Old Business:" Commissioner Wedel will write an article explaining the changes in the tax credit for solar heated swimming pools. The article will be submitted to the Cupertino Courier. Commissioner Guimont will summarize those tax credit changes for the Cupertino Scene. Commissioner Droege has rewritten the residential section for the impact assessment and it is in draft fora. It was submitted to staff for typing and distribution to Commission members. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, hARA K. IRA. Assistant to the City manager �!" � ''�• ,, �' <.h a ';�`_ a A• kITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 ® Telephone: (408) 2:2-4505 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING 0i THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD SEPTEMBER 14, 1983 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Weber, Droege, Wedel and Mann Absent: Commissioners Gernert, Guimont and Mukherjee Staff Present: Barbara R. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: The Minutes of. the August 10, 1983 meeting were approved. The Chairperson read a letter from Commissioner Gernert thanking the Commission and reporting he would not be reapplying to serve on the Commission. Commissioner Wedel also reported he would not be reapplying. Staff reported Commissioner Guimont will not be reapplying. Commissioner Droege will be reapplying. Staff also reported Commissioner Mukherjee was not present because he was attend- ing a public meeting called by Supervisor Morgan regarding solid waste disposal sites. Commissioner Mukherjee has been appointed to the City of Cupertino's Solid Waste Advisory Board. OLD BUSINESS: The Commission reviewed the draft "Residential Energy Impact Assessment." Methodology and assumptions were explained. Commissioner Droege will further refine the draft, incorporating suggestions and making some recalculations. Commissioner Weber is completing the draft of the Transportation Energy Impact Assessment. He now has the base line data required. Commissioner Mann gave the Commission copies of Sacramento County's retro-fit ordinance. NEW BUSINESS: Copies of PG&E's request for support in the relicensing procedure for hydro- electric plants was distributed. The issues presented as a result of the long term impacts of taking cheap energy off the grid were discussed. Commissioners were asked to review the request and to formulate public policy questions to be addressed at the October meeting by PG&E representatives and City of Santa Clara representatives. MITM•'�°- .. ,:' ` ak,, y., ,r+.,. Aye -n '`° RWIM 143=ES OF THE D sEPTM BER 14, 1983 Staff will invite representatives from FGSE and City of Santa Clara. ® Commissioner Weber will forward to Staff qu*stions to be forwarded to the repre- sentatives so they can be prepared. The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. The next meeting will be held October 12, 1983. Respectfully submitte , BARBARA K. B WN, Assistant to the City Manager i CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone: (408) 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSI0N HELD NOVEMBER 9, 1983 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present Commissioners Droege, Weber, Mukherjee and Mann Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager Guests Attending: Drina Collins, Bob Lee and Stan Thomas of PG&E, Jennifer Sparacino and Charley Kemp, City of Santa Clara MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: The minutes of the September 14, 1983 meeting had not been received in the mail, so were not approved at this meeting. OLD BUSINESS: Pacific Gas and Electric representatives presented a 14-minute video tape outlining the issues around the hydroelectric projects relicensing in the State of California. Four of their major plants are due for relicensing. PG&E would Like the City Council of the City of Cupertino to support, by resolution, its efforts for relicensing: The project of particular interest is the Mokelumne River Project, which is also of interest to the City of Santa Clara. The 1920 Federal Power Act gives preference in relicensing projects to municipally operated utilities. The City of Santa Clara would like to own and operate that hydroelectric project. PG&E representative pointed out that 70% of the customers bills represent the cost of the fuel needed to generate energy. Water is a zero fuel cost, and so if PG&E were to loose Mokelumne River Project, which represents approximately 1% of all the energy it generates, it would loose 1% of the very cheapest fuel that it uses, thereby, spreading the cost to its three-and-one-half million customers for more expensive fuel. This could cost up to $1.50 per month per customer, for a total of $18 million dollars in Santa Clara County each year. Municipal utilities are able to provide cheaper energy generation for many of the following reasons: 1. Tax free bonds are sold at a lesser interest rate. 2. They pay no taxes. 3. They pay no dividends to stock holders. 4. Government gets reclamation power that PG&E can't get. Ultimately, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission will make a decision on the relicensing project. Much speculation suggests that the adopted decision will ® be reviewed by the Congress of the United States. PG&E supports federal legislation guaranteeing relicensing unless, it can be clearly shown that it is not in the public interest. mac, � .. -2- Mnid[M OF THE Ii09 EFA 9, 1983~ENSM WMISSION M=WzrIH j The City of Santa Clara Electric utility was begun in 1895. Today the City's goal is to be energy independent; currently they purchase 342 of the wwrgy they generate from PG&E. In 1974 they applied for a license in accord with the 1920 Federal Powers Act requesting that the municipal preference supported by the courts be given their application. To this date, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has been renewing PG&E's license annually without any hearings. Santa Clara's application for the project license also includes an offer to transfer the project back to the federal government after a designated period of time; they've promised to replace damaged meadow lands and to maintain those meadow lands. The City would provide maintenance for forest service roads and expand the recreation facilities. The City of Santa Clara claims that its 40,000 customers currently represents the equivalent of 1% of PG&E's generation resource, therefore, there'd be no cost to the customers who would just be paying the City of Santa Clara rather than PG&E for the same amount of energy that it uses now. The City also claims that it would provide competition by being able to show, on a yardstick basis, what the City of Santa Clara can provide in comparison to what PG&E can provide. The City of Santa Clara maintains that if a decision is based on the number of customers served that the small utility will never be able to ebmgete-; therefore, it is inappropriate to con- sider. Santa Clara also believes that it provides energy at a lesser rate because it has lower unit costs for management and distribution, not just the profit margin. PG&E has been able to use this public resource for 52 years and the City of Santa Clara would like to do so now. The City of Santa Clara ultimately believes that its successful projects will reduce the burden on PG&E in an equal amount and there- fore, will be no burden at all to the public. Santa Clara contends that PG&E has other hydroelectric power resources other than their own four projects, so that the impact on its own customers would not be so great as previously described. If the City of Santa Clara were to be able to license the Mokelumne River Project by 1987 it will have been able to provide 367 megawatts of energy to meet its load demand of 427; there would still be a 60 megawatt shortage. These of course, are the qualified best guesses and projections. The City of Santa Clara maintains that nothing changes physically in the provision of energy to PG&E customers and the City of Santa Clara customers; there is only the billing process that is affected. Eighty percent of Santa Clara's load goes to support industry. Commissioner Mukherjee pointed out that competition is not necessarily appro- priate in a fully regulated industry such as the provision of power, furthermore, he suggests that the giving to business and industry, 80% of the City of Santa Clara's load request, cheaper energy is to the detrement of PG&E's customers and not particu- larly in the public good. It was moved by Commissioner Droege that the Energy Commission recommend that the City Council of the City of Cupertino support the PG&E relicensing effort on the Mokelumne River Project. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mann. Commissioner Mukherjee explained that he would abstain from voting since he works for the electric power institute and he has clients who are both public and private providers of energy. The Commissioners that voted in favor of the motion were: Droege, Mann and Weber with Mukherjee abstaining. The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 to 6:00 p.m., November 14, 1983 in the City Hall Conference Room. The agenda will include: 1) the election of officers, 2) the placement of additional stop signs in West Cupertino, and 3) the word- ing of a resolution supporting PG&E's relicensing efforts at the Mokelumne River Project. Respectfully Submitted: ® BARBARA K. Re Assistant to the City Manager y,. . n CITY OF CUPERTINO, SrM OF CNL$F 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA $5014 Telephone: (408) 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE ADJOURN® MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD NOVEMBER 14, 1983 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY BALL CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Mukherjee, Mann, Droege and Weber Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager MINUTES Or THE PREVIOUS MEETING: The minutes of the September 14, 1983 meeting were approved. OLD BUSINESS: Commissioner Droege presented a draft resolution for the City Council to support PG&E's relicensing efforts for its hydroelectric projects. Minor modifications were made. Commissioner Mann moved the draft be forwarded to the City Council with a recommendation from the Commission to adopt. Motion seconded by Commissioner Droege. Commmissioners Mann, Droege and Weber voted in favor. Commissioner Mukherjee abstained. NEN' BUSINESS: Commissioner Weber presented a draft memorandum to the City Council opposing the use of stop signs for any use other than safety since any other purpose would be a poor use of energy. Commissioner Droege moved,and Commissioner Mann seconded, that the memo be forwarded to the City Council for the November 21, 1983 meeting. New officers were unanimously elected: Commissioner Droege as Chair and Commissioner Mukherjee as Vice Chair. Agenda for the December meeting will include the final review of the Energy Impact Assessment. The Commission plans to invite the Traffic Engineer to discuss existing stop signs and traffic patterns. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully sumbitted, BARBARA K. BROWN, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER CITY OF CUPi 1RTIVJ, STATE OF CALIMMU M30U Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone: �408) 2a2-4505 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF TILE ENERGY CO24A9ISSI0N HELD DECEMBER 14, 1983 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Ruttenberg, Mann, Mukherjee, Droege and Weber Absent: Buffalow Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETINGS: The minutes of the November 9, 1983 meeting were approved as amended: Old Business: Second paragraph, fourth line - it would lose 1% of the cheapest fuel that it uses.... Third paragraph, Item 4: They get reclamation power that PG&E can't get. Second page, second paragraph: Commissioner Mukherjee pointed out that the City of: Santa Clara's argument regarding competition is not .iecessarily appropriate in a fully regulated industry such as the provision of power. Furthermore, he suggests that the giving cheaper energy to business and industry, 80% of the City of Santa ® Clara's load request is to the detrement of PG&E's customers and not particularly in the public good. The minutes of the November 14, 1983 minutes were approved. OLD BUSINESS: Commissioner Ruttenberg introduced himself and was in turn introduced to the Commission members. The Commission reviewed the latest draft of their energy assessment. The draft reflects the premise that commercial and industrial facilities should meet Title 24 standards with strong recommendations for using electronic ballasts. The Commission discussed the basic concepts and organization of the draft. Questions and changes should be forwarded to Commissioner Droege for final incorpor- ation. NEW BUSINESS: State Energy Commission has requested input on proposed solar tax credits and conservation tax credit modification. Chairperson Droege drafted a response which the Commission approved to be sent. Copies will go to the City Council. Staff will get copies of the full text of proposed changes. ppw -2_ . w MINUTES OF Tn ENMW CMUSSIGN MOTINC - DEC ER 14, 1983 At the next meeting Commissioner Kukherjee will report the findings, recommendations and status of the Solid Taste Advisory Committee. The Commission plans to make the final review of the energy assessment as well. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, BARBARA K. wN, Assistant to the City Manager 1711�1 CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF CALWOMU 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone: (408) 252-4505 MI'-^1UTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD JANUARY 11. 1984 IN THE CONFERENCE Room, CITY HALL CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Weber, Mukherjee, Buffalow, Droege and Mann Absent: Commissioner Ruttenberg Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager MINUTES (IF THE PREVIOUS MEETINGS: The :.,iinutes of the December 14. 1983 meeting were approved. Commissioner Buffalow introduced himself to the Commission, and the Commissioners introduced themselves to the Commissioner. OLD BUSINESS: The Commission reviewed the final draft of the energy impact assessment. Typos other minor corrections were made. The report was approved. Staff will have corrections made and forward to the City Council and the Planning staff with copies for each Commissioner (two copies for Chairperson Droege). Commissioner Mukherjee is a member of the Solid Waste Advisory Committee. He reviewed the events of the last seven years, the SW14A staff recommendation, and the committee's objections to those recommendations. The committee (SWAC) is recommending to the City Council the use of an out of area landfill and a vigorous recycling program. Chairman Droege suggested the Commission look closely at recycling programs and what could realistically be expected of them. Commissioner Weber will contact the cities of Palo Alto and Los Altos. Staff will get information from Berkeley. NEW BUSINESS: None. NEXT AGENDA: 1. Recycling 2. Stop signs 3. Proposed modifications to State energy conservation credits (Consumer protection for solar energy users) ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Res ectfully sub ted: 4 ARBARA K. 0 City Assistant the City Manager r *; s"` OF ii-it aO3OikTorre Avenue, Cupertino, CA '95014 Telephone: (408) 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR HEETYNG OF THE ENERGY COMMYSSION HELD FEBRUARY 8, 1984 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL CUPERTIANO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:36 p.m. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Droege, Mukherjee, Ruttenberg and Weber Commissioners Absent: Buffalow and Mann Staff Present: None Guest Present: Glenn Grigg, Traffic Engineer, City of Cupertino MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: The minutes of the January 11, 1984 meeting were approved. Traffic Engineer, City of Cupertino, Glenn Grigg, introduced himself to the Commissioners. OLD BUSINESS: Final copies of the Energy Impact Assessment was given to the Commissioners present. Stop Signs Traffic Engineer Glenn Grigg distributed a City of Cupertino map showing the placement of the stop signs, and he gave a brief history of why most of the stop signs were installed where they are. Stop signs placed for the safety issue have been very effective. "T" intersections do not normally require stop reigns. There is an environ- mental impact report pending on the closure of Stelling Road, but not for the location of the stop signs. Chairman Droege asked if there is any method for having a stop sign removed by recommendation of a commission. Stop signs can only be removed by the order of the City Council. Chairman Droege suggested that possibly Commissioners Weber and Ruttenberg, and Traffic Engineer Grigg should get together and determine the reasons for the placement of stop signs that may not be required, and send recommendations to the City Council. Cost for each stop at a stop sign is from one to five cents.for fuel and,wear cost. Commissioner Ruttenberg will study the whole City of Cupertino by sections and determine the reason for installation of some of the stop signs. Traffic Engineer Grigg and Commissioner Weber will be contacted for sensitive areas. Recommendations for removal will be made as necessary. Avg CITY%F CUPM1140, STATE OF CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF THE REGULAR KEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD FEBRUARY 8, 1984, CONFERENCE ROOM - CITY HALL Recycling Commissioner Mukherjee reported on Bryan Canyon recommendations from the City Council meeting. The majority present at the meeting were against anything having to do with Bryan Canyon. Chairman Droege requested a new committee be formed to replace the SWAC. This committee should consist of waste management experts and be headed by Commissioner Mukherjee. Commissioner Weber will lead the recycling section. Commissioner Weber reported on the recycling information he obtained from the cities of Berkeley, Palo Alto, Los Altos and a trial program in Cupertino. Los Altos is the most successful program but it is not profitable. Commissioner Weber will contact the City of Mountain View and other cities with a recycling program. Motion was passed that the Energy Commission will take on the assignment of looking into the long term solution for waste management and recycling. This will be proposed by Commissioner Mukherjee at the City Council meeting on February 21, 1984. Solar Energy A copy of the City of Stockton's ordinance regulating solar energy hot water systems will b.s sent to Chairman Droege. - No further action required at this time. NEW BUSINESS: None NEXT AGENDA: 1. Recycling 2. Stop signs ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted: ROBERT M. RUTTENBERG, Energy Commissioner CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone: (408) 252-4505 i MINUTES CF THE REGULAR MEETINC OF THE ENRGY COMMISSION HELD MARCH 14, 1984 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Droege, Buffalow, Mann, Ruttenberg and Weber. Commissioner Absent: Mukherjee Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: The minutes of the February 8, 1984 meeting were amended as follows: Page 2. Inserc a second sentence to read: Two bodies of this committee would be established. Mr. Buffalow and Mr. Ruttenberg need to be added to the roster of Energy Commissioners that each Commissioner has. Mr. Droege's term of office is incorrect on the current roster, and should be September 1987. Tom Weber will represent the Energy Commission on the Civic Awards Selection Committee. OLD BUSINESS: Chairperson Droegc reviewed the Commission's proposal to the City Council to study and evaluate long term solid waste disposal solutions and recycling. The proposal was re-evaluated in light of the City Council's input. After a very lengthy discussion the Commission decided to recommend the follow- ing to the City Council at the April 2ad meeting: 1. That the Energy Commission be charged with the responsibility of evaluating a recycling program and long term solid waste disposal programs. 2. That two ad hoc committees be established, chaired by-Energy Commissioners, to study and make recommendation to the Energy Commission regarding recycling and solid waste disposal. 3. The Energy Commission would, in turn, review the ad hoc committee recommendations before making recommendations to the City Council. 4. Each ad hoc committee should consist of no more than six members. Any interested party could attend meetings and resource people could be tapped by the committee. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY CMUSSION HELD MARCH 14, 1984, CONFERENCE ROOM - CITY HALL 5. The six committee members should include a chairperson from the Energy Commission, two members appointed by the Solid Waste Advisory Committee and three at-large members selected from applicants living in the City. (SWAC members interested would be encouraged to apply.) 6. The ad hoc committees would be asked to report back to the Energy Commission in six months with a definition of the issues being studied and progress to date. 7. A final report with recommendations to the Energy Commission would be expected from each of the committees within a year. 8. The six-month progress reports and the final report will be forwarded to the City Council. The Energy Commission may, after reviewing the final report, submit a separate recommendation if it does not concur with either or both of the ad hoc committees. Commission Ruttenberg has spoken at length with the City's traffic engineer. He and Commissioner Weber have maps indicating the location of stop signs through- out the City. They will meet and bring back any recommendations they have for the Commission. The assumption is there are stop signs which are no longer warranted due to traffic diversion methods which have been implemented. Unnecessary stop signs are real energy wasters. ® Staff reported that a new energy audit from PG&E has been requested. Commissioner Buffalow has agreed to walk through with the auditor. The Commission has been asked by the City Council to review the audit, compare it to the audit done two years ago, and recommend any changes that would save energy consumption. Commissioner Buffalow suggested fostering energy audits for businesses. Commissioner Weber will attend the Mayor's luncheon this month. Chairperson Droege may not be able to attend the July and August meetings. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted: BARBARA K. BR WN, Assistant to the City Manager Q CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone: (408) 252-4505 r MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD APRIL 11, 1984 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL CUPERTI'NO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Droege, Buf.falow, Ruttenberg and Weber Commissioners Absent: Mann and Mukherjee Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: Minutes of the March 14, 1984 meeting were approved. OLD BUSINESS: The Energy Commission will meet May 9th. Chairperson Droege asked that Crmmissioner Mukherjee and Commissioner Weber be prepared in advance of the City Council meeting May 7th to establish a work plan for the ad hoc committees; one on recycling and one on solid waste disposal. He also asked that all the Commissioners think about the kind of final report structure that they would like to see in order to help shape the work plan process. A waste stream report is available to Tom Weber in the Public Works office. He'll try to review it before the next meeting. It seems that the amount of cardboard in the ind=.strial waste stream is a very high percent- age of their disposable waste. There is a very good recycling market for cardboard at this time. It will be interesting to see whether we could work at energy con- servation with business as well as recycling with business in the near future. Commissioner Mann has volunteered to play a "watch dog" role with State legisla- tion and the State Energy Commission. By following the legislation or administra- tive action it will give our Commission time to comment. It was also suggested that she could play a significant public information role. Glenn Grigg, Traffic Engineer for the City, visited the Commission meeting long enough to give them a copy of SB1830, which is the Energy Conservation Assistance Act currently proposed in Sacramento. He suggested that the Commission may wish to review and comment on the legislation. Commissioner Mann will be asked to look into the legislation and report at the May meeting as to whether its the kind of legislation the Commission wants to support or oppose. SB1830 seems to move energy conservation loans from a special fund to an annual appropriation with repayments to the general fund. The State Energy Commission has developed a draft entitled, "Solar Water Heating California's Buyers Guide", Commissioner Droege will read and comment and ask that Commissioner Buffalow also read, review and comment before the deadline for input. �t-t�t,fs� Anx�n- 'AINUTES V� dELS HELD APRIL 11, 1984 Commissioner Ruttenberg reported that he and Commissioner Weber win be develop- ing a questionaire for citizen's input in highly targeted areas related to stop signs and their continued need. The suggested area for the survey is at Blaney and 280 where there are schools,and street closings may mean that atop signs are no longer needed, Commissioner Ruttenberg will bring a draft of the questionaire to the next meeting for review. The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Barbara K Brown, Assistant to the City Manager Vk­ OF 'I CITY OF CUP`9ftU6`1W7 a, 10300 Torre A;;;Z. Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone: (408) 2!2-4505 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD MAY 9, 1984 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Droege, Buffalow, 214ann. , Ruttenberg, Weber and Mukherjee Commissioners Absent: None Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager MEN'UTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: Minutes of the April 11, 1984 meeting were approved with change in third line of Old Business to read: "establish an initial work plan"... Corrections to the Commission's roster should include Commissioner Mukherjee's home telephone number as: 996-8227 Commissioner Mann's business telephone - limber as: 980-0661. OLD BUSINESS: Chairperson Droege reported the actions of the City Council at their May 7th meeting, assigning long range plans for solid waste disposal and recycling studies to ad hoc committees reporting to the Energy Commission. Commissioner Mukherjee believes the stop signs on Stelling Road are a mistake and that City staff made erroneous technical assumptions. Commissioners Weber and Ruttenberg are developing a survey for targeted (non-controversial) areas regarding unwarranted stop signs. It is the Commission's belief that conditions in neighbor- hoods have changed, thus eliminating the need for stop signs. Commissioners Ruttenberg and Weber will bring their proposal to the next meeting. Commissioner Buffalow suggested the Commission invite Charles Imbrecht, Chair of the California State Energy Commission, to discuss goals and missions. Commissioner Mann will send a letter inviting him to the August meeting. If he should come, Sunnyvale, Palo Alto and Mountain View representatives will also be invited. The Commission recommended that the City Council oppose AB3353 and AB3579 and support AB3630. The recommendations will be forwarded to the City Council. Copies of the letter Chairperson Droege sent to the State regarding, "Solar Water Heating: California Buyer's Guide" will be distributed to the Commissioners. Commissioner Buffalow reported the energy audits have been completed for the Service Center and the Senior Community Center. City Hall, the Library and Monta Vista School are scheduled for the next week. r�MINUTES OF OF THE Mimm COMMSSION XMTWgd HELD MAY 9, 1984 PG&E representatives will be invited to explain future program for conser- vation of energy. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. to May 21 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, 21N, BARBARAK. Assistant to the City Manager ,. 4 MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD MAY 21, 1984 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:45 p.m. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Droege, Ruttenberg, Weber and Mukherjee Commissioners Absent: Mann and Buffalow Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager (Attended part of the meeting) OLD BUSINESS: The purpose of this meeting was a working meeting concerning the working relationships of the two ad hoc committees (Recycling & Solid Waste Disposal). Of concern to both Commissioner Weber and Mukherjee was the range of abilities of the "to be" appointed committee members. Both presented to the Commission very general outlines of the initial work assignments. These were discussed iii depth. Where areas of overload occurred, after discussion, assign- ments were made to the appropriate committee. It was noted that depending on the relative capabilities of the appointed committee members further shifting of assignments probably will be required. Commissioner Weber presented his outline of work objectives. Commissioner Weber stated that initially he expected b0% of his committee's time to be devoted to finding out about other bay area cities' recycling pro- grams. The other 40% would be concentrated on Cupertino City issues. As a first draft the work objective outline was accepted. Commissioner Droege agreed to add additional wording for further clarity by the next meeting. Commissioner Mukherjee presented a general outline of his proposed final report objectives and reviewed them with the Commission. