02-23-2023 BPC Final Minutes FINAL MINUTES
February 23, 2023
Final Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m.
Present: Ilango Ganga, Grace John, Herve Marcy, Joel Wolf (VC), John Zhao (C)
Absent: None
Staff: David Stillman, Staff Liaison
Others Present: Evelyn Moran, Project Manager; Ayano Hattori, Project Manager; Susan
Michael, Capital Improvement Programs Manager; Michael Freitag, Gates and
Associates; Dana Falk, Gates and Associates; Casey Case, Gates and Associates; Rebecca
Flanegan, Gates and Associates
1. January 18, 2023 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Minutes
Commissioner Marcy joined the meeting at 7:04 p.m.
MOTION: Chair Ganga moved, seconded by Commissioner Wolf to approve the minutes as
No Postponements
Jennifer Shearin, public speaker commented on a Motion in the minutes for January saying the
Bicycle Pedestrian Commission needed to state 30 or 35 feet, one or the other. The "Future
Agenda Items" was too long.
Bicycle Pedestrian Commission
Special Meeting
February 23,2023
2. Future Agenda Items (Ganga)
Carmen Road Bridge
Education on How to Use Two-Stage Left Turn Boxes
Path between Lincoln Elementary and Monta Vista High School
The Impact of Semi-Rural Designation on Bike and Ped Projects/Priorities
Reassess the Intersection at Bubb Road/McClellan Road
Stevens Creek Boulevard, Phases 1-3
Vision Zero (Workplan Item)
Lead Pedestrian Walk Interval (LPI) (start the pedestrian green before vehicles)
Lawson Middle School Bike Path
Input from Seniors on the Bicycle Pedestrian Improvements
Bollinger Road Safety Corridor Project
AB 43-Summary and how Commission can support implementation (to what extent we can
reduce speed limits)
Bicycle Licensing(to prevent bike theft)
Bicycle Facilities (Workplan Item)
Land Donation from Richard Lowenthal (Carter)
Review Progress toward BPC Objectives (Six months to annually)
BPC Input at the VTA BPAC Meeting Regarding Adult Bicycle Education(Lindskog/Ganga)
League of American Bicyclists Application-Due 2/2023
Review Bicycle/Pedestrian Improvements and Provide Input from the Public
Pedestrian Safety around Shopping Centers
Update from Safe Routes to School (SR2S)
Examine Pedestrian Walkways for Safety
Nomination of a City Representative of the VTA BPAC (Feb)
Pedestrian Focused Area in Cupertino related to the VTA Plan for Pedestrian Safety
Petition to have a 3-way stop sign on Calle de Barcelona and Finch Avenue (2/23/23 Written
Jennifer Shearin, public speaker commented on an email regarding a petition to have a three-
way stop sign installed at the intersection at Calle de Barcelona and Finch Avenue. She wanted
this added to the list of Future Agenda Items.
Commissioner Zhao noted the Future Agenda item at the end of the meeting and suggested
discussing this at the end of the meeting. Commissioner Ganga said going forward, "Future
Agenda Item" should be taken off as an agenda item at the end of the Agenda. David Stillman,
Transportation Manager said he would investigate that.
3. Election of the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Chair and Vice Chair for 2023
Bicycle Pedestrian Commission
Special Meeting
February 23,2023
NOMINATION: Commissioner Wolf, seconded by Commissioner Marcy nominated
Commissioner Zhao as Chair of the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission for 2023.
NOMINATION: Commissioner Marcy, seconded by Chair Zhao nominated Commissioner
Wolf as Vice Chair of the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission for 2023.
4. Consider the Memorial Park Specific Plan Update on the Development of the
Conceptual Design and Community Input (Hattori)
Ayano Hattori, Project Manager introduced the Memorial Park Specific Plan Update on the
Development of the Conceptual Design and Community Input. Michael Freitag, Gates, and
Associates gave a presentation on the Memorial Park Specific Plan.
