BPC 06-15-05 Cancel. -. CUPEIQ1NO NOTICE OF CANCELLATION CUPERTINO BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the regular meeting of the Cupertino Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, scheduled for Wednesday, June 15, is cancelled for lack of business. The next regular meeting will be held Wednesday, July 20, 2005. Dated this 10th day of June, 2005. /s/ Terrv Greene Terry Greene City Architect 408-777-3354 tss. ,} AN o V' S. ÐEP~ DRI' Ot' pBR.JUKY'l'HATON CDA.TE) OCÐ 10 !os- (TIMB) .~ 3;;~ . pOS'l'Q)~GENDA ON THS aur..umN JOARD xt ant' ØAU- (yllDI~ ~ D 2J~1 .. ~ .. ·Cl~R! STATB 0' CAUFORNIA