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:00 p.m. Res tfully submitted, bert tDrege Chairperson MINUTES OF THE BEGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD JUNE 13, 1984 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:42 p.m. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Buffalow, Mann, Ruttenberg and Weber Commissioners Absent: Droege, Mukherjee MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: Minutes of the May 9, 1984 changed that all bills opposed no change to minutes on Stelling Road stop signs. Minutes of May 9, 1984 ap�-.Proved as changed. OLD MINUTES: Commissioner Barbara Crowley of the California Energy Commission will speak at the August 8, 1984, regular meeting. Commissioner Crowley's autobiography will be presented at the July meeting. Energy Audit report from PG&E. Mark Davis, Energy Management Engineer, PG&E, Judith Burrill, Conservation Representative, PG&E. Audit of City of Cupertino Senior Center, Municipal Operations Center, City Hall and Library reports presented. Judy - Monta Vista Recreation Center, audited last week - should have lights in entrance converted to high pressure sodium. SENIOR CENTER: Change incandescent at entrance as specified in the report. Question on whether previous recommendations were taken care of after the last audit on Senior Center 1981. Some low cost ones have been done. Thermostat setting per title 24 is 68 to 78 degrees F. (See report for further recommendations.) MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS CENTER: Should have list for turning off switches. Extra large hot water heating could be smaller. Radiant heaters in warehouse. -a,2- mnnr S OP THE ENERGY C=ffSSYON, JUNE 13, 1984 ' CITY HALL: Main saving would be on basement lighting change to fluorescent and vents on floor are covered with file folders, etc. Air conditioner in Council Room runs even when no one is there. Need engineering analysis - recommended by Commissioner Buffalow. Most people do not know what the thermostat does in this building. Uses a reheat system. Maintenance on thermostats, calibrate each one every six months. Cooling tower has problems as described in the report. LIBRARY: Lights owned by county? Vent system should be able to take in outside air for heating and cooling - not working? PG&E rebates program is up to $1,000. Builders are going to PG&E for in- formation on energy saving devices. Ordinance in Berkeley for builders to get information from PG&E for information on energy saving devices and for builders to get information from PG&E energy management representative. New report on energy savings from California Energy Commission at meeting of June 19 and 20, 1984. At business meeting final report will be available. Questionnaire on stop signs will be revised and specific stop signs will be designated. Commissioner Weber complained about metering light at Wolfe & 280 Freeway. Respgctfully,,su bmitted, obert Rut en berg MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF 713E ENERGY COMMISSION HELD JULY 18, 1984 IN THE C0NFERENCE R0OM CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. ROLL CALL: Commissioner Present: Buffalow, Mann, Ruttenberg, Weber and Mukherjee Commissioner Absant: Droege Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: Minutes of the May 21, 1984 and June 13, 1984 were approved. OLD BUSINESS: Commissioner Buffalow reported on PG&E's energy audit. Monta Vista School is an energy waster. It would be a major undertaking to make it "serviceable." Recommendations for City Hall are being implemented except for roof insul- ation. The insulation could have a very quick pay-back period. Ordinances from other governmental jurisdictions which encourage energy conservation can be requested. Solar Cal Local Government Commission can provide contact names and retrofit ordinances. Staff will order "Energy Efficiency of Existing Housing." Commissioner Mukherjee will be working in the Demand and Conservation Pro- gram of P.R.I. He will share what he learns with the Commission. A draft of stop sign survey and cover letter discussed and modified. Staff will have it typed and mailed to the targeted neighborhoods after the committee gives her a list of specific stop signs to be surveyed. Returned survey postage will be paid by the City like Cupertino Scene Sound- Off cards are paid for. Fi:ial copies of the questionaire and cover letter will go to the commissioners. Ad hoc committee appointments were announced. Staff will invite the staff from other cities to attend the August 8th meeting with State Energy Commissioner Barbara Crowley. A resume from Commissioner Crowley will be requested and sent to Betty Mann. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted: P'1 dBarbaraK. , Assistant to the City Manager MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD AUGUST 8, 1984 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Mann, Droege, Ruttenberg, Weber, and Mukherjee. Commissioner Absent: Buffalo Staff Absent: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager Guests: Barbara Crowley, California Energy Commissioner Tom Courtney, Valerie West, Robert Williams, Harold Green, Walt Bailey, City of Sunnyvale and Steve Miller, City of Mountain View The entire meeting was devoted to California Energy Commissioner, Barbara Crowley. Commissioner Crowley is a newly appointed (February 17, 1984) member of the Calif- ornia Energy Commission. The suggested topic for her presentation was "What Changes in Philosophy Will There Be in the California Energy Commission with the New Gover- nor's Administration?" Highlights of her presentation and responses to questions of those present are as follows: A) California Energy Commission is requesting more information from industry before establishing standards. The intent is to better assure commercial viability and practicality. B) California Energy Commission intends to provide information to the Public Utilities Commission for regulating utilities. These duties have not been fully defined, as yet. C) There will be a tendency towards loans versus grants for energy saving measures. Grants are expected only for state of the art type measures, whereby California Energy Commission wishes to collect information. Loans are for established technology to promote energy savings. The feeling is loans will recycle more money to finance more energy saving measures, with the risk being shared with the buyer. D) New building energy standards are tending toward a point system. The con- structor will rate his dwelling; the buyer will decide his/her willingness to purchase based on this rating. No retrofit energy building efficiency standards for existing dwellings are currently being considered to her knowledge. E) California Energy Commission is looking at tax credits and rebates. One objective is for the taxpayer to get the best deal for the benefits. Also energy saving incentives will be reviewed for their contribution to the general good of the community. F) California Energy Commission wishes to export the alternate energy technology developed in California to market to foreign buyers. Many of these energy saving technology improvements have been initiated by small business. Calif- ornia Energy Commission is locking into being a "Clearing House" for foreign buyers. -2- MINUTES OF THE REM AR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION - AUGUST 8, 1984 G) California Energy Commission wishes to improve accountability on energy saving projects. In particular, reachable goals need to be established, and some measure of project evaluations on an equal basis with other projects needs to be developed. A major current focus in this area is wind farm development. H) Methane recovery from landfill was discussed. In particular, Mountain View has looked into the possibility of using methane from landfill to power city vehicles. State vehicle air quality regulations inhibit this type of develop- ment. Vehicle emission qualification is not a California Energy Commission responsibility. The issue was taken under advisement. I) Traffic interconnects were discussed in detail. A major concern of effectively and efficiently implementing improvements which improve traffic flow, was the various jurisdictional areas. - No City is an island. Proposed flow pattern changes in one area may have major implications in another. Also budget re- structions or priorities in one department or city have a tendency to delay traffic improvements. Communications between the various parties was considered a problem. J) The use of solar was discussed. Mountain View installed a major solar system on one of their city buildings. After several major changes over the years with different consultants, the system still does not operate even remotely with the expected benefits. A general consensus of those present was solar benefits by manufacturers was greatly over stated. Of help in this area is "Solar Water Heating: A California Buyer's Guide." This will be a California Energy Commission publication currently in the review stages. At Commissioner Crowley's request, Cupertino will send the Cupertino Energy Commission comments submitted in April, 1984, for her information. K) Burning garbage for waste to energy was discussed. In particular air quality restrictions are in force which may not be realistic in this area. This Valley's geographic characteristics tend to accumulate unburned gaseous hydrocarbons - a major source is landfill. Current regulation may prohibit burning for energy recovery, but it may be the least environmentally damaging. The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 4 a �- OBERT W. DROEGE, CHAIRMAN T MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD SEPT MER 12, 1984 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Bob Droege, Tom Weber, Bob Ruttenberg, Henry Buffalow Commissioner Absent: Betty Mann and Shishir Mukherjee Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager Guest: Gary Leese *MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: The minutes for the July 18 and August 8 meeting were approved. Discussion of the traffic interconnect was held. The effectiveness of the inter- connect has been raised with the City's traffic engineer by Commissioner Weber. Commissioner Weber continues to keep trac!, of the number of through intersections on Stevens Creek and De Anza Boulevard. Chairperson Droege distributed a letter he received from the Peninsula Times Tri- bune soliciting newspaper articles. Commissioner Weber intends to write an article for the Times Tribune on the recycling subcommittee. Staff was asked to make copies of the letter that Chairpersc-7 Droege received and distribute it to other commissioners. Chairperson Droege brought the commission's attention to a letter received from the State Energy Commission regarding loan subsidies for low and moderate-income resi- dential and non-profit commercial and agricultural buildings for energy conservation. The deadline is October 22 for the loan application. The commission decided to look more seriously into the program next year. Commissioner Weber reported that the recycling subcommittee has been meeting rather sporadically. He will contact Los Altos and Los Altos Garbage Company to receive information on the recycling program in that city. Commissioner Weber also reported that Petaluma has a curbside recycling program which collects glass, cans, bottles and newspapers. The cost is 60,,, per household in subsidies. The next planned meeting for the recycling subcommittee will be September 25. Chairperson Droege distributed minutes from the solid waste subcommittee chaired by Commissioner Mukherjee. It was decided that minutes from both subcommittees will be attached to the regular commission minutes and will be distributed once a month. Staff is to determine when Commissioner Mukherjee will return from India and whether or not the subcommittee will be meeting in his absence. Vice Chairman Ron Kinney will be contacted and invited to the next meeting of the Energy Commission to discuss the subcommittee's program. The stop sign survey has been modified at the City Manager's request. It seems that it gave the impression that the Energy Commission had the power to do something about stop signs. It must be perfectly clear that it is strictly advi4rry. The following changes were proposed for the cover letter.- Rather than "evaluation," "checking information" will be used in the first paragraph. Before the salutation the following s ZIN -2- KhEBGY COIWSSTON MWUJS - SMMM ER 12. 1984 sentence should be inserted, "The survey is for informational use by the Energy Commission and will not affect stop signs." Once the changes have been rude, copies will be given to the City Manager and the City Council. Hopefully, this will be the first meeting in October. Commissioners need to get a copy of the revised survey and cover letter,. Commissioner Ruttenberg reported that he attended an electric car rally in Sunnyvale the preceding Saturday. The record distance for such cars is 105 miles per charge. Commissioner Droege reported that the month he spent in New York, all the north- eastern states had bottle bills requiring deposits. Those states were New 'York, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Vermont and Maine. The people that he talked to were very enthusiastic about the bills. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Barbara K. Brown Assistant to the City Manager isillillogt TIM IM MINUTES' OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD OCT06ER 10 , 1954 IIV THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:42 p .m. ROLL CALL: ComT,iss� oners Present : Droege , Mukherjee , Ruttenberg and Weber Commissioners Absent : Leese ._t.a++ Present : Barbara K . Brown , Assistant to the City Manager and Glenn Grigg, Traffic Engineer , City ty of Cupertino (Attended part of the meeting) t i l r-JUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: h-i i nu tes. of 'September 12, 1 9S4 approved as read. ELECTIONS: ® Tcir , !Ajeber- and Sh i sh i r MuV?n.jee nominated for Chairman , Tom Weber elected. Shishir Mukeryiee nominated and elected as Vice Chairman . OLD BUSINESS: Commissioner Weber- reported on the Recycling committee meeting. Recycling committee minutes giver, out . National recycling conference attened bl Ken Newman of the recycling committee. San Jose will star curbside recycling in certain areas, Willow Glen and Berryesa. Commissioner MuVherjee reported on the Solid Waste committee meeting. Solid Wa.sfe committee met on September 5, 1984 to discuss outline and start collecting information . Next meeting will be October 24. 1954. There was a Solid Waste workshop on October 5, 1984 given by the State Energy Commission . Strap :='i gn survey copies gi 1, en to commissioners for final approval . Approved b:> Ci ty Man age r . Wi 1 I be presented to the Ci ty Counci 1 as oon as i t can be put Dr., the .agenda. . omrni _sioner Weber has made a survey of the traffic light interconnect it seems to be working onl ;;v 567% of the time . Frier; audit has been completed but there has been no feedback from ® tr,e c i ty to Comm i ss i oner Buf+al ov) =cus Ion; w, tshat should be done -tor the next year . Commissioner Weber suggested that thF minutes for the yea:- should be bound together and qi ven out to all energy commissioners. -�R'� .,,a` Other discussions included commercial and industrial energy improvement programs, recommendations for new construction to save or conserve energy, analyze best use of the 0.5% tax increase for Santa Clara. County road construction if Measure A passes and begin study program for alternate energy sources for city vehicles and buildings . Meeting adjourned 9:37 P.M. After the meeting commissioners Uroege , Ruttenberg and Weber toured the city computerized traffic light control center with Traffic .=n i neer Grigg. t i MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD NOV01BER 14, 1984 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Thomas B. Weber, Henry Buffalow, Robert Droege, Judy Kirkham, Gary Leese, and Robert Ruttenberg Absent: Shishir Mukherjee Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager NEW BUSINESS: Judy Kirkham, the newest Commissioner, introduced herself to the other Commissioners. There was discussion of the Petroleum Violation Escrow Account. Petroleum Violation Escrow Account information about how to make application for funds was distributed. ® Chairperson Weber will ask the City Traffic Engineer to respond to some observations regarding the traffic interconnect. Pat Conrow from Cal-Trans has also requested this information. A memo and material regarding traffic from Commissioner Mukherjee was dis- tributed. Next meeting, December 12, 1984, agenda will include: Petroleum Violation Escrow Account report Discussion of recycling issues Development of 1984-85 work plan for the Commission ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, B B BARA K. BROWN, Assistant to the City Manager s • MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF T'dE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD DECEMBER 12, 1984 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Thomas B. Weber, Henry Buffalow, Robert Droege, Shishir Mukherjee, Judy Kirkham, and Robert Ruttenberg Commissioners Absent: Gary Leese MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: Minutes of the November 14, 1984 meeting were approved as amended: 3rd paragraph under "New Business" - last line should read: Pat Conrow from Cal-Trans has inquired about this information. Energy Hints for the next three months were established: Swimming pool pumps, PG&E cash backs and set-back thermostats. Commissioner Kirkham's phone numbers are: Home: 252-6821 and Work: 299-2671. Commissioner Kirkham distributed information she had obtained regarding the Petroleum Violation Escrow Account (PVEA) grants. Categories for funding will be established after December 3rd. Staff will call Irene Rodarte at 800-822-6228 for the categories eligible for funding and forward the information to Commissioner Kirkham. Commissioner Mukherjee reported that the solid waste disposal sub-committee has been looking at various technologies and whether there are available sites in Cupertino for such facilities. The City Manager and the Public Works Director will be meeting with the sub-committee. It is important to find a market for whatever product is produced from what would otherwise be landfill. The sub-committee is also looking at co--generation possibilities with industry such as Kaiser or DeAnza College. Burn- Lig garbage is the first possibility to explore. After burning there is still 20-30% of the total must be land filled. Burned garbage is considered toxic waste. Progress report will be due to the Energy Commission in approximately two months (February). Chairperson Weber reported the recycling committee has found that two-thirds of the waste stream is commercial-industrial and 50% of that is paper. 25% of residential waste is yard trimmings. Reductions in the waste stream due to recycling are re- placed by yard trimmings and are no reduction at the landfill site. Cost avoidance, including estimated costs of conserved landfill capacity, is the guiding principal in evaluating a recycling program. Staff is to check with City Clerk about distribution of minutes from the sub-committees. Work plan for 1984-85 will be: 1. Recycling and Solid Waste Disposal Sub-committees 2. PVEA 3. Highway 85 E/S 4. Non-residential conservation program 5. Gas dryer hook-ups for new residential construction 6. Alcernative energy opportunities • MINUTES OF THE ENERGY COMISSION HELD DECEMBER 12, 1984 Discussion of what changes consimer°s attitudes towards energy use and conservation. City projects can serve as a focus of citizen awareness regarding energy conserva- tion measures. Meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, A 4& Barbara K. Br wn„ Assistant to the City Manager MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD .JANUARY 99 1985 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CUPERINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Thomas B. Weber, Robert Droege, Shishir Mukherjee, Judy Kirkham, Robert Ruttenberg and Gary Leese Commissioners Absent: Henry Buffalow Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: Minutes of the December 12 meeting were approved as corrected: Change Commissioner Kirkham's phone number to: 253-6821 4th paragraph, last line - change February to March. Last paragraph, lst page, Item 3. should be Item 6. Highway 85 E/S. OLD BUSINESS: General discussion of Energy Elements and Energy Policies. Staff distributed Energy Hint #8 from the League of California Cities. Commissioner Leese raised the issue of energy audit requirements for issuance of a building permit. Staff will gather and mail out information regarding state and local energy requirements for new residential construction and remodels as well. as for water ® heater placement and gas clothes dryer placement. The commission discussed the possibility of a policy of making gas available, at least in new construction, to give residents a choice between gas and electric dryers. NEW BUSINESS: Commissioner Mukherjee suggested the City investigate a program of providing labor for the installation of energy conservation measures. He further suggested development and/or distribution of information on how to select a contractor. Staff will contact various resources to see what may already be available. The State has a list of approved solar contractors. PG&E has guidelines for insulation and selection of contractors. Department of Energy, reported Commissioner Mukherjee, is experimenting with 40 KW fuel cells, which are designed for commercial use, and they are looking for possible demonstration projects. - No one knew of a market for this in Cupertino. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 7 ARBARA K. B OWN, ® Assistant to the City Manager ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES 3 of 5 7UL.1981-DEC. 1991 MI14UTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION MELD FEBRUARY 13, 1985 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Gary Leese, Robert Droege, Robert Ruttenberg and Thomas B. Weber Commissioners Absent: Shishir Mukherjee, Judy Kirkham and Henry Buffalow Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager MINLTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: The minutes of the .January 9, 1985 meeting were nnanimously approved. OLD BUSINESS: The Recycling Sub-Committee has developed a rough draft of its interim report and is waiting for staff to do an economic feasibility report. Shirley Harlow is planning to attend the recycling committee meeting. The long-range planning for Solid Waste S»b-Committee interim report is ready to be typed. Hopefully, both reports will be available at the March meeting. Energy hint received for Cupertino Scene. NEW BUSINESS: Staff distributed Title 24 of the State Building Standards Code. Staff will invite the Senior Building Official to address the Commission regarding Title 24 practical implementations in Cupertino. Are energy audits done for remodels? Why and What for? The Commission discussed the possibility of a joint meeting with ASAC to discuss energy issues for new construction; March or April are possibilities. The consensus was this would be a desirable meeting. There is particular interest in large commercial and industrial buildings and multi-family residential projects. ASAC would -like suggested policies from the Energy Commission presented in advance so there can be dialogue with the Planning Commission and ASAC. The Energy Commission would be a resource to the other two bodies. Chairperson Weber will contact Commissioner Buffalow about outlining poss- ible suggestions or energy criteria. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Respectfully submi ted, zf so BARBARA K. , Assistant to the City Manager MINUTA OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EMGY COMRiISSION HELD MARCH 13, 1985 IN TEE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Robert Droege, Thomas B. Weber, Judy Kirkham, Henry Buffalow, and Robert Ruttenberg Commissioners Absent: Gary Leese and Shishir Mukherjee Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: Omit sentence relating to Shirley Harlow. Minutes approved as corrected. OLD BUSINESS: Joe Antonucci, the City's Senior Building Inspector, and Paul Tai, a con- sulting engineer for the City, eeviewed the energy requirements for residential and non-residential buildings. The requirements are from the Uniform Building Codes and the State Energy Commission. In the case of residential remodeling the standards apply to the entire home when the size of the building is increased by a set percentage. City Hall and Library remodeling will require bringing entire buildings into code compliance. Mr. Antonucci suggested that Fred Herman of Palo Alto may be invited to address the commission about future energy issues. Chairman Weber announced the civic awards nominations are available. He also announced the Solid Waste Sub-committee interim report is complete and being distributed. The recycling committee is waiting for data from Los Altos Garbage Company before completing their interim report. Both reports will be distributed to commissioners as soon as they are available. The Commission discussed possible benefits to a joint meeting with A.S.A.C. Commissioner Droege will contact Betty Mann to explore how the Energy Commission can assist A.S.A.C. NEW BUSINESS: Commissioner Buffalow described three breakfast.seminars sponsored by the City and Chamber of Commerce of Palo Alto entitled, "Cutting Costs Through Energy Management". The focus was light commercial operations and addressed 1) office and retail stores, 2) restaurants, and 3) hotels and motels. The Arthur Young Company provided information on monitoring utility bills and other experts addressed other issues such as future costs, lighting techni- ques, product samples and literature, and software programs. The City of Cupertino could do a very similar program. Staff will set up a meeting with MINU'CES OF THE ENERGYCOMISSION HELo HMCH 13, 1985 (Coat°d) ® PG&E, the Chamber, and Commissioner Buffalow to further explore presenting a similar program. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 p•m- Respectfully submitted, Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager 411 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD APRIL 10, 1985 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting wa3 called to order at 7:35 p.m. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Robert Droege, Gary Leese, Judy Kirkham, Robert Ruttenberg, and Henry Buffalow Commissioners Absent: Thomas B. Weber, and Shishir Mukherjee Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager Guests: Bob Lee, PG&E, and Debra Katz, City of Palo Alto MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: Minutes of the March 13th meeting were unanimously approved. Gary Leese reported his new mailing address and telephone number: P.O. Box 710011, San Jose, CA 95129, Tele: 255-3145. OLD BUSINESS: Bob Lee requested Energy Commission support for HR44, currently pending at the federal level, to support PG&E's reapplication for license for hydroelectric power projects. The commission voted to recommend the City Council reaffirm its earlier support for such legislation by endorsing HR44- Debra Katz, from the City of Palo Alto's Energy Services, described Palo Alto's attempts to inform and serve their small commercial customers. Two major obstacles seem to be; 1) these are very busy people and 2) utility bills are not seen as controlable costs. She described three workshops Palo Alto puts on success- fully, aimed at these customers. She suggested the following: 1. Use business reply cards 2. Co-sponsor with Chamber of Commerce 3. Give participants concrete actions to take 4. Focus on profit 5. Use City stationery and logos Commissioners Droege and Buffalow reported they still are not sure what ASAC wants from a joint meeting. ASAC's Chair will be contacted and told the Energy Commission will meet whenever ASAC wishes. Solid Waste Sub-Committee report was received, and will be distributed. The interim report of the Recycl.',ng Sub-Committee is being compiled. Staff was asked to send a memo to City Council requesting no appointment be made to vacancies on recycling sub-committee because their work is nearly completed. NEW BUSINESS: The Commission decided to sponsor a breakfast seminar Thursday, May 30, 1985 at the Senior Community Center; Commissioner Leese will check into food, Commissioner Kirkham will check into printing and graphics done by DeAnza College, Conanissioner Buffalow will contact speakers. The proposed agenda is attached. MINUTES OF THE REG" MEETING OF 'ME MWY CO ISSION RM ApM 10, 1955 Staff will meet at 5:30 Wednesday April 17 with Commissioner Kirkham to discuss publicity for the seminar. The entire commission will meet again at 5:30 Wednesda} April 24th. Commissioner Ruttenberg would like to discuss suggestions for solar hot water systems at the May meeting. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. until April 24, 1985. Respecrfully submitted, Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED FETING OF THE ENHRGY COMISSION HELD APRIL 24, 1985 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 6:45 p.m. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Henry Buffailow, Judy Kirkham, and Thomas B. Weber. Commissioners Absent:. Robert Droege, Gary Leese, Shishir Mukherjee, and Robert Ruttenberg Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager Publicity and agenda reviewed for breakfast seminar to be held May 30, 1985 from 7:15 a.m. to 9:30 at the Senior Community Center. Commissioner Buffalow has confirmed the speakers and nearly all the exhibitors. Breakfast menu to be confirmed: Donuts, bagels, cream cheese, fruit and coffee. Facilities need to be arranged including power supply for exhibitors and audio visual equipment. Staff will have publicity redrafted and mailing list of restaurants with phone numbers to be distributed to Commissioners to follow up. Chamber should be able to give us contact names when possible. ® Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, � Barbara R. Broem, Assistant to the City Manager v . NRI im a MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COM19ISSION HELD MAY 8, 1985 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA ® CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Judy Kirkham, Thomas B. Weber, Gary Leese, Shishir Mukherjee, Henry Buffalow Commissioners Absent: Robert Droege and Robert Ruttenberg Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: Minutes of the April loth meeting were approved with correction to show Thomas Weber present. Minutes of the adjourned meeting of April 24th were approved. OLD BUSINESS: Energy Conservation Workshop Menu to be tea, coffee, danish rolls, bagels, juice, and fruit salad. Caterers to be contacted. Food must be available by 7:00 a.m. Facilities - U-shaped table arrangement suggested. Microphones and overhead projector. Power for exhibitors. Commissioner Kirkham will pick up flowers if there is money available. Invitations - Will be mailed out May 13 to restaurant owners/operators as well as to the Energy Commissioners. Staff will provide names and telephone numbers, when available, for commissioners to contact after the receipt of the invitation. Folder - Staff will contact Chamber to see if they will donate folders. Folders will contain: Agenda Biographies of speakers List of vendors List of Commissioners and Chamber Directors Literature from PG&E will be available for participants to include in their folders. MUTES OF THE REGULAR I�ETIN OF THE ENERGY E�3�IISSY©18 ' DAY So 19ii5► MI Solid Waste Subcommittee's interim report did not get out as anticipated. ® It will be mailed immediately. Recycling Subcommittee's interim report, in draft form, will be available soon. NEW BUSINESS: None Meeting adjourned to Tuesday May 28 at 6:30 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the city Manager MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION H= JUNE 12, 1985 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Judy Kirkham, Robert Ruttenberg, Henry Buffalow, Tom Weber, Robert Droege, and Gary Leese Commissioners Absent: Shishir Mukherjee Guests: Ron Kinsey Bert Viskovich Kathy Blackburn Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: Minutes of the May 8 and May 28 meetings were approved. OLD BUSINESS: Ron Kinsey presented the Solid Waste Sub-committe's progress report. There was discussion of the presentation and the future direction of the sub-committee. Economic impacts and political considerations are used to weigh each technical alternative. The sub-committee is trying to make sense of all the data previously gathered. The commission would like to have a study session with the Solid Waste Sub- committee before the sub-committee meets with the City Council. Tom Weber presented the Recycling Sub-Committee report to go to the City Council recommending a commercial recycling pilot project. The structure of the report was discussed. A stronger statement about residential recycling was suggested. The commission recommended a one year commitment to the cooperating businesses, the allocation of $5,000 for promotion. The potential financial risks were discussed. Staff is to prepare a cover letter for City Council to accompany the report. NEW BUSINESS: None. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted: BARBARA K. BROWN, Assistant to the City Manager MINUTES OF SPECIA: MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION RE.I.YD May 28, 1985 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CUPERT'INO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Thomas B. Weber, Gary Leese, Robert Droege, Judy Kirkham, Shishir Mukherjee, Henry Buffalow and Robert Ruttenberg Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager Discussed was the details of the Energy Conservation Seminar for restaurant; operators to be held from 7:15 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., May 30, 1985. Commissioner Buffalow, the City's Facility Supervisor and Barbara Brown will meet at the Senior Community Center at 9:15 a.m. May 29th to make the final arrangements. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, arbara�IBXbw�iF,-_,-/ Assistant to the City Manager ill, lillii,' 4 V li gii 1 A TD 7,! 14 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD AUGUST 14, 1985 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO. CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Tom Weber, Robert Droege, Judy Kirkham, Robert Ruttenberg and Gary Leese Commissioners Absent: Sbishir Mukherjee and Henry Buffalow Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: The minutes of the June 1985 meeting were approved. OLD BUSINESS: The Recycling Committee report was accepted by the City Council with $5,000 allocated for public relations in order to get people to voluntarily comply with the project. The committee will meet every Tuesday in order to develop an imple- mentation plan. City Hall is to be a pilot for the pilot. The recycling program for City Hall, the Library, McClellan Ranch Park and the Service Center, will be presented to the Department Heads, August 19, 1985. The City's experience will be monitored in order to best provide for'the success of the pilot program. Th e Solid Waste Sub-Committee interim report was also accepted by the City Council. No action will be taken until the final report is presented. NEW BUSINESS: Commissioner Ruttenberg presented his suggested changes for the City of Cupertino's solar hot water and heating check list currently being used by the Building Department. This check list would establish retrofit standards. This has not been addressed by the solar hot water system policy for new construction. Staff will review the suggested changes with the Chief Building Inspector. Mr. Antonucci and/or his comments will be at the September commission meeting. The commission would like to send a questionnaire to anyone who has taken out a building permit for solar hot water system since 1978. Staff will see F if this is feasible. The questionnaire would ask: 1. Brand name of system installed 2. Size of storage tank 3. Size of collectors 4. Number of occupants in the house 5. Cost 6. Any problems • MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EMM CDMSSI'JN HELD ADGUST 14. 1383 Page two s Staff will draft the questionnaire to be reviewed at the next meeting. Commissioner Droege will draft a policy requiring gas be made available for clothes dryers in all new residential construction. The draft policy will be re- viewed at the next meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted: SARBARA K. W1V ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EMU= COMMISSION HELD SEPTEMER 11, 1985 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting ueas called to order at 7:40 p.m. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Tom Weber, Bob Droege, Judy Kirkham, Robert Ruttenberg and Henry Buffalow Commissioners Absent: Shishir Mukherjee Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager Joe Antonucci, Chief Building Inspector Carl Mileff, Plan Check Consultant MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: The minutes of the August 14, 1985 meeting were approved. OLD BUSINESS: The discussion was had between the Commissioners, Mr. Antonucci and Mr. Mileff around the solar hot water and heating check lists for the retrofitting solar hot water systems in residential homes. Suggestions were made to the draft. The re- vised version is attached for review. The questionaire to be reviewed at the September meeting will be addressed at the October meeting. It was sLzgested that the age of purchaser may be added. Furthermore, it was suggested that a price range rather than a specific price be requested. Commissioner Buffalow asked whether the goal of the questionaire was to improve design, or whether it was to assist on an inspection. - Both of which are important, but give you a different questionaire. The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted: iAxoe� ARBARA X. B ASSISTANT T00-tE CITY MANAGER MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD NOVEMBER 13, 1985 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Tom Weber, Henry Buffa!ow, Bob Droeqe, Judy Kirkham, Robert Ruttenberg Commissioners Absent: Shishir Mukherjee; Gary Leese Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager OLD BUSINESS Staff was asked to zerox Palo Alto's solar hot water heating installation standards and distribute the copies to commissioners. The Chief Building inspector will review and comment on the hand-out. Those comments will be brought back to the commissioners. Next Energy Hint: The Energy Commission has standards for active solar damestic water heater installations. If you are installing such a system or if you are having problems with a system you installed earlier, call Barbara Brown at 252-4505 and ask for a free copy of the standards, or use the Sound Off card to request it. Staff will poll the phone calls for new or old systems. Recycling committee reported that the amount or recycling generated by one person in an office setting is approximately oiie pound per week. The City Hall pilot project generates about 75 lbs. a week. At $60/ton from recycling, it is not cost effective. The committee will meet again to decide whether or not to abort the pilot. Recycling projects in other communities have hidden costs that actually subsidize their programs. Staff will draft a proposed resolution to be presented to the City Council requiring natural gas clothes dryer connections in all new residential construction. The commission will review the resolution at the December meeting. Staff will take the resolution to building and planning and return to commission with comments. The Solid Waste Committee will be meeting with the City Council on November 18. Commissioner Droege will also attend. Commissioners Weber and Kirkham reported on tour of Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant sponsored by P.G. & E. Plant #1 is operating at one megawatt. Plant #2 is to come on line early in 1986. Both commissioners recommended the tour to the other commissioners. Election of officers will be held at the December meeting. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY CCMMISSlON HELD NOVEMBER 13, 19r5 Page 2 The meeting was adjourned at 9:0c, p.m. Respectfully submitted, A Barbara K. raven Assistant to the City Manager ry ENERGY COMMISSION December 11. 1985 Agenda I . Meeting Called to Order II . Roll Cali III . Approval of Minutes IV. Old Business 1 . Recycling Committee 2. Solid Waste Committee 3. Solar water heating syster,, standards 4. Gas clothes dryer resolution 5. Other V. New Business 1 . Election of officers 2. Energy hint 3, Other 40 VI . Adjournment MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD DECEMER 11, 1985 •IN THE CONFERENCE ROOK, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Henry Buffalow, Thomas Weber, Robert Droege, Robert Ruttenberg, and Judy Kirkham Commissioner Absent: Shishir Mukherjee Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: The minutes of the November 13th meeting were approved as amended: The first line of "Old Business", change the word "zerox" to "copy". OLD BUSINESS: Chairperson Weber reported the Recycling Committee -,rill abort its pilot project and return the appropriated money to the general fund. The Public Works Director's memo explained that it is not cost effective. Commissioner Droege reported he attended the November 18th meeting of the City Council and the Solid Waste Committee. The committee was asked to describe various alternatives with their strength and weaknesses rather than to hammer out a hard solution. Active solar water heating installation standards were reviewed and modified after recurring input from the Building Department. The policy was adopted unanimously on a motion from Buffalow, seconded by Kirkham. Droege will draft a set of standards for passive solar domestic water heating. A resolution outlining a gas clothes dryer option policy was moved by Kirkham and seconded by Droege; Kirkham, Weber, Ruttenberg voted "aye". Buffalow voted "no". The resolution will be forwarded to the Planning Commission 'before it is forwarded to the City Council. NEW BUSINESS: Bob Ruttenberg was elected chair for the next year and Henry Buffalow was elected vice chair. Ruttenberg will send staff a list of 24 energy conservation hints to be used in the future for the Cupertino Scene. Kirkham will check with PG&E about their cash-back program. Weber will attend the Mayor's luncheon December 17th. The issue of attend- ance was discussed. The Mayor (as appointing authority representative) will be asked to contact members that have not been able to attend to ask for an evalu- ation of time commitments. Resignations would provide vacancies for those who have time and a willingness to participate. Page -2- MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD DECEMBER 11, 1985 The Commission will establish energy policy for City facilities. Although there have been two energy audits, the expertise to implement the needed energy conservation measures is not available. At the next meeting the Commission will review grants that may be available for efficiency improvements and .alternate energy used. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 'BARBARA K. BROWN, Assistant to the City Manager Y MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD JANUARY 8, 1986 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY MALT., CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Robert Droege, Robert Ruttenberg, Thomas Weber and Judy Kirkham Commissioners Absent: Gary Leese and Shishir Mukherjee (attending Solid Waste Committee meeting) Guest: Marilyn Mays, Community Affairs Officer Staff: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS FETING: The minutes of the December llth meeting were approved as amended: Add to "Commissioners Absent", Gary Leese. OLD BUSINESS: Commissioner Kirkham reported about PG&E's cash back program. There may be a shortage of funds available, so people should take advantage as soon as possible. There is a ZIP (Zero Interest Program) also available. Information was given to the Community Affairs Officer for the Cupertino Scene. The Active Solar Domestic Water Heating Standards were reviewed by the commissioners prior to the meeting. It was recommended that on page 4, after item #52, the following label be inserted: Recommended Solar Domestic Water Heater Installation Practices The Gas Clothes Dryers Policy is being reviewed by the planning staff. Passive Solar Domestic Water Heating Standards draft will be mailed to those commissioners not present so it can be discussed at the next meeting. Staff will ask the building department to answer the following questions: Are vacuum breakers dependent on design? Are pressure temperature relief valves necessary? Are there special considerations for pressure temperature relief valves? Is a temperature read-out devise needed, and if so, where? Commissioners should call Bob Droege if they have questions. NEW BUSINESS: There are State loans available to fund energy conservation measures. These loans are for eleven years at 7% interest rate. However, the repayment must come from monies saved due to the conservation efforts (energy savings). Commissioner Kirkham will request P-200-84-003 (application packet), applications due 2/28/86. Page -2- MINUUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD JANUARY 81 1986 Commissioners Buffalow and Chairperson Ruttenberg will review possible projects (City Hall roof insulation, recirculating water, etc.) and bring back a proposal that will meet the loan requirements, if there is one. Commissioner Drcege asked if we could use pond water at Memorial Park to sprinkle lawns and thereby replace the water in the ponds with clean water. Energy policy for City facilities could include: Buildings Street lights Traffic lights/signs Fleet Water, including pumping cost. Commissioner Drcege will review PG&E audits for Building to get base line of what was recommended and what was done. Recycling committee will meet January 15th to produce final report. Do Bottle-Bills work? Staff will ask for copies of pending legislation for review. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. ® Respectfully submitted: ABA ApiO4-. Assistant td the City Manager MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD FEBRUARY 12, 1986 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Henry Buffalow, Thomas B. Weber, Robert Droege, Robert Ruttenberg, Judy Kirkham and Gary Leese Commissioner Absent: Shishir Mukherjee Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: The minutes of the January 8, 1986 meeting were approved as submitted. OLD BVSINESS: Staff reported that the gas clothes dryer policy has been reviewed by the Planning Department and should be submitted to the City Council within the next two weeks. Whether or not submitting the policy first to the Planning Department is the most expeditious way to process the policy needs to be reviewed. Passive Solar Domestic Water Heating Standards draft was not located, although, indications show that copies of the latest draft had been mailed to Commissioners from the last meeting. It was also reported that the City of Palo Alto does not have standards for passive solar domestic water heating because of the infrequent number of such projects. State Loan Program. - Application and rules and regulations for a State Loan Program were reviewed. It was suggested that a request or an appropriation for five to six thousand dollars for a technical audit of the City facilities would be required before we could make a realistic assessment of what energy conservation measures could be undertaken with a reasonable payback period. Within the whole issue of a solar energy policy for the City, are there any street lights that aren't low pressure sodium? How many of those lights are owned by PG&E? When the petroleum escrow account money becomes available, what energy conservation activities should be the highest priority? Commissioner Buffalow reported that the City of Santa Cruz has sent out an RFP for technical audits for most of their major facilities, the cost being $30,000. It was suggested, and agreed, that a meeting be set up with the Public Works Director, Bert Viskovich, Chairperson Ruttenberg and Commissioner Buffalow, as well as staff person Barbara Brown, to discuss what the current energy policy is, if any, what steps have followed the previous energy audits, and what programs have been reviewed and found to not meet our needs. The meeting was set for Tuesday, February 25th at 10:00 o'clock. It was the Commission's decision to table the energy policy for the City until the committee can report back at the March meeting. The Recycling Committee's final report was distributed to the Commission members; final recommendation is to terminate the pilot project and then to terminate the committee. The final report will be transmitted to the City Council. A motion to accept the report was made and adopted unanimously with an addendum of resources used to complete the report to be submitted to the Energy Commission alone. • Page -2- MINUTES OF THE RZOLAR MEETING OF TRA ENERGY CWAff5SION RM FEBRWY 12, 1986 Staff will call Commissioner Mukherjee to find out the status of the Solid Waste Committee and ask when the final report can be expected. The City Council, as well as the Commission, is requesting this information. Commissioner Ruttenberg will attend the Mayor's luncheon to be held February 18th. Commissioner Kirkham asked that the budget be reviewed by the Commission at the March meeting. NEW BUSINESS: The Bottle Bill legislation was distributed to the Commission before this meeting. It was the consensus of the committee that there is not enough incentive with the one-cent deposit, in fact, encourage the recycling of bottles. The Commission also felt that the exclusion of aluminum cans may, or may not, be a valid point at this time in the Bill. The Commissioners are re- questing the final version of the Bill in order to review and make recommenda- tions to the City Council to oppose or support. As can manufacturers phase out they probably will not be replaced; everything will be going to plastic bottles, even for beer and liquor. The Commission suggested that both Ken Newman and John Heimer, should be considered for Civic Service awards for the amount of time and energy they spent on the recycling committee for the City of Cupertino. Commissioners also requested that new binders be provided for the Commissioners. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted: i BARBARA K. BRO Assistant to City Manager � `� '- e� � ,gin.., a_ ,,• ,; MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEET'iNG OF THE MRGY COMMISSION HELD MARCH 13, 1986 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was not called to order for lack of a quorum. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Robert Ruttenberg, Thowas Weber, Robert Droege Commissioners Absent: Judy Kirkham, Shishir 14ukherjee, Gary Leese and Henry Buffalow Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager OLD BUSINESS: The gas clothes dryer policy will go to the City Council, Monday, March 17th. Commissioners will be present to answer questions. The Recycling Committee's final report will be forwarded to the City Council, April 219t. Commissioner Weber will report the Bottle Bill and its status at the April meeting. Chairperson Ruttenberg reported items of discussion in the meeting between Commissioners Buffalow and Ruttenberg, and the Public Works Director. The need for a full scale technical audit was reaffirmed. Staff will apply to the State ® for a 7% loan to fund such an audit. Resulting energy savings can repay the loan. The loan application deadline is March 24. Commissioner's dinner will be held March 22. NEW BUSINESS: No new business was conducted for lack of a quorum. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted: /affh1go d"RWffA x eAALn�-- CWARBARA K. B , Assistant to City Manager NIP MINUTES OF THE REGULAR IiEETING OF THE MIERGY COMISSION HELD APRIL 9, 1986 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA ® CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Gary Leese, Judy Kirkham, Henry Buffalow, Robert Droege and Robert Ruttenberg Commissioners Absent: Shishir Mukherjee and Thomas Weber Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: February 12, 1986 minutes were approved. No approval for March 12, 1986 minutes since there was ao quorum. OLD BUSINESS: Chairperson Ruttenberg reported the City Council passed the first reading of the ordinance that would adopt the gas clothes dryer policy proposed by the Commission. Commissioner Mukherjec told the Chairperson the Solid Waste Committee will have its final report finished by June. Copies of the State Energy Commission loan application were distributed. ® If the loan is awarded a technical audit will be conducted to prioritize energy savings modifications in City facilities. Discussion of the Bottle Bill at the State Legislature was postponed until Commissioner Weber returns. Passive solar construction/installation standards was reviewed in detail. Attached, please find the latest revision. NEW BUSINESS: Staff and Commission reviewed the budget request for fiscal year 1986-87. The only unusual line item is $10,000 for professional services to pay for a technical audit in the event the State loan is not granted. Gary Leese will attend the Mayor's luncheon. April 15th. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Respectfully submitte f arbara Assistant to the City Manager r , MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD MAY 14, 1986 V IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:55 p.m. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Robert Ruttenberg, Thomas Weber, Henry Buffalow and Judy Kirkham Commissioners Absent: Cary Leese, Robert Droege and Shishir Mukherjee Staff Absent: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: April 9, 1986 minutes were approved. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Table the discussion on the passive solar water heating standards. Request that piping diagram be included in the distribution packet. 2. Bottle Bill of 1 cent per container is net cost effective: Energy Commission goes on record opposing the Bottle Bill. Tom Weber made the motion to City Council to oppose Assembly Bill 2020, Henry Buffalow seconded the motion. The bill brings on value added tax because of tendency not to return the product. 3. No information on status of State Energy Commission loan. 4. Other City Council adopted the gas clothes dryer policy. Public Works has not taken up our offer to review mechanical plans for the Library and City Hall.- Request staff to reiterate the Energy Commission's offer. NEW BUSINESS: Ask staff to consider the possibility of a "No U-turn" at Torre and Stevens Creek Blvd. Suggestions for the Cupertino Scene: 1. Air conditioner serviced and checked for efficiency---low freon charge will cause excessive power consumption 2. Solar pool heating - a. Collectors are clean. b. Control circuits are functioning properly. C. Cool pump is set for maximum solar gain. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted: dy am Ay % -------------------------, J ' ' z ' ----------------- /\ \ � MINUTES OF THE REGULAR FETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD JUNE 11, 1986 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: Commissioners Present: Robert Droege, Robert Ruttenberg, Thomas B. Weber, and Judy Kirkham Commissioners Absent: Gary Leese, Shishir Mukherjee, and Henry Buffalow Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: Minutes of the May 14., 1986 meeting were approved with the addition to the first sentence of "New Business": ... because stopping the flow expends lots of energy. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Solid Waste Committee report is due. Chairperson Ruttenberg will attend their June 12th meeting and also talk to Commissioner Mukherjee about his attendance at Commission meetings. Staff will discuss attendance with Commissioner Leese. 2. Staff will get the final copy of the recently passed Bottle Bill for the Commissioners to review. 3. "Passive Solar Water Heating Standards" was reviewed. Modifications were made to the drawings.- Staff will distribute and ask the Chief Building. Tnspector to adopt or to attend the July meeting to discusu. 4. Staff will contact the State Energy Commission about the status of our grant application and report back to the Commission in July. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Bob Droege will attend the June 17th Mayor's luncheon. 2. Next meeting will begin to develop a work plan for the next year. The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted: ARBARA K. �tR �, Assistant to a City Manager m Solid Waste Management Committee - Cupertino Report Outline (REVISED: 6/11/86) PAGES ASSIGNMENT SECTION DESCRIPTION 3-5 Shishir I. Executive Summary of Recommendations and Conclusions 3-4 Gene II. Historical Background of the Solid Waste Problem - North Santa Clara County Solid Waste Management Authority (creation, studies, recommendations, SWAC report) - City Council Action in creating SWMC (charter) - Current operation of Solid Waste Disposal System a. Los Altos Company's franchise arrange- ment b. Landfill arrangements with the City of Mountain View 3-4 Shishir III. Long Term Perspectives of Cupertino's Solid Waste Disposal Problem - Basic Data and Criteria Barbara edit Population, commercial and industrial growth Barbara edit - Solid waste generation forecast Barbara edit - Solid waste composition Barbara edit - Energy and material recovery prospects Shishir - Criteria for evaluating long term solu- tion 8-10 Ron IV. Long Term Solid Waste Disposal Alternatives for Cupertino Ed - Landfill arrangement a. Within Cupertino b. Outside Cupertino Ron - Transfer station/volume reduction Gene - RDF production and sales Gene - Refuse-fired cogeneration potential Ron - Cooperative arrangements with other communities 5-6 Ed V. Evaluation of Alternatives All Economic comparison of alternatives Ed - Environmental considerations All - Risk considerations �2 All VI . Conclusions and Recommendations ® Need for periodic updating Community education The committee for long range planning for solid waste disposal was formed and sworn in or August 15, 1984. Meetings have been held at st ohce a month since the date of organization. initially the committee consisted of: Shishir Mukherjee, Chairman Ron Kinsey, Vice Chairman Barbara Kelly, Secretary Thelma Epstein Paul Roberts Gene Kuczynski Mr. Roberts left the committee in 1985 and Mrs. Epstein resigned in January of 1986. In order to fill the void left by both members, Mr. Ed Griffith was added to the committee in April of 1986. The general overall objective of the committee was to define, debate, and finally to recommend the best of several alternative solutions to resolve the solid waste disposal problems for the residents of Cupertino. Cupertino, incorporated in October 1955, is a city of 9.99 square miles surrounded by the communities of San Jose, Saratoga, Sunnyvale, Santa Clara, and Los Altos. Cupertino' s population of 38,082 almost fills the land available for public use at this time. Protected growth in population to 47,700 by 1990 and 48,500 by 2000 substantiates the need for a far-reaching solid waste disposal plan. ' SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES - May 29, 1986 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:40PM. 2. Only member not in attendance was Ed Griffith. 