Vice Chair Wolf commented on the parking and thought it was good to encourage people to
walk or bike to the park; he wondered where the bike rack design was and where they would
be located. Ms. Hattori responded that things were not at that stage of planning yet but there
was a plan for bike racks in the future. Vice Chair Wolf suggested an artistic design to the bike
Commissioner Marcy inquired about what the improved entry would look like. Mr. Freitag
answered that the improved entry plans were not solidified yet. He did foresee providing clear
and concise direction for all users or identifying certain entry points for all accessibilities at this
stage of planning. Commissioner Ganga wanted to know a rough estimate on cost. Ms. Hattori
said that will be addressed later.
Vice Chair Wolf did not see plans for a dog-off-leash area. Ms. Hattori did not believe that was
part of the plan but offered the 'open comment area' of the survey to recommend that. She
added final decisions were a balance of what the public wanted.
Chair Zhao inquired of the relationship between parking and where the bicycle and multi-use
parkways were. Mr. Freitag responded that the current connections were what was proposed
on the system-wide Bike Master Plan. Chair Zhao was concerned about bicyclists navigating
through parking lots. Mr. Freitag explained that the intent of the bike route was to connect from
Anton Way to Mary Avenue. As program usage was evaluated, he did not recommend having
bike routes end in parking lots.
Commissioner Marcy asked about what would be needed for the bike garden to be
implemented in a different setting if it ended up not being part of the Specific Plan. Ms. Hattori
Bicycle Pedestrian Commission
Special Meeting
February 23,2023
explained that the intent was to grasp what the public wanted to see overall;there could end up
being a mix-and-match between all the options.
Jean Bedord, public speaker pointed out the importance of the bus line on Stevens Creek
Boulevard and felt noisy events needed to be placed near there. Also, the Bicycle Pedestrian
Commission (Commission) needed to encourage people to use the bus to get to the access
points. She mentioned those coming from the Senior Center.
Nori, public speaker felt Memorial Park did not need an identified focus, it could have a
blended focus to meet many people's interests.
Commissioner Ganga wondered if action was required. Ms. Hattori was looking for feedback
on the general direction and for the Commission to accept the update. Susan Michael, Capital
Improvement Programs Manager said staff was making note of the feedback, so no formal
action was needed.
Vice Chair Wolf liked the idea of a mix of the three ideas: nature, community, and
amphitheater. He wanted the ballpark removed from the nature design. Commissioner Marcy
thought what mattered was accessibility for bikers and walkers.
Commissioner Ganga liked the nature concept, incorporating the other aspects was good,
making the park useful for children and seniors was good. It was nice to keep the amphitheater
in the same location because the cost to move it was a lot. Regarding the ballpark, it was not
needed because there were others in other locations.
Commissioner Marcy wanted to know if there were studies done on improved entry and
reduced pressure on parking, that way the parking area could be repurposed.
Chair Zhao understood the current amphitheater was not Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA) compliant and it was important to have an amphitheater that was accessible to everyone.
He wondered if it was possible to expand the amphitheater and still have access for truck
loading. The ballpark was underutilized, he proposed people using other fields in Wilson Park.
Regarding bike networks, he mentioned conflict with bike paths and the west parking lots. The
Mary Avenue access point was sounding more significant, and he wondered if the west parking
lot could be changed in the scope.
Vice Chair Wolf remarked on the challenges for kids getting to and from the park safely,
especially if they were biking from across town. He mentioned Stelling and Stevens Creek.
Commissioner Ganga spoke regarding easy access to the park for bicyclists and mentioned
there was a plan for a separated Class 4 bike lane on Stevens Creek Boulevard. He cited the
example of the buffered bike lane on Mary Avenue and said people could use the Don Burnett
Bridge and then the buffered bike lane on Mary Avenue.
Bicycle Pedestrian Commission
Special Meeting
February 23,2023
5. I-280 Trail Renaming Survey (Moran)
Evelyn Moran,Project Manager gave a presentation on the Renaming of the I-280 Trail.
Commissioner Marcy asked about implementation and the meaning, such as the word "Innu."
