LIB 02-01-23APPROVED MINUTES LIBRARY COMMISSION Wednesday, February 1, 2023 LIBRARY COMMISSION MEETING CALL TO ORDER At 7:00 p.m., Chair Pan called the meeting to order via remote teleconference. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Qin Pan, Liyan Zhao, Archana Panda, Janki Chokshi (7:02 p.m.) Commissioners absent: Sheela Sreekanth City/County Staff present: Molly James, Rachelle Sander, Jessica Javier, Bryant Bao, Jennifer Weeks Guest Speakers: Chris Corrao CEREMONIAL MATTERS AND PRESENTATIONS 1. Subject: Chair and Vice Chair Selection Recommended Action: Conduct the selection of the Chair and Vice Chair. Chair Pan nominated Vice Chair Zhao as Chair. Commissioner Panda seconded. Motion carried with 4 yes and 1 absent. Vice Chair Zhao nominated Commissioner Panda as Vice Chair. Chair Pan seconded. Motion carried with 4 yes and 1 absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 2. Subject: December 7, 2022 Library Commission Meeting Minutes Recommended Action: Review and approve the December 7, 2022 Library Commission meeting minutes. Commissioner Pan motioned to approve the December 7, 2022 Library Commission meeting minutes as submitted. Vice Chair Panda seconded. Motion carried with 4 yes and 1 absent. POSTPONEMENTS None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Liana Crabtree, Cupertino resident, commented on the Superfest Disability Film Festival. Recommended the commission continues their support for the event, considers timing of the event, and outreach to various groups. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None OLD BUSINESS 3. Subject: Cupertino Poet Laureate Subcommittee Update Recommended Action: Receive an update from the Cupertino Poet Laureate Subcommittee. Vice Chair Panda will send an update to the Poet Laureate to inquire about the plan of action for the upcoming year. NEW BUSINESS 4. Subject: Update on Fiscal Year 2022-2023 City Work Program Item Community Engagement on Alternative Transportation and Parking Recommended Action: Receive an update on the Community Engagement on Alternative Transportation and Parking Fiscal Year 2022-2023 work program item. Chris Corrao, Senior Transit and Transportation Planner, presented on the item. Presented on non-motorized transportation including Via-Cupertino community shuttle, bicycle projects serving the Library, and regional long-range planning. Commissioners asked clarifying questions. Commissioner Pan requested clarification on traveling to and from a transit hub and operating hours for Via-Cupertino. Senior Planner Corrao clarified that once you leave a zone you can’t stop until you get to the destination if it is outside of the zones. Clarified operational hours are Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday’s 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Commissioner Chokshi requested clarification on whether you could only call for a vehicle in a certain location, and the outreach and promotion for Via-Cupertino. Senior Planner Corrao clarified that it works similarly to Uber and Lyft where you select a pickup location. Clarified that Via promotes through pop-up events, festivals, and social media. Chair Zhao requested clarification on the high schools outside of the Cupertino area and the Via-Cupertino service. Senior Planner Corrao informed the commission that they are always looking to expand the zones. Liana Crabtree, Cupertino resident, expressed concerns surrounding traffic congestion and transit to the Library, and as more programs return it will become a concern. Commented that there is VTA transit available with a short walk to the Library as an alternative transportation method. Vice Chair Panda requested clarification on whether the Via-Cupertino program is currently operational. Senior Planner Corrao clarified it is operating and the expansion into Santa Clara will begin in the Spring. 5. Subject: Consider Canceling the March 1, 2023 Library Commission Meeting Recommended Action: Cancel the March 1, 2023 Library Commission meeting. Molly James, Recreation Manager, proposed the item to the Commission. Commissioner Pan motioned to cancel the March 1, 2023 Library Commission regular meeting and schedule a special meeting in March. Vice Chair Panda seconded. Motion carried with 4 yes and 1 absent. STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 6. Subject: Monthly Update Reports Recommended Action: Receive Monthly Update Reports from: - Cupertino Community Librarian Reported as submitted. - County Librarian Monthly Update Reported as submitted. - Friends of the Library No updates. - Cupertino Library Foundation No updates. - Commissioners No updates. - Poet Laureate No updates. - Staff Molly James, Recreation Manager, provided an update on the following: - The City Clerk sent out an email on January 18 providing notice to Commissioners that the emergency order providing for relaxed rules in the Brown Act expires on February 28, 2023 and that Commissioners will need to resume attending Commission meetings in-person. o The next Library Commission meeting will be in-person at the Library. Staff will send out additional information regarding that meeting. o For some Commissions there will be a hybrid option, however, for Library Commission members of the public will need to attend in-person to participate in the Commission meeting. - Memorial Park Specific Plan Conceptual Design o Community Survey – Opened January 25 and will close on February 22 o Open House at the Cupertino Senior Center – Saturday, February 4 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. o Community Webinar – Thursday, February 9 at 7 p.m. o Visit engagecupertino.org for more information. COMMISSIONER ATTENDANCE AT UPCOMING MEETINGS AND EVENTS Commissioners to attend the upcoming Mayor’s meetings as follows: February 8 – Vice Chair Panda March 8 – Commissioner Pan April 12 – Commissioner Chokshi May 10 – Chair Zhao FUTURE AGENDA SETTING Chair Zhao requested resources for promotion of Cupertino Library programs. Commissioner Chokshi seconded. Vice Chair Panda requested Poet Laureate program update. Commissioner Pan seconded. ADJOURNMENT Chair Zhao adjourned the meeting 8:26 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by, Jessica Javier, Administrative Assistant Parks and Recreation Department Minutes approved at the 03.09.23 special meeting