3. The minutes of the May 6, 1986 meeting were approved as written. 4. It was decided that the members of the committee would take home all sections of the report as written to date and at the next meeting the red-lined copies would be integrated into one doc- ument. 5. All outstanding sections are to be turned in at the next meeting. 6. The meetings for June are set as follows: Thursday - June 12 downstairs lounge Thursday - June 19 conference room Thursday - June 26 conference room The meeting adjourned at 8:25PM. �� •. ' PROJECTED WASTE GENERATIONS (Tong per Week) 1983 1985 1990 1995 2000 Residential 270 278 298 297 307 ComlIndustrial 415 447 526 611 647 ?P, 17 e ' . ' MINUTES OF THE RED 1OWNG OF THE ENVY CMMSSION AM 1986 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: Commissioners Present: Robert Droege, Robert Ruttenberg, Judy Kirkham and Henry Buffalow Commissioner Absent: Shishir Mukherjee Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: Minutes of the June 11, 1986 meeting were approved as _read. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Passive Solar Water Heating Standards Final draft approved by Commission pending one drawing. When staff receives the drawing, the entire draft will be submitted to the Building Department for review and comment. 2. Staff reported on the Energy Partnership Loan application submitted to the State. Water pump tests and audits are being undertaken with an estimated potential savings of $20,000 per year, otherwise, our appli- cation is still pending. The Commission received new information from the State about a techni- cal assistance project. Staff will copy announcement and mail to all commissioners. 3. Bottle bill is still in conference committee. 4. PG&E's hydro electric relicensing has been approved. 5. Solid Waste Conmittee hoped to be finished by now. - Is continuing to meet weekly till project is completed. Expecting 50 page report - Commission reviewed outline of final report. Commission still waiting for Recycling Committee references report. Staff will remind Commissioner Weber. 6. Commissioner Buffalow will attend July's Mayor's luncheon. 7. Staff to get Civic Center expansion plans to commission for review prior to going to bid. NEW BUSINESS: 1. 86-87 Worn. Plan. Discussion of the need for a fully participating commission to focus on the following work plan. A. Energy Workshop on conservation aimed at senior citizens in November. B. Energy Fair in April or May. C. Select and work with technical auditors when state loan is received. D. Continue energy hints in the Scene. E. Provide public information. ' Page: -2- MINUTES OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD JULY 9, 1986 2. August meeting canceled in lieu of a barbecue for the Commissioners and their guests August 13th. Meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted: Barbara K. rf, Assistant o the City Manager MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MING OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION, HELD JULY 10, 1986, IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 7:40 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson DeLucchi at 7:40 P.M. SALUTE TO THE FLAG ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: DeLucchi, Gordon, Thorne, and Keating Commissioners Absent: Erickson Staff Present: Barbara K. Brovn, Assistant to the City Manager Guests: Dick Thaxton, Central Fire District Keenan Kirby, Sheriff's Office MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: Minutes of the June 12, 1986 meeting were approved as read. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from John Allen of Northpoint Neighborhood Watch group was read, thanking the Sheriff's office, City staff, and Betty Lapic in particular, for their help in ® reducing the number of burglaries in their neighborhood. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Commissioner Keating reported on the June Mayor's luncheon. Commissioner Gordon will attend the July Mayor's luncheon. REPORT FROM SANTA CLARA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE: The fourth motorcycle officer will be back on the street August 1, 1986. Commercial trucks are being monitored one day per week. Lt. Kirby will be the Sheriff's Office liaison for Public Safety Sunday. REPORT FROM CENTRAL FIRE DISTRICT: Chief Thaxton distributed the monthly report for May discussion of 4th of July fireworks - both public and private took place. Chief Thaxton reported Central Fire District confiscated only a minimal amount of fireworks on the streets (in private use). Commissioner Keating moved, and Commissioner Thorne seconded, "The City Council reconsider public fireworks displays on the 4th of July." The motion passed unanimously. Some commissioners expressed the opinion that public displays encourage private and illegal use of fireworks. OLD BUSINESS: ® Public Safety Sunday will be held August 3, 1986 in Memorial Park from 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. The four commissioners available will staff an informational booth Page 2 PUBLIC SAFETY MINUTES JULY 10, 1986 during the following shifts: Keating 9:00 - 10:30 A.M. Gordon 10:30 - Noon Erickson Noon - 1:30 P.M. Delucchi 1:30 - 3:00 P.M. Staff will send letters to commissioners with details and location of the booth. The Commission will distribute colorful and informational flyers about municipal codes and neighborhood watch programs. Code Enforcement Officer Urista will be available to answer questions and help at the table. Badges to identify Commissioners and Code Enforcement Officers will be prepared by staff. Flyers will be prepared by staff. Brochures from the State Attorney General's office have been ordered. Neighborhood Watch posters and signs will be displayed. The Commission suggested the City recognize the efforts of Tom Von Joo-Tornell for creating Public Safety Sunday. The Commission reviewed the City of Santa Cruz's Seismic Safety Ordinance. Staff will ask Cupertino and Santa Cruz building departments to comment on the ordinance and the practical administrative considerations. Commissioner Thorne will prepare earthquake safety information to be included in the Cupertino Scene. Los Gatos Earthquake Preparedness Project will evaluate its effectiveness in August. The Commission will invite representatives to our September meeting for a report. NEW BUSINESS: Mayor Rogers asked the Commission to have bicycle education information distri- buted by bicycle vendors. The Commission discussed currently available brochures and licensing requirements/procedures. Apparently the Sheriffs go to schools to teach bicycle safety. Staff will survey existing bike programs. Commissioner Thorne will speak with a vendor to understand their current role, if any. Infor- mation will be brought to the next Commission meeting. Commissioner Keating mentioned a San Francisco ordinance making a developer re- sponsible for hazardous materials on a property to be developed even if they were not the owners of the property at the time of the polluting. Staff will request a copy of the ordinance and agendize for October 1986. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted: arbara K X Asssitant to the City Manager MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD SEPTEM= 10, 1"6 ® IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:55 p.m. There was a committee meeting held between 7:00 and 7:55 p.m. Commissioners Present: Henry Buffalow, Judy Kirkham, Bob Droege amd Tom Weber Commissioners Absent: Robert Ruttenberg, Shishir Mukherjet and Gary Leese Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the C-ty Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the July 9, 1986 meeting were approved with the modification showing Commissioner Weber absent. Commission asked staff to request City Council replace Commissioner Leese who has attended one meeting in the last twelve months. Staff was asked to write to Commissioner Mukherjee commending his committee's work and inquiring if he will have time to attend commission meetings. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Review of Solid Waste Committee report to be submitted to the City Council September 15, 1986. The commission has no accompanying ® recommendation. 2. Passive Solar Water Heating Standards will be distributed once the final drawings are received. 3. State loan status still pending. Staff will continue to check. 4. Commissioner Buffalow has reviewed the City Hall Expansion Plan prepared by Holland, Easter and Duvivier. A. The plans were not complete in that specifications were not indicated. B. Roof insulation issue not resolved although it appears there is a return air ceiling plenum. C. Why is there a new chiller? D. There's no mention of the heating side - no details of hot coils - boiler not shown in drawings. E. There's no mention of a chilled water reset temperature. F. Are the Council Chambers on a separate air handling system? If not, why not? Operating savings in the first year would pay for it. G. Reheat boxes not specified. H. Nothing in plans about lighting so cannot evaluate foot candle criteria used. What type of lights? Reflectors? Motion detectors. I. Nothing said about windows. Commissioner Buffalow suggested that RED ask Practicon (HVAC consultants): Did Practicon do an operating cost analysis of available systems? (The variable volume system is good, but there are options within the variable volume type.) If there are economics to be considered, did Practicon consider D% refrigeration versus a chilled water system? e � xbx e ti'S`w.`y�s* p.. ?age -le GY COMMISSION ggLD SE ZR 10• 1986 IWTES MI OF THE ENER ves, with all lone respect, that a r�dslie�$ Job of this The commission recogn�rd engineering all d task, but believes strongly that the proportion is a very Berating costs, as well as comfort, recognizing architects need to look at op less. that unless comfort is achieved other criteria is me8ni8►g for energy The City of Cupertino is adoinlei�Y�gh[°r the rest of the community management and should be S Workshop for seniors: 5. Commission review plans for the November 17th Energy flyers agenda refreshments mailing list literature NEW BUSINESS: None. Meeting adjourned at 5:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted: Barbara R. Brown, Manager to the City r September 20, 1986 " Meeting Notes Meeting Date: 9-18-86 ® Project: Cupertino City Hall and Library Project# 8514.01, 8514.03 Present: Henry Buffalow Cupertino Energy Commission Bob Ruttenberg Cupertino Energy Commission Rafael Pineda Practicon . Fred Winter HED CC: Attendees . Bert Viscovitch City of Cupertino Barbara Brown City of Cupertino John Duvivier HED Purpose: To review the mechanical and electrical systems and to receive input and reccomendations from the Energy Commission. 1. The drawings of the City Hall which were reviewed by the Commission were incomplete. Rafael explained the system. As designed, the City Hall will comply with Title 24, 1987 standards. Design drawings for the Library were not ready for the Commission to review at this time. The addition will comply with Title 24. . 2. It was pointed out to the Commission that the construction budget for the City Hall and the Library is very tight and that first costs, as well as operating costs, are very important. 3. The Commission made the following recomendations: A. New insulation at sloping roof, which has been specified as R-19, could be R-30 with very little additional cost. B. An energy management program should be considered for the City Hall and the Library. It need not be overly complicated. C. A separate air handler unit for the Council Chamber should be considered. �; o/L- 5C-PCn.^zC u--Ir T D. Motion detectors in lieu of double switching for lighting should be looked at. f.a rr:,�_ ^1CJ 1lI/C„„ cp<� GU•.ts l-�_ -nr. r_ . 5k c E E'sr��' E. Fan units could be a maintenance problem U'Ar121A 6 L (F-y.,. 4. Practicon will prepare a letter of response to the issues raised by t ey Commission. It was noted that the Commission functions in an advisory capacity, and that the City has final jurisdiction. "f T, The aforementioned is my understanding of items discussed and.decisions reached and will be considered acceptable unless otherwise notified. LFW/50292086/fw T CkLP1t-..[s( a a/ 1.L.�,-7) C7 =Cn- -B^-rx S T C.�x-f (.o�.�cue F E;�A—i �l -'OS T' 1- , K P. 1.1 ZT(5;,4,k►j« Gv s T 1.-% i 4i &1 o G i4-sa-d C; r-'jLC- Xr^k'S W MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD WW89R 8. 1986 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM., CITY HALL. CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. Commissioners Present: Robert Ruttenberg, Henry Buffalow, Tom Weber, Bob Droege, and Judy Kirkham Commissioners Absent: Shishir Mukherjee and Gary Leese Staff Absent: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the September 10, 1986 meeting were approved. Commission asked staff to notify the Energy Commission regarding the replacement of Commissioner Leese. Commission requested staff for information on the status of Commissioner Mukherjee`s ability to attend commission meetings. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Commissioners Ruttenberg and Buffalow attended a meeting on September 20, 1986; notes were read and are attached. 2. Energy Savings Workshop: a. flyer has been printed; staff will handle all mailings b. four seniors volunteered for PG&E audits c. staff and Commissioner Droege attended the Senior Center Volunteers meeting on October 6, 1986. Information regarding the "Energy Savings for Seniors" workshop was received very well. d. agenda has been established e. requested staff to obtain information on the September 2, 1986 City Council meeting "adopted resolution allocating $10,000 of the Senior Citizen Housing Fund to Community Housing Developers for working drawings to remodel and expand an existing residence located at 19147 Ann Lane" f. asked Senior Center Volunteers to address Seniors Helping Seniors with their energy conservation concerns g. final agenda should list contributors and donators 3. Civic Center Review Report was modified and issued to all commissioners. Commission requested staff to pursue a response to our meeting of September 18, 1986 with HED and Practicon. 4. OTHER: Passive solar domestic water heating standards have been reissued with the new drawings. Minor changes to the drawings will be made and issued to Commissioners for review and approval. ry. 4=. Page -2- MI a S Olt THE OJEM COMSSM 8s IL986 NEW BUSINESS: None Meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Respectfully Submitted: 3 dy rk m 0 xt t MINUTES OF THE REOULa MEETING OF THE M=GY COMMISSION =a NOVE 1iR 12, 1986 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:45 P.M. Commissioners Present: Robert Ruttenberg, Henry Buffalow, Thomas Weber, Robert Droege and Judy Kirkham Commissioners Absent: Shishir Mukherjee Staff Absent: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the October 8, 1986 meeting were approved. Commission acknowledged that City Council rescinded Commissioner Gary Leese's position to the Energy Commission. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Energy Savings Workshop: a. Sizzler is giving two free lunches or dinners and Dial One Buffalow's is giving several energy retrofits b. Advertising for the workshop was published in Cupertino Scene and Cupertino Senior Day Services. Flyers were distributed to businesses and agencies in the community. c. Speakers have been confirmed d. Senior Spectrum will take pictures e. Final agenda has been completed f. Sign-in material will be available 2. Commission acknowledges that letter from Practicon Associates was received. 3. Passive solar domestic water heating standards have been reissued with the new drawings. Minor changes to the drawings will be made and issued to Commissioners for review and approval. NEW BUSINESS: Received copy of Docket No. 86-AES-1 in which California Energy Commission is clarifying regulations regarding appliance efficiency standards to meet federal s`,:andards; comments should be sent to CEC by December 10, 1986. Energy Commission is unable to comment on this document without copies of complete state and federal regulations. Meeting adjourned at 8:55 P.M. Respectfully Submitted: dy r am Co ssioner i MINUTES OF THE REGULAR HEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD JANUARY lea, 1987 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Robert Ruttenberg, Thomas B. Weber, Henry Buffalow, Robert Droege, Judy Kirkham'and Robert E. Peck Commissioner Absent: Shishir Mukherjee Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager All Commissioners introduced themselves. APPROVAL OF MINUTE": Copies of the December 10, 1986 minutes will be mailed to the Commissioners. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: Drawings for passive solar standards distributed and modified. Chairperson will get final corrections to staff for distribution to Building Department. Forward to City Council for their information. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Staff received information regarding state funding for technical and general audits, thereby, qualifying Cupertino for a state loan to implement energy saving improvements. Utility usage, utility bills and building square footage is being forwarded to Newcomb and Anderson for evaluation. 2. Commission addressed work plan for remainder of this fiscal year: 1. Speak at Chamber of Commerce meeting to reach small business with energy conservation information. Staff to contact Chamber of Commerce to get direction in the propcsed outreach program. Invite Executive Director to the `February meeting. 2. Energy Hints for Cupertino Scenes to continue. 3. Prepare budget for 1987-88. 4. Review recycling programs currently conducted throughout the County. 5. PG&E invited to future meeting. - Ask if can discuss alternative energy plans and programs in lieu of rebate programs and if there are night rates to encourage non-peak usage. 6. Follow up on pump tests. 26 Page -2- ICENUTES OF SHE R $ os Staff reported that energy usage and billing for rain City facilities wil; be sent to Newcomb and Anderson for evaluation leading to ki technical and/or ® general audit which would qualify the City for a State loam. Jennifer Allen of the State Energy Commission is working with the City. Staff will forward pump test information and energy usage information to Commissioners. Staff to request replacement of Commissioner Mukherjee, who hasn't attended a meeting in over a year. PG&E may wish to have a representative on the Commission. Commissioner's Annual Dinner will be held February 6, 1987 at Remingtons. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 P.M. Respectfully submitted: arbara K. Assistant o the City Manager MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EN19M COMMSION 1PF A 11, 1987 in THE CONMWCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:45 P.M. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Beck, Droege, Weber, Kirkham and Ruttenberg Commissioners Absent: Mukherjee and Buffalow Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager Guest: Katherine Myles, Executive Director, Chamber of Commerce APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the January 14, 1987 meeting were approved as submitted. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Commissioner Buffalow was unanimously elected Chairperson, and Commissioner Kirkham was unanimously elected Vice Chairperson. ORAL COMMUNICATION: None. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: The memo regarding appointment to Commissioner Mukherjee's position was discussed. City Manager will bring the request to the City Council. OLD BUSINESS: Final drawings for the passive solar water heating construction standards were submitted to be attached to the written standards, and forwarded to the Building Department. Staff reported the energy auditors, from Newcombe and Anderson of San Francisco, have been to the City and will submit a report for the purposes of qualifyiig for a State Energy Commission loan. Executive Director Myles listened to the Commissioner's desirs to present an energy information seminar aimed at retail businesses. Ms. Myles said the Chamber would be happy to work with the Commission. A committee of Commissioners Kirkham, Ruttenberg and Peck was established to bring back to the Commission an action plan for such a seminar. Pump test information needs to be re-requested for Commission review. NEW BUSINESS: Energy hint for April.was discussed. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 8:55 P.M. Respectfully Submitted: arbara K. , Assistant t City Manager 1 _ 171 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD MARCH 11, 1987 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Kirkham, Weber, Peck and Ruttenberg Commissioners Absent: Mukherjee, Droege and Buf£alow Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager Guest: Deborah Doyle, San Jose State University Student APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes approved with corrected spelling of Commissioner's Peck's name. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Commissioner Weber explained to Ms. Doyle the purpose of the Commission. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: State Energy Commission announcements received. Bottle Bill information received from Department of Resource Recovery_ OLD BUSINESS: 1. State Loan - audit conducted by Newcombe & Anderson for the State Energy Commission indicated not enough energy conservation potential to compete for monies against other larger projects. Audit information will be forwarded to Commission once it is received. 2. Energy Information Seminar - Commissioner Peck reported the committee had met with Kathy Myles, Executive Director of the Chamber. A jointly sponsored seminar will be held May 21, 1987 at the Senior Community Center from 7:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. Staff is to reserve room and have it set up. There will be a keynote speaker, break for a meal and then two speakers: retail specific audit information from PG&E and another speaker to discuss new lighting information and/or HVAC information. Stan Thomas and Jim Targos, of PG&E, are willing to assist in any way. The Chamber will design the brochure, give us mailing labels for their members and accept reservations and money. Admission fees are recommended to be $5.00 for Chamber members and $10.00 for non-members. The committee will continue to meet to finalize details and report back next meeting. 3. Pump Test Reviews will be mailed to Commissioners with information from Public Works regarding any action they have taken. 4. No action has been taken by Commissioner Mukherjee to resign although he hasn't attended a meeting in more than a year and a-half. City Council will be asked to make a new commissioner appointment. E .,a 47 �x page -2- M mns 01? `lam L 8 g$3s MSC 11, NEW BUSINESS: 1. Tom Weber will attend the Mayor's luncheon March 17, 1987. 2. Energy hint for April suggested. Respectfully submitted: 4Barbirai.�Br Assistant to the city Manager u r.v r.- MINUTES OF TIRE REGULAR MEETING OF M ENE M CWWSSION HELD APRIL 8, 1987 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY BALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:43 P.M. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Kirkham, Weber, Peck, Ruttenberg and Droege. Commissioners Absent: Buffalow Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes were approved with the following change: Item 1. "New Business" should read: Judy Kirkham will attend the Mayor's luncheon March 17, 1987. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence received from the State Energy Commission about Workshops and Commission Agendas was distributed. Information about the Bottle Bill's convenient zones was also distributed to the Commissioners. OLD BUSINESS: ® Commissioner Peck reported on the committee's efforts towards a workshop scheduled for May 21st to be held at the Senior Community Center aimed at small retail operators. The workshop will point out the advantages and the savings from conserving energy. The agenda for the workshop is as follows: Stan Thomas, member of the Chamber of Commerce, as well as PG&E, will make the opening remarks addressing the savings that can be made by small retail businesses. Mr. Thomas will be followed by Commissioner Buffalow who will address the savings that can be had with the heating, venting and airconditioning systems. Commissioner Buffalow will be followed by Debbie Katz, of Palo Alto Electric Utility, who will discuss the different lighting options that are available, and the savings that can be had by them. Commissioner Ruttenberg is to confirm Ms. Katz. The final speaker will be Judy Burrill, from PG&E, who will address the audits available for small retail businesses, present slides,and finally have a personal testimonial from a Mr. Bill Rosser who implemented audit recommendations. Commissioner Peck presented to the Commission the mockup of a brochure that was developed by the Chamber of Commerce. It needs to be typeset in a camera-ready form and then dup- licated, either by a printer or by City facilities. Once ptimted the brochure will be sent to Chamber members and people with business licen=es active with the City of Cupertino that fall in the category that we're tryin to reach. We also hope to have information packets developed by staff and the committee to be presented to ea0 of the participants. Material will be available to assemble at the next commission meeting. Parking will be permitted from 7:30 A.M. to 10:OOP.M. that day in the restricted parking lot adjacent t-- the Senior Community Center. Staff is to notify the Sheriff's Office and the Code Enforcement not to enforce the parking restrictions that day. Staff will also prepare a work order to have the ® room set up for the workshop. The brochure, hopefully, will be mailed no later than May lst. MT V- k MIR MS OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF TEE ENERGY COMMISSION RELD APRIL, 1947 Commissioner Kirkham will contact DeAnza College to make arrangements for the continental breakfast to be served. Commissioner Weber suggested that apart- ment owners may be another group that should be focused information about energy conservation. Staff reported on the Newcomb and Anderson audit. The upshot of the audit was that with $10,000 the City could implement the recommendations that came frrom the energy audits conducted at the Service Center, the Senior Community Center and at the new City Hall. Newcomb and Anderson went over the architectural and construction plans for the new City Center from which they base their recommen- dations. It will be the staff recommendation, during the budget process, that the $10,000 budgeted to do a technical audit this year be carried over to next year to pay for the implementations of the audits that we received from the State for nothing. The Bottle Bill Summary developed by the Planning Department, and presented to the City Council, was reviewed by the Commission. It is a very good summary of the contents of the Bill and refers to the requirements of the City to estab- lish standards for convenience zones for those retail outlets that do two million dollars worth of business for recycleable bottles. There are three grocery stores in Cupertino; PW Super, Alpha Beta and Lucky on McClellan, which will be required to establish recycling centers within the convenient zones. Commissioner Weber will contact Joe Renati, Los Altos Garbage Company, for any local information regarding recycling as an option to the convenient zone collection points. Commissioner Weber also reminded people that there will be a recycling conference ® in San Jose to be held April 26th through April 28th; anybody interested in attend- ing should call: 408-277-4509. Expenditures connected with the conference will be reimbursed by the Commission. The pump test results have been submitted to the Public Works Department. The Director would like to put together an action plan to accompany the pump reports as they are presented to the Commission; he hopes to do that by the next meeting. NEW BUSINESS: Staff will ask Commissioner Buffalow if he can attend the next Mayor's luncheon. The Energy Hint for the May, Cupertino Scene will read as follows: "With daylight saving time here remember to reset the timers on your set-back thermostats. If you haven't gotten your set-back thermostats yet, get a 7-day option." The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted: i arbara K. Bro , Assistant to the City Man ger • MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EMMGY COMMISSION HELD MAY 13, 1987 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:45 P.M. by Chairperson Buffalow. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Henry Buffalow, Judy Kirkham, Robert Peck, Tom Weber, and Robert Ruttenberg Commissioners Absent: Robert Droege Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the April 8, 1987 meeting were approved with the following correction: Under "Old Business": Parking will be permitted from 7:30 A.M. to 10:00 P.M., should read ?.0:00 A.M. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: Notices were received from the State Energy Commission announcing meetings and the Agendas. A summary from the League of California Cities' Energy Activities Survey ® was reviewed. Commissioner Weber announced that AB2020 (Bottle Bill) Workshop and Certification will be held in San Jose, May 21st.—He would like to attend. OLD BUSINESS: The Energy Commission would like the funding for the Energy improvements, which will be in next year's building maintenance budgets, to be monitored to insure the imple- mentation of the suggestion for Energy Control Systems. Chairman Buffalow reviewed the Newcomb & Anderson audit and reiterated the City's need for a comprehensive energy policy. Staff is to send a copy of the Newcomb & Anderson report to Commissioner Buffalow. The Energy Commission has scheduled an Energy Information Workshop, May 21st at the Senior Community Center from 7:30 A.M. to 9:30 A.M. to be addressed to the small retail establishments in town. The agenda was confirmed, materials were packaged for distribution, and determination was made that if ten reservations were not received by Monday, May 18th, the workshop would be cancelled. Commissioner Peck would notify staff and Commissioner Kirkham, who is in charge of ordering the food. The Commission is very interested in making PG&E's new rebate program infor- mation for retail businesses available. It was suggested that the City contract PG&E and ask if we could share their "DeAnza Days" booth; from which we could dis- tribute energy conservation information and continue on our recognition program for the Commission. "DeAnza Days" is to be held June 7th on the DeAnza College campus. -2- MINUTES OF THE MIERGY CWWSSZOS Ma NY 13, 1987 NEW BUSINESS: Staff reviewed the City's budget for the Commission in broad generalities. The Energy Hint for the month of June will be: "Now that the warm weather is here it's time to change air conditioning filters." Chairperson Buffalow, will also write an awareness article regarding asbestos considerations in homes which have asbestos in their heating system. Staff will attend the Mayor's luncheon Tuesday, May 19th; no Commissioner is avail- able to attend. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M. Respectfully Submitted: ® arbara K. Bro Assistant to the City Manager ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES 4 of 5 TUL. 1981-DEC. 1991 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMUSSION HR& JUNE 10, 1987 IN THE UPSTAIRS CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, (`•UPEBIINO, CALIF010i h CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Commissioner Kirkham. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Henry Buffalow (L), Judy Kirkham, Robert Peck, Robert Ruttenberg (L), Tom Weber, and Courtenay Heater Commissioner Absent: Robert Droege Staff Present: Brad Britton, Administrative Intern Staff Absent: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the May 13, 1987 meeting were approved. INTRODUCTION OF NEW AND CURRENT COMMISSIONERS: New Commissioner: J. Courtenay Heater Commissioners Kirkham, Peck, Weber, Ruttenberg, and Buffalow gave brief summaries of their backgrounds and involvement in the Energy Commission. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: State Energy Commission correspondence was received. OLD BUSINESS: A. Energy Audit Implementation: Upon staff's suggestion to comparison shop for an energy management system for City Hall and the Municipal Operating Center; Chairperson Buffalow had these suggestions: 1. Should check with Public Works Director to see if he wants the Commission to take on this responsibility. 2. City should consider centrally located energy management system. 3. Would like Staff to recognize that energy management is priority of the Energy Commission with the new City Hall and the Community Center being the primary targets at this time. B. Energy Information Workshop: -Commisssioner Peck pointed out that only 8 replies were received, out of 600 mailings, for the workshop. As a result the workshop was cancelled. Commissioner Peck suggested that a built-in audience might be targeted in the future. 3 I , 9, "Am Page -2- MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE RNEM CWWSSION HELD JUNE 10, 1987 B. Energy Information Workshop: (Cont1d) -Chairperson Buffalow suggested that the Commission draft a letter that would provide local groups with information for speakers on energy con- servation topics. -Commissioner Kirkham suggested the Commission put a notice in the Cupertino Scene regarding energy conservation speakers for groups. -Chairperson Buffalow suggested that the Commission investigate putting a similar, but more lengthy article, in the Cupertino Chamber of Commerce newsletter. -Commissioner Weber requested Staff provide a copy of the Cupertino Chamber of Commerce newsletter at the next meeting. NEW BUSINESS: A. THE BUDGET: Copies of proposed 87-88 budget were handed out. -Commissioner Kirkham would like Staff to address two items at the next meeting: 1. Where will the $10,000 that was alloted in professional services of the 86-87 budget be used this year, in energy related items or in general maintenance? 2. Will the amount of Staff time alloted to the Commission be affected in any way during the next year? -Chairperson Buffalow suggested the budget be part of the next meeting's agenda. B. ENERGY HINT: The energy hints for July will be: "Now that summer is here it is time to turn off the furnace pilot light," and "Keep cool in the pool by backwashing or replacing swimming pool filters." C. MAYOR'S LUNCHEON: Chairperson Buffalow will try to attend. D. It was suggested to invite someone from PG&E to attend the next meeting. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Peck moved for adjournment at 9:00 P.M. - Seconded by Commissioner Weber. Respectfully submitted: Brad Britton, Administrative Intern w r. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING 08 THE ENERGY COM43ISSION HELD JULY 8, 1487 IN THE TEMPORARY CITY HALL C0N7FERENCE ROOM, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. by past chairperson, Bob Ruttenberg. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Robert Peck, Courtenay Heater, Tom Weber, Robert Ruttenberg and Robert Droege Commissioners Absent: Henry Bnffalow and Judy Kirkham Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the June 10, 1987 meeting were approved. ORAL COMMUNICATION: Commissioner Heater shared with the Energy Commission Herb Caen's column dated 6/18/87 which appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle.- Mr. Caen thought it was clever that the City of Cupertino appointed somebody whose last name is Heater to the Energy Commission. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: Notices of meetings of the State Energy Commission were distributed. OLD BUSINESS: The Commission discussed the selection of an automated energy management system for the City Hall and the Municipal Service Center. Staff is to contact the State Energy Commission Representative, Jennifer Allen, to get permission to have specifications drawn for an energy management system. We would hope this could be done by the firm. Newcomb and Anderson. With the specifications for the City build- ings and a list of potential vendors the Commission could then go through and evaluate various systems that meet the criteria in order to make a recommendation to the building maintenance program for the City. Commissioner Droege reminded the Commission that it is real important to choose a system that will give flexibility for the future. The Energy Commission would like very much to review the Community ::enter plans before they are finalized or already designed, as related to energy conservation systems. Information Workshops: The Commission has decided that it would like very much to present energy conservation information and techniques to already established audiences. It was suggested that the Merchants Association, which represents shopping centers, could be very interested in airconditioning and lighting infor- mation. Staff is to ask Kathy Myles, Director of the Chamber of Commerce, for the time of programs and topics that could be covered for such a presentation. Furthermore, the Commissioners will draft some articles to be printed in both the Chamber Newsletter, as well as the Cupertino Scene. Each individual Commissioner will outline the kind of information he/she thinks would be appro- priate for the two publications; one aimed at residential information and the other aimed at businesses. -2- MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION - HELD JULY Ss 1987 In the September meeting the Commission will pool the outlines and develop a draft of what they think should be submitted for publication. During the discussion it was concluded that the August meeting would not be a business meeting, but would be a social meeting. Commissioner Buffalow had previously suggested hosting such a party. If that's not possible the Commission could have a potluck in one of the City parks. Staff will develop a potluck list and get back to the Commissioners before the August scheduled meeting. Staff explained the Energy Commission's budget for 87-88. Although Staff time is reduced in the overall budget, the amount of time to be devoted will be identical to in the past, based on the needs of the Commission. NEW BUSINESS: There was no"Energy Hint"for August since the next Cupertino Scene will be published in September. It was suggested that we submit for the September issue, a hint that would bring the awareness for a potential drought. Commissioner Heater suggested: "Water is energy ... .waste not, want not." It was also suggested that for the October issue, a "clean your furnace and replace furnace filters" would be appropriate as the cooler part of the year comes to us. The Mayor's luncheon for July has been cancelled. Staff will check with Commissioner Buffalow. PG&E Representative, Mark Otterlei, was invited to attend the July meeting. He will be reinvited to attend the September meeting, to outline those con- servation programs and subsidy programs that may be available through PG&E. It seems that there may be a State subsidy program through Arco Oil Company to encourage the use of methanol" rather than gasoline. Staff will try to get information from the State Energy Commission for the September meeting. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 P.M. Respectfully Submitted: arbara K. B Assistant t e City Manager .- . MIKES OF THE REGULAR MMUG OF ME SBIGN S , R 9, 1987 IN THE TEMPORARY CITY RAU COMMENFE RM. CU14MT1XO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7.35 P.M. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Henry Buffalow, Robert Droege, Courtenay Heater, Robert Peck and Thomas Weber Commissioners Absent: Judy Kirkham and Robert Ruttenberg Staff Absent: Barbara K. Brown Guest: Mark J. Ottarlei, Customer Operations Manager, PG&E APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of August 12, 1987 were approved as mailed. ORAL COMMUNICATION: Mark Otterlei discussed the current PG&E concern with retention of several large customer accounts and retaining their "competitive edge". He provided copies of two new PG&E brochures..."At Yolr Service" and "New Dimensions"... the first directed primarily toward residential users and the second toward commercial users. He offered the services of his office relative to any information the commission might need at any time. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: The State Energy Commission notices were noted for any future discussion. OLD BUSINESS: Energy Management System for City facilities...Application for funding will probably be forwarded to Barbara Brown in January or February 1988 according to information received from State Energy Commission. Community Center Plan Review...Members of the Commission met with the archi- tects involved and discussed a number of energy related items according to report by Buffalow...who also commented that this was the first time the Commission has had such a chance for early input. Information Workshops... suggested subjects, in draft or outline form, were submitted by Heater, Peck and Weber. Copies will be reproduced and distri- buted to all members of the Commission. It is requested the staff arrange meeting with Kathy Myles of the Cupertino Chamber of Commerce (at her con- vience) to discuss the recommended approach and publicity for "captive audience" presentations. NEW BUSINESS: PG&E's new energy conservation programs were covered in Mark Otterlei's earlier presentation. Buffalow recommended that PG&E exploit the problem of cracked heat exchangers in furnaces and the general lack of knowledge by the average homeowner. r_ ; r n x n 1107 o• '"• Page -2- NUMM OF THE ZWM CODWSSM SUM 88pr_ M 9. 1 8T Energy Vint for next Month—Minter rates for natural furnaces start November 1, 1987. Clean your furnace filters (or get new ones),clean burners, check heat exchangers, check thermostats, oil motors, tighten belts and use the furnace sparingly until November lot." Mayor's luncheon...Buffalow will attend or will contact Barbara Brown if other arrangements are necessary. Buffalow will attend a seminar entitled "Energy-A Cost To Manage", which will be held at the San Francisco Airport Marriott on Friday, September 11. 1987. Next meeting will be held Wednesday, October 14, 1987 at 7:30 P.M. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 8:52 P.M- Respectfully submitted: bert Pec z MIIwTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENmGY COmm= MW OCTOBER 14, 1987 IN THE TEMPORARY CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROM CUPERTINO, CAUFORNIA CALL To ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Henry Buffalow, Courtenay Heater, Robert Ruttenberg, Robert Droege, Judy Kirkham and Thomas Weber Commissioners Absent: Robert Peck Staff Present: Barbara R. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager APPROVAJL, OF MIN UUTES: The minutes of the September 9, 1987 meeting were approved with the minor correction under "Approval of Minutes", which should read: "The minutes of July 8, 1987 meeting were approved as mailed." ORAL COMMUNICATION: ® Commissioner Buffalow reported that he had attended the Mayor's luncheon in September and had discussed at length the possibility of using Cable TV as a communication tool for energy conservation measures.- More will be taken up under "Information Workshop" under "Old Business". WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: The Commission received information about the Bottle Bill and the Wind Project Report from the California State Energy Commission. PG&E sent "Gas and Electricity Safety in Your Home" brochures as well as some information about cracked heat exchangers examined by PG&E service men. Finally, a copy of the City Staff Report to the City Council regarding convenient zone requirements, established by the new Bottle Bill, was given to the Commission for their review. OLD BUSINESS: Information workshops are seen as one of the primary purposes of the Commission and a means by which to convey energy conservation information. The idea of a video production presents some real challenges, but also some real opportunities for Cable TV broadcasting, as well as, individual group presentations for the Commission. at Y i Page 2 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMISSION OCTOBER 14, 1987 In essence, what we can do is either a longer documentary or energy hints in video. Staff was asked to get in touch with PG&E to see what types of tapes they may already have and are willing to share. Commissioner Buffalow will also contact the City of Santa Clara to see what kind of tape library they have that we may be able to draw uison. It was also suggested that homeowner associations and neighborhood watch groups may be "built in" audiences that may be looking for programs of such that the Energy Commission may be able to use the video format for a presentation. Formats discussed were to take the form of a "This Old House" program aired on PBS stations in which the Commissioners can actually show people how to do the things that are necessary to save energy in their home. Staff will also contact the Cable TV committee, as well as the City's cable producer to see what steps shoula be taken to follow up, and actually do a video production. Commissioner Buffalow attended the workshop sponsored by PG&E and some commernial businesses entitled "Energy--a Cost to Manage". Unfortunately, it did not interrelate the information of the workshop to small businesses, which is what we had hoped would be possible to develop out of his attendance. NEW BUSINESS: The Commission will be working to develop some video presentations for the future that can be used on an on-going basis, not just a one-time presentation. Staff will see if they can have a VCR unit at the next regularly scheduled meeting in order to review any tapes that we may have been able to borrow either from the City of Santa Clara, E.P.R.I. , or PG&E. It was also announced that the City of San Jose will be conducting a presentation entitled, "Energy Efficient Cooling Conference" October 21st and 22nd. It's a fairly technical presentation aimed at utility people anc, energy er. ;sneers. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted: arbara K. , Assistant t the City Manager page S ® MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD NOVEMBER 19, 1987 IN THE TEMPORARY CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m, ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present : Henry Buffalow, Robert Droege, Courtenay Heater , Judy Kirkham, Robert Ruttenberg and Ton Weber Commissioners Absent : Robert Peck Staff Absent : Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager Guest : Kellyn Yamada, City's Cable TV Producer MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: Minutes approved of October 14, 1987 as mailed. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Term experations, Robert Droege will not > seek another term. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: Memo from Barbara Brown on video productions was reviewed and discussed with our guest Kellyn Yamada. OLD BUSINESS: Energy conservation videos brought by Kellyn were viewed. The one minute long time slots were "We the People Minute" and "Christmas Tree Safety" . These are used as fillers on channel 53. "We the People" was a one minute speech by Barb Kopple and °Chrstmas Tree Safety" was pictures with a voice over . Kellyn also showed a five minute video "Managing a Hazard Waste Lifestlye" . This one was done with professional actors and props with text and music . Commissioner Buffalow showed two video tapes he borrowed from EPRI . These were professionally done with expensive graphics and scenary. One was on renewable energy sources and the other was on lighting. The one on lighting could not be viewed due to technical difficulties. Commissioner Heater suggested doing a video describing how to do a home energy conservation project according to city code . Commissioner Weber made the suggestion to do a video on caulking or putting an insulation blanket on a hot water heater. Commissioner Buffalow stated that PG&E may ® already have videos on these subjects. Guest Yamada said channel 53 has all the capabilities to make video tapes except for the graphics, but De Anaa college students may be able to help . I INK x WM page 2 Tape cost would be about $890 per minute of running time. Kellyn's time would be free and the cable TV production company may not charge the Energy Commission because we are a City of Cupertino commission. Channel 53 phone number bs 725 29219 and Kellyn would like to work very close to the Energy Commission in producing videos of up to five minutes. Commissioner Weber will contact PG&E on energy audit resources, "The Big Fix" , he will talk to Mark Otteriei . There was also some discussion on co-sponsoring with the city of Palo Alto. Commissioner Heater will pursue a caulking demostration video actually filmed on the job. Commissioner Kirkham volenteered her house for any on the job videos. Commissioners Heater and Weber will contact Ms. Yamada when they are ready to start production . First video will be on furnace inspection and filter replacement . Commisssioner Weber will have a script ready by the December meeting of the Energy Commission . Work program for 1988 will be producing energy conservation videos for channel 53. Actual format will be defined at the next meeting. NEW BUSINESS: Read and critique Chamber of Commerce article thoughts from Commissioners Heater , Peck and Weber . ® Think of energy conservation projects for staff to do in 1988. ADJOURMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:19 P.M. Respectfully submitted: " O" A�ek Robert M. Ruttenberg, Energy Commissioner MINUTES OF TIM REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD DECEMBER 9, 1987 IN THE TEMPORARY CITY HAM CONFERENCE ROOM, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO Q-RDJM: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chairperson Buffalow. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Henry Buffalow, Courtenay Heater, Judy Kirkham and Thomas Weber commissioners Absent: Robert Peck, Robert Droege, Robert Ruttenberg Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager Guest: Judith Burrill, PG&E APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the November 18, 1987 meeting were approved with the deletion of the first two words of "Old Business". P_A_&L CONMUNIg&TION: Judy Burrill, PG&E's Community Conservation Representative, came to give the Commission some background about the programs being provided by PG&E to the community: 1.) "HELP" program has no ending date. It will provide for free installation of energy saving home improvements for low income housaholds. Western Weather and Fire, and San Joaquin Weatherization are contrators that have been hired by PG&E to assist in this program. 2. ) T-CAP (Target Customer Appliance) provides free refrigerators for low income people. PG&E cannot give preferential rates to low income people, so they try to provide energy conservation services to offset the rates. 3. ) "Community Weatherization" are for emergency shelter and housing. None exists in Cupertino so it's not a nrugram that we can utilize. 4. ) Attic insulation rebate up to 5Y5.00. There was a general discussion of what PG&E calls the "Big Six Energy Savers". A pamphlet entitled "Do It Yourself Home Improvements" for the Big Six, was distributed to the Commission. The six energy savers are: Duck wrapping, attic insulation, water heater blanket, weather stripping, caulking, and low-flow shower heads. It is the Commission's desire to produce some energy conservation video tapes that can te aired on Chanel 53, or in any public presentation that would demonstrate for people energy conservation techniques that they could easily implement. Commissioners Heater and Webber will arrange with Judy Burrill to preview some of the videos that already exist with PG&E for their applicability to our program. Finally, there was some discussion of the electromagnetic problems in high intensity wires. M " .i Page -2- Energy Commission Minutes - December 9, 1997 Mr= -COMM ICAT19 �: Information was received from the State Energy Commission discr .bing the Help Line program being implemented. Tracking of utility costs, the help with writing bid specs, and assistance in preparing applications for grants may be available. staff will keep in touch with the State Energy Commission to see how Cupertino may benefit. OLD BUSINESS: VCR production: Commissioner Heater has drafted some approaches to a video which he believes needs to be entertaining as well as informative. There was general agreement that the Big Six Energy Savers should be the topics for the video. It will be made in individual components but could also be presented together as a composite. An emblem for. the Energy Commission, which is both low budget and high quality, is being sought. Commissioner Heater, with assistancet from friends, will try to design something that ta,_ Commission can use to identify itself in the course of the video productions. Replacement of furnace filters was added to the "Big Six" topics for video presentation. Staff will ask Seven Springs Ranch if they can provide a model home that we can do the filming in since it will be both clean, unfurnished, and light. We'd like to do both a hot water blanket installation as well as a furnace filter replacement demonstration. It is the Commission's hope that a "rough" video will be in place by the end of January. Articles for the Chamber newsletter are to be reviewed at the next meeting by the Commission. NEW BUSINESS: January Scene Energy Hint: " The six most important things homeowners can do to conserve energy use are: (1.) Insulate the attic, (2.) wrap heater ducts, (3. ) blanket hot water heater, (4.) install a low-flow shower head, (5.) caulk and (6.) weatherstrip." Chair Buffalow suggested that Commissioners bring issues for future hints to the January meeting. The Mayor's luncheon was not held last month, but will be reported at all future meetings. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M. Res ectfully Submitted: Barbara K. , .a' MINUTES OF TRE HBOULM SMUG of THE EMM 0WOMSSION HBLV JANUARY 13, 1988 xN CITY C;,R , 10300 TOMM AVE TM, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CQL TO The meeting was called to order by chairperson Henrlt Buffaiaw. A tour was taken of the new City Nall by each of the Commissioners. The Commissioners noted that the lighting in some ,3f the rooms seems to be overly bright. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Henry Buffalow, Courtanay Heater, Judy Kirkham, Thomas Weber, Robert Peck, Robert Droege and Robert Ruttenberg Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the December 9, 1988 meeting were approved with the following changes: In the second paragraph of "Oral Communication" duck should have been duct. Eliminate the last sentence of the third paragraph. ORAL, CON)MUNICATION: None WRITTEN gPj_WJNI=ION: None OLD BUSINESS: Commissioner Heater brought a suggested logo that he had developed since the last meeting. It is orange and a bright yellow with ellipsis, a border around it that says, "City of Cupertino Energy Commission", and the international symbol for AC in the center and ellipsis around that triangle. Suggestions for small modifications and alternatives were discussed. Commissioner Heater plans to take the suggestions and work on the logo for presentation at the neat meeting. The logo is intended to plant a positive image of energy conservation in the minds of the people who see it, Commissioner Weber will be attending the Mayor's luncheon January 14th. . E Page -2- Minutes of the Energy Commission held January 13, 1988 Commissioner Ruttenberg brought a draft of an energy hint describing an automatic set-back thermostat, and the energy that can be saved. Most experts believe that 10 to 15% of heating costs can be saved by using this set-back thermostat. Commissioner Kirkham will review the draft to make sure that it's readable for the nontechnical person, and submit it to staff for publication in the future Cupertino Scene. Chairperson Buffalow will work with the Public Works Director to make sure that any utility tracking programs can be used to retrieve most of the information desired. Commissioner weber has scripted two one-minute video programs to discuss changing your furnace filter and the installation of a hot water heater blanket. He has reviewed the script with the Cable TV Producer, and the Cable TV Director. The Commission reviewed the script and made some grammatical and minor substantive changes. Seven Springs Ranch has agreed to allow "shooting" in their model homes as has Cupertino Hardware Store. It's the hope that Commissioner Weber, Kellyn Yamada, and Staff will be able to arrange a "shooting" date before the next Commission meeting, at which time we will the able to review a "rough" of the video production. Commissioner Weber has reviewed a twenty-five minute video tape produced by PG&E. He believes it has some possibilities if they will let us edit it. The next meeting will be February 10, 1988. Respectfully Submitted: -Barbara K. Plr6Wn, ^,f Assistant to/the City Manager . .r ,MINUM OF T= Ed=LaR IMMTIbG OF THE ENEM CMMISSION , pZMW RY ]l0, 1995 XV CITY HALL CONVOMCE mod, 10300 TMM AVEMIE, CUPEWINO, ChLYFORNIA CALL T+O The meeting was called to order at 7:30. MOLL_ CALL: Commissioners Present: Henry Buffalow, Courtenay Heater, Thomas Weber, Robert Peck, Terry Hines, and Robert Ruttenberg Commissioners Absent: Judy Kirkham Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the January 13, 1988 meeting were approved with the following modifications: in the paragraph describing the logo for the Commission, capital AC should be changed to "caution". On the last page where it states that Commission Weber viewed a 25 minute video at PG&E, it should be changed to 35 minutes. ORAL COMM.WICATION: None WRITTEN 99MN9Dd+1 MION: A letter was received from the Department of Conservation requesting a survey be completed for recycling purposes. The Commission would like to have the results of this survey when they are tallied. OLD BUSINESS: Bob Peck will attend the Mayor's luncheon February 11, 1988. Video Production: Commissioner Weber reported on the hot water heater blanket installation video. Shooting was done at Cupertino Hardware, but was not able to be completed at the construction site due to outside noises. A new date of February 29th has been established to try and finish the shoot::Og. Commission Logo: Commissioner Heater presented two alternatives of the new logo to be used as part of the video production. The Commission unanimously selected the logo with a lightening bolt in the center rather than the exclamation mark. Much appreciation on the part of the Commission is owed to Commissioner Heater for doing this remarkable and creative endeavor. Page -2- Energy 0MMOsion Minutes - February g0, 199S Commissioner Beater also shared with the Commission a prose introduction to an explanation of the logo and What itfs tried to do as an impression and expression of the Commission's mission. Commissioner Beater also read to the Commission an energy hint for the future regarding static electricity. Commissioner Ruttenberg will investigate the cost of preparing decal stickers using the logo pattern. Energy Management System: Engineer, Steven Greenberg, will attend the March 9, 1988 meeting in order to explain and answer questions regarding any recommendations and specifications that he might develop for an energy management sytem for the City Hall. Mr. Greenberg had also recommended motion detectors. Commissioner Buffalow reported that not all of the motion detectors are reliable, and that some applications are better than others. NEW BUSINESS: Energy Hint: Six energy hints were also received, regarding the reduction of heating costs, to be used in the future. These hints, along with the one on static electricity, will be given to the Cupertino Scene Editor. Election of Officers: Judy Kirkham was unanimously elected Chairperson, Bob Peck was unanimously elected Nice Chair. Commissioner Weber reported that PG&E films appear to be in-house training tools, rather than something that could be used by the City°s Channel 53. MEETING ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M. Respectfully Submitted: r Barbara K. , Assistant/to the City Manager MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF TIM ENERGY COMMISSION HELD, MARCH 9, 1988 IN CITY HAIL CONFERENCE ROOM, 10300 TORRE AVENUE, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairperson Judy Kirkham. ROLL CALL• Commissioners Present: Henry Buffalow, Courtenay Heater, Thomas Weber, Robert Peck, Terry Hines, Judy Kirkham, and Robert Ruttenberg Commissioners Absent: None. Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the February 10, 1988 meeting were —?proved as read. ORAL COMMUNICATION: ® None WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: Information was received about proposed legislation for a comprehensive state recyling program. There was a discussion of recycling and the role the commission has played for the past four years. We also received from the State Energy Commission a wind performance reporting system evaluation and an announcement of the national awards program for energy innovation. OLD BUSINESS• Steven Greenberg will not be able to attend this evening's meeting. Mr. Greenberg is an engineer who is doing an analysis and specifications for an energy management system. When we receive the information from Mr. Greenberg we'll send it out immediately to the commissioners so they can be familiar with it before Mr. Greenberg attends the April meeting. The video productions have been delayed, and the final shooting will be in April 1988. Commissioner Heater is finishing the narrative explaining the logo. Judy Burrell, of PG&E, has located several videos (approximately 2 hours worth) which ® illustrates the "Big Six" energy savings. The Commission will preview these videos and if it seems appropriate will offer them to Channel 53 for airing. IF r ` t* 77 ti Page -2- :Energy commission Minutes - March 3, 1988 Commissioner Heater has had the black and white art work completed for the logo reproiudetion. There are some problem® getting the color in the lemon and orange colors for the colored art work reproduction. we will take the logo to a different shop for which we hope we can have a slide developed in the appropriate colors. Commissioner Ruttenberg reported that to have the logo developed into decals would cost approximately $135.00 plus $70.00 for the tooling and we'd need to provide our own ink so the color is appropriate. commissioner Heater will try to finish the narrative explaining the logo and get it to the staff before the next meeting in order for it to be forwarded to all the commissioners. There was discussion again on recycling and copies of the long term solid waste report and the recycling report developed approximately three years ago will be forwarded to Commissioner Hines. Discussion of Energy Hints for the near future were to clean the grease filters on the stove vents and to wash windows to let some sunlight in for some heat. ® ADJOURDIMEW: The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:35 P.M. Respectfully Submitted: Barbara K. wn, Assistant to the City Manager O s MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD, APRIL 13, 1988 IN CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM, 10300 TOT= AVENUE, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Chairperson Judy Kirkham. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Presents Kirkham, Ruttenberg, Heater, Weber and Peck Commissioners Absent: Buffalow and Hines. Guest: Bob Droege Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES• The minutes of the March 9, 1988 meeting were approved as submitted. ORAL COMMUNICATION• ® Commissioner Heater reported that an article which appeared in the Mercury News, April 10, 1988, on water storage and possible conservation techniques, reported that Cupertino is taking no action at this time. Commissioner Heater asked what the Commission's role might be in energy conservation as it relates to water conservation. Commissioners Peck and Heater were appointed to a sub-committee to investigate with the three water companies and the Santa Clara Valley Water District as to what conservation measures might be taken, and when, and report back to the May meeting. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: Results of a wind project, as well as a notice of a workshop to review the revisions to the QFER regulations, were received from the California State Energy Commission. OLD BUSINESS• The Commission will reagendize energy management systems to May, 1988 in order to review the recommendations of Mr. Greenberg when Commissioner Buffalow can attend. Commissioner Heater presented a draft explanation of the graphic to be used by the Energy Commission for the video production as well as other events. The draft was reviewed and modified for the Cupertino Scene. ® Page -2- Energy Commission Minutes - April 13, 1988 Commissioner Weber reported that Judy Burrell, of PG&E, has about forty to fifty minutes of video tapes regarding energy conservation techniques. She is copying them from the beta format to the VHS format. The Commission will review the videos at the May meeting. Commissioner Weber also reported that he and Rellyn continue to try to reschedule the final shooting necessary for the video production. NEW BUSINESS: The Mayor asked the Commission to discuss the relationship of our Commission to other Commissions and to the Council, and to report that back at the next Mayor's meeting. The Commission discussed joint meetings with other Commissions, as well as with the Council, the effectiveness of various communicacion networks that currently exist, and whether or not training and term limitations would be appropriate. There was a general discussion of the need for an orientation to the City and a structure by which to report to the City Council. Commissioner Peck reported that Leadership Cupertino provides an excellent training and orientation format ® for anybody who's interested in being a volunteer or a Commissioner with the City of Cupertino. There was unanimous agreement that the sharing of minutes from the other commission meetings and the City Council meetings in the Commissioner's mail packet, along with their own minutes, is a wonderful way of keeping rapport and knowledge about what other Commissions are doing. Commissioner Heater submitted an "Energy Hint" regarding sunlight and windows; it will be revised and brought to staff for publication in the Scene. The draft budget, submitted by staff, was reviewed by the Commission. Staff will modify the budget accordingly and resubmit to the City Manager for approval. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:02 P.M. Respectfully Submitted: Ile Barbara R. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager 71 N � MINUTES OF THE REGU t MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMZ9St4* MELD MAY 11, 1988 IN CITY HALL COUPERENCE 960N,, 161, 06 RRE AVENUE, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by immediate past Cheir fp Henry Buffalow. RQLL CALL.. Commissioners Present: Hines, Ruttenberg, Heatet, `veber ' an Buffal6w, Commissioners Absent: Kirkham and Peck Staff Present: Barbara E. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the April 13, 1980 meeting were approvee3 "as submitted. x ORAL COMMUNICATION: ® The commission received an energy hint from ie6iot1* Heater about turning off appiianceb:- Staff I1i11 call Burrell, of PG&E, for the official announcement of the special summer rate "hbftl-t.- "Results of the Wind Project" were received fr®m the +.e� : rY Energy Commission. Commissioner Weber will review and report back at the next meeting.' Commissicaer Heater reported that he and Commissioner Peck had checked with Santa Clara V611ey' Water Diettict regarding water conservation. The two-year 154 reduction r program has been announced and voluntary compliance requested. Apparently agriculture uses the vast majority of water in the State. Staff will check Stith Sunset Magazine and ASAC for any information regarding drain resistant landscaping and efficient landscape watering practices. The commission asked if the City can and/or will use hygrometers to control unnecessary watering. Commission will review City°s public information program re: conservation for any possible assistance it may offer. N Page -2- Minutes of the regular meeting of the" F�wM, commission, May 11, 1988 Y. Commissioners have reviewed the State Energy Commission consultant's recommendations for energy conservation, as well as the attached response from the Public Works Director. The; commission was pleased to note the consultant's recommendations were consistent with the commission's previous evaluation and recommendations. The commission added that_a ; _ routine maintenance program for the H.V.A.C. systems could save 10-15% of the energy currently being ueed for H.V.A.C. if-the City contracts for a maintenance proqram ,an R.F.P. should be promulgated. The commission was interested to know if any of their suggestions to the Community Center's architects have been incorporated in the design. Commissioner Neater presented a proposed explanation of the, , graphic to be used with the Energy Hint and the commission's video productions. More modifications-mostly shortening--were suggested. PG&E videos were not available for showing. The commissiW s­ video production is schedul a:g the final "shoot". A copy of the Uniform Building Code requirements for semis is _m anchoring of water heaters will be distributed with the minutes of this meeting. Commissioner Hines shared an article about transforming garbage to fertilizer. Commissioner Heater will attend the Mayor's luncheon May 14 1988. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M. Respectfully Submitted: arbara K. B , Assistant a City Manager 01 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD JUNE 8, 1988 IN CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM, 10300 TORRE AVENUE, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL To ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 by CommisAoner Buffalow. ag,LL CALL: Commissioners Present: Hines, Ruttenberg, Heater, Weber and Buffalow. Commissioners Absent: Kirkham and Peck Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the May 11, 1988 meeting were approved as submitted. ORAL COMMUNICATION: Commissioner Buffalow reported that he had just attended a conference in Virginia with a significant discussion on chloral-fluoro carbons. These compounds are found in refrigerants, blowing agents, and pressurized containers. When the hydrogen molecule is added to the compound there is a protection that is created which keeps these compounds from attacking the ozone and destroying it. Chloral-fluoro carbons are the dominant factor in destroying the ozone. Common compounds are R-12 and R-11. These compounds are used in cleaning and blowing agents, as well as airconditioning. There is no R-12 in this country. However, the rest of the world does use it. The Montreal protocol was recently adopted in which there would be a gradual reduction of the use of chloral-fluoro carbons. Alternate compounds need to be checked for toxics and are not yet available. Still there's a real goal to reduce, by 1993, the amount of chloral-fluoro, carbons by 35%, and to reduce it by 50% by the year 1998. Currently there is no known substitute for the compound R-11, which is used as a blowing agent, an example being styrofoam. In addition there's some energy saving standards which are in conflict with the need to reduce these compounds. And finally, enforcement is a huge issue. There is political pressure to excel the Montreal protocol because the issue is so serious, but there aren't good solutions yet and it seems, in Commissioner Buffalow's opinion, foolish to rush it. w Page -2- Minutes of the Energy Commission Meeting Junes 8, 1988 OLD HUNIUAS: water Conservation memo, from the Director of Public works, was distributed, and a few suggestions were made by the Commissioners. Three PG&E videos were viewed, and reviewed by the Commission. it was suggested that the weatherizing of windows and doors, and caulking videos be presented to show on Channel 53 as public information. The loose-fill insulation installation we will be held until PG&E says they want celluloid promoted in this fashion. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Respectfully Submitted: Sarbara K.if!ee`C'ity Assistant Manager 01 MINUTES OF THE REGUXAft MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD DULY 13, 2998 IN CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM, 10300 TORRE AVENUE,, Cu 1NO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 by Commigmioner Kirkham. ROLL- Commissioners Present: Hines, Ruttenberg, Heater, Weber, Buffalow, Kirkham and Peck. Staff Present: Brad Britton, Administrative Aide AppgQV AL QF MINUTES: The minutes of the June 8, 1988 meeting were approved after the following corrections were made: Chloral-fluoro should read: "cloro-florou throughout the minutes. Under "ORAL COMMUNICATION": "There is no R-12 in this country" should read: "The United States does not use refrigerants in aerosol containers." ORAL Commissioner Heater, responding to the City Council's referring of water conservation to the Energy Commission, suggested that the Commission outline the specific responsibilities it wants to take on with respect to water conservation. Commissioner Heater also reported that according to an unofficial source that water consumption in the Cupertino area had decreased by 15%. WRITTEN -COMMICATIQN: Each Commissioner should have received a letter from the City Council. OLD BUSINESS: Commissioner Weber reported that 3 of the 4 PG&E videos were selected for airing on Channel 53. commissioner Weber also reported that the 2 videos that the Commission is producing on its own are still being worked on. ® Page -2- Minutes of the Energy Commission Meeting - July 13, 1988 = BUSINESS: Commissioner Hines inquired as to what the specific topics the Commission planned on addressing in the upcoming year. Commissioner Heater suggested that the Commission's general focus should be spread among three levels: local, national and international energy issues. Additionally, those categories could be further divided into short term and long term problems. Commissioner Heater also suggested that the Commission expand its energy education through video program. Commissioner Hines asked what were some of the past methods the Commission used to relay energy information. Commissioner Weber explained how the Commission held "Energy Forums" inviting the public to meetings on energy related topics. Unfortunately this method has not met with much success. Commissioner Hines then inquired as to what the responsibilities the State's Energy Commission was charged with. Commissioner Buffalow stated that the State's commission is much more focused on the energy issues in business and industry and that he felt the City's commission is mostly focused on the retail energy consumers, which are the residents and work force of Cupertino. Commissioner Buffalow also added that the Commission should strongly consider going out to service clubs and other community groups and speak on energy related topics. This could be done by developing a list of topics and then contacting the service clubs. Commisioner Buffalow also mentioned that this program could be concurrent with the video program and that the speakers did not have to be commission members. Commissioner Heater suggested the Commission might consider debates on energy issues as a means to present information to the public. Commissioner Weber mentioned that recycling might be a topic that will resurface in the near future. AWOURNMEN7T: Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Respectfully Submitted: -ZL�&;Zo ® Brad Britton Administrative Aide a: t AUMW 10, 1988, OMMOM lei, MY HATS, COMMM, CUZFMWM 7:30 P.3L CAIL TO Cam: g he meeting vas called Worderat 7:35 p.m. by ChairperSM Kirkham. ]ROLL CAM: Ojai sites present: Kirld m, Buffalm, Hues, Heatek, Teak, at&-e;vbez+g, .r Staff present.- Barbara Brow, Assistant to the City Manager APPROVAL OF : The ads for the July 33 meeting were appxvted after the following correction was made: "Chloral-fluorcarbins" should read "Choral-floro-cxrbins/° throughout the minutes. ORAL IICMICK: Oo mnissioner Heater shared a seed catalogue which identifies t resistant plants. Ommissianer ruittenberg shared a magazine article, "Garbage in, Power out." Suggested eon be a topic of discussion at the October meeting. Greenhouse effect has been featured article in major news magazines lattely. 14RTTTEN C �NICA'FIC9�I: The State Energy Ommoission amnumement was distributed. OID BUSINESS: Video Productions; c7oimoissicner Weber reported =vs has been dors on the video production but shooting is not ccuplets yet. Fromaticnal film the graphic has been completed. The video will be shown at the next meeting. Mannel 53's character generator is cab]ecastirig water savings tips. FM videos will be dumm on Channel 53 beginning in September. Excessive watering was reported at the Waterfall eampleoc. It was suggested that the Code Enforcement officers watch for emess, watering in City parks. Work Plan for Year The work plan for the coming year was discussed. 1. Video prnduotions to be plated. `141.�.:.I 1. _+ '. { •i•. -_- • 14 Z4? 41 blu: Ili -1- •.• . 77 Ito .L _.\ r .• w_r. wit _.r_ ,. . - - M // • u yc.- Ip�.-. - 1� _ • i:•_e alt' -' � ..i :J. -•C.1 . - Yt•'IC' r MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD OCTOBER 12, 1988 IN CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM, 10300 TORRE AVENUE, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:45 P.M. by chairperson Kirkham. . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Hines, Ruttenberg, Heater, Weber and Kirkham Commissioners Absent: Buffalow and Peck Staff Present: Barbara Brown, Assistant to the City Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the August 10, 1988 meeting were approved after correcting the word "carbins" to "carbons". ORAL C-M-MM-IMIQN: The staff reported that the City of Davis has no video material or brochure material for energy conservation of a general nature that could be used by the City of Cupertino. Also the staff has been in touch with the State Commission to schedule a speaker for the November or December meeting to discuss current activities of the State Energy commission. Finally, staff reported that she had met with the ASAC staff about scheduling a joint meeting regarding water resources and energy conservation including state of the art for the purposes of conserving both energy and water. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: Commissioner Heater brought an article from the Times Tribune, about water conservation, to be copied and distributed to the commissioners. It was also suggested that staff contact Mr. Talbott, of the City of San Jose, and invite him to discuss water conservation at out January meeting. Page -2- Minutes of the Energy Commission Meeting - october 129, 1988 Copies of a Mercury News article on the greenhouse effect, and the Times Tribune article on banning of fast foods, use of styrofoam, and other CFCs for containers, was also given to staff to copy and distribute. The staff is to ask the cities of Palo Alto and Berkeley for copies of their legislation which regulates those products that use CFCs (Chorol-floro-carbons) at fast food restaurants. The legislation will be distributed at the November meeting in an attempt to have the commission consider legislation that includes a forsighted and balanced approach to the issues. Apparently Dupont has a new product, and so does Japan, which significantly reduces the impact on the ozone layer. Notices received from the State Energy Commission were also distributed to the commissioners. OLD BUSINESS: Video Productions: Commissioner Weber reported that the "shooting" was done, but the editing is still needed. Staff will get with Kellyn Yamada, Video Producer, to see if we can preview the video at the November meeting. An "Energy Hint" for November was suggested as: "Changing or cleaning furnace filters will improve energy efficiency of furnaces, and you can get cleaner air in your house." Public Education Programs: This topic was tabled until the November meeting. We need to brainstorm methods to solicit from the public those areas in which more information or education would be desirable. It was suggested that the Cupertino Scene be used for a survey to determine what energy issues the public wants the commission to address. it would be, in fact, a mini community needs assessment. Commission Weber was to bring staff a written draft of an article for the Scene requesting energy interests in the community. NEW BUSINESS: Issues of co-generation were on the agenda. Commissioner Weber is going to bring back more information regarding the Stanford project, and its application, but does not have the information at this meeting. Judy Kirkham will attend the Mayor's Luncheon, October 13, 1988. ADJOURNMENT.* Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Respectfully Submitted: 4�arbara K. B Assistant t t e City Manager +. �„ m. RL, .t, MIMITES OF THE RI3GLIIAR LNG OF THE ENERIn COMMISSION HELD NOVEMBER 9, 1999 XN CITy Khm CONFERENCE ROOM, 10300 TORRE AVENUE, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNYA GALL- TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Chairperson Ri~kh/a7m. BOLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Ri.rkham, Ruttenberg, Buffalow, and Peck Commissioners Absents Hines, Weber and Heater Staff Present: Barbara Brown, ?assistant to the City Manager Guests Present: Warren Noteware, California State Energy commission Mrs. Noteware Judith Burrill, PG&E APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minut::s of the October 12, 1988 meeting were approved as submitted. ORAL COMMUNICATION• commissioner Noteware, of the State Energy Commission, presented a video tape of the State Energy Comission°s activities and purposes. There was a general discussion with the Commissioners about the role of the State Energy Commission; the emphasis that it should place on various activities, and a statement by Commissioner uoteware that he would look into what programs the City of Cupertino might qualify for that could be funded by the State Energy Commission. He was pleased to see an energy commission on the local level. Basically, the State Energy Commission promotes conservations, has established both building standards and energy efficiency standards, and funds some research and development projects. They are also responsible for the distribution of the petroleum violation escrow account. The State Energy commission is funded by a surcharge on utility bills. That surcharge funds approximately 400 employees. There was some discussion on CFCs and standards, and the "catch twenty-two" they find themselves in, and the role of nuclear power of the near future. Page -2- Minutes of the Energy Commission Meeting - November 9, 1988 ORAL COMMUNICATION: (Continued) water conservation was also an issue, but 85% of the water used in California is for agricultural purposes. The State Energy Commission has been trying to introduce improved technology for irrigation in order to impact water being used for agricultural interests. Commissioner Ruttenberg distributed copies of the grafts of the energy usage in the City of Cupertino as compared to the two previous years. Judith Burrill, of PG&E, will be able to provide us with the same raw data to compare the City of Cupertino with a similar city in the same climate that does not have a local energy commission that's been trying to promote conservation. Commissioner Ruttenberg will run the same grafts on the raw data for Los Altos. OLD BUSINESS: Kellyn has been working with PG&E in the video productions and the introduction to the PG&E tapes. At this time we don't know where the "made from scratch" video productions are. We will wait for Commissioner Weber's attendance in December. The public education avd interest survey was postponed until December. Chairperson Kirkham handed out a sample questionaire for individual commissioner's review and to bring their comments back to the next meeting. CFCs and their responsible use was tabled until the December meeting when Commissioner Neater can attend. Commissioner Buffalow reported that many nations have yet to adopt the Montreal protocol for reduction in the use of CFCs. CFCs have been directly linked with the destruction of the ozone, protecting the earth from radiation. It was announced that Mr. Talbott, from the City of San Jose, will be attending our December meeting to discuss water conservation techniques and technologies. 11 IT Page -3- Minutes of the Energy Commission - November 9, 1988 s' NEW IgSINESS: There's no Mayor's luncheon this month. Staff brought to the attention of the commission that with Commissioner Peck's resignation, and the end of Commissioner Weber's maximum terms on this particular commission in January, that two vacancies would be created. This seems to be the time if the commission wanted to reduce the number of commissioners from seven to five members, and to reinstate the residency requirement for all energy commissioners. There was a general discussion about the economies of scale, the administrative improvements, and the ability to deal with the commission's workplan with a smaller commissions. Commissioner Euffalow moved that the number of commissioners be reduced to five and that the residency requirement be reinstated. Commissioner Peck seconded the motion, and the vote was unanimous in support of the motion. AQgg_URNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Respectfully Submitted: r' arbzra K. o , Assistant to the City Manager t MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEWING OF THE ENERGY COMI88 AN , HELD DECBMBER 141 1988 IN CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM, 10300 TORRE AVENUE, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:32 P.M. by Commissioner Heater. ROLL C19I,L: Commissioners Present: Kirkham, Ruttenberg, Buffalow, Hines, Weber and Heater Commissioners Absent: None. Staff Present: Brad Britton, Administrative Aide. Special Guests: Earl Talbott, City of San Jose. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the November 14, 1988 meeting were approved as submitted. ORAL COMMUNICATION: Mr. Earl Talbott from the City of San Jose's Water - Conservation Speaker Bureau gave a presentation on The City ® of San Jose's Residential Retrofit Program. Mr. Talbott explained that the first phase of the program was aimed at single family residents which were built before 1977 (Homes built after this time are required to provide certain water conservation facilities) . The entire program cost the City four million dollars. In step one of the program literature is sent out about the water conservation kits ($15.99) . The kits include one conservation shower head, leak detector, and a toilet tank dam. Then a week later the kits are delivered and participants are expected to display their water conservation sticker (which is included in the kit) in their front window after they have installed all the devices. Mr. Talbott noted that San Jose's conservation program is the largest most successful in the nation. They have reached all the targeted homes and project a 92% participation rate. Mr. Talbott added that the program saved the City a projected 100 million dollars; 46 million dollars saved from reduced residential usage (calculated at $35 dollars a year per homeowner) and 64 million saved because the City no longer needs to construct additional water treatment facilities. Mr. Talbott then presented a slide show which described how the water system works for the south bay. Mr. Talbott concluded his presentation by commenting that the program°s goals for the 088-189 are to increase education about water conservation ® and to provide audits on water usage. P...