Ms. Moran answered that the word meanings were going to be made clear. She remarked that
signage would have the trail name, the description, the tribal name, and the heritage behind
Jennifer Shearin, public speaker was disappointed that she had to choose a name from a set
number of options. There was a four-person difference between option one and two. She
preferred both options move forward.
MOTION: Vice Chair Wolf moved, seconded by Commissioner Ganga to recommend to the
City Council to receive the survey results and approve the recommended selection of Tamien
Innu for the renaming of the I-280 Trail.
Chair Zhao discussed the background of Junipero Serra and why the trail was being renamed.
He fully supported the renaming of Tamien Innu as an indigenous name. Commissioner Ganga
agreed. Commissioner John supported the renaming. Vice Chair Wolf felt the name was
appropriate. Commissioner Marcy felt it was good to choose the name supported by most
6. Update on the Bicycle Pedestrian Focused Capital Improvement Program Projects
and Staff Proposal for Fiscal Year 2024-25 Five-year Capital Improvement Program
Projects (Michael)
Susan Michael, Capital Improvement Programs Manager gave a presentation on the Fiscal Year
(FY)2024/25 five-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP)projects.
Commissioner Marcy understood there was an opportunity for a bike/ped underpass under the
McClellan Bridge and Stevens Creek Boulevard Bridge. He wondered if this needed to be added
to the list of projects as they were not classified as bicycle and pedestrian projects in the
presentation. Ms. Michael answered that those bridges came to CIP as repairs. There were
bike/ped aspects to those projects but the main work being done was repair. She promised to
come back and give an update to the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission(Commission).
Commissioner Ganga asked about the pedestrian improvements from Orange Avenue to De
Anza Boulevard, and on Stelling Road from Stevens Creek Boulevard to McClellan Road. The
Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) deemed this a pedestrian improvement area and it
made sense for the City of Cupertino complete their work. Additionally, he wondered if
surrounding cities were sharing in the project cost. David Stillman, Transportation Manager,
clarified that the VTA's plan was not designated for VTA to contribute funds for capital
projects, it was more of a blueprint that the VTA used as part of partnership with other
Bicycle Pedestrian Commission
Special Meeting
February 23,2023
jurisdictions to identify needs for pedestrian/transit connectivity throughout the region. The
VTA and the City took care of many of the projects identified in that plan. He offered to explain
and update the Commission in the future. Commissioner Ganga wanted to know exactly where
the San Thomas Aquino/Saratoga Creek Trail Extension was located. Ms. Michael replied that
staff was developing the design of that parcel, which was ending. That parcel has a bike/ped
trail through the park, which was a done deal. The questions from the Joint Commission were
how the trail could be continued beyond the property line. Staff wanted to have a separate
feasibility study to see what that would entail.
Vice Chair Wolf asked about funding for design and construction of the Carmen Road Bridge.
He understood the land was acquired for the bridge and he wondered why the project was
pushed out. Ms. Michael relayed that community feedback was heard, the City has the
property, the right-of-way was in the City's favor but there was not enough staff to start this
project. Vice Chair Wolf wondered if the Lawson Middle School Bike Lane project was under
$50-60,000. Mr. Stillman said this was currently a Workplan item; once there was a feasibility
study and a recommended design it could be recommended to CIP for the upcoming FY.
Erik Lindskog, public speaker did not want the Carmen Road Bridge delayed any more than
was needed. He suggested getting funding from other sources.
Jennifer Shearin, public speaker noted there were not a lot of bike/ped items on the list. The
feasibility study for Lawson Middle School was completed in 2019. She spoke further regarding
the McClellan Road Bridge.
Vice Chair Wolf repeated his thoughts about the Carmen Road Bridge; he wanted to see that
project moved up.
Commissioner Ganga commented on the existing priorities and completing those first. He cited
the Stevens Creek Boulevard project and the Bollinger Road project. He noted that
Commissioners in the past asked to move the Carmen Road Bridge up in priority.
