P&R 08-03-2023
10185 N Stelling Rd, Quinlan Social Room
Thursday, August 3, 2023
7:00 PM
Chair Stanek called the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
in the Quinlan Community Center Social Room, 10185 N Stelling Rd.
Commissioners present: Carol Stanek, Jennifer Shearin, Sashikala Begur, Seema
Swamy (7:01 p.m.), Hemant Buch
Commissioners absent: None
Staff present: Jessica Javier, Jenny Koverman, D’Miles Salmon, Molly
Guest speakers: Neeraj Mathur, Wendell Kerr
1. Subject: McClellan Ranch Preserve Programs
Recommended Action: Receive a presentation on McClellan Ranch Preserve programs.
Jenny Koverman, Recreation Manager, introduced D’Miles Salmon, Recreation
Coordinator, to present on the item. Presented an overview of McClellan Ranch
Preserve including the Environmental Education Center, McClellan Ranch Preserve
partners, Blacksmithing, Creek Tours, Nature Camp and Summer Science Fun, the
Augmented Reality App, and upcoming programs.
Commissioner Swamy requested clarification on non-native plants and whether there
are beehive programs beyond the augmented reality. Supported the Nature Journaling
program. Recreation Coordinator Salmon provided examples of invasives – tree of
heaven due to rapid growth, Italian arum due to its poisonous nature, milk thistle,
Italian thistle, and black mustard. Provided examples that are more benign – pepper
tree and eucalyptus. Clarified that there is a Junior Beekeeping program with 4-H that
encourages kids to understand more about beekeeping.
Commissioner Buch requested clarification on whether the Nature Camp was an
overnight camp. Recreation Coordinator Salmon clarified that it is a day camp that runs
9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Commissioner Begur requested clarification on the changes made to the Nature Camp
and how the camp distinguishes new campers from returners. Recreation Coordinator
Salmon clarified that campers will usually identify themselves as returners, and staff
continues to keep the material fresh throughout the weeks by incorporating different
educational lessons and crafts.
Vice Chair Shearin requested clarification on the Augmented Reality App and whether
there were adult beekeeping programs. Recreation Coordinator Salmon noted that he
will share the feedback for adult beekeeping programs with 4-H partners. Clarified that
the app will be available on a mobile device, and when you walk to one of the location
stations (six stations in total) it will unlock a screen with an interactive dialogue box
based on geographic location. Molly James, Recreation Manager, added that it is similar
to the City’s current ARTour with Cooper.
Chair Stanek requested clarification on whether the blacksmithing programs were
hands-on, whether there are fees for the third-grade Creek Tours and which students
are prioritized, and whether there are any programs that incorporate visiting the
labyrinth at McClellan Ranch Preserve. Recreation Coordinator Salmon clarified that
the demonstrations are not hands-on, but the classes are hands-on with a maximum
capacity of two people. Clarified that the Creek Tours are all Cupertino Unified School
District (CUSD), it is free for all students, and the Storm Water Pollution Prevention
program paid for the school buses. Clarified that staff has taken Preschool Adventures
and the Creek Tours to the labyrinth.
Commissioner Swamy requested clarification on the different types of bees (stinging vs.
non-stinging) and whether education around that topic is incorporated into the
beekeeping programs, and more details on the blacksmithing demonstrations.
Recreation Manager James clarified that all beekeeping programs are run by 4-H and
not through the City, and any feedback can be directed to the partnering agency.
Recreation Coordinator Salmon clarified that the blacksmithing demonstrations vary
but usually show different techniques.
Chair Stanek opened public comment.
Donna Austin, Cupertino resident, thanked Recreation Coordinator Salmon for all the
McClellan Ranch Preserve programs.
Chair Stanek closed public comment.
Chair Stanek requested a follow-up on signage and maintenance for the labyrinth.
Recreation Manager Koverman noted that staff are looking into the signage policy for
the Corridor and can discuss with Public Works for the maintenance.
2. Subject: June 1, 2023 Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes
Recommended Action: Review and approve the June 1, 2023 Parks and Recreation
Commission meeting minutes.
Vice Chair Shearin motioned to approve the June 1, 2023 Parks and Recreation
Commission meeting minutes as submitted. Commissioner Begur seconded. Motion
carried with 4 yes and 1 abstain.
Deepali Pathak, Dhruv Yadati, Sumedha Kumar (ElderAid Team) presented on the
ElderAid App, showed a Youtube Video for an in-app demonstration, and requested to
be added to the September Parks and Recreation Commission agenda.
3. Subject: Cupertino Historical Society Annual Report
Recommended Action: Receive a presentation on the Cupertino Historical Society
annual report.
Neeraj Mathur, Cupertino Historical Society and Museum (CHSM) President
introduced Bill Kerr, CHSM Treasurer, and Manuel Valerio, CHSM Interim Executive
CHSM President Mathur presented on the CHSM Annual Report as part of their
contractual agreement with the City including an annual report summary for use of
City funds, fundraising activities and achievements, and future projects and programs.