__ - ; Page -2- Minutes of the Efisgy Commission htg: 1988 WRITTEN 29J=I='ION: Commissioner Ruttenburg presented an article whichdWoo rod in the November 1988 issue of the Ashrae Journal en toad "How will CFC bans affect energy use?." He requested that copies of the article be included in the next commission packet. Chairperson Kirkham inquired to staff as to the subject matter of the State Energy Commission announcement. Staff indicated that it would have to defer this issue to the next meeting since the information was not available at this time. QLD EUSZNESS: Energy Usage Graphs: Commissioner Heater indicated that intent of this project was to compare energy usage of other cities against Cupertino°s so that an evaluation of the Commissions affo t on energy usage in the City might be detected. Comm._ isionsr Heater added that Judy Eurrill was supposed-to provido this information and bring it back to the Commission. Video Productions: Chairperson Kirkham indicated that she was not ears of the status of the video tapes and would contact Judy slarr v or Rellyn Yamada to find out. - Public Interest Survey: Chairperson Kirkham asked staff if the questionnaire could be included in the Cupertino scene in lieu of the oSouno Off" section. Also requested staff to check if taeaa `to any financial obligations involved and to report back. Finally Chairperson Kirkham requested staff to update the submitted survey and include it in the need c ission ' packet and agenda. Additionally, Commissioner Heater volunteered to coordinate the writing of an energy conservationarticle to be included in the same issue as the public interest survey. Commissioner Beater then requested that all of the commissioners submit a paragraph for the Scene article on their particular area of expertise. Commissioner Hines requested from staff a copy of the state Energy Commissiones workbook that was handed out at the last meeting. 9, fig® 3.. Minutes of the 1988 CpC°s and their responsible use: industry is yorking that _ Com�►isgioner guffalow indieidti®tt�►le. lSf he elabOtl�tGd that very hard on this legislation and industry r+�sp aims onea is in State and Federal feint that a local policy statement high gear to the at carting the use of retail CFC°s would do very little good. '� �E4�T _ $S: �___--- Commission vocal Gov into programs: State Energy o what Programs Conmsiseioner HineCo�ission had suggested s; pr�a'g the State Energy C miify for and put this topic on the agenda thef®r City might nest meeting. Meeting adjourned at 9:09 p°m• Be-pectfully Submitted: Brad Britton. Administrative Aide inmi IN w., <.. 11'%NUTES OF THE REGULAR, MOPING OF THE ENEMY COMIESSION HELD JANUARY 11, 1989 IN CITY HALL CO ICE BOON# 10300 TORRE AVENUE, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:38 P.M. by Chairperson Kirkham. � BOLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Kirkham, Ruttenberg, Hines, and Heater Commissioners Absent: Buffalow Staff Present: Brad Britton, Administrative Aide. Guests: Judy Burrill (PG&E) , Nick Szabo APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the December 14, 19SS meeting were approved as submitted. ORAL COMMUNICATION: Staff relayed a request from Councilperson Koppel to investigate the efficiency of instant hot water heaters versus conventional water heating methods. Judy Burrill mentioned that PG&E's commercial group could provide some literatures on the instant hot water heaters. Commissioner Heater directed a question at Judy Burrill as to the particulars of setting up an energy surtax. Ms. Burrill said she was familiar with the subject because she worked with the City of Los Altos when they set up their utility tax. First the City must work out the formula it wants to use. PG&E suggests that the formula be kept as simple as possible. Los Altos charged large--energy users (Luckys etc.) up to a specified ceiling and low income residents are eligible for exemptions. Commissioner Heater suggested that a question asking for input on this type of tax might be included in the proposed Cupertino Scene article or in the public. interest survey. Judy Burrill said she would be able to bring in PG&E's utility tax model ordinance and a copy of the Los Altos ordinance. 7 -;i- a5 Ym s Page -2- Minutes of Energy Commission - January 11, 1989 Commissioner Heater asked guest Nick Szabo what, in his opinion, were the most important issues regarding energy savings. Mr. Szabo indicated that heating, air conditioning and pool heating were the most tangible energy issues at the local level. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: Commissioner Heater circulated an article on the gre$nhouse effect and a political cartoon on the merits of energy savings. OLD BUSINESS: VIDEO PRODUCTIONS: Commissioner Heater requested staff to invite Relyn Yamada to the next meeting to discuss the status of the video productions. Judy Burrill mentioned she did review some of the tapes in December. The water heater tape should be done around January 24th. STATE ENERGY C014MSSION LOCAL GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS: ® Commissioner Hines volunteered to review the local program workbook that the state sent the City. Commissioner Hines requested a copy of the most recent energy audits. Judy Burrill reminded the Commissioners that the City should make sure they contact the Commercial Rebate Department at PG&E if the City initiates any energy saving programs. PUBLIC INTEREST SURVEY: Commissioner Ruttenberg presented a copy of the Fine Arts Commission's survey and suggested that the Energy Commission might adopt the same kind of format. Commissioner Heater suggested that a database of names be kept, possibly starting with the respondents of the survey, which could be used as base constituency for future energy ideas, issues and general information. Commissioner Heater also suggested that the "current issues" part of the survey be put back in. Chairperson Kirkham requested staff to check out the ® alternatives for a mail out survey and report back at the next meeting. Y• Page -3- Minutes of Synergy Camission - January 11, 1909 e NEW SD M-96: CUPERTINO SCENE ARTICLE: Commissioner Heater said he deliberated on the focus of the article for some time because the scope could be anywhere from global energy issues to local energy issues. H then requested input from the rest of the Commission as to the direction the article should take. Chairperson Kirkham suggested starting with local issues. Commissioner dines added that the article might focus on energy issues that we (Cupertino) can affect. Commissioner Heater then reported that he would type up his draft and bring it to the next meeting for review. Chairperson Kirkham requested staff to put Commission elections and the Mayors Luncheon on the next month°s agenda. Staff complied. commissioner Hines motion for adjournment. Ruttenberg seconded. Passed unanimously. .&WPURffl=: Meeting adjourned at 9:02 p.m. Respectfully Submitted: Brad Britton, Administrative Aide ,., ® MINtFM OF THE REWLAR MEETING OF Tim Emu COMSSZON HELD FEPRUARY 8, 1989 IN CITY HALL, CONFERENCE ROOM A, 10300 TOME AVENUE, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO OYt : The meeting was called to order at 7:38 P.M. by Chairperson Kirkham. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Kirkham, Ruttsnberg, and Buffalow Commissioners Absent: Heater and Hines Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager APPROV-AL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the January 11, 1988 meeting were approved as presented. ORAL COMMUNICATION• Commissioner Ruttenberg reported that he is working with a consulting firm on microwave systems, and his business telephone number has been changed to: (415) 962-1167. His home phone number remains the same. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: ® Judy Burrill, of PG&E, sent pamphlets and brochures entitled, "Light for Safety and Security", "Solar Hot Water Systems", and "Consumer Rebates for Gas and Electrical Projects". There was also information regarding instant hot water systems. There was a general discussion regarding recircling hot water systems and instant hot water systems. There is no question that the systems save water, but they use lots of energy which may offset the water savings. Commissioner Buffalow will follow up with a phone call to councilmember Koppel. Commissioner Buffalow also shared with the aommission that his company has been awarded a contract by the State Energy Commission to install new furnaces for low income housing. He reported that most of the people receiving the assistance are very very old and have not been with faulty furnances, but have been with no heat at all. We understand from Judy Burrill that there may be a hot water heater replacement program, as well, for low and moderate income housing. The commission felt that as a whole it would be very useful if the commission were able to make people aware of this tremendous benefit available to them. Page -2- Minutes of Energy COMission FebIVAW Go 19$9 OLD 6211HER: VIDEO PRODUCTIONS: Kelyn Yamada was not at tonight's meeting, but will be invited to the March meeting. Since Commission Hines was not present we postponed the State Energy Commission's local government programs for discussion next month. The citizen's survey, suggested at earlier meetings, was discussed in great depth. The survey itself was modified into a close to final form. The actual means by which the survey would be distributed to citizens, and collected, was discussed at great length. The commission decided to ask Commissioner Heater if he would design a dispenser that could be placed in commercial areas, such as banks where there are waiting lines, at the Library and at City Hall, asking people to complete the survey and to be collected regularly by staff.- Commissioner Kirkham will contact Commissioner Heater regarding this. The article in draft form by Commissioner Heater will be addressed at next month's meeting when hopefully he will be able to attend. M BUSINESS: The instant hot water and the recircling systems were discussed earlier in the evening, again commissioner Buffalow will contact councilmember Koppel. Election of Officers: Commissioner Heater was unanimously alected Chair for the next year. commissioner Hines was unanimously elected Vice Chair for the next calendar year. Commissioner Ruttenberg will attend the Mayor's luncheon 2/9/89- AQ_JOURW-M-ffJ: The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Respectfully Submitted: arbara K. B own Assistant to the City Manager MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD MARCH 8, 1989 IN CITY HAIL, CONFERWCE BOOM A, 10300 TOME AVENUE, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL 19 ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:42 P.M. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Kirkham, Buffalow, Heater and Hines Commissioners Absent: Ruttenberg Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the February 8, 1989 meeting were approved with the following modification: In the second paragraph of "Written Communication" it should read: Commissioner Buffalow also shared with the commission that his company had been awarded a contract with PG&E, and funded by the State Energy Commission, to install new furnaces for low income housing. The minutes were approved as modified, ORAL COMMUNICATION: Chairperson Heater reported he had heard John Hart, a Professor at the University of California Berkeley, discuss energy conservation, local and global issues. He wondered if it was possible to invite Professor Hart to one of our meetings for further discussion. Staff will invite him. Commissioner Heater also reported that the day before the annual garbage pickup, Salvation Army will be picking up reusable goods in an attempt to efficiently conserve space in the landfill. An article from the New York Times regarding conservation of energy was circulated along with an "Ozone Over the Artie" newspaper article. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: The commission received a memo drafted by Kellyn Yamada, Channel 53 producer. Commissioner Ruttenberg has volunteered to supervise the project to bring the video to completion. Each member of the commission will be asked to participate in the production of a public service announcement regarding energy conservation. Staff will have Ms. Yamada call Commissioner Ruttenberg for a follow-up. Page -2- Minutes of Energy Commission - March 8, 1989 The letter from Berget Jelinch requesting a ban on products made with CFCs was read. Staff was instructed to send her an energy commission logo and a copy of the press release from the Food Service and Packaging Institutes discussing the end of the use of CFCs in hot food containers. OLD BUSINESS: The public interest survey dispenser has been designed by Chairperson Heater. Plans for it were drawn on the board to show the commissioners. It is both a dispenser and a collector. The decision was also made that a drought resistant seed catalogue would be sent to those people who indicated an interest in having such. Staff will order 25 of the catalogues which cost $1.00 each. The article drafted for the Cupertino Scene on energy issues was published in the March issue. Commissioner Buffalow reported that the next major issue he felt was going to be indoor air quality. He will outline a possible article on the "sick building syndrome" for the Scene. Commissioner Hines reported that the State Energy Commission's programs for local government include the identification of c _nservation projects, which might be ® applicable for both the business or the residential community. The grants would require 25% matching funds, but in-kind services would qualify. And, it would require the governing bodies' authorization to proceed. Commissioner Buffalow suggested that out-right leasing programs in which there were energy savings which could pay for the program costs, might be simpler than looking at grants from either state or federal governments. Commissioner Hines will call the State Energy Commission. There is some hope that a wide public education project would be covered so that the City can reach out to its citizens. Specifically, Commissioner Hines is interested in those projects or those funds which assist in providing the City help in identifying conservation projects for our citizens. NEW BUSINESS: The Mayor's lunch has been postponed until March 16th. Commissioner Heater will attend. p Y' t m s- .v page _$_ gnu �os9so3iut�8 �► ,, BUS CIS (Cunt*d) Staff will ask Judy Burrill, of pG&E, if sh+e can attend next meeting to look at: 1.) outreach the specific programs may be focused on law and moderate income households, and 3.) the utility tax concept. A The meeting adjourned at 9:lo p.m. Respectfully Submitted: &rbara K. Br , Assistant to the City Manager . �r. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COMMISSION HELD APRIL 12, 1989 IN CITY HALL, CONFERENCE ROOM A, 10300 TORRE AVENUE, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Heater at 7:38 p.m. ROLL CALL• Commissioners Present: Neater, Kirkham, Buffalow, Hines and Ruttenberg Staff Present: Brad Britton, Administrative Aide APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the March 8, 1989 meeting were approved with the following modification: In the first paragraph of the "Oral Communication" section Chairperson Heater pointed out that it was actually Marilyn Sterling of the Public Safety Commission, who attended Professor Hart's lecture, and suggested the Energy Commission attempt to get him to speak at a future meeting. Minutes were approved as modified. ORAL COMMUNICATION: Chairperson Heater talked with Martin Miller (Chair of ASAC) at the Mayor's lunch about having the Energy Commission assist ASAC in developing landscape and irrigation guidelines. Chairperson Heater attended the Energy Show at the Santa Clara County Convention Center, and reported that occupational light sensors, which automatically turn lights off when people leave a room, will be much more practical in the very near future. Commissioner Kirkham distributed reading material to the commissioners, for their review, that she had picked up at the Energy Show. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: Commissioner Ruttenberg brought in a news article which explained that the Fremont Union High School District received $73,000 from PG&E and $346,000 from the State for energy conservation projects. Commissioner Ruttenberg also submitted a copy of Wheelabrator Technologies Annual Report. 71MIF11 W- Page -2- Minutes of Energy Commission - April 12, 1999 WR17 M -CoMMIMM: (Coat 1 d) Commissioner Kirkham submitted a news article on solar energy cooling. Judy Burrill, of PG&E, was asked by the Commission what suggestions she might have for saving water during the drought. Ms. Burrill suggested that aerators, which attach to water fixtures, cut down the flow of water and could be installed throughtout the households. She also suggested that low-flow shower heads would be a good idea to save water. Chairperson Heater reminded the other commissioners about the GIABAL RE-LEAF PROGRAM and that he is working with the Mayor to do a ceremonial planting on Arbor Day. Commissioner Hines took the State Energy Commission0s Contingency Energy Plan from staff to review and report back. Chairperson Heater suggested the Commission consider providing foam knee rests with the Commission logo on it as a possible promotional device. OLD BUSINESS: Video Production: Commissioner Ruttenberg suggested that each commissioner do a video segment on energy saving tips. Kellyn Yamada, Cable T.V. producer, passed out a brief description of videos produced by other commissions and then proceeded to show the actual videos. Commissioner Ruttenberg will be the contact for all the videos produced in the future. Videos will be produced as lead-ins for the four existing PG&E videos. Commissioner Kirkham volunteered her home to tape the "Water Heater" video. Chairperson Heater volunteered to do a Station Identification (S.I.D.) . Judy Burrill mentioned that PG&E will be doing a whole new series of videos including how to read your utility meters. Page -3- Energy Commission Minutes April 12, 1989 OLQ BUSINESS: (Cont'd) Public Interest Survey: Chairperson Heater displayed the survey dispenser he designed. Chairperson Heater instructed Staff to place wording on the Energy Commission Logo, which is on the front of the dispenser, that will instruct people how to fill out the survey. He also instructed Staff to make 150 copies of the one-sided version of the survey for the first run. Chairperson Heater presented an idea to promote the Energy Commission. It would entail electronics kits similar to the one used on the "survey dispenser" and would include information about the Energy Commission. State Energy Commission Programs: commissioner Hines asked to defer his report to next month. NEW BUSINESS. Judy Burrill (PG&E) made two recommendations for possible energy savings. The first was to construct an ordinance that would prevent contractors from installing electric "strip heating". The second suggestion was to promote the use of pool/spa covers. Ms. Burrill also passed out literature on @Point of Use Water Heater Test" done by PG&E and some pamphlets on insulating techniques. Chairperson Heater announced that he received a letter from Len Bachelor regarding water re-circulating systems. ADJOURNIGMT: The meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M. Respectfully Submitted: B ad Brit On, inistrbtiv e Aide wr ,gam. ' MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING 4F THE HHERW CM4XISSION HELD MAY 10, 1989 ZN CM HALL, CoNpzREUCE ROOM A, 1.0300 TORRE AVENUE, CUPERTINO, CAMPOW= Meeting was cancelled due to a lack of a quo . Respectfully Submitted: Barbara r , Assistan the City Manager -fr 1 :ii_.r.. •�' �"'1 't3e.ti: r .I���rtif:c", s:' i:""J `I"v'"ti ••• y.}:ti C• .a�i t i'I.t" x 1 N •1' `:- ♦I I:=7:. ..� • � ••is• 14 I - • '.•t' 11It : •. .1•:v 1. • �• • • =r '• •-R II-I I'=r �= - .•. .•:11 1:••. V:." •} _ if •,-. •tlilt .- t _ • ��'•Iris=x +. - WWI •. -. •-:- • • . • ;•j .i ti 4•�- r• •1 _ •ti.. - • llll F•1 1. s.w,.• _ - •�"`.• .I'll-� I '• •i eJ •. •' — t Page -2- awe, pe Elm and GM Inftstcy WjU be giving $45 rebates to air a and bu ng �y 1, peap�a afgla� . 1989 a $5Q to $75 rebate c�aOMM August ing will be a pc tlnak at dy ma's at 23 ss5 Denville. e ,&a meeting adjowed at 9:05 P-M- gsspectful.ly Submitted: J Barbara x"MvCity mwu-wjer Assistant ENERGY OOWISSION MINUTE 5 of 5 lUL.1981-DEC.1991 I:,yij{1 •j' ".G,{C � } ;: 1'�. �..� :F.{.i y '. .:+f'. ;'. l� .M -r' •"�. _)"'�:'aV^ :a.t ,�.•.. � �.F rl.i �11'E'%� u tuft • •';{�•1. 1,"�. Cate 9 so r �•i7 fl � - •x �.G: = _..._=.1;. a. �{- - r.� :x�'. .� .:III . ��: _ •�. •.r^ ! 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'=.• - :n ••'14+1'C _ �. � it•) _ ••d•.fl�-. :. •: •. r- li - •1711Ji 1. •).= 'f J.. •.=:1 -• - i .K;=J.. -L _. •' • -1.�1.•'.•.•J_.: Mlffrra •.•�. - � .� 1.fr/._. -'•'- �'•J All=. �1. �•JIIIII - •7 ..=J- •:.' • '�1 __ .�1. - =T �•J - �1.•JIC -fI �'�'.�: I./." r 0 Neater th� it my not be , but a g tIMS _ . f xv- lacipatim in the for an a&=tiani ptocess- The m*4M to god a mwo toobal Cities FLOJ ect WaS theGl and with cwmissioner - oMD �lified for tl�a re-leaf Mtn ause � citiz=Jca�tio�di�r-Own " not fa a cwtide a f e CLAM nMIMOM= t Ow �e citizen, 3) an i� l of tIn tMw, and 4) FhOtw of the 10,100 selection i#� sellectmatter +ed,� efor tyx, 8 Pls��° We wiUe April, 1990 . x�"e Y Staff 'n,e Public Inter survw was reviewed. It MW SUMOOted that there be feature articles abut enexgy efficient ftrflaces and instant bot water- Staff and C)enissim w Suffalm will wca* on it t;ogoither, video Productiom were tabled until November. Staff was asked to cntart the Chief Bmi3a1ing official Muding dXIP �9 as a ply SOUZOO of beat for MW oonot�, ion and to find out under what c mAitions would it or bas it been - The ebair wn=wd opera in the Park. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.m. Paspec-tfully submitted: x. Assistant to tY mew MarmEs og T F26MM XMUG OF Im BUMM CO MOFl HELD JA=ARY 10, 1990 IN CITY Hh=f CONVERMCE ROOM At 10300 TORRE AVM, C BA°VANU, CALIPOM41A CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Heater at 7:43 p.m. ROLL CALL Commissioners Presents Heater, Ruttenberg, Kirkham, Buffalow Commissioners Absent: Statton (new member) Staff Present: Joseph Silva, Code Enfbrcement Officer #2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES No meeting for November and December of 1989, due to lack of quorum. Minutes of October 11, 1989 were approved as submitted with changes. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Heater said he read an article about Wind Power, which again may be a good Project to try again. Another article about tropical forest use talks about Iguana Ranching's role in reforestation and food production. WRITTEN QgjA NicATIONs Mr. Heater said John Statton had several ideas that he would like consideration of and possible placement on next or subsequent agendas. 1. Have households conduct an energy audit. 2. Have merchants discount energy items purchases during Earth Day 1990. Consult Donna. 3. Have PG& E. support. Mr. Heater would like to meet with Donna for publicity. Have other cities discuss and compare what they plan for Earth Day. Investigate apartments having recycle bins. i' y l. g� qj}�y MWrgy ss o� Page 2 • OleD BUSINESS Video has not been edited yet, and should be done by the end of February 1990. Energy hints for meeting. Kurkham will give energy hint to Judy Burrell, PG&E representative, for PG& E hand-out or mail outs. Mr. Heater's hint place note in saying "turn off heat when leaving house". Earth Day 1990: For. Heater said Council approved fees. Packet was received and Heater will review materials and get back to members. Committee needs to come up with ideas for submission to City Council on energy conservation projects. On Earth Day 1990, we need an article for April Cupertino Scene. Check with Donna. Did Barbara check to see if strip heating and Title 24 of UBC is done in Cupertino. Will check with Barbara next meeting. NEW BUSINESS A. Instant hot water - place on agenda for review in February 1990 - old business item. ® B. Energy efficient furnaces - Buffalow will write article for review in February 1990 for old business on agenda for February 1990. Elections to be placed on agenda for February 1990 and will be the first item on the agenda. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. R lly submitted, a Joe Silva Code Enforcement Officer #2 JS:mdj enrcoml-10(c) . - X]C AMW OF THE REAR XEIVWG OF HELD FEBIIIA'RY 14, 2990 IN CITY HIMLe A• 10300 TORRE AVENUE, CUFFMINO, CAMPOVINTA CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Beater at 7:40 P.M. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Ruttenberg, Statton, Heater, Buffalow, and Kirkham Commissioners Absent: None Staff Present: Joseph Silva, Code Enforcement Office #2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of January 10, 1990 were approved as submitted with amendments. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Motion made by Commissioner Buffalow and seconded by Commissioner Kirham that Commissioner Heater remain Chairperson ® for another year and Commissioner Statton was elected as Vice Chairperson. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None WRITTEN COM[dT[LN_ICATI013S Strip Heating and Title 24: Commissioner Ruttenberg presented communication on strip heaters. A discussion was made as to Title 24 of UBC being complied with, and letter from Barbara K. Brown was passed out by Commissioner Ruttenberg. Commissioner Buffalow suggested a letter be sent to the Building Department. Commissioner Ruttenberg will prepare the letter and have it ready by the April 1990 Energy Commission meeting. Discussion was also made about changes in Title 24 relating to pilot lights in heaters, dryers, etc. as relates to electric ignition for gas operation. The idea is a proposal at this stage. Commissioner Heater asked Commissioner Ruttenberg to look into the matter. OLD BUSINESS PSA Video shown relating to securing gas meters and water ® heaters. Representatives from City Public Relations Office showed the video. �ru Energy Commission Minutes Februiry 14, 1990 Page 2 OLD BUSINESS CONTINUED Commissioner Kirkham made presentations on video as to insulation of water heaters and water heater pipes. Commissioner Heater indicated he submitted planting hints for Arbor day. Commissioner Buffalow is working on an article on energy efficient furnaces for Cupertino Scene March Issue. Commissioner Kirkham passed Instant Hot Water Heater material. Ma-cerials included "Tankless Water Heaters", from the `86 Consumer Report. Commissioner Heater suggested members take the article home and review and bring ideas back for possible publication in local media. Discussion will be held during the March Energy Commission meeting. Commissioner Heater discussed Earth Day activities. A flyer was discussed to promote Earth Day. Commissioner Heater passed the flyer for discussion as to mailing such an item. Possible Farmers Market set-up at McClellan Ranch Park to discuss with Parks and Recreation Director, Steve Dowling. Kellyn Yamada, ChannAl 53, made a short presentation on what other cities are doing as far as Earth Day activities. NEW BUSYNESS A. Apartment Recycling Program: Discussion was held as to what can be done to get apartment and business complexes to be included in the recycling program. B. Reforestation: Commissioner Heater discussed general plan revision to include replanting of trees in Cupertino to include an inactive heritage tree plan. Also tree planting material was rea-' and will be submitted to the City Council. Commissioner Heater passed material out to Commission members to read and discuss at the March meeting. Also discussed proposal for funds for planting of trees in Cupertino. Commissioner Heater discussed sending flyers out to promote support of acquiring a grant from the State to plant new trees in the city. Commissioner Heater said he will work with Commissioner Statton on developing the flyer for the tree program. .v . .ti ., 1,990 • Energy commission Mi tee Page 3 The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P-M- Respect ily submitted: oe Silva Code Enforcement officer #2 J5mmdj enmin2-14(c) .. . v. a W now a*KMSM . 