Chair Zhao inquired how the Stevens Creek Boulevard project linked up with the Stevens Creek
Corridor Vision Study. He was concerned about bike lanes previously installed that would need
to be torn up later. Mr. Stillman explained that the Corridor Study was going to work around
and integrate the elements that were important and critical to each city participating.
Understanding that the bike lanes were important, there was no intent to uproot those. Chair
Zhao asked about getting some projects started on design, even if it was at a slower pace, in
order to push some items up. Ms. Michael reiterated that it came down to staffing. Chair Zhao
asked how increased staff impacted prioritization of projects. Ms. Michael said the Commission
was welcome to give as general or specific feedback as possible. Chad Mosley, Interim Director
of Public Works relayed that if there was more staff more projects could be pushed out. There
were also budget restrictions, a tax audit, and some large expenditures, such as the City Hall
project. Staff was doing their best with what they had. Lastly, Chair Zhao did not agree to
Bicycle Pedestrian Commission
Special Meeting
February 23,2023
taking the Saratoga Creek Trail off the Work Plan; it should remain in the CIP proposed
Commissioner Marcy noticed that most projects were projected to be complete in 2027 and he
was not comfortable with that plan. He wanted to know if this could stand to a vote. Chair Zhao
said something could be put on the record. Mr. Mosley recalled there was mention of the
Stevens Creek Boulevard projects, Phases 2A, 2B and 3; Phase 2A was going to bid very shortly.
That took the bike lane from Wolfe Road to De Anza Boulevard. Concurrently, staff was
working on Phase 2B which went from De Anza Boulevard to Highway 85. Phase 3 went
beyond De Anza College.
Chair Zhao asked about the scaling of the expenditures as there was a jump from$1.3 million to
$18 million in FY 2026-27. Ms. Michael responded that this list included just the new projects,
not the existing projects. She added that the City Hall project was going to be added this year.
Mr. Mosley exclaimed that staff was asking for $1.3 million this year but had some $40 million
in existing projects. Half of the $18 million went toward the McClellan Road Bridge, which staff
was looking to get grant funds for.
Vice Chair Wolf echoed Commissioner Marcy, the bike/ped projects were pushed out and not
given priority. He wanted to see Carmen Road Bridge and the Bollinger Road project pushed
MOTION: Vice Chair Wolf moved, seconded by Commissioner Marcy to recommend to the
City Council to:
1. Have the timeline for the Carmen Road Bridge project be moved up to Fiscal Year
2023/2024 and to not deprioritize any Bicycle Pedestrian Commission projects that are
currently in progress; and
2. Consider adding staffing to accommodate this additional work.
MOTION PASSED:4-0,John Abstain
MOTION: Vice Chair Wolf moved, seconded by Commissioner Marcy to recommend to the
City Council to:
1. Ensure design options for McClellan Road Bridge Reconstruction Project prioritize
improved bicycle pedestrian access for Fiscal Year 2024/2025.
MOTION PASSED:4-0,John Abstain
Commissioner John left the meeting at 9:45 p.m.
7. Staff Update and Commissioner Activity Report (All)
Bicycle Pedestrian Commission
Special Meeting
February 23,2023
David Stillman, Transportation Manager said the opening of the Regnart Creek Trail Ribbon
Cutting event was planned for March 18 at Wilson Park. The second Lawson Bikeway
Community Meeting was scheduled for March 16 via video teleconference. Lastly, tonight's
Bicycle Pedestrian Commission meeting was the final virtual meeting; in-person meetings were
to resume March 15 in Conference Room C at City Hall.
Erik Lindskog gave a presentation on the VTA BPAC meeting update.
Commissioner Ganga reported on the Mayor's Meeting and the Safe Routes to School (SR2S)
meeting for February. Commissioner Marcy was scheduled to attend the SR2S and Mayor's
meeting in March.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
David Stillman, Staff Liaison
Note: Any attachments can be found on the Cupertino Website
Bicycle Pedestrian Commission
Special Meeting
February 23,2023