Chair Stanek requested clarification on the Commission’s role and City Council’s role
regarding the CHSM funding. Recreation Manager Koverman clarified that Council
determines the funding received, and the current contract is set for three years.
Commissioner Begur requested clarification on the funding for the new projects and
programs. CHSM President Mathur clarified that on the Projects & Programs – Estimated
Funds presentation slide, the one-year projects and programs are those which can be
completed if the funds are available within the year, and the three-year projects and
programs are long-term which can continue if the funds are available. Clarified that the
Annual Report Summary presentation slide represents only the City funding, not the
entire budget. Commissioner Begur requested that the CHSM detailed report be shared
with the Commission.
Commissioner Swamy requested a prioritization list and impact section for the projects
and programs. CHSM President Mathur clarified that they are currently sorting
through the prioritization, and additional information on the projects and programs can
be found on their website. Clarified that they are also capturing headcount numbers to
help with measuring impact. Commissioner Swamy requested clarification on the
Traveling Trunk Program. Donna Austin, CHSM Board Member, clarified that the
trunk program volunteers visit CUSD third-grade classes and share the history of
Cupertino with students.
Vice Chair Shearin requested that the CHSM detailed report be shared with the
Commission to see the impact of the $40,000 City funding on the total budget. CHSM
Treasurer Kerr added that the total CHSM budget is an estimated $140,000. Vice Chair
Shearin asked if there was anything that CHSM wanted the Commission to share with
residents. CHSM President Mathur noted that sharing the mission, vision, and
resources available through CHSM with parents is the most important (and their kids).
Chair Stanek clarified that CHSM used to be apart of the Community Funding Grant
Program application process, however, the Commission recommended that CHSM be
removed and added as a line item in the budget. Chair Stanek requested that the CHSM
detailed report be shared with the Commission.
Commissioner Buch requested clarification on how CHSM manages and recruits
volunteers for their programs. CHSM President Mathur clarified that they recently
added five new board members and are actively trying to recruit more parents and kids
in the community. Commissioner Buch requested to see the Museum membership
budget line item, and requested clarification on whether it was a source of revenue.
CHSM President Mathur clarified that it is fee-based membership that is part of
Community Outreach.
Vice Chair Shearin reported on the Wilson Park Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the
community garden and full-sized basketball court, Disco at Dusk intergenerational
event, and the Wilson Park baseball fields.
Commissioner Begur reported on the July Mayor’s Commissioners meeting led by Vice
Mayor Mohan, and an inappropriate graffiti incident at the Wilson Park restrooms.
Commissioner Buch reported on the Asian American Parents Association Multicultural
Festival, and the Linda Vista Dog Off-Leash Area (DOLA).
Chair Stanek reported on the June Mayor’s Commissioners meeting, and the Summer
Concert Series.
Commissioner Swamy reported on the March Mayor’s Commissioners meeting.
Recreation Manager Koverman, provided the Liaison’s update on the following:
- On June 21, the Memorial Park Specific Plan Design Concept went to City
Council and Council approved proceeding with the Memorial Park Specific Plan
design process into Schematic Design with the following revisions to the
Conceptual Plan:
o Retain the existing softball field;
o Prioritize finding a revised location for pickleball and the basketball court;
o Consider options to reduce the size of the extra parking area on Anton
Avenue; and
o Include native plants and gardens where feasible, especially in the nature
walk area, as presented by the Audubon Society
- On July 6, the Creekside Park School Age Play Area (part of the Annual
Playground Equipment Replacement Project) went to City Council and was
approved, including the three inclusive elements selected by the Commission.
- Summer Concert Series – Thursday, August 10, 17, 24, and September 7 from 6:30
to 8 p.m. at the Memorial Park Amphitheatre
- Shakespeare in the Park – Friday through Sunday, August 4, 5, and 6 at 6 p.m. at
the Memorial Park Amphitheatre
- Movies in the Park – Friday, August 11, 18, 25, and September 8 at 8 p.m. at
Creekside Park
Jessica Javier, Administrative Assistant, informed the Commission of the following for
the Mayor’s Commissioners Meetings –
- The August meeting was canceled due to City Council’s August recess.
- Starting in September, the Mayor’s Commissioners Meetings will resume in-
person only format at the Quinlan Community Center Social Room.
- For September’s meeting, the City Manager’s Office has requested that all Chairs
attend the first in-person meeting.
Commissioners to attend the upcoming Mayor’s meetings as follows:
September 13 – Chair Stanek
October 11 – Commissioner Swamy
November 8 – Commissioner Buch
December 13 – Commissioner Buch
Commissioner Begur requested ElderAid App Team presentation. Commissioner Buch
Commissioner Begur requested FY22-23 Community Funding Grant Program Summary
Report. Vice Chair Shearin seconded.
Commissioner Begur requested an overview of procedures for Commission meetings
in-person at the Quinlan Social Room. Vice Chair Shearin seconded.
Chair Stanek adjourned the meeting at 8:57 p.m. to the September 7, 2023 meeting at
7:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Jessica Javier, Administrative Assistant
Parks and Recreation Department
Minutes approved at the 09.07.23 regular meeting