14, 1990 INCayper, CMMMM R= A• 10300 MW ALB, 7h,e Ming was called order by ChairpeLrm Heater at 7:40 P.M. RXL ammissiongas Present: Bfittenber'g, Stattcn, KirMMI Heater, and Buffalow. Commissioners Absent: None Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to thPe City Manager. AFL OF NO3�ffi 2w Minutes of the Febrvar'y 14, 1990 were approved as corrected. nT IATIMrrTrK Commissioner Rirkham reported that she did not receive an invitation to the ioa ars Dinner. Ccmissicners Buffalow anti Statton also report they did not receive invitatiornss. O�nissianax Y�attenberg reported that his work nmobw is (415) 962-1167. It needs the City in the Comm ssior9rs and Council Metes Directory ® Puts Cut- also reported that Capertino's Busing Directory, published by the Cupertinos Comer of Colmjeroe has a governIllent Page that lists all of the City Commissicm except they aai-tted Energy Chairperson Heater also reported that Arbor Day Festivities took place Marls 7, 1990 whers two trees were planted. Foc�th311 Yen's Garden Club and Cupertino Historical Society were also there. Banta Clara Association of amgy Emjineers is haviM a conference on March 29 and 30 to be held at the Banta Clara Cmwentic n Colter nd sere Ulere is also an Ecological City Oonfemm to be held in Berkeley at tune. 7 he cost is $160.00. Ibe Comnissio n autrnarized amirpexson Heater to attend. Staff will send in the applicatiOM John Statton reported that eco-net of which he is a mew' is an enviramuental information ex&onge and he i.s willing to share what ever information or data with the commission. y�y1'I'ErT �K7AiTC�TIOI�S Q�airperson Heater distxipaarted a doze►1 of which he picked at the packzts addressed by the Global Global Cities Conference on various ism being Cities project. the fuels report was also received by the California Energy ummission. Eartbday orgaraizers had a meeting March 10, 1990. is Enerw Commission Niraite3 March 14, 19g0 Page 2 a� Co�of BUffalow read a letter he drafted to be sent to Chief DAIdirng official Joe Antaaa i strip heating and its apprPriate design and use in Cupertino. staff is to have it typed ad mailed to Henry for signabim and then forwarded to Joe . Co®nissianer Buffalow also researched the irEtarnt hat crater heater and tankless water . Mlere are only one or two brands that can meet a h ld demand and since they are electrically heated, it is very W%W sive. Commissioner Buffalow reo-r I d that the lion make no tion SUPPorting tankless hot water heaters at this time. Cnairghersaeh Beater has drafted a written intrnchuction to the General Plan Modific-at-10M and read it to the commission. It has been accepted by the Planning Division and it establishes policies to reforce and retain the current inventory of train and augment that inventory if possible within the City of Cupertino. It would require that the current tree inventory be BaPPed that we a tree management Plan and that we adapt a heritage tree di wand finally that the city investigate chant cgpportaanities. tester resorted that the City of 7lhousand oaks has a plan and there is book entitled 01he Green City which he would like staff to order. Another part of the Germa-al Plan is Energy Conservation. 7here are some very general and unambitious goals based on data collected from 1972. 7he actual data pr bably needs to be brvucjht Meth x' by someone vdw works out on the field. Hover, Cotsnissianher Statton will draft some general goals for oormw-oaticn which he would like to bring to the general plan press. The Commission will review those policy statements at the next meeting. Activities CammlissionhPx Statton distributed a flyer that he has drafted to be sent to the Chamber of Cemmer+oe mailing list. 7he City will do that mailing. on Earth Dale, De Anna College will be offering a week's worth of activities beginning on Sunday, April 22. -ibere will be pre5entatiar>s on various topics, there will be `sours, and booths available with information. 03nissicner Buffalow has a booth that the Energy Commission can use at the festivities to distribute Global Cities information. Staff is to check to see if the city will paint the banner as well as waive the fees for the Earth Day activities. The City of Ctupertino's own activities will include stream cleaning and tours by master gardeners at McClellan Ranch Park. A m=*--in bike track is also being planned as well as the ermaura9:13nt of same tree planting. Commissioner Buffalow will help design the route for the bike track. may is a media event and managing the media is really an important part of the program to get as much coverage as Possible. Commissioner Buffalow gave staff a pamphlet about appliance labeling with the hopes that it can turn into an energy hint. Commissioner Statton asked staff to cimck to see if any of the rehab money currently being used in Cupertino could also be used for energy efficiency imp avements in the homes that are being rekhabed. Staff will check with the Housing and Services Coordinator. w. sum s 3 Me&.i g tames adjon at 9:10 PJL pspeotf'uily submitted: K. Assistant tY MWOW EIKB:mdj min3-14(EC) [/ 'lf i"� •I` .�'i ;:Ct,' all C+ i si" LY1 5 'i. 'I:A' 1 '1.• f 1.. «� �.1; �:•, 1 �..trr`,i'. 'ca'.a ., r•.-It'll •i :=-1 •'�.:=:r : .'t _l. :•- ♦.. . ` - ■ _- •:1 .r ••yam. It• • • • J - •1 _ uc. •- •t w+ti. . - •1ac:• ••.tit r. ._�.: -•. '.- •F.11._•, ��1 -- - • V•' •:- '•:. ,•, .�. •l •' :•t H it T - -•. - •] .l! :' ♦ - •: ,•. •: • - - �_)�. - i. IFS _.'• _•:•'-�•u:• • Deft p.: •. _ it •. J _ •1. - - -:U' i ♦:� _:1. •�. '•:.• -a..i:. 1.: •: - �•' 1. �_ • • =f - •r� '•:•: sir•r- • -' •t 1 �♦ w PAGE 2 w9mbeld and geve"I •camswm Omferenw • Umm twed to be rgtbauaft an bwto and ir cityL f �e efficient 7 the me of e bAldirgs p gLmomiM, less t, 1Iwoeft., . W. stattm discussed with w several pOjjntS of draft he Herequested medmeLvim and&aft, discussin detail at the next o aw • • Mr. stattcn m*msted scem print an article can 111=� for energy efficient worc an lcw irma mes bow• PAquest that DOrma &W prepare an article that would emplain the details of the Pam- Mr. Buffalos, recmmerAed that a 13rcVoml be TAft to man the sale of certain cylinders of Cpc°s (ram des)• raquest item be Lout cn aged for May 90 fcr fir ommiderat$cn- A�Ti�PB 1` : meting was adjoumed at 9:00 P.M. gespectt ally submitted: ce*SVa Cxd9 Mforcement officer Js:mdj min4-U(BC) AM, + ' ` '71^ s*� T,. 10300 .6WM A , The meet g filed to off' W Cap WteMy Heater at 9:30 p.m. was IRD—IL : c=mwi Absent cners : Stattcn,��pyBiiOW, l6ltt 2)e J Staff Present : K. BpiS NECT EtIMV amLSSICU =UrMWnL B8 HjUNE13, 1990 AT 7:30 P-X- min5--9(BC) �M l (w SM �yy ygM R pamw OiF� TVs MM A .Y Jm U, J�7r7iA0��IN� �N C k 1 AViLME, , .. amnamm CALL I D The Baas called to araier at 7:44 p.m. by Heater. IdC9LL C�LiI,: cmmissicners Present: Heater, stattcn, and KiMIBM omaissicners Ate: Baffalow staff Present: Joe Silva, Oode F.tafent Officer Guest: John Peter°sm, Retired APP-ROVAL OF PTE.S: The mirn*.es of Juan 13, 1990 were approved as written. quar CAI'M: N1r. I r asked if anycne had any eats. Ncne were offered at this time, hawmver, Mr. Heater indicated he was c otwerned abo t PG&E speaker last mcnth, wbo said 19scme day there may be nuclear ermnW plants in local. areas". M1ITM C 3NUC A CM 14'. statten mertticned that it would be a good idea if Traffic Cmaittee could send Energy ®emission an prgxmis an traffic reduction on city roaawwp. Mr. Neater ammunued materials from NaYcr° F,OWVS referencing the Watex 0mrer4atim progra¢ � , as veil as CQrrAWVatjAM of trees etc. W. FWater also passed out materials al s mating to Earth Day activities with oar eats cat how to cm*jnn Earth Day mew as it relater; to the Bay Area. Naterisls were passed out to Oortm�issi�ters present- OM S: mr. Heater and Mr. Statton discussed briefly the cities consideration of taxes car the Nav+erber ballot. Mr. Heater indicated an approval of tames for energy cotwervatim that w=Id be better than supparting utility tom for open space as eo�red to utility tax for energy savings. The eefere, a utility tax instead of a prcperty tax proposal for aequiriM Wen space would be aecam . Mr. Heater read the letter r8g3rding support of ordinance relating to CPC's and r+aoaantne lded the support of CpC,s Ordinance, similar to Irvine°s ® Mr. Heater has not heard to date the City am=ils actions to date on the maths. v y c pr e' Page 2 4 of of at e as � iteM tO tomdl a • d e vp a lets ari . stattm message tc the ° �d the Mr. 5tatton mated a desix1e to tte some of the ° to WMdM Furtbe ���be add lie to call W. 9u ffaum � 1►s him Heater � at the IWWS U MCIMM ask �]$ID t0 a-Uly 16, 1990. n : heater wit the � of Mr. t� was semItly QO p.m. E st 8, 1990 dirwar meting at AII ' icner Ewateradjcurnedthe meetingat 8:55 p.m. y emitted: j� ilia Enforcementofficer is:md7 min?-11(80 s 6iS o MMM 22, 2990 IN CMV =4 OMMMOM ROM A/ 10300 AVEM aMMM' 219 meeting was Called toOrder. by thBCMi=anat 7:40 p.m. C' L.i Q®iissioams : Beal Statten, , ftledw*eV Cownissioners Absent : RdTalow Staff present: BarbaraK. fin, Assistant to the City VAnalger ][ llyn Yamada, Vid O PrOduCer ,he July 11, 1990 MiT&Xtmwel qVrolvedas O*nittei. gfiuL-�nr�s'I : thq. P.S.A. by Natioinal Arbor Da Association ion has I�llyn Yamada r 53 staff and will be aired a riately. been received _ piew on T which is available plll did a factual for liana dM stattan reminded ale that tbey need to to for viewing.h J to vote at the City Hall �. He had f� theme and others maY � during the day. �g7*i°YMv1 �- : =a.s � that the A fax was received faomn Bernie Kavaliedge.edition oat e�qy andScientific American August or was well worth the t mS to read. was rejected again for the second year in a row. he tree planting get to be V=6 sty Tie grant selectioat cotanittee felt that the involv+eMent• �to talcle- place in _Moat believes that co so to line.that up. will be trying to contact sel clubs for that PnVOse d that a to Earth Ethics Chair Heater r . it has qurtsrly issue and costs $10 a year. Cris ,valuablealsoi repolirtedthat thS Coals ®omittee and the chairman of commission will be �weting 26, 1990 to rMi ew i �oss f O=ittee fit. A lett,�t fr " Y y Hex't t c was dated was read. su�pportuq a nattme orieattatim, the letter bistory than an Ettvirw Advocate would be an 1983. -{t3aoe basis for the City. Staff appropriate position to hire on a itF�mn t4 be c�sidered next y+eat'. reported that this would be a budget M_ . did ��q 2 iY/+/� Page Zhe Planning Omni ssian will be meeting on September 24, 1990. ante Heritage Tree Ordinance is an the agenda. !bay asked the BrMW o=fssim to review it and give irtmt. The ammissien reviewed it that evening and had the following c cmaents: 1. All trees in the arm need to have aluminum tags of thM- It was reocmbaeuhcied that a sign await to the tree would fly be better for the tree rather than nailing an alumu mm tag onto the bark which would eventually grow over it. 2. There needs to Provisic ns to ant the inventcocy. videos or global positioning systems were suggested. There is a geograph$ca] irtformatiatb system which would be available. 7he most instant issues raised by the commission were: How would you inplement an mwmtory for this ordinance? Mo dow it? What's the soaps. Is it too broad? There was a suggestion that thirty-five inch circumrerenoes and 12 inch diamters may be so eomm that wing a permit to trim those trees, or to maintain thetim, may in fact result in poor maintenance. 7he Energy Oommissien mends that species rather than size and age may be a more important issue. OID Ste: yallyn Yamada introduced the five-minute video to the Energy Oomamissim ,which dmanstrates hart to install a hot-water blanket on your loot-water heater. em amission endorsed the restricted CFC Ordinance and recommended that the City OMM1 pass it. It would prohibit CFC process materials from being used in cm*ainers or padkagIM for food. It gray not deal wit,- the issue of CFC's in rafrigeran$S• John Stattan and Barbara Brown will look at going through some of the crdina ms that exist in ocher cities and brim back a draft to the October EnOrgY Ommi.ssi.cab meeting. Energy conservation and the general plan is a topic addressed by Ccmnissi,aner stattc n in a memo to the entire commission. It OxYlests the reviewing of the establishing crdiamm for the Energy Ccmnlwicn. The consideration of broadening the mission statement to include a om-servaticn focus might not be appa:opriate at this time. It seems that there will be a national enema policy coming frog► President Bush. 7 he energy omission's charge may then be too narrow. Staff will provide copies of the dent enabliM ardum= for the commission to review and discamss at the next meetitxj. NUA �S%IJFSS: None. T�iere was a report by Debbie Friedenberg that said a rideshare and a oam<n pity bulletin board regarding riclesiharing maybe very possible to inplement. The topic will be an the next aka. ���<W � z VI :. OEM ommwmu6LVM Page 3 7I.A mating was adjcumned at 9:30 pe6 paq3ectfunY omitted' ,f�)OLA- ! . 1 1 -�� AIM+ Re Brom Assistant to the City Mmmgw M:Mclj miai9-1.2(= tt .t''Lw� • �'� L i�Ct] • • •j �. _ •J - 4- •7 �-1 • • •..; •_mac•: �. (�-.•: •111.•.•�� - •.- I}.•,^� •) •. :•;- �•: •• t �• 1 a. : _ •J ... i• .1 • • - . emu'•-. u u.n • .III•. �ILa •�. c- � ..�u �_ s - -_-----'�.r��_____- __...-�- �y.ti s L — � +• ...�• • '•II 1J �. /t_,�:r1 'is s ...li•�..=� ".r .1 ".-r:. .--ti �. .a • y ••x. =^�- i •,... i � ',� GIs.. -.Y J • ••i7 i1' r_i:a v ... I;. :1ti f I::i- c ��"iT/1 f.T _ -C • •l •, { ► u. y` CC=. 'tr-»����_- - ,/ n 1 f 5: L/ t� �'I rJ C't6 {'J'4--Sd V� $'..�, *Y{ia ;.� i �°'} •�5•4.��i F��-e fir. oR at :.i�:t. :a:,. ':c•@.,, !�. ��-•a t. �._— il- is + — .• .1:" •:'. •1. .•;: .mui - • ••�.Lllil _ •I. • . ,;• •=.='.1 ate^ �•: 'M, •It - •i - •I - •�iti tf. 1. Ilk• w•:I I'li 3 .•} .): illi • -a. - fit'.: ;:ky'.:�_•:1 !+�4 cny._ •7 ♦• 45 '411 �� •a i a%l=l..L• s• �::.•7. _•.. Its•.�tt tr.-=' 'a• -• '•, •l,"••) ..Jta. �..,. Tom.. • s '<. s a ` .a.l. � '�� •'' . N-� to _.�. ��._ , :.} • - mot' - to � •}'_..�tC31' r.• v u s- • • t l `� " S 1 "Y1 t. .sY iL..,. :r`. •,a.,x{..q ,r"mK� m.a e:-°;,: tDJI +•.:t1..:.t iy�IJ.'.s: •f 7 +•���'7Y. i•:7r<r.i - a: a "� .�:'u: _ J •rf .s�. �,. .:fit Y'✓- - • t.,•" sue=? _�- -• c•. • a -•it .t=.� - •� -r :- w.a ii 1. •t .' •'I f. • - is 1 9t n P^ .0 ra ..• �.,, as�� ',.' 4: i 4 .�!fi :�". „:a::rJUG:, `;, .��Ie ;r;!--,�:c•�.' o.a �T4;'°�•^tse r" 7777 _ r iT Y:r. - - .: � __ - - �♦ _ ►•a Ir. - •.. •. _ M: 14 .1 . �. c 1.;`, .� ••'.b. -I It ore tv �.S •- •;.- _ . I' it•. :i - _•' - ? i. ..�_ . • - - _• -_ �,.. •:.�.". Viral.it - +i -e!. ) _ �. - _ 1. .•�llflli - - .•llltlf - will1: c 1t M • . Ilia: _ .) ..1.1 lr. - . .• • •• t • 11 • - • - c _ = tr • - '_' • • , VASting ar jauW 7a Page 0 G e ll Yh1$cZm ( The � Would le to am ff WM god tft 8i 1�s 9t ti®1 In a all the �•"Wral dUmmsim of the ftasiIAUtY of the City its fleet to ampressed nm=al Cps' Staff will contact Ns. Xancy regmthng the far reams and IOWIM such a stag located in 04wtim- XF mum: to � job" The � meet ofWmen .dot=Public � abcat tcKics at h®e and in the work place. ADIgglt • The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p•m• uagpw-f,UY wbmittsd, bares K. Bea Assistant to Y gpraived bY ion at of p 13, MI a Joan Statton, Chairman Day k=&nAellums, Ci minl-9(BC) - :1.:d 1 '.(fit' : f MY:" ;r-' •._:.�" 7S, �" •L:..' - `. sI c-:. t .: ,,c- �' ._�. - • • `• :>r ..;.. -•: it �:: ..� �.:._ •: ••Sr.Il •< �. - w=t - .-,�.. •.. ':+ter. Ir �-�•._ oil *a - 54 r7i,ii--w - - • � J ._ i io or- P.Fw. c-•. •1� .,-•.Y ..III r- • •ill.• =• - �.- •: - L.: . •,•it 11 � %-1. .- �1.-y /_�, i .-�.•)•. �{�. "' .� mac.: •J;'...•..1. _Clla. JI �-AIL• ..F •{ _•� =:tl}' �,,M'. •J • .{ s ✓. aF•. ;ii Ali� - ..: • . M"he _ • • - • • -,: r- 64-461 lot- JI •• • `t _ ^s Baas• ' 1 1/ TM NWtbg Of FdUUUY 13s Uft Page 3 7he meeting 9 submitted, � jamned y 99 at 9:20 p.m. s Rsspe�tflitly ubmit a d, K. AssistantCityangw Approved by the zrjmW canRt&sjcn t3ragMarch 13, 1991 John Stattai, • 000, r Datoth y $U8, City �Ler7C now MOUSSM MM 13, MI. 339 My ML, =WM= MM� 103N 410CME ANIMEO ' 7ne meeting tAas called to order at 7:35 p.ra. by the their, John StaUM oommissianers p it: , Stat n' '9"falaw, Friederjxr9 and Hirkbam Staff Present: Bwtara R. Bmm, AwisW* to the City MMW Guests: judith Burrill, Pacific Gas and Electric Tracy yam, pacific Gas and Electric nUu:tes 4pmved as MAMitted. aiR�� C�CATYC�T° C7=issicner heater rq=ted the Passage of the fins for ry � of the Heritage Tree � and announced no no organizedplans this year. ,,�,.a'. v MUff— c—aa: Science 1�itcr Article entitled 'K r Enters a New Age" and eve Warning for Energy pia were desariIied, ® OM q}lem is little new to repcirt about Cam• 7he dwand hasn't Yet develaped- 14�e A�issiM° Siffalaw, will meet with Oa mai ' ABAG representative, to discuss regional regulations for �'�• Cmnissioner Buffalow will give staff some dates to set tea the meeting• ffga jt °. that pacific Gas and , � y of pacific Gas and Elet a to the ItaElm has built 12 natural gas filling s Elwtric facility. pW to build 6 mor+e to send a lettet of i be located at a pacific� c of s willing<aess ,s pacific Gas and Electric divisions c+nc fleet will a� statics. MM corm issim will also ccupetitiveess for such a filling Vehicles to a to c xwert sage request ticr�s to a will do ecm1mi is for natural gas. pacific Gas and Electric a filling site. Information =wersiw and eventual OCRIStructim Of needed: How many es cmwerted, number of miles traveled per year, and t of miles per gallcn of gasoline used before conversion. a.. _. r: :r:} .cat,...•;i, � _ =;.S..J� •t •• :1i 11. � • � 15 � to •1: v T t oil • t y ►o l . r b �`•.Z 11 J Nnsim OF TIM IGZAM KEW= OF sm ENE= WD AFFM 10, 2992 ni CITY' MIL, CIMMEMM W= A 10300 TCM AV=Z, CIUPERr=, CUMMEKM ML T2 9M: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by the Chair, John Stattcn. MOIL Cl": Ommissiamrs Present: Heater, Statton, Buffalow and Friedwiberg Cotmdasioners Absent: Kirkham Staff Present: Pat Jocius, AcIministrative Specialist Robert Cowan, Director of Community De"lc Ciddy Mxdell, Associate Plamvw Guests: Judith Burrill, Pacific Gas and Eler-kxic Mark B. Kragen, Planner for Bay Area Air Quality Management District Minutes approved as submitted. ORAL ICATIDiJS Mark &-agen, Planner for the Bay Area Air Quality Nwagement District spoke to the Cammission about the role of his regional agency in insuring state air quality standards. Attached are the handouts he shared giving the back ground, legislative requirements and strategy to the Clean Air Plan. 72,mee phases of I -lementaticn were described. Robert Cowan mentioned that several regional agencies overlap in their congestion mattageammertt plans and may eventually join in to one regional agency. The Clean Air Plan when successfully itmmpl11' 1, will provide increased health protection, inproved mobility and a better quality of life for Bay Area citizens. Mr. Kragen responded to several questions from the ccmw-sslcn. Commissioner Heater observed that this is really a change in "life-style and quality of life". WRITTEN CONM The letter exv=raging fleet operators to change to coogmessed natural gas and Pacific Gas and Electric locating a natural gas station in Cupertino has been received. OLD BUS The carport agenda item was not addressed this month and the omomission desires to take it off the agenda for next month. There has riot been any feed back an the CFC Regulation Strategies. Kra YFEiZ . ..a, • •_t �+ .7. af. atl� oil- oil .'J•. �rF_- •.- ._.; • •:la.. �• - ill=.T - • �''�-1 . 1. .N Iyi7' ills 0: •. 01 u • � MMMV OF WD My B, 2993 W CnyEnv WaNaMA 20300 AV , CIMOMM, r CA T ORD : ,,hemeeting was called to offer at 7:35 P.M. by tale Chair, John Statt on. B LL CALL: Oopmissionere Present: Statton, Heater, Buffalow, FYiedenber+g and Kirkham Ccumissione s Absent: None Staff Present: Barbara K. Brown, Assistant to the City XWO' x' DES: Minutes were approved as su#uitted. ORAL. IC ION: tree w1c h can be very effective for wed goissioner Heater r rted aecamding to a citizen, Control and water conscxvat3on. He also repo City trees are over-staked. Judy Burrill will be doing a series of P.S.A.'s with Chantvl 53. inTRI°I JNICA=ONS: None OM BUSIIM: According to Bay Area Clean Aix Quality Mnagme nt Agency, the federal clean air act will address cFc regulation. Cammissioner Buffalow wi.li cCntinUe to ypcnitor the issue and report bark to the cozmaission. F ^°der ry. E ✓� �;'� Mom« a2mrsum Kamm ReWilar vAsting of may 8, 1991 Page 2 `1$e Conti,siOndiscumsdOommity edLusticn goals and participants in the Heritage Parade could include a Imo. CommitY DaY at BladdmW could be an 09porbunity to distribute liter. cm mission is in favor of the PSA series. Possible topics cold be: 1. Double insulated window 2. Ceiling insulation 3. spas/1-cols - Save water & erMW, Check hours Test kit inwer RR4 pump - runs more hours 4. Can use "time Of use rate's 5. Shade trees 6. Changing filters 7. Energy auditors task 8. Refrigerator in average home.uses more energy - Teuperature check energy saver model 9. Insulating water pipes 10. Insulating wetter bed 11. weather stripping 12. Set back thermostats 13. Showerheads Staff will invite Kel.lyn Yamada to the June meeting. other ideas included the pion providing speakers 'to the chamber of cam.xce and service clubs, distribution of energy hint brtbures and asking the City Council for specified space for energy infitrmation. Pacific Gas and Electric will gladly assist in the COMMity education programs. Ask the Courier if they will allocate space for energy issues. 11he Cm mission reviewed and identified issues for the general plan review process. nie policies will be reviewed in depth in the June MFJOting. Tandem has a recycling video developed by Bill Elam - Staff will ask to show at the July meeting. Staff was instructed to send out the Fleet opeacator letter regarding NGVs on city stationary to: De Anna College, Fremont Unified High School District, Cupertino Union Scbool District, Apple Computer, Hewlett-Packard, Tandem Caamputer, ma c, Seimans, vallco Fashion Park. Of MW 8, 2991 Page 3 • A7�G4 : Nc e L7W VlJ1Slid lS.11f1-� 7he Meeting Was adjaurned at 9:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Assistant to the City Manager �y�anissicn Of my 10, 1991 John Station, Qiairman Oorr3 ius, City Clerk min5-8(BC) Mw �. mnwm op spy m IE7Jgi3 0 MMMM CM *F 2W F•�JS"PI►7i VNyi'2-0— 8 MD FMM 10300 AV , , CALUMM I. QUL TQ • fte meeting was called to order by the Clair, John Statton. II. RU L& cub: Cmissione s present: Statton, Kam, Friede dmV and Heater cmmissioners Absent: Buffaloar Staff Present: Barbara K. Braun, Assistant to the City Manager III. -aF P9 = The minutes were approved with the seed sentenos under oral ccMmnicaticns to read: "He also rcported that according to a citizen, City trees are over-stared-" IV. ORAL C22MCATICNS. None V. VUaTTF.I3 COMMJNICATIM.. ccamission.r station distributed an article entitled "What FeWle Think About the nwirw neat.'° VI. a!A BU811�1F5.S City am mel Producer, Ke11yn Yamada, described some short videos Shp and staff are planning that Would feature the advisory bodies. The Cwam�ission liked both the idea for 30 sends to a rnate ms energy and conservation hints and the ,Cormi ssion at a Glance" highlicating the comMission wank each quarter. The pion identified water saving topics as priorities: 1) Pool leaks in skimmer baskets, 2) Ixw-flOW dwwer he-UL , and 3) Shade trees. Staff will get a list of all the topics the cc issions ww'd like to give to the City t1 staff. The commission is planning to participate in the Heritage Parade. People demonstrating transportation alternatives to the automobile will be invited to join them i.e. roller skates, bikes, skateboards etc. led by a natural gas vehicle. staff will see if the parade armounceme Its in the Saer>e can include an invitation to bring an automobile alternative and join the ccm.ission in the parade. VAMtjM Of 12, 2"1 page 2 the following to tt��g C T=ry of the om, c=mission is recommending aura Is, 1991. GOP.I,. ��VL•' Nl�'I[IML 10 � OF LIFE POLICY I. Pry eram efficiemies sates: 1. prcmote alternative soaks 2. provide public Wwat Winf mticn 3. DSM81MOOnt to be cosistent with positive ewi=r attributes POLICY II. Imprme the Dwiro Stxa Mies: 1. the caste stream by WmDtMreqrcling and coNvosting 2. Pr mote and rest, sensitive natural arm 0 3. uxten reforestatim 4. use recycled Pro&=ts POLICY III. Water consexvatim Stratffiies: 1. Incentives for consecvation 2. Xeres POLICY N. Recognize r gicnal impacts of envixo�t and issues Strateaies: 1. king dwand for: a. Telecwmmimticrjs ible for TLI� b. Improve corporate CFc ordinance "rig"It to 2. Waste stream management regional ]oIw" of tonic dim VII. 10 EMDESS: None .. _ -;fit„ -�-•c�. .>3- -No-cE.0 .;�,a� } p.��:. �-�_w.'.-r— � :-�— �;,� _ _ - 4 ._ '_,;''/ ,/ ,/` / _ �. �.�. I J�J'"�� • - .- �. _- . � '�/ �. +, .J • iJ. .1. �_ .L _ — �_ `�i l s �� , ; - , ,r� r.. ,, .. ,. d,; - . �' -- ._ - 15 IJ.•:,. •.� l .:L^Ti.c" Ocil n Vic• -.• .�r ". .!•. ._i- •? - •i 'r — $ =d yl •.tt:11 — •; •.; a — :•I twnrl ` �. a • _ •al •. -r •T.:v a' •r 11 or 1 w ..v `([" ••'1):Jl —ti. -•7 — • •cJ .�� •. mow- i`'.`i� •c- •; •.of 11 I ".:•l �✓. ;l �• �•" • — • -tll • �• — -7 M — — • — — d - c;rt;•.� r•ttlt == l` o l ,WIMP ,. s? 20095 tix A 95014 A 1.4, 1991 7:00 P.I4I. =*Oslo uosiedIT. % :asally 1166T '6 'M8YM Q iH �i I SEt�9 MVD TART 286euem smeAbWd Tv4u9wato=AM "T TH eTMAVI �yuer�aa� 33�5 b2squepe-m lase tD=v4s :vlasw sr-VDTssTMo IWTL,Jjm Ptm X.,3eeH :quesaju togsstu VINHOE tfJ 'OtMWR2dM 'ZUMV 3RM OO£OI 1�IS5IJ++ 3M J' " ..11 .1". '3 •)^ t. ^. ,r?.c 1 . -t;�:d 1 �1' `.,t., ? t:•�: ��..., t �: ►. ZO •mil ^t • - III=I. �•Il:il •; •.: • al wellildI ••.. • '•- 11'•1. �-•••� '�:- - '• "t •f'll 11 '' •1 - ,r• � •• D t'i v� •i It IA oil �o �1 r7 a t of 9, 1991 x 4 V Chareported that the �ritm+ was suooessfa and nd a tt ton Y� had beensm* t o P.G.&R. far the tide of a their natural gas Vddcle. pc�missicner Huffalm voliv*aered to sit ervwgy hind for the . Be was asked ed the 00ir Hof histsry of the Co�aimted s aged by the Chair to Inesent a r avisw mviro�metingmenlal Staff� and t1 a CiW's irml f�' the VOLvt mwting- Oomoissianer water presmted an cvGV� Of eo s tat aalld be included in the guidebook the fa interested In preparing r oopies of the avervisw win be i clexbd in next mom' - Hffiff After aeviewi automat gas and water' shut �f ciev3c�s, the Cctanissior► tiOwdedm � it ono a Kohl advocacy Leake an i • stating eds position- presentation to Barbara Brom was postponed to the Nam' weeting. VITY. ADE—=-- TW =Wting Was adjwmed at 9:05 P-m- BeSpsctfully sutmitted, Millar Envircnment,al Pry Approved by the Eneurgy � 13, 1991 at the Regular Job n Statton, Ate: TD=Othy us City Clerk c MINUTES OF THE REGULAR FETING OF THE M=GGY�COMMISSION HELD NOVEMBER 13, 1991 CITY CONFERENCE ROOM A, 10300 TORRE AVMMI CUPERTINO' CALIFORI3IA THE MEETING WAS CANCELLED DUE TO L,AC�F�A QUORUM. THE N3SNSRGY 11,COMMISSION MEETING WILL BE HELD ®E Approved: Attest: /f y ���.y�y� tee. Dorothy rAneus, City Cluck � oym Statton,, a+a+c►'s'rper on MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY COM MMION HELD DECEMBER 11, 1991, COWERENCE ROOM-R 10300 TORRE AVENUE, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA I. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:43 P.M. by the Chair, John Statton. I I. -ROl.L CALL: Commissioners Present: Statton, Buffalow and Better Commissioners Absent: Friedenberg Staff Present: Lavenia Millar, Environmental Programs Manager III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes approved as submitted. Ill. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Commissioner Buffalow provided an exhibit of . an earthquake valve along with an explanation_ of it's mechanics. Staff presented a recommendation from, City staff regarding a resolution that was being ,proposed for the- January 7, 1992 council meeting that would dissolve the Energy Commission. It was explained that the Energy Commission's charter provides for the review of the- Commission every four years for it's purpose, effectiveness and necessity. There had not been interest from the vublic for the prospective Commissionvacan es up to thy:-point. After some reviews ' e- recommendiV on made by, City, staff. StUg� commissioners' comments on_this reCoffim' Commissioner Buffalow suggested thAt'�m- commission is more technicalAf iented, it'-.40 f°e difficult to find interested - ons for the -Z and that perhaps public rely needed t® be i • to offset this- problem. He., ted that .his Coo" n'; does not have the closeness' the Coil t commissions ha�a, and 't't•­g ernmenV is doinc i the input of t public - -fie' ` ed that the ission address indoor air quality a5 an-;issue. - '` ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES Regular Meeting of December 11, 1991 Page 2 Commissioner Heater observed the possibility that the Commission's value had been lost, but there still were many issues the City has that have not been brought to the Commission. He added the public deserves a voice in substantive issues. Chair Statton commented that the charter had been outlived; it is not continuous like the Planning Commission's. He suggested taking a look at rechartering the commission into an environmental commission. He felt a thoughtful evaluation of the charter is needed, not abolition. Transportation was suggested as an issue the Commission could address. The Commissioners made a formal recommendation that a charter review committee be formed consisting of council members, energy commissioners and citizens. The outcome of the committee would resolve whether the Energy Commission evolves or dismisses, Staff will make this recommendation known to the City Manager and the Director of Public Works and set up a meeting with the City Manager, Director of Public Works and Energy Commissioners. V. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None VI. OLD BUSINESS: Commissioner Heater outlined the intended uses of the proposed guidebook: *For residents to get to know the community. *To catalyze environmental goals. *To involve residents to contribute. *To act as an action guide. Via. NEW BUSINESS: Commissioner Buffalow reported on topics and actions the Energy Commission has addressed in the past that included energy videos, seminar sessions with senior citizens, outreach to the restaurant industry and light commercial industry, CFCs, and suggestions to the Building and Public Works Departments regarding electric heat. The focus of the Energy Commission has become more theoretical which does not reach the community as well. RUPP f "4 ,4Y_ �V .f. Dww CMMMSUM Now= q .- 877.E 6 33+ a�"�'A�. II Page +e is new t+o [ v,ith Mw cities in the SW Alm t=wdwa accno2v4w sayiM tMt •i� Baia staff. n can St$.11 pravift useful IfaMRtim- vni. ADMMUt+rr: The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. zriis eras the last MeatIng of the BMW MWT6we ne meetings as of necember 11, fig- Respeatfully s Awittedl, , '!lar awjar Mw Attest: v I =Ih City Clerk